Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 321: v2 Chapter 303: The uncrowned king, the legend of Qingqiu alone (2

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The Arena of Death has always been the focus of everyone's attention because of its live broadcast.

After all, there are not many people who don't like to watch the fun, especially now when there is not much fun.

It's nice to be able to get a bit of a modern feel back from it.

When most of the players saw the news that only Qingya had won the three-difficulty challenge of the Death Arena, their first reaction was stunned.

Then very difficult to understand.

Nightmare difficulty has to face 30 players, and it is understandable that those players who become the big devil can't stop the players' joint attack.

But hard and normal difficulty, no one can beat it? ?

After these doubts were posted on the forum, it immediately caused a heated discussion.

"Just kidding, the top 1 million players in the standings are the ones who can enter the arena of death. Among the tens of billions, only the top 1 million are taken. After two rounds of elimination, who is the weak chicken on the field now?

Wanting to fight against ten, or even smash twenty or thirty people with one, is simply a dream... Qingqiu doesn't count! That's a pervert! "

"This kind of question is asked out of your head, and you don't even think about it, it is the easiest simple difficulty, and you have to face the challenge of 5 players.

"What is this concept? I only have 300 troops, and I have to face the attack of 1,500 troops... I'm afraid that only defending the city can have a chance to win.

"And the normal difficulty has risen to 10 players, 3000 troops...Fuck, if I had to fight 3000 with 300 troops, I would rather surrender.

"And the difficulty of Nightmare wants to win, hehe, it's not me, except Qingqiu, everyone here is happy!"

"Is Qingqiu invincible? I don't believe it, that is, I was not selected..."


At the beginning, most players had no idea about this Big Devil Challenge, but when the results came out, they had an intuitive impression.

Only now did they know that Qingqiu was really so strong.

When the other players were unable to beat the challenge of 10 players, Qingqiu was the only one who fought against the 9,000-strong army with 300 troops.

Moreover, they killed the opponent, losing their armor and removing their armor, and had no resistance.

There is no harm without contrast.

After such a foil, Li Cha's reputation on the forum is full of gold, which is even more amazing.

Correspondingly, the word pervert has almost become the most frequently used adjective when referring to Li Cha.

If the word were placed on a gentlemen's exchange forum, it might be another story.

At this time, players have already recognized that Richard's strength is the only one.

In this battle, several outstanding heroes are also the most talked about by players.

But it is a pity that the situation cannot be detected, and their potential is still speculated to this day.

Fortunately, they can't see it, otherwise, after knowing it, I'm afraid that few people can withstand this kind of blow.

A divine soul, a Transcendent A Grade plus two A Grades... Just speaking out can make people tremble.

Li Cha did not know the reaction of the outside world at this time.

After the end of the first challenge, I checked the system prompt just now.

"Ding~ You commanded the army to block the joint challenge of 30 lords, and received a special boss reward*4, which will be distributed uniformly after the Great Demon King Challenge."

When I saw the prompt, I immediately felt better.

4x bonus! !

So comfortable.

I just don't know if I will get 4 crystal treasure chests?

"Ding~ For the next challenge, you can freely choose the difficulty of the challenge..."


"Successful selection, all the dead troops have been resurrected, ten minutes later, the second round of the Great Demon King Challenge will start, please be prepared."

This time, except for Richard who chose the difficulty of Nightmare, all the remaining "Big Demon Kings" have lowered their difficulty to - easy.

I'm sorry, they just want to become a not-so-big devil and challenge the difficulty of Nightmare. They will really have nightmares.

Fewer than 10 people chose normal difficulty - a 10-player challenge.

Part of it is the winner of the last easy difficulty, and this time I want to pretend to be a force.

The other part is the top players who came close to winning last time, not reconciled.

But no matter how lively the players are, they tacitly did not rely on the two difficulties of nightmare and difficulty.

This thing is simply not played by people.

too difficult.

Players who have just defeated the Great Demon King and picked the fruits of victory are also extremely active in signing up at this time.

But after seeing that few big demon kings chose high difficulty, they scolded them one by one, shouting that these **** big demon kings are weak chickens...

Looking at the choices on the attribute panel, the black dragon knight fell into extreme tangle.

Great Demon King - Qingqiu, Nightmare difficulty, Number of challenged lords: 30

The last time he failed so quickly, he felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

Originally came to make a name for himself. After successfully gaining command, he wanted to take the army to kill the prestigious Qingqiu.

But in the end, they didn't have much room for resistance, and they were wantonly massacred by the other side.

This made it difficult for him to accept the failure.

Willing to do it again.

But every time he thought of the domineering and unparalleled attitude of those giant dragons in Qingqiu, he felt a palpitation.

The courage to choose in his heart was also severely suppressed.

Just a simple collision, Qingqiu gave it a feeling of invincibility.

Even if he had to face a level 15 boss, he didn't want to face that guy with gravel all over his body.

There is still hope of winning against the boss, but against Qingqiu, he feels no hope.

Thinking of this, I made a decision in my heart.

To his mother's fame, I quit!

Whoever loves it, whoever loves it, I don't want to face that dead pervert anymore.

With this thought, the Black Dragon Knight was inexplicably relieved, and the whole person was relieved.

If this time he is facing a little-known person, he is bound to take another shot.

But the other party is Qingqiu.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Although reputation is invisible and intangible, no one dares to ignore it.

"Boss Dragon Knight? Do we still choose to challenge Qingqiu?"

A hesitant voice behind him interrupted his thoughts.

The black dragon knight turned his head and looked at the member of his own guild, with a somewhat inexplicable meaning on his face, and slowly shook his head.

"No more challenges, find an easy one."

The other party immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Nodding again and again.

"That's right, that's the truth, Boss Dragon Knight, I'll tell the others."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and looked at a few people not far away and shouted.

"Don't worry, the boss of Longqi said, this time we won't challenge Qingqiu!!"

Hearing this, the players were overjoyed.

"Boss is wise!"

"I'll just say, anyway, it's all about earning points. How can you earn points instead of earning? Why bother with that pervert in Qingqiu."


Seeing this scene, the black dragon knight was angry and funny, and these guys didn't want to collide with Qingqiu again.

However, seeing so many people who feel the same way as him makes me feel better again.

Commander, it's not that our army is incompetent, it's that the enemy is too cunning, we have no choice but to save the country.

The excitement of the first round of the challenge game firmly attracted the attention of the audience.

This makes the players full of anticipation and excitement.

Ten minutes later, the second round of the Big Devil Challenge started.

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The audience who immediately raised their spirits found that the players who challenged Qingqiu in the previous round had disappeared this time.

In its place was another group of ambitious new players.

Their eyes were firm, and their faces showed the joy of victory.

At a glance, you can tell that it is a player who has won the challenge of other great demons before.

The audience in the live broadcast room was overjoyed when they watched the enthusiastic players.

"They still don't know what they're going to face..."

"Hahaha, I hope after half an hour, they can still laugh."


Excited, excited, holding the players who were about to slash Qingqiu on their horses, they started the second battle.

two hours later.

Alves' dragon breath destroyed the magic shield made by the last player, and under the terrified gaze of the other party, the dragon's breath destroyed the last resistance force of the other party.

"Ding~ You commanded the army to block the joint challenge of 30 lords, and received a special boss reward*4, which will be distributed uniformly after the Great Demon King Challenge."

Another hearty victory.

And this time the battle is easier than the last time.

30 players, without a strong command this time, are completely scattered, and the mess is fundamentally unable to organize an effective attack.

Such an enemy faces the Twilight City army like sharp knives, under the crushing strength, let them resist how they want, and in the end it will be of no avail.

After leaving the death arena, all the players who participated in the challenge appeared in the spacious open space.

Only the Great Demon King stayed in the arena.

Players who appeared in the same place together looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

The excitement when I first entered the dungeon has long since disappeared.


After having an experience, the audience in the live broadcast room was already mentally prepared for whether Richard could win or not.

But Rao is so, seeing the other side cut melons and vegetables to easily destroy the player's army, it still amazes them.

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

The gap between ordinary players and Qingqiu is really too big.

And the powerful combat effectiveness of the heroes of Hina in the battle made the audience in the live broadcast room red with envy.

Ordinary troops are not comparable, and heroes are not even worthy of shoes.

Thinking about it this way, and then looking at the army in his hands, he suddenly felt dull.

That kind of feeling is very much like other people's girlfriends are goddesses with 9 points of beauty, and their girlfriends only have calloused hands... irritating.

When will they have the strength of Qingqiu?

Amidst the autism of the players in the forum, Richard's third gladiatorial fight started.

The audience originally thought that this would be another slaughter-like battle.

But unexpectedly, the intensity of this gladiatorial fight far exceeded their expectations.

Because this time the commander of the battle is a powerful sect priest player.

The other party is the red-clothed archbishop personally bestowed by the Sun God, who can summon the phantom of angels to descend.

Definitely the lucky one among the players.

Although the angel phantom summoned by the opponent does not have powerful damage skills, it can add light magic to all units.

This directly caused the damage caused by ordinary troops to the Dusk City army to skyrocket.

Even with the 5-star treasure bodyguard of the Death Elegy Medal, the attributes of all undead units in Dusk City have been increased by 50%.

But after being restrained by the sky, heavy losses were inevitable.

In less than twenty minutes of the battle, the Bone Blood Dragon, the Axe of the Dead and the Dark Gargoyle were all killed in the battle, and none of them survived.

Seeing this scene, both the audience in the live broadcast room and the players on the battlefield already believed that the victory of this battle no longer belonged to Richard.

There was a strong expectation in their hearts, and they were looking forward to Qingqiu's first failure.

But at the last moment.

I didn't see the imagined scene, but saw the angry Li Cha.

The gravel lingered on his body, and the terrifying breath swept the world like a sandstorm, as if the **** of the desert had descended.

With a wave of his hand, the earth was once again turned into a desert.

The terrifying flame sandstorm engulfed all directions again.

at the same time.

A 30-meter-high monstrous sand wave surged up from the ground and swept all around in a circular shape.

The surrounding dense units were directly swallowed by the huge sand waves.

One man killed more than 3000 troops.

At the same time, Alves, Sheena, Gaunt, and Renee's four top-level combat powers began to attack with all their strength.

The audience in the live broadcast room never thought that a hero alone can kill thousands of troops.

But this time, they saw how terrifying the top heroes were after unreserved shots.

For ten minutes, in the live broadcast room of the coalition of 30 players, the barrage was scarce and cleaner than white paper.

Everyone stared at the figures of the army of players who were madly hunting and killing players.

Alves' dragon breath, Xina's shocking sword glow, Gaunt's corpse explosion, Renee's magic and unpredictable space movement.

Coupled with Richard's domineering ability to manipulate gravel.

The army rushing around, at this moment, is like the grass must be eroded by the storm, and there is no resistance.

And that special angel phantom was shattered by Renee's magic under everyone's attention.

The opponent's reliance has turned into a bubble at this moment.

When the last enemy is hunted.

This battle, which was watched by more than 10 billion people, slowly came to an end.

After the world was silent, the audience saw the figure riding on the back of the giant dragon, haunting the yellow sand.

The contempt, suspicion and disdain that he held in his heart were like fragile glass smashed on the boulder from a height of 100 meters and shattered.

Instead, there was intense wonder, admiration, and... fear.

Uncontrollable fear.

That is the instinct that appears when facing a strong man who can easily destroy himself, control his own destiny, and cannot be hostile.

The power displayed by the other party has far exceeded the limit of their imagination.

Originally, they thought that Qingqiu had a stronger army and a higher hero potential.

But after this war.

Only then did they understand that this was not only a little stronger, but a little taller.

This is a world of difference, so powerful that they lose their temper, and so high that they can't even see their backs when they look up!

When the gap is still visible, most people will not willingly admit defeat.

But when the gap is too large to describe and imagine.

The feeling immediately changed.

Not long after the news about this battle on the forum was like gasoline being ignited, burning wildly.

Everyone is talking about everything about Richard, heroes, troops, territories...

The anti-Qingqiu Alliance, which was originally very lively, quietly quit.

There are even many people who left a message below but couldn't think of it before, and their brains were sick...

The change in attitude is so big it's funny.

But everyone knows why the other party did this.

Richard didn't say a word of nonsense from the beginning to the end. In this battle, he showed the edge of Dusk City with his strength.

Surprise tens of billions of viewers with an almost invincible metamorphosis.

Silently, he became an unattainable mountain, pressing on the hearts of all players.

Perhaps, this is... the uncrowned king.

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