Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 339: v2 Chapter 321: Get through the dark plane, fusion of arms

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After Li Cha came to the land of quicksand, the first picture that came into his sight was the body of the ancient tree of the gods that exuded endless dark energy.

No one can ignore this terrifying existence.

It stands here, a mountain that will never collapse.

This boss, who devoured the dark energy that cannot be counted, was emitting a dim light that darkened the sunny sky.

Even from a great distance, you can feel the soul-stirring breath of the other party.

Evil life.

When you get closer, you can see the densely packed and venomous wasps constantly flying on the bare tree trunks, and the buzzing sound of their wings can be heard far away.

If you wait for the ancient tree of gods and evil to multiply 5,000 tree people, this boss will really be invincible.

After getting close to 100 meters, Li Cha realized that the ancient tree of God's Evil was five or six meters taller than before, and the trunk also became thicker.

If it continues like this, it is possible to grow into a towering giant tree with a height of 100 meters in the future.


Perceiving the familiar aura, the twisted face slowly emerged on the gray tree trunk.

After Li Cha fell into the sand, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the dark blood in the wooden box.

Before he could speak, the ancient tree of the gods became excited.

"Master, my soul is shaking..."

"The treasure in your hand is of great benefit to me."

Li Cha grinned.

This is a mythical item that can be exchanged for 8 million points, can you?

"This is a treasure that can transform your soul and activate the power of the gods in your body - the blood of the dark gods."

"I got it at a great price."

As he said that, he handed over the blood of the dark god.

"Thank you for your gift, great master!"

The ancient tree of God's evil was rarely excited.

The voice fell.


A root slowly rose from the bottom of the sand, wrapped around like a snake's tail, and then retracted to the ground after receiving the box containing the blood of God.

After a while, the boss's momentum began to gradually rise.

But just when Li Cha thought that the ancient tree of gods and evil would transform in one go, the surging breath of the other party gradually subsided.

He frowned, looking at it a little puzzled.

"Treebeard, what happened?"

The ancient tree of God's evil said hesitantly.

"Master... my soul can perceive that it is not yet time to devour this drop of divine blood."

Not yet?

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then opened the other party's property panel.

The status column above made him frown.

Status: Transmutation (transformation degree: 80%)

He thought about what the black-robed merchant said when he recommended him to buy the blood of the dark god—

The ancient tree of the gods can devour the dark energy and transform, but this transformation is not perfect.

You can wait for it to absorb enough dark energy, and in the last step, use the energy of the dark blood to activate the power of the gods in the body...

Li Cha pondered the taste.

That is to say, the transformation progress of the ancient tree of the gods must reach the full value, and the use of the blood of the dark gods can play the expected role.

Thinking of this, his face was a little ugly.

What he was most worried about at the beginning was that when he left the copy, the ancient tree of God's Sin had not completed its transformation.

To this end, he bought the blood of the dark god, and now he tells him that he can only use it when he reaches the full value...

If it really is Murphy's Law, what will happen the most is what will happen.

Li Cha touched his forehead and left the copy. Where did he go to find that special dark energy to be swallowed by the ancient tree of evil? ?

After thinking for a moment, his eyes narrowed.

Turning his head to look at the ancient tree of gods and evil, he asked with a bit of anticipation.

"Can you still perceive the tree species left in that dark plane at this time?"

The ancient tree of the gods responded immediately.

"Master, I can feel it, but the sense of connection is not as strong as it was in that plane..."

Richard breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, there is still hope.

But a new question arose, how would he open that plane?

After hesitating, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up.

Yu Guang glanced around, looking at the quiet sand around him, the power of yellow sand surged out of his body.


The quicksand not far away began to swim. After a few breaths, more than ten sandworms that had grown to twenty meters broke through the ground and appeared in the air.

After more than a month of growth, the sandworm cubs have begun to gradually age their skin.

The huge mouth that blooms like petals also has a strong lethality.

In this battle, these "little guys" who were still larvae secretly killed a lot of void monsters.

But what caught Li Cha's attention the most was the top-level life-the Void Sandworm, which radiated golden light and was engraved with countless mysterious patterns.

Ordinary sandworms use meat and sand as food, but Void Sandworms do not need any food and can directly devour the power of the Void to grow.

In the last dungeon, the president of the Scarlet Council, the big boss who rubbed the plane with his bare hands, appreciated the existence of the plus, and the first level was level 14.

Its power is self-evident.

But what attracted him most was the characteristic of the void life-the ability to travel freely in the void outside the main plane.

With this feature, it is just a trivial matter to open up the connection between the two planes.

The boss of the Crimson Council told him a lot about the Void Sandworm.

The only thing that makes him hesitate now is that although the void sandworm is more than twenty meters long, it is still a larva after all.

I don't know if I have the power to pierce through the void now.

Li Cha thought about it for a while, but still called the incomparably huge Void Sandworm to him.

After the "little guy" sensed his breath, he immediately made a whining sound, and even wanted to rub his head against him.

Behaving very affectionately.

Before the eggs hatched, the 11 sandworms had their souls bound by Richard.

After hatching, in the perception of sandworms, Richard is no different from their father.

Richard ignored this, he just needed these guys to follow orders.

Slowly stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the tightly closed mouth of the Void Sandworm.

At the same time, spiritual power radiated out.

directly connected to the soul of the other party.

The consciousness of the void sandworm is still very ignorant and immature, and it is temporarily unable to communicate normally.

Li Cha tried for a long time to find a way to communicate with the other party.

Directly transmit your own thoughts to the soul of the other party through spiritual power.

Because it is the interaction of spiritual energy, it can be directly understood by the other party.

But it was so, it took him a long time to understand the Void Sandworm.

In the end, the Void Sandworm responded very happily, much like a child got an interesting toy.

Li Cha didn't talk nonsense, and let the ancient tree of gods share his link to the tree species to the void sandworm.

For the ancient tree of gods and evil that often disciplines itself, the Void Sandworm is still somewhat afraid.

Very obedient, the other party's spiritual power penetrated into his mind.

After some communication, it didn't take long for the golden light on the Void Sandworm to shine.

It's like a light bulb with a switch on it.

The surrounding space rippled like water waves in that golden light.

It seems that ordinary people can shatter space with a wave of their hands.

After the volatility reaches a certain limit.


A crisp crack sounded.

The rippling space is like glass falling from the sky and shattering, splashing up.

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An irregular space gap with a diameter of seven or eight meters appeared in front of Li Cha.

At the same time, an evil and dark infiltrating breath rushed out from the gap in the space...


Perceiving the familiar atmosphere, Li Cha's eyes widened, and a strong surprise appeared on his face!

It really did!

Void sandworms, you're awesome!

Right now, hoo~

A low roar came from the other side of the gap.

Accompanied by the chilling voice, in Richard's sight, there was a Void Hunter with sharp barbs growing on his back and sharp limbs like daggers.

Perceived an unfamiliar atmosphere.

The Void Hunter is like a shark smelling blood, rushing towards the space gap.

But when passing through the gap in space, the mutation mutated.

Bang~ The monster seemed to have hit a layer of transparent glass, and its body was violently bounced out.

Can't pass!

Seeing this, Li Cha's eyes narrowed, failed? ?

He hasn't waited for him to figure out the specific reason.

Behind the Void Hunter suddenly came the Void Lickers crawling on all fours.

The backs of these monsters are curved, and their two-meter-long tongues have ferocious barbs.

The twisted and ferocious appearance, even just a glance at it makes people feel the season.

These level 6 and 7 monsters did not encounter the same obstacles as the Void Hunter, and filed out directly.

See this ancient tree of gods.


The dry branches waved.

The terrifying power can open mountains and crack rocks, and the void lickers gushing out of the space gap were smashed into pieces before they could react.

Blood splattered all over the place.

The Void Sandworm was frightened by this sudden scene, and the energy emitted suddenly darkened, and the space gap was directly broken.

The space that was rippling just now suddenly returned to normal.

Seeing this, Li Cha immediately looked at the Void Sandworm.

The little guy's mental power escaped, and there was a bit of annoyance and apology.

After Richard comforted the other party for a while, he tried to ask if he could keep opening the space gap.

After the Void Sandworm thinks, the reply can be opened for a period of time, but it cannot last.

Richard reassured him, not to be afraid.

Afterwards, the Void Sandworm calmed down and opened the space gap again.

The same picture as before appeared before me.

After the Void Sandworm was prepared this time, it was no longer frightened by the sudden appearance of the Void Monster.

And the ancient tree of the gods said that there is no pressure on this way of killing monsters.

The tree trunk with terrifying power can easily smash the void monsters that come out.

Not one was missed.

It was not until 4 hours later that the void sandworm closed the space gap due to exhaustion.

After several hours of observation, Li Cha had a good idea.

This little guy's strength has not yet reached adulthood, and he can only open a space gap of about 7 meters in diameter with all his strength, and it will last for up to 4 hours before exhausting.

As for how long it takes for the Void Sandworm to recover, it remains to be tested the second time it is turned on.

And because the energy is not enough, the space gap can only allow Void lickers below level 8 to pass.

Void monsters higher than this level will be blocked by space barriers.

After getting the information he wanted, Li Cha was quite satisfied.

Although the time is a little short, at least the progress of the transformation of the ancient tree of gods and evil can continue to advance.

With the growth of the Void Sandworm, sooner or later, one day, it will be able to open the space gap 24 hours a day.

And the space gap can filter out high-level monsters, which makes him a big sigh of relief.

What he was most worried about was that after opening the space gap, a high-level boss that Dusk City could not deal with appeared on the dark plane. Now this hidden danger has been cut off.

As for the gods of the dark plane... Sorry, the main plane does not allow gods to appear.

If the other party uses the method of God's descent, then I'm sorry, he has the big killer of the old statue of the ancient god.

How was the clone descended from the kobold **** killed?

There is another point that makes him quite valued... After the ancient tree of the gods has completed its transformation, it can still use this gap to hunt and upgrade the monsters in the void.

In the future, it is even possible to establish a leveling point in the land of quicksand, so that the newly recruited troops can level up here.

"Fairy Wood"

Yes, this wave counts as killing birds with one stone, not a loss.

Satisfied, I touched the little guy more than 20 meters long, the Void Sandworm.

Then he told the ancient tree of gods and evil to let this boss and the void sandworm hunt the monsters of the dark plane on their own, and then stop staying too much.

If you want to reach 100% transformation level, the ancient tree of gods and evil still has a long way to go.

There are so many monsters in the dungeon, it is difficult to meet its huge demand, and now hunting with space gaps is not something that can be solved in three or two days.

Can only wait slowly.

Returning to the city of dusk, Richard did not go to rest, but took out two treasures from the system space - a fusion crystal and a psionic gem.

Holding the heavy treasure in his hand, he went straight to the front of the army's lair in the front yard of the lord's mansion.

Looking at the troops in front of him, he couldn't help thinking.

Fusion crystals can merge two units into a single unit, and retain the characteristics of both units.

Undoubtedly a very powerful treasure.

But the number is only 3, and each one is extremely precious.

Although the level of psionic gems is as high as level 5, the number of 14 gems seems to be quite rich.

What makes Li Cha hesitate is whether to fuse the units first, or use psionic gems to improve the characteristics of the units first, and then fuse them?

First improve the characteristics and then fuse. I wonder if there will be additional improvements during the fusion?

Richard hesitated and looked at the system panel of the psionic gem.

Psionic Gem

Rating: 5 stars

Features: 1. It can strengthen a unit to the extreme, and can choose the strengthening direction independently after use.


1. Strengthening In order to strengthen the characteristics of a certain aspect of the arms itself, the characteristics that UU Kanshu does not have cannot be strengthened.

2. After use, the newly recruited troops will be strengthened.

3. Only a single characteristic of a unit can be strengthened, and it cannot be strengthened as a whole, and the strengthening process is irreversible.

4. Only the arms produced from the arms nest can be strengthened, and summons and mechanical puppets cannot be strengthened.

Anyway, there are 14 on hand, but you can use one to try the effect.

Li Cha looked at his favorite unit...the Axe of the Dead.

Take out a psionic gem and walk in front of the battle axe cabin and use it silently.

"Ding~ Please use it when starting the technology research of this unit."

When Li Cha heard the prompt, he was dumbfounded.

Saying this condition earlier is a waste of expression.

Shaking his head, he looked at the fusion gem.

Now I can only test the waters with fusion gems.

But what kind of arms should be combined together?

Focus on your own unit's nest panel.

There are a total of 9 troops recruited from the troop lair in Dusk City—

1. Scorpion Warrior, 2. Cursed Pharaoh, 3. Bandage Munayin, 4. Guardian Munayin, 5. Kuangsha Mage, 6. Sand Freezing Archer, 7. Great Axe Death Rider, 8. Dead Man's Axe , 9, dark gargoyle.

Bone Blood Dragon and Bone Demon, two crown 1-star units, need to be recruited from the corpses of dragons and demons.

There is no troop lair, so fusion is not possible.

Looking at the troop lair in front of him, Li Cha fell into contemplation.

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