Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 333: v2 Chapter 315: The seeds of the world tree, the shock of steamed bun lovers, Qingqiu for...

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"Ding~ Your words and deeds have won the recognition and admiration of all the residents, the popularity of the people has risen to 93 points, the leadership skill upgrade progress has increased to 70%, and the current level is intermediate (70%

The prompt that the system suddenly sounded made Li Cha, who was overlooking the Dusk City in mid-air, in a better mood.

Looking at the residents who were still shouting below, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, at the current critical moment of the foreign enemy, the effect of cohesiveness is multiplied with half the effort.

However, the popularity of the people only rose by 3 points. After 90 points, it was obviously much more difficult for the people to rise.

On the other hand, the progress of the leadership skills is not bad. If you do this again, you may be able to upgrade to the advanced level.

After Richard and the other residents calmed down, they landed on the city wall again.

Looking at the gradually approaching void monster, his eyes became hot.

Getting rich depends on this wave.

He turned his head and glanced at the heroes beside him.

"You each return to the city walls where you are stationed."

It's not to fight a boss, there is no need to gather so many top combat powers on one city wall.

"Yes, Master."

Gray and the others were just about to leave when they suddenly turned their heads and looked in one direction, their eyes instantly cold.

Li Cha also noticed something was wrong at the same time.

Turning to look, I saw that in the sky in the distance, hundreds of harpies were flying fast towards the city of dusk.

player army.

Looking at the rare number, he was a little puzzled.

The Void monster is about to be killed, what is the other party trying to do now?

Assault on the City of Twilight? ?

He turned his head and glanced at the towering Hurricane Arrow Tower.

Is that guy blind or does Dusk City look bullying?

With a question mark on his face, suddenly, the harpy flying in the front didn't know where to get a white flag and held it high.


Li Cha's mouth twitched.

That's what players do.

But Dusk City didn't hit you, what did you surrender?

Glancing at the monster in the void still thousands of meters away, with a wave of his hand, Alves behind the city wall suddenly took off.

Richard floated up and sat on the dragon hero.

Fly to meet those harpies.

Although killing a player can get 1000 points, the players are too scattered, and it is a waste of time to hunt the opponent deliberately, which is far less than the harvest of hunting monsters in the void.

Although he was too lazy to do anything to the players around him, it didn't mean that these sanders could be arrogant in front of him.

Alves approached quickly, and the dragon's might that swept across the world spurted wantonly.

The harpies in front immediately felt tremendous pressure.

The originally tidy team began to become riotous, and one by one involuntarily slowed down the flight speed.

The pressure of higher beings on lower beings can penetrate into the blood and soul, and it is unavoidable.

After Shuangfei approached 100 meters, the terrifying Longwei made the harpies dare not move on.

The morale, which was not high before, is now falling crazily. If there is no command from the rear, I am afraid that it has already dispersed and fled.

In "Age of Radiance", normal beings with flesh-and-blood souls, such as humans and orcs, will burst out with super-strong fighting power and invincible bravery when morale is high.

In contrast, these beings will also be defeated and flee when morale is low.

The undead and mechanical puppets do not enjoy the bonus of morale. Of course, they are also immune to the negative impact of morale.

Pros and cons.

Li Chadan stared at this panicked unfamiliar army, his tone resounding through the sky.

"Say your intentions, stranger."

The voice fell, and a voice with anxiety came from the harpie army.

"Elder Qingqiu, don't do it, the imperial army asked me to give you a word... uh... Boss, I'm here to surrender!"

"Fairy Wood"

The harpies in front were separated, and a player about twenty-seven or eight years old who was riding a horned eagle and wearing a green leather armor appeared in sight.

The player glanced at the army behind him, gritted his teeth, and alone drove the trembling Horned Eagle to fly towards Richard.

The closer you get, the slower the eagle flies.

After approaching 30 meters, he didn't dare to fly any further.

It looked like a mouse being targeted by a cat.

Mantou lovers looked at the undead dragon with a wingspan of more than 30 meters and a domineering and handsome appearance.

Full of amazement.

It is indeed the strongest existence among the tens of billions of players.

Even the mount under him can make him feel the pressure of being unable to breathe.

Really envious.

If he can have such a powerful hero, what threat is there to worry about? It's all bullshit!

Those orcs around his territory must not be flattened by him!

Li Cha frowned as he looked at the player who seemed extremely insignificant in front of Alves.

No interest at all.

"Surrender? Your army can't bear the breath of the dragon under me."

"What do I want you for?"

If you want to surrender, you have to give some value.

This little power is not as good as killing and earning the 1000 points.

The steamed bread lover took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and continued.

"Elder Qingqiu, don't worry, since I can come, I must be sure that you will agree."

Only then did Li Cha get a little interested.

"Tell me where does your confidence come from??"

The steamed bread lover raised his clenched right hand and slowly spread it out.

A thumb-sized, slightly shriveled seed appeared in the air.

"Just because of it..."

Li Cha looked at the inconspicuous seed and was slightly taken aback.

This is... the seed? Just for this?

Although he can sense the magic power surging on it, it is very thin, not to mention compared with his legendary cloak, even the 3-star strategic treasure is far inferior.

Frowning, he opened the properties panel.

Originally, I didn't have any hope in my heart, but the next second, the whole person was shocked.

My mind is full of question marks.

Damn, can you get this kind of treasure? !

Did this guy dig out the treasure house of the gods? !

shriveled world tree seeds

Grade: Special

Status: Withered

Features: Although the seeds of the World Tree did not absorb enough energy when they were conceived and were very shriveled, if they germinated normally, they could still grow into a World Tree that supports a medium plane.

Introduction: It takes majestic energy to make it come alive. This is a treasure enough to make the heart of the gods, and it is invaluable.

The seeds of the world tree...

What is the world tree? In the legend of "Ara of Radiance", this thing is the supreme treasure used by the God of Creation to support the main plane.

Now, the player in front of him, who can't even hold Alves' Longwei, has obtained a treasure of this level.

Although it is a shriveled seed, although it is in a withered state, it needs majestic energy to bring it back to life...

However, no reason can hide that this thing is the seed of the world tree.

Richard is sour.

He thought that his luck was good enough, but he still couldn't see it compared to the lucky guy in front of him who was covered by the skirt of the goddess of luck.

Seeing that Li Cha's eyes were straight, the steamed bread lovers were relieved.

Qingqiu still knows the goods.

"Elder Qingqiu, can we have a good talk now?"

Li Cha regained his senses and took a deep look at this guy.

"Bring your army and come with me."

The big stone in his heart fell, and the steamed bun lovers immediately waved their hands and let the harpies behind them follow.

Under Richard's gesture, Alves gathered the surging Longwei, so that the army in the rear could finally breathe.

The steamed bun lovers followed behind Alves and quickly approached the City of Dusk.

His eyes were full of curiosity and looked around.

This is the territory of Qingqiu, and there is no one in the entire forum who is not curious about this elder.

The first thing that caught his attention was the 30-meter-high solid city wall outside, which was filled with the fierce Mu Nai Yin army.

Beyond the city wall, the three towering arrow towers looked like the fangs of ferocious beasts, and the dense shooting holes on them made his heart chill.

After flying into the city, a large number of houses and buildings were rehearsed in an orderly manner.

In the open space, hundreds of alchemy artillery with exaggerated size are waiting, ready to burst out a shocking blow.

Looking at the small but orderly city of dusk, the steamed bun lovers smiled wryly.

Compared to the opponent's city, his territory is simply primitive.

While harpies love forests, who wouldn't want to build a majestic city if not limited in their abilities?

Elves also like forests, but the cities of elves are famous in Aura of Age.

Under the guidance of the army taking off ahead, the harpie landed on the small square in front of the lord's mansion.

The surrounding bones, blood, dragons and tigers are watching these outsiders eagerly. As long as they dare to make a difference, they will immediately let the other party know what pain is.

Richard asked Alves to return to the back of the city wall, but he fell directly to the city wall.

Steamed bun lovers followed suit, letting the horned eagle land on the city wall.

Horned Eagle is a very favorite mount of the natural camp, with high output, small and flexible size, and not weak combat power.

After turning over from Jiaoying's back, the steamed bun lovers immediately walked to Richard's side.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a few heroes around him.

Feeling the pressure that almost suffocated him, his heart was full of disbelief.

In the arena, several A-level heroes who have aroused countless people's amazement are not even Qingqiu's full power!

In the midst of horror, suddenly Li Cha took two steps forward, and the dark Valkyrie-Fu Yin, whose side was blocked from sight, appeared in front of the steamed bread lovers.

He was stunned at first, and after seeing the figure of the other party, he opened his eyes wide, and his face showed unprecedented shock.

This is the hidden boss who cut off the live broadcast screen with one sword on the arena in the sky? ! !

This, how is this possible? !

He clearly remembered that in the live broadcast room, when the boss named Dark Valkyrie appeared, his attribute was level 15, with A-level potential.

After the live screen was reconnected, Qingqiu only had three heroes left.

At that time, he thought it was this boss who killed Qingqiu's army, and Qingqiu was defeated... Now it seems that this is not a defeat, but Qingqiu has gained a lot!

And the most difficult thing for him to understand is... Boss, can he also be subdued? ?

Mantou lovers looked at the Dark Valkyrie, only to feel that their world was about to collapse.

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He knew that Qingqiu was strong and could defeat a hundred with one hit, but he never imagined that the opponent would be so powerful that even a boss could conquer it.

This **** violates the Basic Law, right?

Are there any good people out there?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the level 16 Void Hunter hero he encountered when he attacked the monster stronghold guarding the dark spar.

The other side slaughtered his army like lambs.

That potential B-level hero is already powerful enough to make him tremble. How powerful should this potential A-level boss be?

Taking a few deep breaths, he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart, and in the end he could only look at Li Cha with a wry smile.

"Elder Qingqiu, I didn't expect you to conquer even a boss of this level..."

In admiration, he gave a heartfelt thumbs up.


Li Cha looked at the other party's expression and felt a little funny in his heart.

It seems that the Dark Valkyrie had a deep impression on the other party at the beginning.

If this guy knows about a boss like the Dark Valkyrie, he has two more, and neither of them is weaker than Fu Yin. I don't know what his expression will be?

"We'll talk about this later...what should I call you?"

"Elder Qingqiu, my forum ID is Steamed Bun Lover."

Richard laughed.

"Yes, the steamed buns are good, they are pure and white, and I like them too."

The steamed bread lover showed an ambiguous smile, and immediately felt that the two sides were much closer.

"Elder Qingqiu, let me tell you, don't look at the eagle with wings, in fact, the rest of the body is naked..."

Li Cha waved his hand.

"Cough, let's communicate privately later."

Saying that, he gestured to the World Tree seed in his hand.

"Where did you get this thing?"

When it comes to serious business, steamed bun lovers are also serious.

"I found this in an elf ruin two months ago."

"A total of ten seeds were found at that time, but the other seeds were all weathered, and only this shriveled one had properties."

Li Cha instantly thought of the ruins of the nine bronze gates, and he gained a lot from it last time.

I'll have to find time to explore it again in the future.

"Did you find any other treasures in that ruin?"

The steamed bread lover shook his head regretfully, "No, only this seed."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Steamed bread lovers said seriously.

"Elder Qingqiu, the seeds of the World Tree are too advanced. I can't use them now. I want to give them to you."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because among the 20 billion players, you are the strongest!"

Li Chahao looked at him with leisure.

"Everyone knows the sentence without merit, but what do you want?"

He doesn't believe that his charm is so great that other players can take the initiative to offer treasures.

It might be possible if it were replaced by Aboriginal people.

After all, his current charm is already very impressive with the blessing of several skills, and he won't be able to get along in the future. It's no problem to go to the NPC city to find a few noble young women to eat soft rice.

The steamed bun lovers let out a long sigh, revealing everything with a bit of bitterness.

"Elder Qingqiu, my territory is in danger now, and a strong army is urgently needed..."

In his remarks, Richard learned about the plight of steamed bread lovers.

On the main plane, the territory of steamed bread lovers is in the plains.

And there is a powerful orc force around his territory.

Orcs are tribal, outrageous and see other races as prey.

If it weren't for his weak territory, I'm afraid it would have been wiped out by the other party.

But Rao is so, with the expansion of the territory, he gradually felt the malice from the orcs.

The opponent has more than 20,000 troops, and there are also advanced arms such as flying dragons.

His territory is surrounded by each other again, and it may be swallowed up at any time.

Therefore, he needs a strong force to break the game.

The seeds of the world tree are precious.

But this thing is too advanced, he doesn't know how to use it at all.

Although I have tried countless times, there is no way to bring it back to life.

So the seeds of the world tree have become tasteless to him.

It is not a choice for him to exchange this treasure that he does not know how to use in exchange for living space, or to die of thirst in the desert with gold.

After originally planning to enter the dungeon, Bo was a big one, but the cruelty of reality made him know how weak he was.

If you don't use the seeds of the World Tree in exchange for a chance to survive, you really can only wait for death.

After listening to the steamed bread lovers, Li Cha's mood was also a little subtle.

Although the geographical environment of Dusk City is harsh, all kinds of resources are barren to an outrageous level.

But it has to be said that it is precisely because he is in the desert and there are no enemies around that he has enough room for development.

"I can trade with you, but what do you want?"

Li Chahao looked at him with leisure.

"This treasure is very precious, but as you must know, it is not priceless."

"Offer your terms, and if it's within reason, we'll do the deal."

There is a bit of longing in the eyes of the steamed bun lovers.

"Elder Qingqiu, I hope you can help me earn points. In the last dungeon, many people exchanged for powerful arms nests..."

Richard shook his head.

"In another condition, I also need a lot of points, and I need more than you."

The Blood of the Dark God and the Crown of the Dark King cost 13 million points in total, and he still has a gap of tens of millions of points. It is impossible for him to give up these two pieces of equipment.

"Besides, it's too late to think about developing an army. Those orcs will still give you time to develop?"

Hearing this, steamed bread lovers couldn't help but fall into a tangle.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Guang saw the dark Valkyrie beside him.

The eyes suddenly lit up.

Indeed, as the other party said, if you just want to earn points to exchange for the development of the troop nest, it is too late.

It is impossible for the other party to give him this time.

Thinking of the frequent movements of the orcs, he took a deep breath.

I have a decision in my heart.

Staring at him with burning eyes.

"Elder Qingqiu, I will use the seeds of the World Tree in exchange for you."

Li Cha frowned.

"Help you deal with that orc force?"

"That's right!"

"Our territory is not bordering."

"I have a way to get the space teleportation scroll..."

Seeing the expectant eyes of the steamed bun lovers, Li Cha was immediately moved.

I don't want to shoot either, but he gave too much.

A seed of the World Tree, for him to shoot once.

This kind of transaction, he can do it ten times a day without getting tired.

"Yes, but let's talk about it first. If the strength of the orcs is beyond the scope of my response, then I will only be responsible for protecting your safety and your territory. If you should give up, give up."

"However, I can also promise you that I will do my best to help you."

"If your territory can't be held, I can give you a resource and start a new one."

Hearing these extremely responsible words, the steamed bun lovers immediately settled down.

He looked at Richard with gratitude.

"Elder Qingqiu, thank you."

Without hesitation, he directly handed him the World Tree seed in his hand.

After Li Cha reached out and took it, he looked at the steamed bun lovers who didn't say they would sign a contract or other guarantees.

Don't be afraid of being cheated...

But since he promised, he will do it.

This is his bottom line.

A man promises a lot of money.

When you hold it in your hand and feel it carefully, you can find that there is an extremely thin vitality in the seeds of the World Tree.

My heart settled down. UU Reading

This kind of treasure is hard to come by, and even if it is a seed without vitality, it has unlimited value.

At this moment, the black gold system suddenly lit up a prompt.

"The shriveled world tree seeds are now withered, 1. You can use the water of life to irrigate them to restore their vitality."

"2. It can consume 100 points of divinity to strengthen its vitality and bring it back to life."

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and after reading it several times, a strong joy rose in his heart.

The value of the withered world tree species is not the same as that of the intact one.

Black gold system, eternal god!

He didn't know what the water of life was, but divinity...Richard turned his head and glanced at Renee, the soul of divinity with a somewhat illusory body.

The opponent has 4 points of divinity and can recover 1 point per week.

When he left the death arena, he had returned to full capacity.

With some anticipation in mind.

Summon Renee.

"Inject a drop of divinity."

The sound entered the ear of the other party and was not heard by the steamed bread lovers.

There is no need to make a statement about such a thing as divinity.

It was the first time the two met each other, and they had to be defensive.

Renee nodded, reached out to take the World Tree seed, and then the dark energy surged on her body.

The divinity in the body is poured into the seed.

After a few minutes, the Divinity on Renee's attribute panel dropped by 1 point.

At the same time, the divinity required for the World Tree seed to revive has changed from 100 points to 99 points.

Really can!

Huge surprises flooded my mind.

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