Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 284: v2 Chapter 266: The change of the kingdom of God, the extraordinaryness of the ancient statues of the ancient gods (four thousand words…

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"Resurrection of the dead?"

Li Cha looked at the system prompt with a subtle expression.

Another disaster week...

But unlike the beasts of the last disaster week.

This time it is clearly the world of the dead.

"I wonder if there will be monsters attacking the city this time?"

Shaking his head, without further thought, it's enough to keep the troops on their toes.

For others, Disaster Week is a disaster, but for Twilight City, it's a bonus.

I ignored it and focused on the troop nest.

A copy will open in a week.

This unit's lair refresh is the last time before the dungeon is opened.

But this time, even the city of dusk will enter the dungeon, and it should be possible to recruit troops in the dungeon.

While he was thinking, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind, interrupting his thoughts.

"Lord Richard, Lord Richard...Miss Amelida woke up."

Li Cha turned his head and saw the happy maid behind him, and he was relieved.

Then he seemed to think of something, and asked slowly.

"Is there anything unusual about Amelida?"

The maid shook her head.

"Miss Amelida is fine except for being weak. She is drinking Desert Crown Honey now..."

Li Cha calmed down in his heart.

Step into the house and go up to the second floor.

When I entered the door, I saw Emerida leaning on the soft couch. Her eyes were not so bright in the past, and her face was full of weakness from a long illness.

The little guy is holding a wooden cup in both hands, and is drinking the honey water in the cup through a straw made of a plant rhizome.

After seeing him, Amelida immediately smiled and shouted crisply.


When Li Cha heard this, he immediately relaxed.

Open the attribute panel, the other party's state has become slightly weak, there is no big problem.

He stepped forward and rubbed the little centaur's head.

Gentle way.

"How is your body feeling, is there any discomfort?"

Amelida shook her head.

"Father, I have no problem, just, just..."

With a bit of pain on his face, he pulled out a hand and rubbed his temples.

His tone trembled a little.

"I had a very long nightmare..."


Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

"What was that nightmare about?"

The little centaur put aside the wooden cup that drank the honey water, and then raised his head pitifully.

He wrapped his arms around his legs, resting his chin on his thighs with reliance.

With a somewhat immature tone, the organization ability is not as good as that of an adult.

"Father, I dreamed that I was guarding a very powerful god."

"But the other party suddenly resurrected, and then he wanted to kill me..."

"I later killed him, but found that his soul had not completely dissipated."

"In order not to let him continue to resurrect, I can only seal his remaining soul to a special area..."

Said frowning.

"And in order to suppress the other party again in the future, I left a special treasure inside."

"But I just sensed that that thing was calling me."

"The sealed **** is resurrected."

After he finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"But the other party is still very weak at this time, and he can't break the seal I set up..."

As he spoke, he lifted him slightly, his chin left his knees, and his eyes were a little blank.

"Father, am I really just dreaming?"


The little centaur stretched out his hand, revealing his wrist.

Richard looked down and found that a thumb-sized golden rune was shining brightly.

The breath on it is very special.

"Amelida, what is this rune?"

"Father, I dreamed in a dream that this rune could open up that special area and control that treasure to re-seal that god."

Said a little annoyed.

"However, my current strength is too weak to activate this rune for the time being."

Li Cha was a little surprised.

Isn't the reason why Amelida was in a coma because of the divine power emanating from the kobold god?

But the **** who was sealed in the kingdom of God in the place where the rules are broken is about to revive?

Thinking of this, his face turned dignified.

He waved his hand and asked the maid next to him to call Hina immediately.

When Hina broke the seal, she obtained most of Emerald's memories.

He needs more news to corroborate.

Not long after, Hina came in a hurry.

After bowing to Li Cha, he hurriedly asked about the little centaur's physical condition.

After getting the answer of nothing, his face suddenly softened.

Richard didn't say much nonsense, and directly asked Amelida to repeat the so-called nightmare.

Hina listened carefully.

After Emerida finished speaking, she immediately said seriously.

"Lord Richard, the memory of Emerald I got at that time was not all, and there were many vague places."

"However, the memory of sealing the body of the **** is particularly clear."

"Amelida used a broken stone as the core to suppress the opponent's divine body in the kingdom of God."

"But what that broken stone was, I have no relevant memory."

Richard nodded slowly.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to explore that sealed kingdom of God.

Sheena had said before that there were a huge number of fallen murlocs with an average level of 15 in that god.

Now the city of dusk can't eat that kind of enemy.

And the dungeon is about to start, so take the risk now, if there is profit, it is good, but there is no profit, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the next dungeon.

However, looking at it like this, he was not reconciled.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the little centaur.

"Amelida, do you know what the treasure that seals the gods is?"

"Father, it is a fragment of an artifact."

Artifact fragments?

Richard immediately became interested.

"Are you still hiding other treasures inside?"

"I don't know, I forgot..."

Emerald's eyes were a little dazed.

Li Cha didn't say much and changed the subject.

"Can you perceive how long it will take for that **** to break the seal?"

The little man hesitated.

"Father, I can't determine the exact time, but I should be able to resist for 3 months..."

three months?

Li Cha was certain.


With a three-month buffer, Dusk City can definitely accumulate a strong enough army to explore.

The body of the gods, the fragments of the artifact... There are many good things in this kingdom of gods.

A lot of interest was raised in my heart.

Looking at the little centaur whose face was still a little scared, Li Cha rubbed the other's face.

"Amelida, don't be afraid, this matter is in my mind."

"Three months later, we will go and seal the **** that you sealed again."

"With me, no one can hurt you."

After soothing, he exhorted again.

"If you perceive any changes in that area in the future, let me know at any time."

Hearing this, the little centaur immediately relaxed a lot.

Hina seemed to think of something, said solemnly.

"Lord Richard, we'd better go check it out in person to confirm the situation..."

Richard nodded.

"Amelida, you rest first."

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The little centaur nodded obediently. Although he was a little worried about the two of them, he didn't make a fuss to follow.

Hina didn't answer, and continued to speak.

"My lord, Amelida is more familiar with that area, we should take her with us..."

Li Cha thought for a while, but nodded.

"Amelida, then come with us."

"Yes, father..."

The little man was immediately happy.

After the three came out of Emerida's room, they rode Alves together and flew away from Dusk City.

This time Richard did not bring the army.

Mainly to confirm the movement of that area, bring too many people, and it is not easy to open up if there is any accident.


Alves' flapping wings rolled up endless waves.

Flying under the night sky, the air is exceptionally cool.

The cold bright moon shone on the earth, covering the rough desert with a soft silver veil.

However, several people were not in the mood to watch the desert under the night, and flew to the place where the rules were broken at the fastest speed.


Following Xina's opening, Richard waved Alves to hover in the air.

Look around.

The lake water that was flying upside down in the sky has now condensed into a huge lake in the desert.

Under the moonlight, the water ahead sparkled.

With sharp eyes, Li Cha immediately saw a large area of ​​wet sand on the shore.

This is obviously a trace left by the evaporation of the lake water and the falling water surface.

Although this lake is extremely wide, it has no living water injection and is rapidly receding.

His perception was exuding to the extreme at this moment, but the surroundings were quiet, and there was no life in the lake.

After raising Alves to an altitude of 500 meters, continue to fly towards the lake.

After ten minutes of flying, Li Cha finally found the movement on the lake.

Under the moonlight, half-murlocs with fish tails can be seen playing on the lake.

Some of the lives that lived in the broken lake before, after the collapse of the rule-shattered land, have naturally become residents here.

However, with the rapid drying of the lake, these life that should not have existed in the desert, the good days will not last long.

"Amelida, can you perceive where the kingdom of God is?"

The little centaur frowned and pointed forward.

"In this direction."

The light from the golden rune on the wrist was obviously much more dazzling.

Li Cha nodded and immediately drove the giant dragon under his seat to fly forward.

Afraid of missing the target, this time the flight speed is not fast.

About ten minutes later, Amelida shouted to stop Alves.

"Father, I saw..."


Richard lowered his head and looked towards the lake.

At this time, the lake surface is still a wave of light, and there are no other pictures.

Just when he was suspicious.

Emerald stretched out her hand slowly.

On the wrist, the rune that exudes golden light burst into a dazzling brilliance.

In the night sky, a sun seemed to be born.

The originally rippling lake surface became clear and transparent at this moment.

The next second, Li Chameng's eyes widened, a look of shock appeared on his face.

I saw that at the bottom of the lake, a huge air bubble blocked the erosion of the water flow.

In the bubble, there are several broken palaces that have shrunk dozens of times.

If you look closely, you can also find that half-murlocs the size of tadpoles are swimming around the palace.

Overlooking the whole situation from the sky, it can be clearly seen that one inscription after another is engraved on the ground of this mysterious area.

Those inscriptions were like a cobweb that enveloped it.

In the center of the cobweb, an arm is placed in it.

The breath it exudes, even if it is separated by the lake and the bubbles, makes people tremble.

Kingdom of God, body of God...

A bit of incredulity flashed in Li Cha's eyes.

The majestic and majestic kingdom of God he imagined would appear in front of him in this state.

Just when he was about to ask.

Originally wrapped in bubbles, the quiet kingdom of God suddenly breathed again.

An indescribable terrifying divine might came from the divine body that was suppressed in the center.

In an instant.

In the kingdom of God, countless dark energies are rolling in and out.

A phantom with three heads condensed directly in the bubble.

The three heads slowly looked up to the sky.

The blurred facial features can't see the specific appearance, but the divine power it exudes gives people a strong heart shock.

As if bowing to him and surrendering to him is what should be done at this moment.

A phantom seems to be able to suppress the world.

At this moment, the old statue of the ancient **** in Li Cha's arms suddenly flew out of the air.

The dim light suddenly bloomed.

Loneliness, darkness, vicissitudes, an unspeakable breath enveloped the sky.

Forcibly suppressed the opponent's divine might.

The phantom of the god, who was still invincible just now, felt the breath of the old statue of the ancient god.

Suddenly the body trembled.

Like a mouse meeting a cat, the fear is almost impossible to hide.

Then the virtual image is a balloon inflated to the extreme, and the wave bursts directly.

The dark energy is hidden in the kingdom of God again.

At the bottom of the lake, the kingdom of God wrapped in bubbles is still the same as it was.

Only the miniature depraved murlocs still roam around the broken palaces.

Feeling that the breath of the gods dissipated, the dim light emanating from the old statue of the ancient gods gradually dimmed.

Then it reverted to its unremarkable state.

When Li Cha saw this scene, his expression was quite wonderful.

The gods in the mini kingdom of gods at the bottom of the lake really recovered.

And the good news is.

The other party is very afraid of the old statue of the ancient god.

"Father, that **** is afraid..."

Amelida looked at him with some joy at this time.

"The other party no longer breaks free from the seal."

When Li Cha heard the words, his expression became more and more subtle.

Thinking of the past of this ancient **** statue, I took it in my hand and slowly rubbed it.

What level of treasure is this thing?

Others are afraid to meet the This withered image is good, and I feel that the breath of the gods is not afraid, but wants to devour...

Today, I originally planned to explore the bottom of the Divine Kingdom at the bottom of the lake.

Unexpectedly, the old statue of the ancient **** was brought out.

At this moment, he was more curious about the statue of the ancient gods than the gods at the bottom of the lake.

The old gods, what kind of gods are they?

Why is the deterrence of normal gods in "Era of Radiance" so exaggerated?

So was the kobold god, and so was this sealed god.

These days, when he took time out, he also went to the player forum to search for relevant information.

But in this regard, it is completely blank.

Tens of billions of sand players have not found this information.

In the case of the indigenous peoples, the same is true.

It seems that the term ancient gods does not exist in this world.

While thinking about it, I looked at the bottom of the lake that had returned to calm.

A little excitement rose in my heart.

Getting the old statue of the ancient gods is really a **** big profit.

And more importantly, he now has a clear grasp.

The old statues of ancient gods can restrain the gods. The last time the **** of kobolds was defeated was not a fluke!

This is very important to him.

God is the ultimate power in this world.

And there are means to deal with the gods, it is meaningless to find a way to deal with nuclear weapons.

When he encounters God again in the future, he will not be like other people and can only sit back and wait.

The statue of the ancient gods will become an extremely powerful trump card.

The pressure of the kobold **** on him quietly dissipated most of it.

"Go back first, come back next time, this **** will be our food." (To be continued)

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