Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 336: v2 Chapter 318: The copy is over, exchange for the best treasure, the blood of the dark god, the king...

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"Ding~ Your subordinate, the Dark Valkyrie Fuyin, killed the 19th-level Void Hunter hero, and you got 10,000 points. Current points: 10.71 million."

As the system prompt sounded, Li Cha looked at the heroic figure holding the long and narrow sword in front of him, the cloak rattling behind him.

All eyes are satisfied.

Every time he saw the Dark Valkyrie burst into seconds, it made him feel relaxed and happy.

The 19th-level Void Hunter, when entering the dungeon, he dared not touch the terrifying existence.

But only half a month later, the other party was unable to stop even a single move in front of Dusk City.

Moreover, it is not only the Dark Valkyrie who can kill this level of hero in seconds, Fu Yin also has the same fighting power.

Void Hunter heroes of this level only appear every half hour.

Take down the most dangerous enemies, and then it's time to hunt.

The city of dusk was full of firepower, and the corpses of the Void Licking Eaters who were attacked and killed were scattered everywhere.

The scene was full of blood.

Time passed quickly, hour after hour.

This fight is definitely the most intense fight Richard has ever fought.

The units that have been resurrected in these dozens of hours alone are more than a large squadron.

Spent millions of points.

However, it was also a blessing in disguise, and the levels of all arms reached level 9 in the fierce battle.

One step away from the advanced arms.

The Bone Blood Dragon, which was born at level 10, has been upgraded to level 13.

The lethality of the A-level dragon breath is getting more and more fierce.

This endless survival battle that has no experience for other players, and even was abused to the core, at this moment, has become the city of dusk to sharpen itself and improve the welfare of its heritage.

36th hour.

The Void Licker has reached level 10.

The number of Void Hunters at level 14 also began to rise rapidly.

The skyrocketing strength of the enemy made the scene crumbling.

When Li Cha noticed this, he decisively ordered and used the alchemy cannon he had been waiting for.

The long-awaited 12th-level alchemist-Brown, the gray dwarf who came out of the underground world, waved his arms with a grin when he got the order.


next second.


The huge alchemy cannon spewed thick smoke, and beams of light suddenly shot into the air.

After a few breaths, the alchemical cannonball with gunpowder roared into the ground covered by the Void Licker.


The Thunder of the Nine Heavens suddenly exploded.

Masses of huge air waves were set off like an eighteenth-level storm.

With the explosion point of the alchemy bomb as the core, the void lickers within a range of dozens of meters were instantly torn apart.

Many Void Lickers who were close to them were directly blown up to a height of twenty or thirty meters.

When it fell to the ground again, the bones were all broken, and a pool of soft meat.

These 3-star giant cannons snatched from the underground world immediately made the void lickers feel the horror.

Every deafening sound of artillery fire represented an area being emptied.

On the forum, the players who were discussing how long Qingqiu could last were horrified.

On the points leaderboard, Qingqiu's points climbed at an exaggerated speed.

In less than five minutes, it skyrocketed by millions...

This sensational scene stunned many players.

Although I know this guy Qingqiu is perverted, he can't still have such a strong combat power after the endless survival mode has been activated for dozens of hours, right? !

Unfortunately, there is no live broadcast, no matter how incredible the heart is, you can only guess the reason out of thin air.

Fans of steamed buns have already felt numb as they watched the scene of the giant artillery clearing a piece of it with one shot.

Since coming to Dusk City, the impact on my heart has never stopped.

Just like a dream.

Strong units, strong heroes, strong defenses... none of them is a weakness.

He didn't understand at all why the City of Twilight was so powerful.

Hour 40 of Endless Survival Mode.

Seeing that the points on the panel exceeded 15 million, Li Cha had a very bright smile on his face.

Among them, at least 4 million points are contributed by the ancient tree of gods.

The boss who controls the land of quicksand attracts countless monsters in the void, and its slaughter is more crazy than the city of dusk.

Take a deep breath, eyes full of excitement.

The blood of the dark **** and the crown of the dark king... these two superb treasures have finally arrived! !

The ancient tree of the gods is about to undergo its ultimate transformation, and the second piece of the three-piece set of the king of darkness is coming soon...

After leaving the dungeon, the strength of Dusk City will definitely be exaggeratedly improved!

After the main goal was completed, Richard did not intend to stop there.

There are more than just these two treasures in the black-robed merchant...

Just when Li Cha was in a good mood, a dark force surged out in front of the lord's mansion.

After a while, an illusory figure gradually condensed into a solid body.

The other party is wearing a black robe that covers the whole body, and his temperament has an indescribable mystery.

Li Cha felt strange and turned his head.

After seeing the figure of the other party, his eyes lit up.

Black robe merchant!

After a week, the other party finally reappeared.

Turning his head to take a look at the battle situation, the two sides are still fighting fiercely and stalemate, will there be much change for a while.

Immediately, he floated up and came to the opponent's side.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome~"

In "Era of Radiance", all beings above the extraordinary are eligible to be honored as the Crown Prince.

And the black robe merchant's level is as high as level 20...

The other party raised his head slightly, the towering tip of his nose was exposed in the air, and his silver eyes were filled with indescribable light.

"Human lord, I'm very happy to trade with you again. If you want to come this time, you have prepared more points..."

Said and waved his hand.

Just like last time, 5 boxes appeared in the void.

"For each transaction, you can exchange two pieces."

When Li Cha saw the black wooden box, his breathing suddenly became a little short.

"I already exchanged one last time. It stands to reason that there should be four left. Now there are five more. It seems that the black-robed merchant can refresh these items every time."

How strong the Death Elegy Medal he exchanged last time, he has personally tested it during the battle.

This is just a treasure from the exchange of 3 million points.

With strong anticipation, let the other party open the wooden box.

The next moment, familiar treasures appeared in sight.

Horn of Doom - Scroll, Level: Forbidden Spell, 5 million points.

Sandstorm (unbound), level: 5 stars, 5 million points.

Crown of the Dark King, Level: Legendary, 5 million points.

Dark Blood, Level: Myth, 8 million points.

The last four are still there, the only difference is that a new treasure has appeared——

star necklace

Rating: 5 stars

Features: It can store 100,000 mana points and restore 10,000 points every day.

Introduction: A rare magical treasure.

Redeem points: 3 million.

This new treasure made Li Cha's eyes light up immediately.

Good stuff.

Although the star necklace is not as high as the blood of the dark gods and the crown of the dark king, it is extremely practical.

Store 100,000 mana points...

This reminded him of the magic crystal given to him by the dwarf hero, the original owner of the extraordinary hunter, in the last instance.

In the final battle, he used the tens of thousands of magic power stored in the magic crystal to cause that exaggerated landslide that buried hundreds of thousands of people.

Having tasted the sweetness, his eyes became hot.

Unlike the magic crystal that could only be used once last time, this 5-star treasure is permanent.

What limits the caster is always the upper limit of magic power.

With 100,000 magic powers, he can create an uncompromising natural disaster! !

He looked away from the starry sky necklace reluctantly, and glanced at the other pieces...all of them are good things, I want them all.

After Li Cha suppressed his inner emotions, he stretched out his hand to signal the dark blood and the crown of the king of darkness.

"Your Majesty, exchange these two pieces."

The black-robed merchant had a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Pleasant to work with...”

The voice fell, and he waved his hand.

The blood of the dark **** and the crown of the dark king floated out and came to him.

At the same time, the 15 million points on the attribute panel suddenly dropped to 2 million.

The moment he took over the two treasures, Li Cha couldn't wait to look up to the sky and laugh.

After so long, it's finally here! !

It felt like I finally got the goddess I've long admired... Excited, excited, and indescribably wonderful.

The blood of the dark gods can help the ancient tree of gods to transform, let it complete the ultimate transformation, and activate the power of gods in the body.

The Crown of the Dark King, one of the three-piece sets of the Dark King.

This treasure is in the bag, and two of the three have been collected.

As long as the third item can be obtained in the future, then these two legendary items will be promoted to demigods.

No matter what it is in "Era of Radiance", as long as it is related to God, it must be the top thing.

"One Sword"

Li Cha took a few deep breaths and couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Then he seemed to think of something and turned to look at the black-robed merchant.

"Your Excellency, according to the strength of the Void Monster's attack, the City of Twilight may not be able to support His Majesty's next visit."

"We are already the last surviving lord. If we go to other places, it will be difficult to find someone who can trade..."

"I have a ruthless request, can I ask Your Majesty to stay in the City of Dusk for a while?"

Hearing this, the black-robed merchant subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after being silent for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, then turned his head and glanced in the direction of the steamed bun lovers.

A bit of disgust appeared in his eyes.

Finally, he nodded slowly.

"You are already the last survivor. I will give you a privilege to stay here temporarily. As long as you accumulate enough points, you can trade with me at any time."

Richard was overjoyed.

Really can! !

In this way, the points he earns can be redeemed in real time, without having to wait for a long 7 days.

No matter how confident he is, at this intensity, the City of Twilight cannot last for so long.

With the promise, Richard didn't talk nonsense, and continued to return to the city wall to command the battle.

This time he was extraordinarily motivated.

Every time the reminder of getting points sounded in his ears, it would make him feel physically and mentally happy.

On the battlefield, the huge artillery has become the craziest big killer at this moment.

Even if the attack frequency is repeatedly restrained in order to maximize the damage, the points are still rising wildly.

In less than half an hour, the two million points rose to three million.

Seeing this, Li Cha did not hesitate at all, and went directly to the black-robed merchant, and exchanged the starry sky necklace with 3 million points.

The moment you wear it on your neck, you can feel its deep-sea-like magic power roaring and surging.

As long as he is willing, a single thought can use the 100,000 magic power!

In this battle, the huge artillery exploded with extremely exaggerated lethality!

The price is that the alchemy bombs that have been accumulated for a long time are consumed.

Only one shot is left as a last resort.

After losing the suppression of the alchemy artillery, the situation on the field immediately returned to its previous shaky posture.

The enemy's attack is beyond the range of Dusk City's response.

When there were more and more monsters in the void and the city wall was about to break down, the light of Richard Huangsha suddenly escaped.

Standing in the void.

His hands slowly lifted from bottom to top.

The next moment, the earth seemed to be lifted up by an invisible giant hand, and a terrifying sand wave with a width of more than 200 meters and a height of more than 50 meters appeared in everyone's sight.

Seeing the monstrous sand waves that the 30-meter-high city wall could not cover, the residents in the city were all shocked.

If attacked against them, I am afraid that the city of dusk will be submerged in an instant.

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But what makes them confident is... the figure above the sand waves, that is their master, the only ruler on this earth!

The great city master is controlling the sand waves! !

Time seemed to slow down countless times at this moment.

I don't know how many residents have engraved this picture in their souls, and they can't forget it until they are old.

Finally, in the long breath, the sand wave that climbed to its peak collapsed.


The terrifying sand waves slammed towards the front with the momentum of roaring the earth.

On the yellow sand land, the dense void monsters had no time to dodge, and were directly drowned and swallowed by the monstrous sand waves.

The scene looked down from the sky and was extremely spectacular.

Li Cha stood on the huge waves.

Controlling this natural disaster, with the most ferocious and domineering momentum, sweeping everything...

The area covered by the sand waves, the void lickers were all swallowed up.

Under the blessing of magic, in addition to its own weight, the sand waves also had a powerful impact, as if a stone mountain collapsed from a kilometer high.

The rollers of the compactor rolled over the ground.

During the surging, as long as the Void licker blocking the front is impacted, his body will immediately burst and become slag.

This scene, as if the ancient demon gods came into the world, was horrified to hear.

And Li Cha, who was standing horizontally in the air, became the body of the devil.

The steamed bun lovers in the distance widened their eyes, watching the world-wide picture of Li Cha with his own power.

Hearts are shaking.

At this moment, the impact he felt was countless times stronger than that of the Dark Valkyrie who instantly killed a level 19 Void Hunter hero.

The opponent is not an aboriginal who has existed for a long time, but a player who has been in this world for less than half a year, just like him.

One-handed control of thousands of troops.

This kind of picture has only appeared in his fantasy.

Now, it appears alive

I suddenly thought in my heart, if players on the forum saw this scene at this moment, I don't know what their expressions would be?

This is Qingqiu, the strongest among the 20 billion players!

none of them! !

100,000 magic power, like a vast sea, gave Li Cha strong support.

Let him experience a feeling of full fire.

Such a vast scene consumes more than 1000 mana points per second...

Ordinary level 13 casters, I'm afraid they can't last for two seconds.

Without this 5-star treasure, even if he had 6000 mana points, he would only be able to support it for 6 seconds under such exaggerated consumption.

But at this moment, with the starry sky necklace, he can control this natural disaster for 100 seconds!

Although it is still not long, it is enough to cause huge damage.

in this devastating catastrophe.

The earth was completely emptied.

Where the waves passed, only a blank space was left.

With a domineering attitude, Richard forcibly rushed across the 20-kilometer length of the yellow sand.

Finally, let the giant wave kill into the black earth.

The sand waves roaring in the world of filial piety rushed out of 100 meters before breaking and stopping.

When everything was still, Li Cha looked back, and a long sandy road appeared behind him...

The Void monsters that were dense just now are no longer to be seen on the sandy road.

Seeing this, Richard opened the properties panel again.

The points that have just been exchanged for the Starry Sky Necklace and have not been emptied for a long time have skyrocketed to 2 million at this time...

Under this natural disaster-like attack, the number of monsters killed cannot be counted.

Even Li Cha felt his mind sway.

This is power.

After calming down for a while, he turned his head to look at the enemies that were still coming in all around him, took a deep look at the black earth, and suddenly turned and left.

The 100,000 magic power has been used up. Next, if you want to repeat such a feat, you can only wait for the starry sky necklace to restore the magic power.

It takes 10 days to recover 10,000 points a day.

But compared to this terrifying lethality, this recovery time is nothing.

Time continues to move, the 48th hour.

It's been two full days since Endless Survival Mode started.

The casualties in Dusk City are increasing.

At the back, the points of Richard's resurrection army reached the zero point of hunting the enemy to get points.

If you continue to resurrect like this, you will enter a state of loss.

perceive this scene.

He immediately adjusted his fighting style. Except for the powerful combat units such as the Axe of the Dead and the Bone Blood Dragon, the other armies gradually gave up.

no longer resurrected.

The increase in army casualties also allowed the residents of Dusk City to directly see the cruelty of the war.

At the same time, he also knew how tragic the price Li Cha had to pay in order to protect them.

In the face of foreign enemies, people's hearts are more and more united.

Coupled with Richard's ability to continuously resurrect the army, the residents are full of admiration and trust in him.

Resurrection of life, this is the power of the gods! !

When Richard informed everyone of his decision not to revive the army, under the strong cohesion, no one was afraid.

Even in order not to leave the city of dusk, after the monsters invaded the city, these residents rushed to the battlefield with worn-out weapons.

Heroic sacrifice on the front line.

In the end, even the elderly and children took the initiative to join the fight.

Although the 2,000 ordinary residents failed to cause harm to the Void Monster, the emotion of living and dying together still made them have a strong emotion.

The sense of belonging to the City of Twilight has been enhanced once again.

Maybe it won't be long before people's hearts that have risen to 93 points will be able to reach another level.

After all the residents of Dusk City were killed, the poisonous scorpion warrior, Mu Nai Yin guardian, bandage Mu Nai Yin... Melee troops also all sacrificed.

The situation can no longer be controlled.

Even though the City of Twilight was struggling to resist, it was still breached by the Void Monster.

In less than ten minutes, the city of dusk was completely destroyed by the rushing in of the void lickers.

Buildings crumbled, houses collapsed... All the hard work came to nothing at this moment.

This guy, a steamed bun lover, ended his career of hugging his thighs amid the overwhelming monsters.

Tears became the second longest surviving time, the old man in the eyes of the players.

Watch the monsters wreaking havoc in Twilight City.

In the sky, Li Cha, who was still fighting with the flying units, felt empty in his heart.

Even if you know that you leave the copy, all of this can be recovered at the cost of points.

But his inner emotions were still uncontrollable.

He couldn't imagine if one day, the City of Twilight would really face such a powerful enemy.

Can he keep it?

There was some confusion in his eyes.

But in just a moment, he suppressed his inner emotions.

Eyes firm.

This time, it must be the last time.

The city of dusk will never fall again!

After calming down, looking at the picture below that made him worry, Li Cha frowned slightly.

He thought that after the fall of Dusk City, he would exit the dungeon directly.

But at this time, there was no hint of the failure of defending the city.

With a thought, his eyes turned to the direction of the ancient tree of gods.

Is it because of this boss, or because he is still alive?

As his thoughts turned, he ordered immediately.

"Everyone retreats to the land of quicksand."

The ancient tree of the gods is still fighting, and he is still alive, and the city of dusk has not fallen.

After adjusting their mentality, the army immediately turned its direction and headed towards the north, where monsters were the rarest.

The black-robed merchant in Dusk City flew into the sky the moment the city was captured.

The Void Hunter didn't seem to notice his existence and ignored him directly.

The black-robed businessman looked at Li Cha's back, hesitated for a moment, and continued to follow.

As long as the other party is not killed, the transaction can undoubtedly continue.


At this moment, the ancient tree of gods and sins in the center, after swallowing countless void monsters, exudes a dark aura that is exaggerated like an ancient devil.

His transformation has reached an amazing level, and it seems that he can take the last step at any time.

When Richard arrived, he saw three level 19 Void Hunter heroes attacking the ancient tree of gods.

But this boss has no fear, and while slaughtering ordinary void monsters that rush in wantonly, he resists the attack of level 19 void heroes.

The scene of the battle between the two sides was extremely explosive.

Seeing this scene, he immediately asked the army to support him.

First hunt the level 19 Void Hero.

The two top combat powers, Fu Yin and Renee, the Dark Valkyrie immediately broke out with the strongest ultimate move.

Transcendent A Skill - Punishing God.

Divine Art - Death Hunt.

Two of the three level 19 Void Hunter heroes were forcibly killed!

After Renee broke out, she was one step faster than the Dark Valkyrie, disappeared directly in place, and appeared in front of the remaining Void hero.

The elf longsword swung.

Use the terrifying space movement ability to forcibly suppress the opponent's edge.

Even if it is 5 levels higher than himself, this divine soul is not inferior.

This car turned over the dark Valkyrie, forcing the other party to enter the final state of the top existence.

The Bone Blood Dragon, riding the Dark Gargoyle's Axe of the Dead, is also participating in the battle at this moment.

Centered on the ancient tree of the gods, once again organized a resistance.

After the city of dusk was captured, the enemies from the other directions began to pour towards the land of quicksand.

Become the quicksand of the core battlefield and become the real place of death.

The quicksand that can devour everything causes the Void monster to suffer heavy casualties. If you want to cross, you can only pile it up in quantity.

As time went on, the situation became shaky again.

Level 16, 17, 18, Void Hunter heroes began to appear in batches under the leadership of level 19 Void Hunter heroes.

The Bone Blood Dragon and the Axe of the Dead can slaughter the opponent when facing the same level of troops.

But in the face of this batch of hero units, I immediately felt powerless.

A skeleton blood dragon was beheaded, and a dark gargoyle and axe of the dead were torn apart...

All the last troops were killed.

Afterwards, Gray was forcibly killed by five level 16 Void Hunters, and Gaunt was shattered by a level 19 Void Hunter...

Alves was killed by more than 20 Void heroes.

The little centaur Amireda, the boss who had not yet grown up, was overwhelmed by several squadrons of Void Hunters.

At the end of the Only Richard, Renee, the Dark Valkyrie, and the ancient tree of the gods were left on the field.

4 people are the city of dusk, and even the strongest existence in the entire player group.

Without the need for command, the battle becomes more and more arbitrary.

But no matter how powerful the existence is, there is also a time when it is exhausted.

And as time passed, the incoming enemies even began to appear in batches of level 19 Void Hunter heroes.

The system did not intend to let Dusk City continue to survive.

Facing an enemy far beyond the power of Dusk City, the lowest-ranked Richard could no longer resist.

He turned his head and glanced around, and while letting Renee take cover, before the opening of the desertification was about to disappear, he turned around and rushed to the side of the black-robed merchant in the distance.

With the fastest speed, I selected the last treasure to be exchanged - sandstorm, five stars, exchanged for 5 million points.

After putting this treasure into the system space.

10 level 19 Void Hunters appeared behind him.

Yu Guang glanced at the dark Valkyrie, the goddess Gushu and Renee who were still fighting not far away.

The tense mood suddenly relaxed.

This battle is finally over...

next breath.

A system prompt rang in the ears of all players at the same time.

"Ding~ Endless survival mode is over, Qingqiu's survival time is 53 hours and 12 minutes, ranking first and getting extra rewards."

"Ding~ the dungeon is over, all the fallen troops and destroyed territories can consume one-tenth of their own points to recover."

"The dungeon reward will start to settle... The redemption of points will start in 10 minutes..." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels , read it for free!

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