Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 285: v2 Chapter 267: The copy is about to open (4,000 words)

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Li Cha took a deep look at the lake that had fallen back into silence.

Without staying any longer, Alves was driven to leave the area.

After confirming the power of the old statue of the ancient god, he felt great peace of mind.

The value of this powerful weapon against the gods is immeasurable.

The sealed kingdom of God will be his spoils sooner or later.

On the way back, Richard asked Emerida to confirm that the special treasure that sealed the body of the **** was no longer impacted by the god.

The fear brought to him by the image of the old gods is not fake.

However, this little guy was not in a high mood on the way back. The treasure kept calling her, but she didn't have the power to use it.

When Li Cha heard the words, he touched the little centaur's head.

I also made a decision in my heart.

It's time to increase her power as soon as possible.

The next day, August 9th.

Li Cha woke up early.

Standing in the front yard of the lord's mansion, looking at a row of troop nests, I was very happy - seven days have passed since the last time I was promoted to a troop nest.

He did not hesitate to upgrade the 3 guardian mummies and 10 dead axe troop lair from rare to rare.

At the same time as the promotion of the troop lair, all the previous rare arms have also been upgraded to rare arms.

So far, all the arms in his hands have become rare.

Then, in a high mood, all the arms that had been refreshed in the arm's nest yesterday were recruited.

After some operations, there are less than one million units of resources left in his hands.

At the same time, the strength of the army in hand has also reached an exaggerated level.

Rare Arms—

Mummy Guardian 300→330,

Axe of the Dead 270→330

Bandage Mummy 42→63

Scorpion Warrior 64→71

Great Axe Death Knight 156→177

Sand Archer 300→350

Wild Sand Mage 175→200

Curse the Pharaoh 35→40

Brilliant Arms—

Dark Gargoyle 200→220,

Axe of the Dead 60→65,

Heavy Swordsman 20.

Crown Arms - Bone Blood Dragon 30.

After the recruitment, Richard scattered the army and let several heroes lead them to level up.

At the same time, Yuanshun recruited the Scarlet Mummy to use as cannon fodder.

This week is Disaster Week - Resurrection of the Dead.

Some of the wild monsters killed around Dusk City before, with corpses remaining, all transformed into undead.

In this week's refresh of wild arms, the number of undead has also increased significantly.

During this disaster week, the ranks of the newly recruited army increased rapidly.

Quietly, Disaster Week turned into Dusk City's Welfare Week.

On August 12th, the army was still leveling up, but today came a piece of good news—the construction of two hurricane arrow towers was completed.

The two newly built buildings form an iron triangle with the original one, relying on each other.

Li Cha was not idle either, and directly promoted the three primary towers to advanced towers.

Not only has its attributes been greatly improved, but the number of archers that can be accommodated has also increased a lot.

Once the war starts, the sand archers will settle in.

The arrow tower with magic damage will become a powerful output point for Dusk City.

In addition, a dragon hunting crossbow was placed in each of the three arrow towers.

At the same time, each one is equipped with 5 4-star dragon hunting arrows and 100 ordinary arrows.

Hurricane Arrow Tower's attack capabilities have been significantly increased.

In addition to this, the production of alchemical bombs is also rapidly progressing.

It is expected that by the 15th, the newly constructed alchemy workshop will be able to produce 2000 alchemical bombs.

Much more than the 1,500 he proposed to Brown, the 12th-level alchemist.

Plus the 1700 left before, enough to deal with a large war.

On the afternoon of August 12, after Richard finished dealing with the territory, he entered the underground world again.

Today is the trading day agreed with Bloodhoof City.

With the good cooperation last time, the forces around Bloodhoof City have almost taken out their family assets this time.

A large amount of materials were transported to Bloodhoof City, and Bloodhoof City, as a middleman, comfortably earned a wave of price difference.

Li will not refuse anyone who comes here.

What makes him happy about this transaction is that there are a lot of newly released high-quality equipment in the middle.

Therefore, the harvest of this sale is more lucrative than the last time.

However, Li Cha did not keep all the resources, and took out half of them to exchange a lot of rare resources with Bloodhoof City.

As an increasingly prestigious figure in the underground world, his words are of great importance.

Bloodhoof City readily agreed.

Richard also does not contain confusion.

After spending a lot of resources, all 4 rare resources were exchanged to 50,000 units.

The deal is complete, and Cyr Bloodhoof, the owner of Bloodhoof City, has another good news for him.

Since his hero recruitment order was distributed, many heroes have come to take refuge in this period.

The news surprised Richard.

Legendary, so useful? !

Immediately let Thrall Bloodhoof take him to check.

But there is often a fine line between heaven and hell.

Richard had just entered the hotel where the hero was housed.

An alchemical bomb exploded.

The terrifying impact leveled half a block.

And Li Cha, who was in the center, was directly smashed to pieces.

Serge Bloodhoof behind him also suffered exaggerated injuries and almost died.

None of the dungeon heroes who came to seek refuge were still alive.

This scene made the high-level officials of Bloodhoof City so angry that their eyes were bloodshot.

The city gates were immediately closed and a major search was carried out.

And the secret spies were almost overjoyed when they saw that Richard was torn to pieces.

The message was passed on immediately.

"President Li Cha..."

Sel Bloodhoof, who used a lot of extremely precious healing medicine to save his life, was lying on a stretcher at this time, looking at the ruins with a pale face.

"Didn't find the body?"

The trembling tone made the surrounding Bloodhoof City executives silent for a while.

Exploded in front of a bomb with such exaggerated power, corpses... Are there still corpses?

A gray-haired barbarian hero stood up and sighed.

"Sir, that alchemy bomb is the most powerful bomb in the hands of the grey dwarves - the sigh of death."

"You survived because the 5-star treasure on your body blocked the damage."

"President Li Cha...there is no chance of survival."

When everyone heard this, their hearts were extremely heavy.

I originally thought that I could hug the golden thigh of the surface lord.

But unexpectedly, the other party was damaged here.

Ser Bloodhoof was silent for a long time, and his inner emotions gradually dropped to freezing point.

Suddenly, a barbarian warrior exclaimed.

"Lord Ser! Look!"

The voice fell, and on the ruins, countless gravels slowly floated up.

in their gaze.

A figure gathers together.

See that familiar face.

Serge was so excited that he almost cried.

"President Li Cha!"

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After Li Cha regained consciousness, his face became a little ugly.

Before he entered this area, he did not perceive the existence of danger.

Then, a space fluctuation came through.

It exploded around.

The gray dwarf sent the alchemy bomb in by means of space teleportation.

This approach is simply impossible to guard against.

"Sell, I'm fine."

After returning to normal.

Richard turned his head and glanced at the scene where hundreds of meters around him had been razed to the ground.

His eyes were a little cold.

He knew that the other party would retaliate, but he did not expect to use this unexpected method.

Searle gritted his teeth.

"Those **** gray dwarfs, sooner or later, Bloodhoof City will crush them!"

Sending such a terrifying alchemy bomb into Bloodhoof City and exploding right under his nose almost made him go to see Death.

It made him feel chills on his back even thinking about it.

What if it was the City Lord's Mansion that exploded today?

Will the upper levels of Bloodhoof City be bombarded with one piece?

Grey Dwarf, **** it!

When Li Cha heard this, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

The voice was a little cold.

"Since they want to kill me so much, that's what they want."

"Searle, I can now announce to the outside world that I have been killed by the gray dwarf bomb."

Looking at him meaningfully.

"Next, my territory will encounter a big trouble. It will take a month or two to delay, and I will not be able to deal with the gray dwarves temporarily."

"Bloodhoof City, as long as it can stop the gray dwarf's time-breaking offensive."

"When I come back next time, it will be the day we join hands to eradicate them."

This remark made Selle excited immediately.

"That's right, the gray dwarves don't know your condition now!"

"We can use this news to set a trap and let those dwarfs come out of the tortoise shell of Forge City!"

"As long as the other party leaves Furnace City, we have a chance to eradicate them!"

When Li Cha heard this, he didn't talk too much.

Let them go back and discuss how to arrange this matter and how to arrange traps.

After saying that, he looked around a little sadly.

There were more than ten dungeon heroes who came to join him.

The potential of one of them has reached the B level.

But now, they were all sent to the sky by a bomb.

In this way, this wave of losses can be huge.

Thinking of this, Li Cha sentenced the gray dwarf to death in his heart.

Originally, he had not planned to eradicate the gray dwarves in such a hurry.

But the scourge had now seriously threatened him.

But now the dungeon is about to open, time is running out.

We can only deal with this matter after the copy is over.

It is also time for the underground world to be completely peaceful.

A stable production area is undoubtedly more valuable to Dusk City.

Not long after, the news that the lord from the surface was attacked and killed swept the entire underground world like a hurricane.

Everyone was in disbelief the first time they heard the news.

The lord who offered a bounty of up to 18 million units of food just died?

It was too difficult for them to accept.

And the gray dwarf who completed this feat also released news at this time, confirming the authenticity of this matter.

Immediately afterward, he regained his previous domineering arrogance.

Start to attack the forces around them that have robbed them of their mineral veins during this period of time.

In one fell swoop, he recovered the slump that he had fallen into before.

The underground world once again formed a situation of confrontation between the two heroes.

In the eyes of the dungeon life, the human lord from the surface really disappeared like this.

The previous legendary deeds are also attributed to silence.

With the huge profits he earned from the underground world, Richard quietly returned to Dusk City.

The next time I go to the underworld, it will be the day when the gray dwarves are swept away.

With 20 million ordinary resources and 200,000 rare resources in his hand, Li Cha is more confident than ever.

Immediately have Andelle forge 3 Dragonhunting Crossbows and 15 Dragonhunting Bolts again.

Andel did not live up to his expectations, and finished the forging of the weapon in the early morning of the 14th.

Three hurricane arrow towers, each with two 4-star dragon hunting crossbows.

At the same time, each machine is equipped with 5 dragon hunting arrows.

This big killer is specially prepared to deal with advanced bosses.

The remaining resources, Richard did not rush to use.

I don't know the situation of the copy yet, so you can hold on to it.

It is not too late to enter the copy and then use it in a targeted manner.

Time flies, and it's August 15th in the blink of an eye.


Li Cha stood on the city wall and looked at the army that was waiting in earnest.

A look of anticipation appeared on his face.

The entire territory will enter the dungeon and face the attack of monsters from different dimension planes.

Tens of billions of people have entered the same instance, which is definitely an unprecedented feat.

The territory of these people alone, I am afraid they can occupy exaggerated territory.

It's interesting to think about it.

Of course, the premise is that the copy can spend points to resurrect.

If there is no such resurrection mechanism, I am afraid that tens of billions of players will not have such a good mentality.

"Lord Richard, all the work is ready."

Carew stood by his side and reported respectfully.

"Except for those who are still working, all other residents have returned to their rooms."

"At the same time, everyone has been incorporated into the reserve force, and if needed, they can be dispatched to assist immediately."

"In addition, we have prepared enough dry food for everyone in the territory for a month."

"No more time-consuming cooking during this time."

"In terms of weapons, the equipment you brought back from the underground world has been distributed to the residents."

"Although most people may not be able to use it, if needed, the residents can immediately act as a temporary fighting force."

Although residents can't fight, they can use it for production, construction, and maintenance.

Richard nodded in satisfaction.

No matter the details, in order to enter the dungeon during this time, Dusk City can be said to be prepared to the extreme.

People's livelihood, army, city defense, food, UU reading www.uukanshu. com water...only what one can think of is prepared.

He didn't know how long this dungeon would last, so he could only think further.

"You go down first, and then inspect it again. After an hour, we will go to other planes."

"Yes, my lord."

After Carew left, Richard opened the player forum.

As the dungeon approached, these sanders were also excited.

"Quack~ I've been preparing for this dungeon for a month, little brats, last time there were only one million people, you are lucky, this time, tremble under my praise!"

"The natural disaster of the undead is here. In terms of other things, the undead may not be the first, but defending the city, aren't we grandfather? Those monsters attacking the city, the corpses are the best source of soldiers. This kind of battle is for the undead. , it's just sprinkling water..."

"In terms of defending the city, the undead are also better than fortresses? Scum..."

"Brothers, remember, whoever encounters that pervert in Qingqiu this time must report the coordinates in time!"

"Guys, how do you play this dungeon, do you have any suggestions?"

"Hey, big withered cute girl asks for support~"

While Li Cha was watching with relish, the private message panel flashed.

Your mother-in-law's Italian gun: "Brother-in-law, I have obtained a special treasure that can be transmitted in the copy. When the time comes, we will join forces and create greater glories!"

Before Li Cha could reply, the second article was sent again.

"Brother-in-law, my sister knows the coordinates of a special boss, and that boss can explode a very rare hero promotion scroll."

"When the time comes, let's do a **** job together!" (To be continued)

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