Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 320: v2 Chapter 302: Rampage without restraint, killing 8 parties (4,000 words 2

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After Richard drove Alves into the flying units, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he began to slaughter unscrupulously.

Domineering attitude.

The dragon's breath exhaled, and the power destroyed the sky and the earth.

No one can stop the damage of Transcendent A Grade skills.

The exaggerated corrosiveness will turn into blood as long as it is stained with the slightest bit, and it has become everyone's nightmare.

The burning blood-colored power on Alves became a natural shield.

The enemy who wanted to get close to the attack immediately felt the feeling that his whole body was soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid.

In the army of more than 1,000 people, Alves entered seven in seven out, and no one could stop its edge.

When the players in the rear supervising the battle saw this scene, their faces were a little ugly.

Originally, I hoped that my own air force could play a suppressing effect.

But I didn't expect that when the other party's large army did not come, there was only one dragon hero, and the entire flying army fell into chaos.

"Pull the distance!! Archers, casters attack from a distance!!"

The harpie hero who was in charge of commanding the air force was furious at this moment, and constantly directed the army to adjust the direction of the attack.

But Alves' flight speed was too fast, and it was a fool's dream for ordinary flying troops to distance themselves from the dragon.

Seeing this scene, the harpie hero gritted his teeth and used the melee arms of the three squadrons as shields to forcibly block Alves' path.

At this time, within ten minutes of the battle, one-third of the air units of a brigade had already been killed.

After winning the output space, the remaining troops began to output at a distance.

Archers draw bows and shoot arrows, and elves riding horned eagles begin to cast natural magic.

A part of the army was blessed with magic, and a pale green light appeared on their bodies.

The next moment, the arrow roared out.


Scars began to appear on Alves, and natural magic had a restraining effect on the undead.

Like the bones of red crystals, after being baptized by arrows, the cracks are staggered.

But before they could get excited.

In the blood-colored rays of light surging, those cracks returned to normal.

The harpie hero trembled, forcibly suppressed his inner emotions, took a deep breath, and adjusted his coping strategy again.

But no matter how he commanded, in the face of absolute strength, the attack of the flying troops was like a moth to the fire at this moment.

In front of the hot fire, no matter how crazy it will be melted into coke.

In the live broadcast room, tens of billions of viewers watched Richard, who was killing the Quartet, and each one was as sour as eating a lemon.

The envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes are no longer enough to explain his heart.

Fighting a thousand troops alone, this **** is too handsome! ! !

Why don't they have such a strong dragon hero?

Looking at Alves' majestic appearance, and looking at Li Cha riding on the opponent's back, I don't know how many players made up their minds that they must get a giant dragon as a mount in the future.

This ratio, they also want to pretend!

The dragon roamed everywhere and swept everything.

The sky battlefield has now become Alves' performance venue.

The player's flying arms have completely become the background board, and the only function of existence is to make it more fierce and handsome.

The player in charge of the rear, the black dragon knight, was shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

Qingqiu, this **** is simply not a human being! !

One man slaughtered thousands of troops without rubbing their faces on the ground?

And, it's live now!

Although he didn't know the exact number of people watching, but such an exciting challenge is absolutely indispensable!

Because they challenged, but Qingqiu!

He has no reputation, but what is Qingqiu's reputation?

He originally had the idea of ​​killing the opponent as quickly as possible, earning a wave of popularity, and attracting more people to join his guild.

But according to the current situation, let alone improve your reputation, even if you win, you will become the opponent's background board!

He will never allow it!

Taking a deep breath, he turned his head to look at the elf riding on a horned eagle behind him.

"Is the caster army ready?"

"Lord Lord, everything is ready."

The black dragon knight ordered immediately.

"Start the second plan!"


The voice fell, and the horn sounded again.

The skeletal blood dragon that was flying in the sky suddenly felt like it was carrying a thousand-ton boulder, and its body fell uncontrollably.

Alves also felt the difference for the first time.

"Master, the enemy has cast space delay magic..."

Li Cha nodded, his face did not change.

Players are not without brains. Judging from the flexibility of these guys, it is not surprising to do anything.

"Go back and meet the enemy with the army."

Alves immediately gave up hunting and killing each other's flying units.

Turning around and under strong pressure, he slowly fell into the army of Dusk City.

Li Cha looked into the distance and saw that the player's arms were also landing, and he understood.

The opponent's magic not only limited them, but also could no longer fly.

However, for the player's army, the ground troops are the strong army.

The presence or absence of the Air Force makes little difference.

The opponent's move expanded his advantage.

Seeing the ferocious and invincible undead dragon landing, the live broadcast room immediately became energized.

"Sure enough, no one can underestimate the hidden dragon and crouching tiger among the players..."

"Qingqiu can't fly? It's impossible for him to make a comeback against so many troops this time, right?"

"Isn't this script from the Sky Arena? I've seen it before..."


Being able to fly and not being able to fly obviously has a fatal impact on Qingqiu's army.

At this moment, the hope for the players' alliance to defeat the great demon king Qingqiu rose again.

"The bone and blood dragon is at the forefront, and the dark gargoyle protects the axe of the dead."

"Gaunt, fire support."

"Hina, Renee, free to fight, pay attention to the command of the enemy."

The only way to win the challenge is to clean up the players.

From Li Cha's point of view, the battlefield is very chaotic, and there are various types of troops attacking him, and there are all races.

In this case, it is extremely difficult to find players who are deliberately hidden.

The players who are commanding in the rear will naturally not expose themselves to Richard's eyes.

The sound of the magic horn can instantly resound through the battlefield, and there is no direction to start from this aspect.

He didn't tangle too much in this regard. Looking at the crowd of troops, a strong will to fight rose in Li Cha's eyes.

After these troops have been slaughtered, I hope you can still hide!

"Go all out, not a single one!"

The voice fell.

The player coalition has also launched the strongest offensive at this moment.

Human cavalry, dwarf mechanical puppets, orc berserkers, elven swordsmen, fallen demons, skeleton warriors...

The huge number of troops attacked fiercely like waves, and waves of attacks broke out.

At this moment, the Dusk City army formed a circular formation to deal with it.

The dragon breath of the skeletal blood dragon can spit out a distance of 30 meters, like tongues of fire, intertwined into a fire network.

The enemy will suffer the most ferocious attack at the first time.

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After passing through this net of fire, the attacks of the Dead Axe will follow.

A tomahawk is like a scythe of death.

Even a warrior with a heavy shield could not resist the terrifying damage.

The most powerful weapon, the axe, made it a source of fear for the attacking army.

The rare-level Axe Shatter has a range of 20 meters, but the Brilliant-level Axe Shatter has a range of 50 meters.

The terrifying lethality can clear a large piece every time.

Through the whistling of the battle axe, the enemy units have to face the dark gargoyles exuding metallic luster.

These splendid 3-star units spread their wings one by one, staring at the enemy.

Once you get close, the sharp claws that can tear through steel in your hands will explode with murderous intent!

The three arms form three indestructible lines of defense.

Although the number is dozens of times less than the opponent's, it is like a sharp knife, piercing the opponent's chest and abdomen fiercely.

The battlefield became a meat grinder.

After being banned, the situation did not appear as one-sided as the audience in the live broadcast room imagined.

In the face of a large number of enemies, the army of Dusk City broke out with a fighting force that made their mouths dry.

Domineering, strong, crazy!

The scenes of unscrupulous massacres made the barrage rare.

Although many people have seen Richard's battle, it was only when dealing with the same number of enemies.

Although it was also crushed at that time, it was far from the shock of being able to slaughter wantonly when facing dozens of times the army of one's own side at this moment.

The battlefield is like a meat grinder twisting, and the charging enemy will face the craziest beheading immediately.

The sharpness of the blade is jaw-dropping.

After wearing the Death Elegy Medal, all undead army attributes are increased by 50%.

Although the number of Dusk City's army is small, in terms of quality, it is not at the same level.

"Remote suppression!!! Attack!!!"

After the melee was blocked, the long-range arms of the flank organization immediately became the hope on the battlefield.

More than a brigade of ranged units attacked.

Arrows, throwing spears, projectiles, throwing axes... The dense array of weapons almost covered the sky.

The yellow sand armor worn by the Dusk City army was finally broken after two rounds of attacks.

But before waiting for the commander in the rear to get excited.

Li Cha turned his head to look at the location of the opponent's long-range troops.

Indifferent voices resounded through the sky.

"Flee with me!"

The voice fell, and the army of Dusk City, surrounded by circles, immediately charged towards following him.

Alves in front became the sharpest sword, and the dragon breath tore through all obstacles.

The troops in the rear formed a triangle and rushed to kill.

Under the circumstance that the quality of the army is almost crushing, no one can stop the pace of Dusk City.

The melee units responsible for dragging them in front were almost slaughtered on one side.

And the long-range arms that had just been organized saw the enemy approaching, and immediately fell into a riot.

Because of the chaos on the battlefield, although the commander issued the order to evacuate at the first time, it still inevitably fell into a lag.

By the time these long-range units were ready to move and retreat, the army of Dusk City had already smashed through the block ahead.

Whether it was a mechanical puppet or an orc warrior, whether it was an elf swordsman or a church knight, all enemies who dared to stop them were strangled.

The breath of the skeletal blood dragon, the claws of the dark gargoyles, the axe of the Axe of the Dead, the magic of Gaunt, the sword of Sheena...

Everything has become a dazzling picture on the battlefield.

Even if the escape was fast enough, more than two-thirds of the long-range troops that had just been organized were slaughtered.

Gaunt's corpse explosion technique played a huge role in this melee.

As long as one person falls, it can launch a continuous attack.

When a person dies, more enemies can be killed after being exploded by the corpse explosion, so more corpses are produced, and then a second more powerful explosion is carried out, and then corpses are produced again...Under an infinite loop, The scene is extremely exaggerated.

The explosion scene was like red ink dripping into the clear water, spreading rapidly around.

After the long-range arms were killed and dispersed, Li Cha continued to command the army to rush to kill without stopping.

After the temporary army was unable to stop the city of dusk, uncontrolled chaos began to appear.

In this context, the numerical advantage of the player coalition is infinitely reduced.

Even if the enemy is not afraid of death, he fights bravely.

Commandable orders are difficult to execute.

The result of the strategic intention not being achieved is that these brave troops appear so pale under the blade of Dusk City.

in the live room.

The audience, who at first expected the players to join forces to turn over Richard, are now watching the scene where the army of the City of Twilight is rampant among thousands of people.

The expressions have become very wonderful.

This is a huge contrast to what they imagined.

What went wrong?

Qingqiu, is it really that powerful?

Look at the figure riding on the back of the undead dragon.

I don't know what it's like.

They are all players, and they all entered "Era of Radiance" together. Why is Qingqiu so powerful?

That was a coalition of 30 players! ! !

There was a lot of words in my heart, but all the words turned into one sentence in the end... This dead pervert! !

The black dragon knight looked at the chaotic situation, and his face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

30 players, 9,000 troops, in the end, this **** can only let this **** run amok! !

And now he can't do anything.

It's not that he doesn't want to command, but that the situation has fallen into such a chaotic situation, and the disadvantage that the arms are too cluttered is highlighted.

He wanted to command, and not many people in the army would follow orders.

Especially the troops of the dark camp.

From the very beginning of the battle, the demons and the undead went crazy under the stimulation of blood.

Unless the war is put on hold now, he reorganizes the army, arranges the heroes in command...

But is it possible? Qingqiu will give him time to adjust?

Watching the other party keep rushing towards the crowded place, making the situation chaotic.

The black dragon knight turned to look at the player beside him.

He let out a long breath.

"We lost this game."

When the players behind heard this, they all looked blank.


This battle is only halfway through, why did you lose? ?

When there is no ban, they can still fight back and forth with each other.

Now that the air is banned, the opponent has lost their best flying advantage, how can they lose? ?

Looking at the eyes of those Black Dragon Knight is very straightforward.

"There are at least four battalions left in the army at this time, but we can no longer stop Qingqiu."

"Get ready to think about the next game."

The voice fell, and many players turned their heads subconsciously to look at the big devil who was still fighting with their army.

The images of their proud army being slaughtered indiscriminately sent everyone into a long silence.

After half an hour.

The forum was detonated by a message.

"The first round of the Big Devil Challenge in the Death Arena has come to an end."

"The challenge is divided into four difficulty levels: easy, normal, difficult, and nightmare."

"In the three difficulties of Normal, Hard, and Nightmare, all players were wiped out. Only Qingqiu single-handedly killed 30 players, killed 9,000 troops, and won the only victory!"

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