Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 335: v2 Chapter 317: 1 knife kill level 19

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↑North, the land of quicksand.

On the canopy of the ancient tree of the gods, 10 golden fruits exude a tempting atmosphere.

The temptation of the golden fruit that can enhance the potential to life penetrates into the soul, no matter how strong the will is, it is difficult to avoid it.

On the sinking quicksand, each and everyone with hideous faces rushed towards them like crazy.

The Land of Quicksand is merciless and devours these monsters frantically.

The scene of the last monster siege reappeared.

Void lickers piled up a passage with a huge number.

The influx was so large that the quicksand could not be swallowed.

The Void Licker who stepped on his companion in the back, crossed the quicksand, and began to face the ancient tree of evil.

This boss, who has reached level 14 and is one step away from transforming, once again showed his terrifying combat power.

Standing invincible.

The dry branches with the characteristics of instant death are like the twisted arms of the undead, and under the frantic swing, the sound of breaking through the air explodes.

The rushing Void Lickers kept shattering into a pool of blood mist.

A well-deserved meat grinder.

In the sky, after reaching 3,000, the highly poisonous wasps that had been strengthened as a whole started the craziest slaughter.

The venomous wasps formed a dark cloud, advancing and retreating together.

The flapping wings cut through the void like lightning, and the needles bent like razor-sharp needles.

Under the high-speed flight, it pierced through the void lickers like sharp arrows, pulling scars one after another on the bodies of these monsters.

The terrifying poison erodes into the body, and within three or two breaths, the void licker will stiffen, twitch and die...

The scene was magnificent.

But not long after the battle, Void Hunters with long tails and twisted bodies appeared around the ancient tree of gods.

These monsters are like swimming fish that can swim freely in the void, and they perceive the golden fruits that have long been locked on the canopy.

The heart is longing...

After the number of these monsters exceeded one squadron, they suddenly disappeared in place.

The next moment, on the canopy of the ancient tree of gods, hideous figures appeared one by one.


A series of Martian sputtering.

The sharp claws that could tear through steel hit the tree trunk, leaving scratches.

The distorted face of the ancient tree of the gods showed a bit of anger.

"Dirty bugs..."

The low voice sounded like a muffled thunder.

At the same time, the dry tree trunks swayed wildly like driving flies away.


The violent air-breaking sound was like a whip whipping the air.

At this moment, the Void Hunter swam in the Void extremely flexibly.

They are more than ten times more flexible than the void lickers on the ground.

Once you can't dodge in time, you can also use teleport to leave.

The ancient tree of God's Sin noticed this scene, and immediately pulled out the roots of the earth, and dozens of tree whiskers like steel whips carried out a dense attack like a web.

The number of deaths of these 14th-level brilliant units began to increase.

But the opponent was too flexible, and he was never able to kill them effectively.

After being attracted attention, the number of Void lickers also increased, and the attacks on the huge body began to become intensive.

Looking down from the sky.

The dense void monsters are like locusts crossing the border. After pulling the roots out of the ground, the terrifying tree people with a height of more than 50 meters drowned in the center.

People with intensive phobia are here, and if they look at it, they will be heartbroken.

In mid-air, the Void Hunters that swim recklessly, like hunting beasts, immediately attack when they seize the opportunity.

Every time, one scratch after another can be drawn on the ancient tree of the gods.

Countless hideous monsters are besieging an evil tree man.

This scene is like an ancient fresco on the church, which is very impactful.

If it was an ordinary boss, it might have already been submerged.

But the ancient tree of gods and sins is getting more and more brave at this moment.

Every time a void monster is killed, its corpse will be swallowed by yellow sand.

Underneath the earth, the remaining roots now grew as thin as hair, covering the entire 200 meters around the ancient tree of God's Sin.

The thin roots are like spider webs, and those corpses swallowed by the yellow sand will stick directly to the root webs.

Those roots would immediately wrap up the corpse and devour it as quickly as possible.

The devoured flesh and blood energy returned to the body of the ancient tree of gods and sins to repair the scars it received.

At the same time, increase your strength.

Use the body of the enemy to support oneself.

In the entire City of Twilight, perhaps this boss is the only one who is excited about such a battle.

The enemy is the nutrient, which makes it stronger.

And the dark energy contained in the body of the void monster is sucked by the ancient tree of gods along with the energy of flesh and blood.

The soul of this boss is changing steadily and firmly.

At the same time, the land of quicksand beneath the ancient tree of God's Sin has become more and more connected with it in the process of transformation, and there are even signs of gradually integrating into its power.

According to this trend, no one will know what kind of existence this powerful boss will transform into.

Time flies fast in high-intensity combat, the 6th hour of endless survival mode.

Of the tens of billions of players, the number of surviving players dropped to less than 100 million.

More than 99% of the copies have been cleaned up.

At this time, the players who can still stay in the dungeon are all top-level existences.

But Rao is like this, they also feel huge pressure and may be eliminated at any time.

In the 9th hour of Endless Survival Mode, there are new changes in the scene... the enemy is strengthening.

The original level 5 and 6 void lickers have become 7 and 8 existences.

The pressure on players began to skyrocket.

The number of eliminations skyrocketed again.

One hundred million, fifty million, ten million...

By the 12th hour, there were less than one million people left.

At the 16th hour, the 16th-level Void Hunter hero participated in the attack.

This ultimate move caused the number of remaining players to suddenly drop to less than 10,000...

At the 20th hour, the level of the Void Hunter hero was raised to level 17.

In less than 10 minutes, only 78 people were still walking on the survival time ranking.

The 22nd hour... The remaining number of people on the field is 2.

All the players who left the dungeon were silent when they saw the dark leaderboard.

Endless survival mode, originally thought it could survive for a while.

But I didn't expect that if I couldn't last a day, I was eliminated.

At this time, there were only two people left on the field.

That incomparably familiar ID, on top of the grey list at the moment, glowing brightly—


It's this metamorphosis again! !

And the other, an ID they had never heard of—

Bread lover.

"It's Qingqiu again!!"

"Fuck, a level 17 boss, I'm the strongest hero is a **** level 7... Guard you as a tin bucket."

"Qingqiu is so strong, I recognize it. Who is that steamed bun lover? He can actually block the attack of a level 17 Void Hunter?"


Most players are very unhappy about this, this survival mode is too unfulfilling.

They are purely the abused party.

Everyone didn't watch the show. The two people who survived on the field naturally became the center of everyone's discussion.

It's okay for Richard, everyone is mentally prepared for his pervertedness.

Only the steamed bread lover has never been heard of.

At first, the players thought that this guy would be eliminated soon.

But the time has come to 24 hours, 30 hours...the other party is still there.

This immediately caused a heated discussion.

The forum's attention was focused on steamed bun lovers.

"After 20 hours of endless mode, a level 17 Void Hunter hero appeared. Now it's 30 hours, I'm afraid it will be even more terrifying, that steamed bread lover can survive, this is definitely a big guy... ..."

"Finally there is a top player who can compete with Qingqiu, hahaha, as long as it's not the number one in Qingqiu, I can accept anyone..."


The world has been suffering from green hills for a long time.

You are reading story Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord at

Everyone was held on top of their heads by Li Cha for too long. Many people saw that someone could come out and compare with him, and they gave the steamed bread lovers the greatest encouragement.

Fortunately, there is no live broadcast at this time, otherwise the players on the forum will know the truth, and they are afraid that they will go crazy...

The steamed bread lovers looked at the various words touting him on the forum, and their mouths could not be closed with joy.

The mood is even more smooth than ever before, and once again I realize how correct the decision to hug my thighs is.

It doesn't matter if you are not strong, the key is to have someone above.

Li Cha didn't have time to pay attention to the news on the forum at this time.

He glanced solemnly around.

After 30 hours of fighting, the pressure on him from the enemy became exaggerated.

All the armies of Twilight City went into battle.

The Bone Blood Dragon and Dark Gargoyle in the back also participated.

Although the pressure brought by the ordinary Void Licker is very heavy, it is the Void Hunter hero who makes him most alert.

Level 19.

After beheading the Void Hunters of 16 and 17.

I originally thought that I would face a level 18 Void Hunter hero next.

But I didn't expect that the level of the Void Hunter hero who appeared a minute ago jumped directly from level 17 to level 19.

Although the potential is B-level, this is still the enemy that he did not dare to act recklessly when he entered the dungeon.

The opponent's powerful momentum, like a monstrous wave, swept toward the city of dusk.

Even if you are hundreds of meters apart, you can feel the pressure.

Richard's level has reached level 13, and he is the absolute leader among players.

However, it is still a full 6 levels lower than the Void Hunter hero.

Look at the level 19 Void Hero who came with three squadrons of Void Hunters.

His eyes were cold.

Although he is not able to shake this powerful boss for the time being.

However, he was never alone.

She turned slightly and looked in a certain direction.

"Fey, don't let that monster step into Dusk City."

These understated words directly determined the fate of the level 19 monster.

The Dark Valkyrie heard the order and looked at the incoming enemy.

The figure quickly floated up and came to the sky in front of the city of dusk.

He stared lightly at the Void Hunter hero who was flying fast.

The light of the sword in his hand gradually lights up...

In the eyes of the players at this time, the Void Hunter in front of him is definitely an extremely powerful boss.

The same is true in the eyes of steamed bread lovers.

Level 19! !

How exaggerated this level is! !

Even more than the strongest existence in the city of dusk, the Dark Valkyrie is a full 4 levels higher!

After seeing the other party appear, a strong sense of unease arose in the originally contented heart.

He turned his head sharply to look at Gray beside him.

"Master Gray, that's a level 19 Void Hunter!!"

"We have to get ready!"

"It's best to bring the entire army to encircle and suppress it together!"

Gray looked at the nervous steamed bun lovers without any disturbance.

"Defend the city wall. You don't need to decide other things."


The steamed bun lovers wanted to say something, but Gray had already turned his head back and continued to give orders.

He ignored his anxiety.

The hearts of the steamed bun lovers were suddenly suspended.

Dusk City is powerful, but it's a level 19 hero...why don't you pay attention to it at all? !

Although he has witnessed the 16th and 17th level Void Hunter heroes in the city of dusk.

But at this level, every time you increase one level, your combat power will increase by more than one level!

How can you be so big? !

Just when he was in a hurry.

The Void Hunter approached the Dusk City within 100 meters.

The level 19 Void hero froze, and a deep roar came out of his throat.

The Void Hunters of the three squadrons around it suddenly disappeared in place.

The next moment, a large number of hideous figures appeared beside the Dark Valkyrie.

The dense number covered the sight of the ground.


see this scene.

The pale golden eyes of the Dark Valkyrie were instantly icy cold.


The mysterious higher language is like rolling thunder blasting the sky.

The three-meter-long curved sword in his hand burst into endless brilliance.

With her as the center, the dazzling sword light burst out suddenly.

Like at this moment, the Dark Valkyrie drew her sword and slashed tens of thousands of times.

The Void Hunters who had just surrounded them suddenly felt an indescribable fear flooding into their hearts.

At this moment, the **** of death is staring at them.

He wanted to teleport away, but the brief three-second teleportation cold seemed to be as long as a century at this moment.


The sword light shatters the void.

The flower of death blooms in midair.

The Void Hunters of the three squadrons were torn apart by the fierce sword light.

Fragments of the stump fell to the ground.

None survived.

All directions are destroyed, the super A skill, with itself as the center, bursts with ten thousand swords, slashing all directions, causing indiscriminate damage to a radius of 100 meters.

After 300 Void Hunters in an instant, the Dark Valkyrie raised her eyes slightly and saw the level 19 Void Hunter hero in front of her.

The light of the sword in his hand bloomed again.

Less than a breath.

The sword light that ripped apart the world made the surrounding space distorted.

Death is approaching...

The level 19 Void Hunter hero is creepy.

Subconsciously using teleportation to leave.

But at this moment, his soul seemed to be frozen.

All skills are Between heaven and earth, there is only a dazzling sword light left.


The level 19 Void Hunter hero only felt a sharp pain hit, and he lost consciousness before he understood what was going on.

Thump~ Two corpses fell from the sky.

Level 19, it's just a knife.

Zhu Shen, Transcendent A Grade, consumes 3000 points of qi and blood to explode ten times the damage of knife qi, swing the knife within 300 meters and chop it down, and it will definitely hit the target.

on the city wall.

The steamed bread lover who was worried at first, his expression froze directly.

The eyes became very wonderful.

Second... Second kill? ! !

That's a level 19 Void Hunter! ! ! ! !

Killed by a knife? ! !

Am I **** blind? ?

Can level 19 heroes be killed too? ?

When he looked at the Dark Valkyrie again, the emotions in his heart had become unspeakable.

Shocked, unbelievable, maddening... All kinds of emotions are mixed inside.

In the end, she was deeply amazed.

He originally thought that the power of Dusk City was exaggerated enough, but at this moment, he found that he still underestimated this territory.

Killing level 19 with one knife! !

It's just like a dream.

And what made him tremble the most was a question - the Dark Valkyrie is so strong, how did Dusk City conquer the other side?

To make the Valkyrie of Darkness bow her head, doesn't it mean that the City of Twilight has more power than Valkyrie of Darkness? !

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