Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 332: v2 Chapter 314: Super King's Cloak, Endless Survival Mode is on

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After Richard collected the victory gem, he suddenly thought of something.

From the system space, I took out the treasures that were exchanged for gladiatorial points.

1 3-star treasure chest, 3 4-star treasure chests, plus a legendary strategic treasure - the Dark King's Cloak.

The harvest this time is not only the dark Valkyrie and the colorful treasure chest.

"I have gained too much, and I almost forgot about this ordinary treasure. It's really annoying..."

The old rule, open the treasure chest first.

Li Cha didn't hesitate, and opened all four treasure chests in one breath.

But unexpectedly, there was no strategic equipment, all of which were treasures of resources.


[Level]: 3 stars

【Scope】: 100 mu

[Characteristics]: A fish pond can be opened, which can raise all kinds of Danshui fish. The growth cycle is one month. Placement requirements: 3 medium-sized springs.

【Introduction】: Resource treasure.


Bramble Fruit Forest*3

[Level]: 4 stars

【Scope】: 300 mu

[Characteristics]: It can produce unique thorn fruit, suitable for brewing spirits.

[Introduction]: A rare resource treasure.

There are two treasures from 4 treasure chests, fish pond*1, thorn fruit forest*3.

The fish pond is not bad, the characteristics of the thorn fruit forest - suitable for brewing spirits, greatly increased his interest.

He has invested so many resources in the brewery, but until now he has not seen any useful output, which really makes him unhappy.

Planting these 900 acres of thorn fruits may put the winemaking plan of Dusk City on the right track.

The thirst for resources in Dusk City is even stronger than the thirst for food after being starved for seven days.

Mood immediately improved.

Although not able to open combat equipment.

But resource treasures are definitely not bad.

This is something that can enrich the foundation, no amount is too much.

The only thing that makes him hesitate is... where should these treasures be placed next?

After entering the dungeon, the agricultural area outside the city has been devastated by the attack of the Void Lickers.

If these resource treasures are placed outside the city.

Once it encounters a battle in the future, it will definitely be destroyed at the first time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

This hidden danger in front of him has been bothering him for a long time. If it is not resolved, the farming plan in Dusk City will undoubtedly be greatly hindered.

But the problem is that although the desert is extremely vast, where can I find a place where it will not be affected by the outside world and can farm safely and stably?

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The moment this thought came up, the underground world appeared in his mind subconsciously.

But immediately rejected the idea.

The harsh climate and dark environment of the underground world is not suitable for developing agriculture.

Otherwise, the dungeon clan's food would not be so short.

After thinking for a moment, Li Cha shook his head.

"This dungeon is over. When we go to Solan City, let's find out if there is a solution."

Don't worry about it anymore, put the four resource treasures on the desktop into the system space together.

Then took out the last harvest in the death arena, one of the three-piece demigods... the cloak of the dark king.

Grabbing the neckline with both hands and shaking it gently, the pure black cloak immediately stretched out.

The special material of the cloak of the dark king is very special, full of quaint atmosphere, and it looks like it was a work hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The dark golden pattern engraved on it makes it full of charm.

Looking at this extraordinary cloak, Li Cha opened the attribute panel with strong anticipation.

Cloak of the Dark King

[Level]: Legendary

[Characteristics]: 1. The style of the king, greatly enhances personal charm, greatly increases the attraction to hero units, and reduces the difficulty of recruiting heroes.

2. Absolute defense, can condense a shield of darkness, can resist any skill attack, cooldown time: 30 minutes.

3. Darkness comes, with itself as the center, within a radius of 500 meters, the world falls into absolute darkness, the enemy's sight and perception will be compressed within 10 meters, you can control the power of darkness, and perform unlimited teleportation, duration: 30 minutes, cooling time: 1 day.

4. Dominate the darkness (in the seal)

5. King of Darkness (in seal)

Introduction: One of the Dark King's suits, gather 3 pieces of equipment, which will activate the hidden power and evolve into a demigod.

good guy! !

Li Cha's eyes widened, and he was amazed.

It is indeed a legendary treasure, this attribute is awesome!

The first feature of the cloak, the wind of the king, is exactly the same as that of the crown of the dark king, which can improve personal charm and attraction to heroes.

But Article 2 and Article 3 are different.

Absolute defense, can condense a dark shield to resist an attack.

He suddenly thought of the terrifying nirvana of the Dark Valkyrie who slashed Alves with one blade—God Punishment.

And Renee, the divine soul, needs to consume 20 points of divine power to cast the divine art-death hunt.

Both of these skills have one-hit deadly terrifying damage, and also come with a must-hit effect.

Don't even try to escape.

With this treasure, when facing terrifying opponents like Fu Yin and Renee in the future, there will undoubtedly be a powerful life-saving trump card.

At a critical moment, it can even have the effect of finalizing the sound.

The third feature is also very exaggerated - the dark general, within the darkness, the enemy's perception line of sight is compressed to only 10 meters.

At the same time, he can launch unlimited teleportation, lasting up to half an hour.

This ability is more powerful than Renee's control space.

It can only be described as powerful.

Is this the true attribute of legendary strategic equipment?

If you gather three pieces, activate the remaining two skills that have been sealed, and make them semi-artifacts, what state will it be?

At this point, Li Cha was instantly filled with anticipation.

The attributes of a 5-star treasure like the Death Elegy Medal are already exaggerated enough. Now it seems that this legendary treasure surprised him more than the Death Elegy Medal.

No nonsense, just put the Dark King's cloak on his body.

Suddenly, a unique connection emerged in my heart.

At this moment, as long as he is willing, he can immediately cast the skills on the cloak, and the casting process is no different from casting his own skills.

After putting on a dark golden, simple and atmospheric king's cloak.

A special aura emerged from Li Cha.

The style of the king greatly enhances personal charm.

Passive feature.

The few maids standing at the door waiting for orders, the moment when Li Cha put on his cape, he suddenly felt that his temperament changed a lot.

The originally charming figure is now full of charm that makes them reluctant to take their eyes off.

There was a blush on his face.

His eyes were watery, as if dripping water.

The gods are above, the lord, why are you so handsome and charming... I am dying, my heart is beating so fast... If only, if I could be with your lord... kindness once. ...... This life is not a waste of life.

Li Cha didn't notice the love in the eyes of the maids.

After tidying up the cloak on his body, he felt very happy.

Finally finished sorting out the harvest in the arena.

Now there is only the Sun Heart, which can transform a normal life into an A-level element life, plus a thousand lava hearts that have not been dealt with.

The Heart of the Sun is not in a hurry. Now he has no shortage of combat units, and he will have a suitable conversion target in the future.

The Lava Heart is for the Fire Elemental Lord, you have to wait until you leave the dungeon.

Li Cha touched his temples.

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The high-intensity battle in the arena made him a little overdrawn, and his head was still drowsy at this time.

Glancing at the time, the endless mode will only be activated after more than two hours.

He didn't insist, and told the maid to remember to wake him up and go back to his room to sleep comfortably.

I don't know how long it's been, woohoo~

A deep horn resounded through the sky.

Li Cha, whose exhaustion had subsided for the most part, was awakened immediately.

After asking the guard at the door that there was nothing serious, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting up and washing his face, he immediately left the lord's mansion and went straight to the west wall.

Gaunt, Gray, Sheena, Fu Yin, the Valkyrie of Darkness, Emerald, the villain, and the top heroes of the City of Twilight are all here.

Because the west wall of Dusk City faces the depths of the Death Desert, Richard always likes to discuss matters here.

Several heroes knew his habit and waited here long ago.

Seeing his arrival, several people immediately saluted respectfully.

"Good day, Master."

"Good day, Mr. Richard."

Looking at the hero who was holding his chest and bowing in front of him, Li Cha, who had returned to his peak state, was in a very good mood.

If other players know that Dusk City has so many top-level combat power, I wonder if they will be envious and jealous? ?

There are two bosses on the city wall alone, a super A-level hero plus two A-level heroes.

Coupled with the dragon hero Alves, the boss of the ancient tree of evil.

Before he knew it, there were already 7 combat units above Grade A in his hand.

And 3 of them are powerful and domineering bosses.

Although the villain Amireda has not yet grown up, the other party was once a demigod, and his potential is no worse than anyone else's.

If you count Renee, the divine soul.

The City of Twilight can turn over a dozen players in a joint attack with its top combat power alone.

Really a hundred enemies.

Farming has developed for so long, and finally no one can hide the edge of the city of dusk.

At this point, my heart is filled with pride.

After waving a few people to get up, they walked to the front of the city wall.

He stretched out his hand against the cold wall and looked into the distance.

I saw at the end of the line of sight, the Void Licker who disappeared without a trace before swept the earth again.

The hideous appearance and the low roar from his throat were enough to make the veteran feel panic.

Along with these void lickers, there is also the brilliant unit guarding the dark spar in the previous monster stronghold-level 14 void hunter.

This time, the endless survival mode will obviously not be as simple as before.

Seeing this, Li Cha frowned slightly.

Turning to look to the side.

"Gray, are the alchemy cannons ready?"

Gray responded immediately.

"Master, it's ready."

Richard nodded, "The alchemy artillery should not attack for the time being, and wait for my order."

In the endless survival mode, the longer the time, the stronger the enemy's attack.

This heavy firepower cannot be wasted in the early stage.

"Yes, Master..."

After Richard finished exhorting, he turned his head and glanced at the three towering hurricane arrow towers in Dusk City.

Since the alchemy artillery cannot be used arbitrarily due to ammunition issues, the advantage of the sand archer cannot be wasted.

Thinking of this, the light suddenly escaped from the body.

In an instant, on the yellow sand ground in front of the city wall, the gravel rolled out.

In less than two minutes, a gully with a depth of 30 meters and a width of more than 50 meters appeared 50 meters away from the city wall.

Gravel moat...  

Seeing this scene, Li Cha nodded with satisfaction.

Although this thing has no lethality, it is matched with a sand archer with the blessing of an arrow tower.

The effect cannot be underestimated.

As long as the enemy's footsteps slow down, the sand archer can teach the opponent how to behave.

After digging out the deep ditch on the west side, Richard did not stop, and continued to incarnate as a ditch digger.

It didn't take long for deep ravines to appear on the city walls around Dusk City.

But after one lap, it was still not enough, so Richard manipulated the gravel to dig three more laps.

It didn't stop until the third lap was out of the sand archer's range.

This battle for survival is not going to be lost in one wave, he must increase the advantage of Dusk City as much as possible.

In this endless survival mode, his goal is only one - to earn points, earn a lot of points.

At least before the city of dusk is captured, exchange the blood of the dark **** and the crown of the dark king from the black-robed merchant.

This goal must be accomplished.

It can still be operated now, and when the battle starts, there may not be so much time to pay attention to these things.

After doing all this, the Void Monster in the distance has entered the sand.

Looking from the 30-meter-high city wall, you can see a piece of darkness, which makes people panic.

When Li Cha saw this scene, not only was there no fear in his heart, but he was in a high mood.

In his eyes, the void monsters in front of him are moving points.

The treasure trove of the black-robed merchant is still waiting for him.

This wave is enough to kill him.

As the enemy approached quickly, he seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and glanced behind him.

The residents who were recruited to participate in the logistics support are now carrying the materials needed for the war. Many people are nervous, and the anxiety in their eyes is clearly visible.

The residents are not Mu Nai Yin, so there will naturally be fear in their hearts.

Noticing this scene, Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

This is a good opportunity to unite people's hearts. External conflicts are always the best way to transfer internal conflicts.

After the popularity of Dusk City rose to 90 points, it did not improve for a long time.

With a thought, he slowly flew into the air amid the lingering looking down at the earth with deep eyes, and spoke in a deep voice.

"People of the city of dusk, this time, we will be together and fight side by side."

The sound immediately attracted the attention of the crowd below, and everyone turned their heads to look at the sky.

Seeing the familiar figure, the original fear in my heart suddenly disappeared.

Emboldened immediately became sufficient.

That is their leader, their master! !

The advantages of Gao Minxin are vividly reflected.

Sensing the change in morale, Li Cha's voice gradually became higher.

"Monsters from different planes are about to attack immediately."

"The army must maintain the frequency of attacks and avoid excessive casualties. We must hunt down the most enemies with the least cost."

"This is a protracted battle, and it is also a battle of defense that everyone in Dusk City must participate in."

"All of us will fight together and kill the enemy once again!"

"This plane is extremely special, and even death can be resurrected."

"So, my people, let go of the fear in your heart, follow me, and kill all the enemies who invaded my city at dusk!!!!"

With a strong fanning voice resounded through the sky.

"For the city of dusk!!"

This sentence immediately ignited the depressing atmosphere.

The residents below who were already gasping for breath immediately shouted loudly, as if to vent their suppressed fears completely.

"For the city of dusk!!"

"For the city of dusk!!"

Morale soared instantly.

Even the elderly and children who did not help in the residential house had sparks in their eyes at this moment.

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