Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 331: v2 Chapter 313: Dark Valkyrie surrenders, powerful attributes

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The dark contract suddenly shattered, turning into a stream of pure energy pouring into the sleeping Dark Valkyrie.

In an instant.

Li Cha only felt a special feeling rise in his heart.

He felt that energy was pouring into the soul of the other party.

And in the process, his connection with the Dark Valkyrie gradually became closer.

Contract signed...

The dark Valkyrie in a coma is in a daze, unaware of the movements of the outside world.

Suddenly, she felt a majestic energy pouring into her mind.

That unfamiliar energy made her a little vigilant, but she lost control of her body and became powerless.

Even if he is unwilling, he cannot make an effective resistance at this moment.

In the end, in the haze, he could only let that energy melt into his soul.

After a while, the soul undergoes a subtle change.

A special emotion came to mind.

I feel the master's breath...

While the majestic energy imprints the soul of the Dark Valkyrie, it is also repairing the soul wounded by the magic.

In Li Cha's perception, the dark Valkyrie's originally weak aura of life, like a flame, gradually began to burn.

In the end, it burned more and more fiercely, and finally it became extremely hot like a fire burning the world.

The scars on the Dark Valkyrie are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The set of full-body armor also recovered as the opponent recovered, and the picture looked quite magical.

Ten minutes later.

The breath of the Dark Valkyrie has climbed to the extreme.

The guards at the door had already felt tremendous pressure, clenching their weapons tightly, as if they were about to attack at any time.

Silently guarding Richard's divine soul - Renee, she raised her vigilance to the highest level at this moment.

The enemy in front of her was a powerful existence that made her die several times in battle.

She understands the strength of the other side better than anyone else.

Finally, the breath of the Dark Valkyrie reached a certain limit.

The tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the golden eyes reflected the scene above the hall.

The next moment when he regained consciousness, his body floated up and stood horizontally in the air.

The three-meter-long automatic tabletop of the sword flew into her hands.

Holding a war knife and floating in the void, the super boss that can crush everything, appeared again.

The momentum on his body is like a wave of thousands of feet sweeping the heavens and the earth, and the pressure is surging.

At this moment, both the army and the ordinary residents of Dusk City turned their heads to look at the lord's mansion subconsciously, their eyes suspicious.

Such a terrifying aura...

Several heroes who were on guard on the city wall immediately rushed towards the lord's mansion.

That unfamiliar aura was the first time it had appeared in Dusk City.

Looking at the figure that could be called unparalleled, the corners of Li Cha's mouth were raised high.

Dark Valkyrie.

From this moment on, this boss completely belongs to the City of Twilight.

fight for him.

The Dark Valkyrie finally came back to her senses, and her eyes immediately caught sight of Li Cha in front of her.

Four eyes facing each other.

Those golden eyes suddenly froze.

Then, the tall figure slowly landed on the ground.

The top boss, who ran rampant in the arena in the sky, and could even kill Alves, the A-level dragon hero, knelt down on one knee in front of Richard at this moment.

Salute with the humblest gesture.

"Master, your most loyal warrior, Fu Yin, sends you my respectful greetings."

The high language resounded through the hall with solemnity and solemnity.

The moment the other party's voice fell.

Li Cha felt that the originally vague connection between the two sides suddenly became closer.

After careful perception, his eyes brightened.

At this moment, as long as he is willing, he can directly control the power of the contract to erase the soul of the boss in front of him.

Look at the lonely figure kneeling on one knee.

An indescribable sense of achievement rose inside.

Level 15 boss.

This is a powerful existence that makes all players tremble.

Now, it belongs to him.

From body to soul, it belongs to him completely.

That feeling is even more refreshing than getting the goddess in my heart.

Taking a few deep breaths could not calm the emotions in my heart.

Finally, with strong anticipation, he opened the other party's property panel.

All the information of this top-level existence was immediately revealed.

Dark Valkyrie - Fu Yin

boss unit

[Level]: Level 15 (top boss, all attributes increase by 300%, extra bonus at level 15: increase in strength by 50%)

[Potential]: A grade (strength increased by 100%)

[Bloodline]: Dark Valkyrie (special grade, attack power increased by 150%)

[Dark Blood]: 10000 points (recovers 100 points per second)

[Skills]: Body of the God of War (Super A Grade, immune to instant death skills, soul control, curse, plague, poison, halo coercion, eternal morale, immune to light, natural camp damage bonus to dark camp, can ignore everything Air-forbidden magic, suspended in the sky, when a fatal attack is received, it will automatically consume 1000 points of blood to save the attack.)

Punishing God (Super A Grade, consumes 3000 points of qi and blood to explode ten times the damage of knife qi, slashes the knife within 300 meters, will hit the target, cooldown time: 10 minutes.)

All directions are destroyed (Super A Grade, with itself as the center, it explodes ten thousand swords, slashes in all directions, causes indiscriminate damage to a radius of 100 meters, and consumes a minimum of 1000 points of blood, which can increase the consumption of blood and increase the power and range of the attack, Cooling time: 5 minutes)

Lord of Long Knives (Special, has the strongest talent for long knives. When using a long knife as a weapon, it can maximize the effect of the long knife, increase the damage of all skills by 50%, and is currently bound to the battle knife—Blade of Changfeng.)

[Boss Features]: In the final form, when entering the dying state, it will transform into the final Valkyrie, and immediately return to the peak state, the level is increased by 3, the potential is increased by 1, the skill cooling time is reduced by 50%, and the blood recovery speed is increased. 300%, Duration: 30 minutes, Cooldown: 24 hours.

[Racial Talent]: The long knife breaks through the void, and the dark blood is attached to the weapon. When attacking, it can destroy all the enemy's skills and attacks, consuming 100 blood per second.

[Bond—Valkyrie]: Has a strong sense of battle, and can easily see through the enemy's weaknesses. No illusion or clone skills can take effect on it, and it can see through all disguises.

[Introduction]: A boss with powerful combat power, where the blade is directed, the world is dark, and no one dares to face her sword.

This property, Meng ah...

After Li Cha watched it several times, he couldn't wait to look up to the sky and laugh.


Although the Dark Valkyrie doesn't have many skills, they are all extremely powerful.

Moreover, he had personally experienced these skills in the arena in the sky, and his combat power could only be described with a single stroke.

Especially the opponent's final form.

Once it is turned on, the small universe will explode directly, and the combat power will skyrocket.

It can be described as metamorphosis.

If it weren't for the fact that the cards in his hand were hard enough, I'm afraid that the battle in the arena in the sky might not be enough for this boss.

When the enemy is still strong, he will only be annoyed.

But now, he's just cool.

Hahaha... the level 15 boss is like a super king!

If Renee, a divine soul, did not have the ability to be resurrected, she might not be able to get Fu Yin.

Moreover, the Dark Valkyrie is an independent fighting unit, unlike Renee who must rely on the old statue of the ancient **** and cannot leave.

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"Fu Yin, you don't need to be more polite."

When the Dark Valkyrie stood up, Li Cha looked at the other party again.

The pure black body armor set off his bumpy figure more and more attractive.

The cloak floating slowly behind him added a bit of heroism.

The amazingly long sword in the hand gives a strong visual impact.

Even without showing his face, this valiant appearance can be pleasing to the eye and has a pure beauty of power.

I am very satisfied.

After a long time, Li Cha suppressed his excitement.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and he was a little curious.

"Fu Yin, have you been living in the sky arena?"

The Death Arena is a strange event from start to finish.

The identity of the other party's hidden boss looks even more extraordinary.

The Dark Valkyrie's response surprised him.

"Master, I don't know."

do not know?

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, not expecting such a response from the other party.

In a flash, he thought of his little centaur daughter, Amelida.

"Your memory is lost?"

"Yes, Master, I have no memory of this."

Dark Valkyrie said, more confusion rose in those golden eyes.

"Even, I don't have any memory of the past."

"I only remember that you are my master...I forget everything else."

Li Cha frowned.

Is it because Renee's magic has caused damage to the opponent's soul, or is it because the Dark Valkyrie is the hidden boss of the Sky Arena?

Shaking his head, there is too little information to infer anything.

Don't worry about it, the Dark Valkyrie has become a member of Dusk City.

I will fight for him in the future, the past is not so important.

After chatting a few more words, after confirming that the other party did not remember anything, Li Cha waved his hand and asked the two maids to bring the Dark Valkyrie down, and asked them to tell each other some basic information about the city of dusk.

Fu Yin is not Renee, this boss will definitely need to go out to fight alone in the future, and he can't take on the heavy responsibility if he doesn't know the status quo.

After placing the Dark Valkyrie, Li Cha, who was in a happy mood, suddenly thought that he still had treasures that he hadn't opened the box.

Without hesitation, he directly took out the top-quality treasure obtained in the arena from the system space——

Colorful treasure chest (legendary).

This is a reward issued by the Gladiator Queen system.

He has never even opened a 5-star treasure chest, let alone a legendary treasure chest.

Looking at the treasure chest exuding rainbow light on the table, there is a strong expectation in his eyes.

"Let's not talk about the artifact this time, there must be three or five semi-artifacts out there... Goddess of luck bless."

After a few grunts, he stretched out his hand and slowly opened the colorful legendary treasure chest.

next second.

Brilliant masterpiece in the treasure chest.

At this moment, the world seems to have only this ray of light left.

When the light gradually dimmed, a bright gem appeared in front of Li Cha.

The gem exudes strong magical fluctuations, as if the waves of the sea are turbulent, and you can feel extraordinary just by looking at it.

Li Cha put his hand into the box excitedly, but before he got the gem, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Ding~ You have obtained a legendary treasure - Victory Gem."

Victory gem?

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and then he was in a good mood.

Legendary treasures, this wave is not a loss.

Legendary treasure chests are not guaranteed to open legendary treasures, and there is a chance to get 5-star or even 4-star treasures.

Sure enough, Lady Luck still loves him.

Holding the gem in his hand, a warm touch came, without the coldness of the stone.

We weighed it up and down, the weight was like a scale, and it was quite heavy.

At the time of contact, he could clearly sense how majestic the magic inside it was, as if magma was surging.

If this treasure exploded, the damage caused would be comparable to the Forbidden Spell.

Open the properties panel with great interest.

Victory Gem

[Level]: Legendary

[Characteristics]: 1. The person who holds the Victory Gem will bring endless hope to his subordinates. Even if he is defeated, he will follow him unswervingly. His subordinates will never betray and never abandon him. fail;

2. It can be immune to all magic that shakes the morale of the army and lowers morale. Every half hour, it can cast a purification technique to clear the negative effects of the evil camp on the army.

[Introduction]: This is the treasure used by the Goddess of Victory to reward loyal believers. Using it to inlay on strategic equipment will make it blessed by the Goddess of Victory.

After seeing the attributes, Li Cha frowned.

A treasure bestowed by the goddess of victory?

This stuff is a little off.

But the problem is... it doesn't seem to have a great effect on him.

The title of the Gladiator King will have the characteristics of high morale, and the first of the two characteristics of the Victory Gem will be repeated.

Moreover, the army of Dusk City is mainly based on the undead and dark gargoyles, which do not need morale.

Even increasing morale is useless.

It's a race like humans that can get extra attribute bonuses when their morale is high, which is very suitable for this treasure.

And the second feature, the ability to clear the negative state of the army every half an hour is still useful.

But he doesn't particularly need it either.

What is the negative state of the evil camp that the undead army is afraid of... This skill is more suitable for the light camp.

Both features are tailored for the light camp.

Richard is a bit stubborn.

The colorful treasure box opened something that he couldn't use... This is too turned his head and glanced at the direction where the Dark Valkyrie left.

Could it be that getting this boss used up his luck?

Shaking his head, he put away the brightly radiant Victory Gem in his hand.

In the future, I can only find opportunities to sell or exchange with others.

Legendary gems are not rubbish. For the bright camp, they are definitely top treasures.

"After the dungeon is over, you can go to Solan City. The Luanwei Flower Merchant Guild should be able to eat the Victory Gem, and you're tired of staying in Dusk City. It's time to go outside and see the Flower World."

"Also, I don't know if Onik has sold the Desert Crown Honey and the Yellow Sand Robe..."

After taking back the scattered thoughts, I still feel a little regret.

It's hard to open such a top-level treasure box, but there are no useful treasures.

But it's nothing, there are many top treasures waiting for him in the dungeon.

At present, the most important thing is to earn points and get the dark blood and the crown of the dark king that can transform the ancient tree of gods.

Needless to say about the former, if the ancient tree of gods and sins activates the power of gods and sins, this already powerful and outrageous boss will only be able to go to the sky.

And the Crown of the Dark King is also not weak - it is immune to the damage bonus of the light and natural camps to the evil camp.

With this powerful feature, the City of Twilight will be fearless again.

Thinking of this, I was immediately full of energy.

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