Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 322: v2 Chapter 304: Gladiator King, Battle of the Forge (4,000 words 2

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When the players on the forum were discussing this big devil challenge.

Li Cha was also very relieved.

"Ding~ You have won the final victory in this challenge as the Great Demon King."

"Become a big devil, and you can get rewards for killing special bosses in simple mode - 5 gladiator points, 5 gold points, and a 4-star treasure chest."

"Normal mode gets double kill rewards, Hard mode is 3x, and Nightmare is 4x."

"You have won three Nightmare-level Demon King Challenges, earning 60 Gladiator Points, 60 Gold Points, and 12 Four-Star Crystal Treasure Chests."

"The reward has been issued, please check it yourself."

As the system prompts sound.

This exciting event finally came to an end.

And what Li Cha got was enough to make everyone jealous.

The Great Demon Challenge has successfully completed Nightmare difficulty three times in a row!

It's crazy to earn gladiator points and gold points alone, not to mention a full 12 four-star crystal treasure chests.

This time it's just coming in!

Under the excitement, Richard opened all the treasure chests rewarded by the system.

As expected... all the treasures that he opened were 5-star treasures that could improve a certain characteristic of the troops - psionic gems.

With these 12 plus the two he had originally obtained, he now has 14 in his hands.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of three or five arms can be greatly improved.

He immediately thought of his favorite - the Axe of the Dead.

It is necessary to strengthen this arm in all directions, not to mention other things, if the range can be increased to two or three hundred meters, this arm will really become a strategic force.

In addition, the scorpion warrior, the mad sand mage, the sand freezing archer and so on all have great potential.

If it can be strengthened, the strength of the army in hand can definitely be improved amazingly.

This wave of harvest is comfortable.

Richard is excited, and the players on the forum are sour.

The rewards of the Great Demon King Challenge are open to the public, as long as you know the difficulty of his completion, you can know the reward.

This directly attracted a lot of attention.

"In this way, Qingqiu won't be able to earn more than ten 4-star treasure chests this time? Damn, I'm sour."

"You can get 4 times the rewards for a single nightmare difficulty challenge, and 12 times for three times. I'm so envious..."

"Qingqiu was killed by his strength this time, and he really didn't get black..."



Faced 30 players three times in a row and attacked together, and all of them were victorious.

This record is enough to be called a legend.

More importantly, except for him, only 3 other people completed the normal difficulty - facing 10 players to attack together.

Difficulty and Nightmare are two difficulties that no one chooses at all.

On the simple difficulty, more than 30 Great Demon Kings successfully overcame the challenger.

Although it is not easy to complete the challenge of the Great Demon King, it is compared to Richard's brilliant record of fighting the 9000 army alone.

Totally worthless.

With Zhuyu in the front, other people's achievements, the players on the forum are too lazy to even look at it.

Although it is indeed domineering to say it with one enemy and five, but with one enemy and thirty, other people seem to be like that.

Afraid of comparison.

"Ding~ The Great Demon King Challenge has ended, the next round of the Death Arena, the final battle of the Gladiator King - the Battle of the Furnace will start in ten minutes."

"The top 1,000 players in the current gladiatorial points will participate in this gladiatorial fight, and the rest will be eliminated immediately."

"In this battle, 1,000 people will be in the same arena and fight each other."

"Every time you kill a lord, you can get 1 gladiatorial point."

"And the final winner will be awarded the title of King of Gladiator."

"In this gladiatorial fight, there is no ranking, there is only one winner."

"Stand on the bones of the enemy and gain glory."

"The winner shall be king!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience immediately became excited when they saw the system prompt that appeared on the screen.

It's finally time for the championship fight.

However, although this time it was a melee with thousands of people, the audience who had experienced the Great Demon King Challenge just now turned their attention to the figure haunted by the yellow sand.

Players who had been expecting Richard's failure before, although they were reluctant to admit it at the moment.

But they all understand that in this battle, who has the most hope of winning.

They even came up with an idea that made them all silent - can anyone stop the overbearing desert lord?

They would love to get an affirmative answer.

Thinking of the other party's previous dazzling record, they were silent again.

That is Qingqiu.

Who has the right to say such things in front of him?

Unless... thousands of people attack together.

But is this possible?

At a time when a group of melon-eating audience were discussing who might win and who could resist Qingqiu.

Time passed quietly.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Cha, who was in high spirits, suddenly darkened his eyes.

Suddenly, I felt the surrounding air become hot.

Turning to look, the environment has changed again.

The surrounding grass disappeared without a trace, and the earth was red, as if red blood had soaked into the soil.

Hot air waves rose from the ground.

It looks like a volcano is about to erupt below.

"Master, look..."

Gaunt, who was beside him, suddenly seemed to have found something, and pointed to the sky in the distance, his empty tone with rare surprise.

Li Cha subconsciously raised his head and looked into the distance.

A shocking picture appeared in his pupils.

I saw it at the end of the world.

An open-sky giant with his upper body exposed, with an unknown number of thousands of meters, was staring at the red earth with indifferent eyes.

That terrifying body shape turned the mountains into grass, and others would feel a sense of heavy oppression just by looking at it.

It was like standing under a mountain that was about to collapse, and the irresistible psychological pressure slammed down like a rock collapse.

In the sky, a faint mist covered the detailed face of the giant, thus adding countless mysteries, making it even more terrifying.

Just when he had not regained his senses, the giant tens of thousands of meters high moved.

He turned sharply and walked into the distance.



Every time the opponent took a step, the earth trembled once.

Like stepping on my heart.

Li Cha's breathing subconsciously slowed down.

There was a shock in his eyes that the **** of kobolds did not come.

Hina, a determined warrior, was stunned at this time.

Mu Ran said.

"Sir, what is that? God?"

This kind of unparalleled picture really has an unimaginable impact.

Li Cha took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

"No need to think too much, the other party will definitely not shoot."

If the giant shoots, let alone the city of dusk, even if these 1,000 players are stacked together, it may not be enough for each other to step on one foot.

If the other party wants to destroy the plane, it will be easy.

Far more terrifying than the life of those ancient myths in "Ara of Radiance".

bang~ bang~

is thinking.

The giant who had turned away had returned.

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But this time, the other party was holding a large amount of... wood.

That's right, wood of the same terrifying size.


The giant threw it casually, and the giant trees suddenly fell on the ground, with a huge roar like a landslide.

Then, the giant lifted one and shoved it directly in front.

Wow~ A series of huge flame bursts rose into the sky, like bombs exploded one by one.

A fiery red was reflected on the giant's face.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha was a little stunned.

That giant is... making a fire? !

He looked down sharply.

I saw the red earth, the heat radiating more and more amazing.

There was a bad feeling inside.

Battle of the Furnace, is this the Battle of the Furnace?

These people are fighting in the forge of giants!

What the **** is this **** playing? !

When the other party burns the fire and the red earth melts, then they can't finish it all?

Even if it can fly, the ghost knows if the earth will burst like hot oil after it turns into magma.

At that time, the explosion will be hundreds of meters and thousands of meters high, and how many flying arms are not enough to see.

Thinking of that picture, Richard's scalp felt numb.

Turning his head sharply to look around, it's impossible not to have something to deal with, right?

In the distance, a towering red mountain peak came into view.

And there is only this high mountain in sight.

"This challenge is to force everyone to this mountain."

Li Cha immediately noticed the intention of the system, but he didn't talk too much.

Immediately let the army take off and go towards the red mountain.

Stay any longer and the giant will add firewood...

I didn't expect that one day he would be frightened by a burning fire, and he hasn't dealt with it yet, it's too **** up.

The other players are not fools. Although they were also shocked by the terrifying giant that was hundreds of thousands of meters high, they quickly rushed towards the red mountain after they recovered.

The red mountain peak will become the birthplace of the King of Gladiator.

Li Cha, who was flying in midair, suddenly felt a terrifying pressure after rising to 50 meters.

It's like there is something weighing tens of thousands of pounds on him.

And within 50 meters, that pressure will suddenly disappear.

Empty limit.

Sure enough, this furnace battlefield has no loopholes to drill.

Realizing this, Li Cha stopped trying, and immediately asked the army to speed up the flight.

The tens of billions of viewers in the live broadcast room did not expect the final battle to unfold in such a shocking way.

This scene is too exaggerated.

This made them look forward to it immediately, and the next battle will be more interesting and exciting.

I wonder if the giant will shoot himself in the end?

There are also a small number of unlucky ghosts, because they were born on the other end of the red mountain, their sight was blocked, and they did not see the picture of the giant burning the fire.

All they know now is that the ground is a little hot, and they don't know what will happen next.

When the audience saw those guys preparing to attack other players, they could not help but observe a half-second silence for them.

The giant burned the fire fiercely, adding firewood after firewood...

But the most concerned person is Li Cha.

Because it was the last battle, most players didn't care to give him points at this time.

They all came to Li Cha's live broadcast room, wanting to see how this guy made a **** way out of 1,000 players.

Even if he is unhappy with him, he has to admit that he is the first choice for the King of Gladiator.

That is to say, no one has opened the market, otherwise Richard's odds are absolutely ridiculously low.

At first, the audience was dissatisfied and jealous of Richard, but now, after fighting time and time again, he has used his strength to inform everyone.

Everything he has won before has been won with strength.

Because of this, the audience's feelings for him have been envious, jealous and hated from the very beginning, expecting him to be overturned by a car.

Until now, I hope he will continue to show the most domineering attitude and push down all enemies.

This is like a game rookie watching the live broadcast of the top players. Although he can't do it himself, he also wants to see the scene of the opponent's dishbi, but it does not prevent him from picking up a wave of 666 when he sees various operations.

And Li Cha is very satisfied with this mentality, he is so powerful that it is unreasonable, so powerful that even those who are dissatisfied must admit his strength.


Li Cha, who was flying, suddenly saw the ground in front of him explode, and a huge pillar of fire 100 meters high spurted out.

eruption of magma.

Horrible heat can melt everything.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and an unpleasant feeling immediately rose.

Quickly let the army bypass that area and speed up the flight.

This seems to be a signal.


In addition to the furnace, the giant has added more wood.

The terrifying Mars exploded again.

The temperature of the earth soared wildly.

Li Cha opened the system map and glanced at it, and found that he was still a long way from the red mountain.

A helpless smile at the moment.

Continue on your way.

On the way, I also met two players who were also rushing towards the red mountain peak.

But he was too lazy to waste time, and in the consternation of the two players, Renee shot and killed each other in seconds, and gained two points of gladiatorial fighting.

The two confident players came and left with a confused look. There was no time to think in the middle, but the audience in the live broadcast room laughed enough.

After flying wildly for 20 minutes, and encountering several bursts of flames in the middle, Li Cha finally arrived at the Scarlet Mountain.

But this mountain occupies an extremely wide area. When he came, he found no trace of players around.

My heart suddenly loosened, and the sense of danger finally disappeared at this moment.

Let Alves fall to the ground, and Richard rolled over.

But just as he landed, on the ground 50 meters away, a burst of crimson magma spurted out again.

Li Cha suddenly shrank his pupils, and he saw a crystal clear object that was carried by magma and flew into the sky.

The first time he saw it, he thought he was wrong, and stared at it with wide eyes.

The next second, the gem-like thing smashed into the ground again.

In the blink of an eye, that special item was covered in magma.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha's interest greatly increased.

The good thing about going out to see money was finally met by me, Hu Hansan! ! !

The heart moved, and the gravel surging on the body.

A sand man condensed on his side and flew out of thin air.

Not long after, after the sand man had melted in half, he really found the crystal clear gem from the magma that fell on the red earth.

After the sand man withdrew, Li Cha was pleasantly surprised and took the item in his hand.

Immediately, I felt a strong surge of magic power.

But before he could check the, a familiar and unfamiliar dull voice sounded in his mind.

"Your Excellency Richard, I feel a special aura... the heart of lava?!?"

This is... the Fire Elemental Lord?

He slammed out the item that was given to him by the fire element lord in the ancient ruins, the nine bronze doors before - a flame core.

The level 18 boss who helped him transfer to become a Huangsha Mage was the first top combat power he encountered.

The Fire Elemental Lord said at the time that once he reached level 15, he could be contacted with this item.

He also thought about letting Dusk City open trade with the other party for a while to earn treasures unique to the Fire Elemental Plane...

Why did this big boss with a level as high as level 18 suddenly appear?

I looked down at the gem that was surging with magic power in my hand. Such a crystal clear thing is called a lava heart?

Can fire elemental lords? Is this thing precious?

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