Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 340: v2 Chapter 322: Powerful fusion arms - the stone statue of the dead, making a lot of money

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Among these 9 arms, except for the bandage Mu Naiyin, which was given as a gift at the beginning, the other arms were carefully selected by Li Cha.

It has a lot of potential and has the advantages of being able to get it.

Melee, ranged, cavalry, air force, spellcaster, archer, everything.

However, this does not mean that Richard is satisfied with the configuration of Dusk City at this time.

After actual combat testing, he found that not all armies performed as well on the battlefield as he thought.

There is still a lot of room for improvement and improvement.

Like a giant axe death knight.

This cavalry with a giant tomahawk is definitely not weak in combat.

But he has led the army to fight so many times, and the existence of this army has been so weak as to be pitiful.

What do cavalry need? charge!

Smash all enemies in front of you.

The fighting style of the City of Dusk has always been to use the superiority of firepower to suppress it, and then to destroy it after it has an absolute advantage.

Such tactics include the Axe of the Dead and the Sand Condensing Archer, and with the cooperation of the Air Force, they were carried out very thoroughly.

As a result, the Giant Axe Death Knight fell into an embarrassing situation.

Launching a charge from the very beginning will undoubtedly cause huge damage to itself.

But wait until later to attack, there is no difference between them.

Moreover, being used to the mobility of the flying arms, the giant axe death cavalry cannot travel long distances and maneuver, which undoubtedly makes its status in Li Cha's heart drop again.

And several other arms that do not have a high sense of existence also have similar common problems.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Cha sighed lightly.

"There's a long way to go."

"We have to adjust our thinking in the future. The most important thing to change is the configuration of the army. We must make the structure of the entire army more in line with the fighting style of City of Twilight."

"Secondly, we must also improve tactics and use all the troops, not just the air force."

"To rely too much on a single branch of the army, once an accident occurs, the consequences will be fatal."

In the dungeon, the prohibition of the sky arena puts Dusk City in an embarrassing situation.

After pondering for a long time, Li Cha retracted his thoughts and focused on his favorite weapon... the Axe of the Dead.

From the very beginning of its birth, this powerful unit has firmly occupied the top spot in Dusk City with its explosive combat power.

Even if the Bone Blood Dragon appeared, it failed to push it down.

However, as the enemies faced by Dusk City became more and more powerful, the weaknesses of this unit began to be exposed.

The mobility is not strong, and the attack distance is short, which are defects that cannot be ignored.

This fusion of arms, his first choice is the Axe of the Dead.

But, what kind of troops can be paired with the Axe of the Dead?

Thinking of this, Li Cha's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the dark gargoyle's lair.

Similarly, after getting the Dark Gargoyle Lair from the single-player copy, this unit served as the main position from the beginning, and later became a mount unknowingly.

This also shows a lot of problems.

Although the melee combat is powerful, in the face of fierce enemies, Li Cha would not normally charge them first.

Because this often results in additional losses.

He has always liked to use the smallest effort in exchange for the largest victory.

This is also the consistent fighting style of City of Twilight.

"Dark gargoyles are strong in flexible and powerful defense, especially the feature of immunity to magic, which makes this unit more valuable."

"The weakness is that he has short hands and can only fight in close combat."

"The Axe of the Dead is strong in its terrifying lethality, and its range of skills—Axe Shattering, makes it a well-deserved violent weapon."

"Weaknesses are short range, slow movement, and average survivability."

"If you can combine these two arms..."

Thinking of this, Li Cha carefully looked at the properties of the fusion crystal.

Fusion Crystal - It can fuse two types of arms, and after fusion, it will be solidified into territory characteristics, which can retain the characteristics of the two arms and be strengthened.

After the fusion is successful, you can spend rare resources to fuse all the nests of the same troops in the territory.

Restrictions: 1. The fusion failure rate of using troops of different camps is extremely high

2. Arms that are integrated with each other must have the same level and potential.

3. The fusion process is irreversible.

After thinking for a while, Li Cha made a decision without hesitation.

At present, among so many arms, only these two arms are the most suitable.

Mind a move.

The system prompt sounded silently.

"Ding~ The arms have been selected - the stone statue of the dead, the dark gargoyle, do you use fusion crystals to fuse the two arms into one arm?"


The moment to make a choice.

The fusion crystal in his hand suddenly shattered, turning into a dazzling streamer that merged into the nests of the two arms in front of him.

The next second, the two adjacent troop nests began to bloom with dazzling white light.

The already dark sky seemed to have two suns rising.

Brilliant masterpiece.

In the power of the fusion crystal, the two nests began to melt like candles approached by flames.

Richard observed very carefully, the two melted troop nests slowly flowed and intertwined, turning into a mass of jelly that was constantly wriggling.

A few minutes later, the troop nests were completely integrated into one, and the molten energy slowly condensed into a new troop nest.

It was a house made of stone, about 6 meters high.

The wall outside the stone house is still like a tomahawk wooden house, full of sharp tomahawks.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see a ferocious gargoyle phantom carved on the wall full of battle axes.

The two troop nests are combined in this special way.

After the last ray of light dimmed, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding~ The fusion of the Axe of the Dead and the Dark Gargoyle is completed, and a new army is born - the stone statue of the dead. You can recruit the newly born army from the army's lair."

Seeing this scene, Li Cha immediately became excited.

Quickly open the attribute panel of the troop lair in front of you.

Dead Man's Lair

[Level]: Brilliant 3 stars

[Recruitable troops]: Stone Statue of the Dead (Brilliant 3 Stars)

[Number of recruits]: 20

【Weekly production】: 10

[Recruitment conditions]: 100 units of gems, 100 units of crystals

[Introduction]: A troop lair that is formed by the fusion of two troop types is very rare.

Looking at the attributes of the unit's lair, Li Cha's expectations rose sharply.

The stone statue of the dead, from the name, it is known that it is a combination of two arms.

I just don't know, can the attributes of this new unit be as he wished, to achieve what he most wants to learn from each other?

With strong anticipation in his eyes, he chose to recruit.

In an instant.

A rock-like tan-grey light rose from the stone statue's lair in front of him.

That light quickly condensed in the stone house.

In the looming sight, a figure of Mohu appeared.

After a few breaths, the phantom condensed into a solid body, stepped out of the stone house, and then took off a battle axe directly from the wall.

The moment the battle axe was held in his hand, countless chains condensed out of thin air and wrapped tightly around his arm.

Statue of the dead, born.

Seeing this new unit, Li Cha's eyes lit up immediately.

It is sturdy, more than 3 meters tall, and has an indescribably fierce aura.

Behind it grew a pair of brown wings that looked like they were carved out of rock.

On the body surface of the stone statue of the deceased, pieces of stone armor like dragon scales stood out.

It was a piece of armor that grew out of the body, and it was no longer the armor he was wearing. The whole body was black and extremely sturdy.

The arms are sturdy, holding the battle axe firmly, and the chains are wrapped around it. Once the battle axe is thrown, it will definitely cause exaggerated damage.

The eyes are empty, and the fire of the soul burns in the head.

The stone statue of the dead is worthy of the name, this is a stone statue driven by the soul of the dead.

From the outside, this new unit completely inherits the physical characteristics of the Axe of the Dead and the Dark Gargoyle.

Open the properties panel.

Statue of the Dead

[Level]: Level 9

[Potential]: Brilliant 3 stars

[Skill]: Stone body of the dead (B-level, special body structure can make the stone statue of the dead immune to magic damage and instant death skills, and the piercing and armor-piercing damage received at the same time is reduced by 50%, and it can obtain the blessing of evil magic.)

Crazy Axe Killing (Class B, can throw a battle axe to attack the enemy within 80 meters, causing huge magic damage to the enemy, and at the same time can pull the battle axe through the chain on the arm, carry out continuous attacks, and have exquisite control over the battle axe.)

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Blast Shattering Axe (Class B, after the battle axe is thrown, let it explode and shatter, causing huge magic damage to enemies within 30 meters in diameter. After the battle axe shards hit the enemy, a secondary explosion will occur, with strong penetrating power, causing Physical damage, the shards have the instant-death property of the bond.)

Colossus of the Dead (Class B, can be transformed into a Colossus of the Dead, size increases by 200%, defense increases by 600%, restores 20% of health per minute, additional feature - life stealing, each attack can deal 30% of the damage Transform into own life, duration: 30 minutes, cooldown: 120 minutes.)

Iron Breaker (Class B, strength increased by 70%, battle axe sharpness increased by 70%, sturdiness increased by 70%, penetration increased by 70%.)

Extremely fast flight (Class B, the sensitivity increases by 70% and the speed increases by 70% when flying.)

[Racial Talent]: After the battle axe is broken, it can consume power to reunite, the soul is immortal, and it is immortal.

[Bond - Battle Axe]: When the battle axe is thrown, the damage caused is increased by 60%, and there is a 30% chance to trigger the instant death skill - Soul Kill, which directly executes the enemy. The higher the enemy's level, the smaller the trigger probability.

[Introduction]: A specially synthesized half-undead half-structure life with powerful attack power.

Bullshit! ! !

Li Cha's eyes were full of surprises.

The attributes of the stone statue of the dead completely inherit the characteristics of the two arms, but also make it a huge enhancement.

Six B-level skills, one racial talent, one bond, and none of them are weak.

The most important bond for Li Cha - the original skill of the Axe of the Dead is limited to a certain range to have a chance to cause instant death damage.

At this time, it has evolved to cause instant death damage as long as it is thrown, and there is no distance limit.

At the same time, the skill of Axe Crush has also been greatly strengthened.

The original axe smash is only area damage, and now there is a 30 chance to trigger the instant death feature, which is simply awesome...

The smile on his face could not be concealed.

Although it is a two-in-one, the combat power of the dead stone statue is definitely stronger than the axe of the dead and the dark gargoyle combined.

Fusion's just an artifact!

What satisfies him most is that this new unit has solidified into a territory characteristic.

In the future, as long as you get the axe of the dead and the dark gargoyle's lair, you can directly consume rare resources for fusion, no longer need fusion crystals.

This wave of blood is **** profitable.

He looked at the two fusion gems left in his hand.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth almost opened.

He took a few deep breaths to suppress his excitement.

"No, there are no good units worth synthesizing now."

"Go buy a few powerful arms and come back. You must not waste fusion crystals."

After calming down, he looked at the army's lair in front of him, waved his hand, and recruited all the stone statues of the dead.

Consumes 2000 gems and crystals each.

After the fusion, it is no longer possible to recruit with ordinary resources, only gems and crystals are two rare resources.

That is to say, the stone statues of the dead will produce 10 per week, and each lair will require 2000 units of rare resources in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Cha's excitement subsided a little.

In the future, there will be more advanced arms, and the recruitment needs alone will be an astronomical sum.

But looking at the stone statues of the deceased who were neatly arranged in front of them and had a fierce momentum.

The corners of his mouth curled up again.

With such troops, no matter how big the price is, it's all worth it!

As soon as his mind moved, the light of yellow sand surging out of his body.

Directly shrouded the new troops in front of him.

Granted them the signature skill of Dusk City - Sandification.

In this way, the stone statue of the dead has two powerful life-saving skills - the colossus of the dead and the desertification.

Its survivability is close to the level of metamorphosis.

Seeing this, Li Cha understood why the advanced arms are so durable. These skills are exaggerated one by one.

After dealing with it, he seemed to have thought of something, and opened the arms panel to take a look.

It has been seven days since the last time the level of the troop lair was upgraded.

He can continue to upgrade with the black gold system.

Seeing this, Li Cha shook his head with a wry smile. He only had more than 16 million ordinary resources left.

According to each upgrade needs 5 million, only 3 can be upgraded.

It's a long way from all promotions.

However, there are still nearly 200,000 units of rare resources.

Li Cha thought about it, first spent 5 million ordinary resources, purchased 10,000 troops' nests, and promoted the nest of a rare Axe of the Dead to Brilliant 3 stars.

Then, in the new fusion panel, fuse the remaining dark gargoyle lair with it.

"Ding~ Does it consume 5000 crystals to fuse the Axe of the Dead and the Dark Gargoyle?"

Fusion needs 5000 crystals?

Richard touched his chin, the price is not low, but compared to the attributes of the stone statue of the dead, it is completely acceptable.


The moment you make your choice.

The scene just now appeared again, and a few minutes later, the two arms merged successfully.

Richard did not hesitate, and directly recruited 20 more stone statues of the dead.

As a result, this newly born army has a full 4 squads.

The stone statues of the dead have flexible mobility and powerful attack power, as well as exaggerated defensive capabilities and survivability.

It can be described as a perfect weapon.

The only regret is that the troops that have been recruited cannot be integrated with each other.

Otherwise, the combat power of the Dusk City army will definitely increase a lot.

If you want to merge next, you must newly cultivate the dark gargoyle lair.

The two nests brought out from the single-player dungeon have been used up.

On the contrary, the Axe of the Dead exchanged 10 points for the last dungeon.

At this point, there are as many as 9 left after combining two.

Seeing that he could no longer continue, Li Cha did not hesitate.

Recruited all the output accumulated in the troop nests in the past two weeks.

In an instant, the resources of the attribute panel plummeted.

The power of Dusk City immediately soared.

Rare Arms -

Mu Nai Yin Guardian 360→390,

Axe of the Dead 380→425

Bandage Mummy Yin 84→105

Scorpion Warrior 78→85

Great Axe Death Knight 198→219

Sand Congealing Archer 400→450

Sand Mage 225→250

Curse Pharaoh 45→50

Brilliant Arms -

Dark Gargoyle 240, Axe of the Dead 70,

Statue of the Dead - 40

Heavy Swordsman 20.

Crown Arms - Bone Blood Dragon 30

A total of 204 rare arms are recruited, each with a unit price of 12,000 units of consumes 2,448,000 resources.

Plus promotion upgrades 1 Dead Axe Lair from Uncommon to Brilliant at a cost of 5 million.

The original more than 16 million resources, the remaining 8 million.

Rare resources consume gems 9000 crystals 4000,

Remaining: 41,000 gems, 46,000 crystals, 50,000 mercury, 50,000 sulfur

This is the current total resource count.

Seeing this, Li Cha couldn't help but have a headache.

Rare resources are still enough, but common resources are somewhat lacking.

At first glance, more than 8 million is a lot, but it is only enough to upgrade a troop lair...

Still poor.

At present, he has given up the method of capturing wild resource points to obtain resources.

The barren desert does not allow him to develop like this.

The main source of income before, hunting, also because of the increased thirst for resources in Dusk City, its role has gradually diminished.

If it is not for the development of the underground world, I am afraid that the resources will be blocked for a long time.

At present, if you want to earn enough resources for the development of Dusk City, you still have to start from the underground world and establish the business system of Dusk City.

The difficulty of earning resources through trade is far greater than hunting.

As for commerce... The treasures he has now are enough to cultivate the industry of Dusk City.

Seven or eight resource treasures are waiting to be placed, as well as dark crystals that can increase potential, plus enhanced crystals that can directly upgrade hero skills to super A-level.

These are top treasures that can enhance the foundation.

When used in farming, Richard has absolute confidence that Dusk City can take off. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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