Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 365: v2 Chapter 347: Master-level alchemist, the words are not amazing

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After a long time, Li Cha broke away from the excitement.

The underground world that I am thinking about is in hand, and the next step is how to arrange the development.

But after thinking about it, my head hurts a bit.

With so many thoughts, he has no direction to start for a while...

While thinking hard, the soldiers at the door came to report, and Serge Bloodhoof asked to see him.

Li Cha regained his senses and called the other party in.

Searle, the controller of Bloodhoof City, trembled when he saw Richard sitting on the Golden Throne.

In a trance, the scene of seeing each other for the first time appeared in his mind.

At the time, Li Cha was only level 9.

The biggest reliance is the severely damaged extraordinary mechanical puppet.

Just three or two months.

The opponent has grown to such a height that he does not need that mechanical puppet to bring him endless pressure.

He's level 15...

Take a few deep breaths and forcibly suppress your inner emotions.

Selmai stepped forward, holding his chest and salute with the utmost respect.

"Lord Richard."

Li Cha saw the change in the other party's attitude, and his mood was also a little subtle.

The original equal status of the two sides, with the rapid growth of Dusk City, is gone forever.

Strength is the only pass.

The underground world that believes in the law of the weak has magnified this rule to the extreme.

The current Bloodhoof City, no, even the entire underground world, is no longer qualified to stand up in front of him.

After a moment of silence, Richard smiled.

"No need to be courteous, Serge."

"Bloodhoof City is still an ally of Dusk City, and you, Sel Bloodhoof, are still my friend."

Searle's body trembled, and his expression became extraordinarily complicated.

Finally, he let out a long breath and held his chest again to salute.

"Thank you."

After straightening up, most of the caution in his eyes has disappeared, and his expression has become much more sincere.

He opened his mouth with a smile.

"My lord, all the cities of the grey dwarves have been taken into our possession."

"I have already sent people to gather the supplies that you didn't have time to collect before, and they will be transported to Furnace City soon."

Said his face became excited.

"Now, the underground world is completely owned by us."

"The layout for several months has finally paid off."

"Next, no one can compete with us for resources!"

Hearing this, Li Cha also had a smile on his face.

The underground world has a harsh natural environment and lacks food, but there are also resources that are envied on the surface—minerals, which are very rich.

There are a lot of thoughts, and I don't know where to start, because this sentence is suddenly a little clearer.

Think about it and ask carefully.

"Sell, tell me, what do you think about the future development?"

Next, Bloodhoof City will become his spokesman and rule the underworld for him.

It is necessary to seriously discuss future planning issues.

He couldn't let the underworld out of his control.

Serge was immediately excited.

"My lord, the most important thing for Bloodhoof City now is to restore the army of Bloodhoof City."

"In the previous war, we lost too much, and the army did not survive one out of ten."

"Now with the resources of the grey dwarves, at most three months, the troops killed in Bloodhoof City can be restored to their original state."

"Secondly, the biggest advantage of continuing to trade weapons with surrounding forces is to calm people's hearts, prevent those forces from having other thoughts, and at the same time provide sufficient supplies for Dusk City."

"After Bloodhoof City regains the power of its heyday, the third step can be taken - to pacify the underground world."

"This step is not only to conquer those chaotic areas, but also to bring all forces into the rule of Bloodhoof City."

"In the underground world, there must be no more races like the Grey Dwarves that can fight against Bloodhoof City!"

"Finally, explore and clean up the unexplored areas of the underground world, and completely control the underground world..."

Li Cha nodded and made no comment on this.

Although these arrangements may not be considered subtle plans, they can be considered well thought out.

A peaceful underground world is obviously more in line with the interests of Dusk City.

The remaining races, though diverse, are not united.

If Bloodhoof City can't even handle a piece of loose sand, then they have no value in existence.

Seeing that Richard didn't speak, Sel couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Lord Richard, what is your plan for the underground world?"

Li Cha looked at the other party's nervous eyes and smiled.

"No need to worry, what I want is a peaceful and stable underground world."

"In the future, I hope that the underground world can become a super arsenal that can produce top-level weapons and equipment under the rule of Bloodhoof City."

"Forge City, will conduct research on alchemy technology and produce alchemical weapons for Dusk City."

He said with a serious look in his eyes.

"The underground world is too small, far from where we belong."

"In the further future, I hope that Bloodhoof City can join me to fight the surface, fight with humans, undead, demons, elves, and orcs!"

"Go and conquer those powerful races, and plant the banner of Bloodhoof City all over the main plane!"

These words made Searle feel suddenly enlightened.

After the gray dwarf was overturned, he suddenly had no enemies, and he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

But at this moment, he saw a bigger goal.

Heart is filled.

The dungeon barbarians are not good beings, and they have longed for a rich surface for a long time.

There was no chance before, but now I hear Richard's expectations for him, and a strong expectation immediately arises...

Let the flag of Bloodhoof City fly in every city on the surface.

Let the mighty races of elves, men, and orcs tremble at the feet of Bloodhoof...

Thinking about that scene made him shudder.

After waiting for the other party to get excited, Li Cha continued.

"But before that, we still need to calm down the underground world. We need to have a stable rear."

"At the same time, Bloodhoof City has to become strong enough!"

"The enemy on the surface is a million times stronger than the underground world!"

As he spoke, his eyes took on a bit of majesty, and he stared at him.

"Two months ago, Dusk City also hunted and killed the avatar of the kobold **** who came to the main plane."

"Searle, if you want to follow me to the main plane, the current Bloodhoof City is not enough."

Searle was startled.

City of Twilight...Have you hunted the clones of gods?

God, in this world, it is a stalwart existence, who dares to blaspheme?

Even slander can be judged as blasphemy, and will be hunted down by the sect.

Now, the other party actually told him that the city of dusk can kill even the avatar of the gods...

How crazy is this?

A feeling of standing still in the mountains suddenly arises.

Compared with the other party, Bloodhoof City is like a frog at the bottom of the well, and you can't see how big the sky is.

The original pride and complacency in my heart suddenly disappeared, and what I took away was a feeling of following the right person and hugging the thigh.

"Lord Richard, you can rest assured that I will use the fastest speed to completely incorporate the underground world into the territory of Bloodhoof City."

"From now on, this land will only have one voice!"

Before there were so many races, it was because the two powers were fighting for hegemony, and there was no spare energy to pay attention to those forces.

Now is the time to clear all obstacles.

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Seeing Searle leave with excitement, Li Cha also smiled.

After integrating the resources of the underground world, the power of Bloodhoof City must be able to quickly meet his requirements.

In the future, there is another power that can be used in the hand.

Even this force is stronger than the top part of the tens of billions of players.

When the Void Sand Worm becomes an adult and can stably open the door of space for a long time, you can also take the little brothers from the underground world to go outside to attack the city and loot the land.

It doesn't matter if the city of dusk is not suitable for the army of other races, it is enough to cultivate a few forces of other races...

After thinking about it, Dusk City didn't even have to shoot, and directly gave an enemy's target.

The younger brother in the underground world can drag the spoils back, and Li Cha can't help but feel good.

Some powerful beings like to support affiliated forces, and it seems that it is not without reason.

Not long after Searle left, Brown entered the main hall with a companion whose head was three circles bigger than the average gray dwarf.

"Brown sends his highest regards to the great master, the master of the underworld, the master of the city of dusk..."

The 12th-level alchemist's tone was exaggerated unique to the gray dwarf, with only one normal arm waving like a clown showing his funny face on the stage, which made people smile.

After Brown saluted, the grey dwarf with a particularly large head immediately knelt down on his knees with his head on the ground.

The posture is humble to the extreme.

A shrill voice with a bit of fear rang out.

"Great existence, Greg saluting you, may the gods bless you..."

When Li Cha heard this, he glanced at this guy curiously.

Can be brought by Brown on purpose... This is the master alchemist?

Open the properties panel.


[Level]: 15

[Potential]: Grade A

[Occupation]: Alchemist (Master level, increases the research success rate by 70%, increases the research speed by 50%, and reduces the research consumption by 50%)

[Skills]: Alchemy expert, super research, rapid production, mechanical puppet repair, blood exchange alchemy

[Heroic Features]: When entering research, increase intelligence by 50%.

[Racial Talent]: For extra love of wealth, when researching alchemy that can generate profits, the efficiency is increased by 40%.

[Bond—Alchemy]: When researching alchemy, the research success rate increases by 5% every 10 days.

[Introduction]: A rare alchemy master, maybe he can research some alchemy items that outsiders can't research.

After reading the other party's attributes, Li Cha couldn't help feeling emotional.

Master level is bullshit.

A skill that is even more exaggerated than Ander, the pearl of the city at dusk.

And the potential of this guy has also reached a powerful A-level...

The harvest of conquering the underground world this time is too rich.

In a good mood, the eyes that looked at Gregor were full of admiration.

"No need to be polite."

Let the two get up.

Richard looked at Brown.

"How are the grey dwarves settling? Has there been an accident?"

Brown responded arrogantly.

"Master, those little brats heard that the Alchemy Department will be stationed in Furnace City in the future, run independently, and be managed by you personally. They are very cooperative, and no one has any objection."

Li Cha was also a little funny when he heard that.

It seems that it is unnecessary to ask, the gray dwarves are so soft, and some people dare not say anything if they have an opinion.

"Is there anything I need to do now?"

"Not yet."

Brown hurriedly shook his head and asked Li Cha to come forward. What level of event would that be?

The grey dwarves are not trying to rebel...

Quickly changed the subject.

"Master, we are counting the alchemy production tools seized during this period, and are also restarting various departments in the furnace city."

"It is expected that in a week's time, alchemy research will be resumed."

"As long as you give us some time, you will not be disappointed!"

Li Cha frowned.

"How long does it take?"

The grey dwarves rout too quickly to cause much damage in their subsequent capture of the city.

It stands to reason that it should be able to restart in a few days.

Brown gave a wry smile.

"Those facilities haven't been destroyed, but too many gray dwarves died in battle, and it's hard to get together."

"And because of the rise of alchemy transfusion, a lot of alchemy equipment has been idle."

"So it takes time to reboot..."

Li Cha understood this.

Then I got a little bit of interest.

"Is Alchemy Exchange Blood Worth investing and researching?"

The 19th-level World Destroyer made a deep impression on him. Although he was killed, it was still very good for dealing with low-level troops.

Brown shook his head.

"The original intention of alchemy and blood exchange is to use other life forms to strengthen the body of the gray dwarves, but after the research, it has completely changed its taste and turned into creating monsters."

"However, even if we study more, can we study monsters that are stronger than the top troops of other races? It's impossible! Grey dwarves are not undead!"

"Our strongest is alchemy!"

"Our mechanical puppets are no worse than the dwarves on the surface!"

"Leave the strongest things without research, and create some stitched monsters... It's just a crooked path!"

Li Cha thought about it, and it seems that this is also the case.

Those blood-swapped and sutured monsters looked ferocious, but their combat power was completely useless.

Not to mention the level of troops compared to the stone statue of the dead, even ordinary dungeon barbarians can deal with it.

On the contrary, the mechanical puppets of the grey dwarves are very powerful.

After dispelling the idea of ​​developing in this Richard turned his gaze to the alchemist master with a very spectacular head-Geglu.

He wondered if this guy's head was swollen, otherwise how could it be so big?

It's not so exaggerated to put ten or eight catties of water into this thing.

Is it possible that the bigger the head, the smarter it is?

Does the extraordinary world make sense like this?

"Gerglu, I heard that the level 19 World Destroyer driven by the gray dwarf chief was created by you?"

Gregor answered cautiously.

"Yes, the great master."

"But that flesh-and-blood puppet is just a half-finished product. Originally, I planned to make it into an extraordinary combat power."

"Unfortunately, there are not enough materials in the end, plus that stupid idiot, forcibly ordered me to stop the production, otherwise the power will be stronger..."

Li Cha was stunned.

The 19th-level World Destroyer seems to be very bluffing, but the real combat power is not strong. He thought it was not enough to make it, but he didn't expect that there is such a secret in it.

Gregor paused for a moment after speaking, and said uneasy without seeing what Richard said.

"Great Master, Lord Brown said, you have an extraordinary mechanical puppet that is badly damaged..."

Richard's eyes lit up, this guy has a special skill - mechanical puppet repair.

"Yes, can you help me fix it?"

Unexpectedly, Gregor shook his head.

"No, my lord."

"Then what do you mean?"

Seeing that Li Cha frowned, Gregor didn't dare to sell his hand, and said quickly.

"I can make your mechanical puppet stronger, even let it have independent intelligence and become a real life..."

Li Cha suddenly stood up.

His eyes showed astonishing pressure.

"What did you say?!"

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