Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 366: v2 Chapter 348: God-blood gnome, the ice empire arrives

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Transform an extraordinary hunter into a real life...

Does this big-brained alchemist really know the meaning of this sentence?

The extraordinary hunter is a mechanical puppet! This guy wants to enter the realm of the creator and become the creator god?

The gods don't dare to say such big words, right?

Looking at Li Cha's soul-stirring serious eyes, the gray dwarf alchemist Geglu felt the pressure increased.

Although his level has reached level 15, as a life profession, his combat power may not be comparable to that of a level 8 or 9 hero.

In panic, he responded quickly.

"Yes, the great master!"

"When I made that level 19 world destroyer, I found out how to give it life..."

Li Cha frowned.


Gregor didn't dare to talk nonsense, and continued.

"Give it flesh and body with exchange blood."

"Use alchemy to integrate the souls of other lives into it, so that you can get a completely normal life!"

"This allows it to have its own fighting consciousness, and it can perfectly exert the combat power of the mechanical puppet."

"And it won't be controlled by psychic spells..."

Said with a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"As long as you can give me enough materials and resources, I have absolute certainty to successfully transform that extraordinary mechanical puppet..."

When Richard heard Gregor's explanation, he was suddenly relieved.

It turned out to be this way... just startled him.

I really thought that this guy could directly convert machinery into life.

Really able to achieve that level, the current leader of the gods should be this guy.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems a bit feasible for the other party to say so...

First create biological muscle, and then imprison the soul into it.

The 19th-level World Destroyer seems to be operating in this step.

After thinking for a moment, he said solemnly.

"The 19th-level World Destroyer body can be handed over to you for repair. After the repair is complete, you can transform it according to your own ideas."

"Show the results first, then talk about other things."

The Extraordinary Hunter is badly damaged and can't stand the toss.

Even if the opponent is a master alchemist.

Moreover, the previous level 19 World Destroyer had obvious flaws. Although the level was enough, the combat power was really nothing outstanding.

But since the other party has this idea, let him try it.

Nothing to lose.

It's really fruitful, and it's not a loss to transform the extraordinary hunter into an extraordinary combat power that can automatically fight.

Gregor was slightly disappointed when he heard the words.

Compared with the extraordinary, the 19th-level World Destroyer is only one level worse, but the real difference is not a star.

But he didn't dare to say more, and nodded immediately.

As a newcomer who has just surrendered, he is not yet qualified to ask for anything.

You can only achieve results, and after you have a status, you can talk about other things.

Figured out the key, Gregor's mood immediately improved.

Anyway, now the little life is saved.

Since he can be in charge of the research on World Destroyer, there is no need to worry about the surface lord pulling him out and cutting him.

Richard did not dwell too much on this topic.

Although the alchemy of blood exchange is very strange, in his opinion, the greatest value shown at present is to solve the problem of the seal of the **** of kobolds in Xina.

The seal was solved a few months ago, and now I know that the potential is not high, and if we continue to go deeper, the cost performance is very low.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of something, and took out a drawing from the system space.

"This blueprint is a transportation machinery manufacturing workshop, which can be used to produce vehicles. Let's see where it is suitable to build it in Furnace City."

"The city of dusk now needs a vehicle that can travel in the desert."

This is the first blueprint obtained by exchanging points for dungeons, and there has been no chance to build it.

Richard had planned to build it in Dusk City, and now it is a good choice to place it in Forge City.

This thing is a natural fit with the grey dwarves.

Driving in the desert is always a big problem.

The harsh environment is enough to give any normal life a headache.

In the future, with the development and growth of Dusk City, it will definitely start trading with the outside world.

Desert Crown Honey, Desert Crown Robes and top-tasting White Tail Brew... He already has enough products in his hands.

Commerce is not far away.

The underground world is over. He will go to Solan City on the edge of the desert to find the Luanwei Flower Merchant Association to start in-depth trade.

Business matters are very important, but they are also extremely cumbersome, and it is impossible for him to keep an eye on them all the time.

It is inevitable that it should be done by the administrative system.

Plan ahead.

If you want to get rich, you need to build a road. There is a means of transportation. It is much more convenient for you to do anything.

As for using the void sandworm to connect to the outside world, it is still unclear.

In the future, even if this void life that can open up space grows up, it will have more important tasks, and may not always be able to devote itself to the business of Dusk City.

Brown respectfully took the drawing.

"Yes, my lord."

Li Cha thought for a while, and told them about the idea of ​​using sandworms to pull the cart, and finally warned them.

"Sandworms can reach a volume of 100 meters when they are adults, which is a good source of power."

"Do your research first, and when these larvae are adults, they may just be useful..."

Gregor is quite confident about this.

"The great master, you can rest assured that at most one month, you will be able to produce a vehicle that will satisfy you."

A master-level alchemist, he still has the confidence to do so.

Li Cha looked at the other party's big head, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind, as if he had caught something.

He frowned and began to organize his thoughts, looking for the source of the aura.

After a moment, his eyes lit up.

What he had been thinking about before was to let Furnace City specially produce and develop alchemical artillery for Dusk City, and not do anything else.

But thinking about it now, since the alchemy background of Furnace City is so strong, is it a waste to do so?

Can you go to the forum to buy some valuable or player-needed alchemy items to be produced here?

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to solve the problem of excessive consumption of alchemy?

Let the grey dwarves earn money to support themselves.

Touching my chin, the more I think about it, the more I feel like it's a mess.

To study alchemy is to engage in scientific research, and it requires a lot of investment. Although there are many resources in the underground world, it may not be enough for long-term development.

If you can earn resources and satisfy your own development, it will undoubtedly save a lot for Dusk City.

The gray dwarves with top-level alchemy can be specially used to conquer key technologies for Dusk City.

The remaining low-level gray dwarves can be used to earn resources.

With tens of billions of players and such a large market, there will always be people in need, and it is impossible for everyone to be self-sufficient.

Take this idea down.

Wait until the underground world is completely settled, and then come back to operate.

Now that there is a lot to be done, let's let the furnace city resume operation.

Recovering his mind, Li Cha encouraged the two of them a few more words and let them go ahead.

In the next few days, Li Cha did not leave Furnace City, and he was in charge of the overall situation and dealt with all kinds of tedious government affairs.

It was not until September 20 that the situation had completely stabilized and there would be no more accidents, and then Richard planned to return to Dusk City.

The overall situation has been settled, and the rest is nothing more than to appease those races who are self-respecting and refuse to obey orders.

It is enough to leave these trivial matters to the now proud Bloodhoof City.

And it's not a problem that can be solved in a day or two.

Now, what he wants to do most is to take back the supplies he scavenged from the grey dwarf city and upgrade the troop lair first.

Then go to Solan City to see this NPC city that he has longed for for a long time.

And this time it wasn't just a game. How to prevent the agricultural area from being invaded by the outside world has been plaguing him.

"First Evolution"

He couldn't find a solution on the player forum, and he wanted to see how the NPC solved this problem.

After delivering some trivial matters, Richard left a team of skeleton blood dragons to obey Brown's arrangements.

Then he led the remaining army and returned to the City of Twilight with the extremely rich spoils of war.

In the huge underground world, only Richard's legendary deeds are circulating...

Tens of kilometers away from Bloodhoof City, under an inconspicuous hill, there are only a hundred gnomes living here.

At this time, the members of this race started an unprecedented fierce quarrel in an open space.

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There is only one topic around -

"We must go to the surface lord!"

Outside the Bloodhoof City, the old dwarf who witnessed Li Cha descended to the earth with his own eyes, now his tone was unquestionably determined.

"The gray dwarves have been wiped out, and Bloodhoof City will dominate the underworld."

"At that time, what we have to face is either surrender or destruction."

"In that case, why don't we go to the human lord to gain greater development?"

His tone became more and more excited.

"We have been silent for too long, we need a lot of resources and a better environment to restore the glory of our ancestors!!"

"This opportunity must not be missed!!"

The opponent was a young dwarf, his voice was full of dissatisfaction.

"No!! It is absolutely impossible for the surface lord to accept us!"

"If we go to seek refuge, we will be reduced to slaves!"

"Why do you believe in the **** surface humans? Those greedy and evil existences are not worthy of the trust of gnomes!"

"The glory of the ancestors? Hehe, let's talk about being alive!"

There are good reasons for both sides.

No one can convince anyone.

This debate has been going on for half a month.

From the beginning of their own expression to the current fierce quarrel, not only did they not accept each other, but the differences became more and more serious.

When the old dwarf saw this, his face grew older.

Looking at the clansmen surrounding the young dwarf, he let out a long sigh.

I made up my mind silently.

"In that case, let's divide it into two parts. If you are willing to stay, stay here. Whoever wants to leave with me will immediately pack up and leave."

These words made the atmosphere on the field a little subtle, but no one stopped him.

After a few days of fierce quarrels, the two sides have created a crack that is difficult to bridge, and it is impossible to return to the past.

In the silence, more than half of the dwarfs silently packed their things and came behind the old dwarf.

And the young dwarf also has fans around him.

Both sides looked at each other with complicated expressions, and the scene was silent.

After a long time, the old dwarf took his grandson's hand, turned around silently, and left the place where he had lived for decades with the dwarf behind him.

Towards the young gnome thinks the choice of hell.

"Grandpa, will the surface lord accept us?"

After the little dwarf left a long way, he looked back reluctantly.

The old dwarf smiled, "Yes... We are ancient dwarfs, with the blood of gods flowing in our bodies."



Exit from the two-way portal in Quicksands.

At the sight, the ancient tree of gods and evil that covers the sky and the sun is wanton slaughtering the void lickers.

Next to it, the void sandworm with a body length of more than 30 meters, at this moment, the mysterious rune on the body blooms with a bright golden light.

Supported the space gap in the void.

The Void Sand Worm and the ancient tree of God's Evil opened the door one, and the other was a big dog, and they cooperated very well.

These two top-level combat powers, any one of them can make players salivate, and even the aborigines will tremble...

Every time Richard sees this, he has a sense of success in stamp collecting.

Damn collectible.

Open the properties panel of the ancient tree of gods.

His eyes are locked on the transformation progress that he cares about the most - 92%

After half a month of hunting, this boss finally took a big step.

According to this progress, it may be possible to reach the 100% mark in early October.

Looking at the increasingly terrifying boss, his eyes were full of expectations.

I really don't know how powerful the opponent can be after devouring the blood of the dark gods and activating the power of the gods in the body...

Leave the quicksand and let the army disperse on its own.

Richard returned to the lord's mansion.

First thing first, sell all the grey dwarf troop nests obtained from the underground world.

In addition to the harvest, the total resources exceeded the 200 million mark.

unprecedented wealth.

Immediately, he promoted 9 Axes of the Dead and 9 Dark Gargoyle Troops Nests to the Brilliant Rank.

Rare promotion to glory, each need to consume 5 million resources.

This action directly consumed his 90 million units of resources.

Then it is to combine the two arms into the stone statue of the dead, and each combination requires 5000 units of crystals.

A total of 45,000 units.

After spending a lot of resources.

Li Cha looked at the troop lair with the 11 stone statues of the dead in front of him, and his heart was full.

11 brilliant 3-star units, which can produce 110 stone statues of the dead every week...

What is this concept?

Simply invincible.

This powerful arm, the combat effectiveness of a single soldier is even higher than that of the Bone Blood Dragon.

Simply a bunker.

Because it has been accumulating for two weeks without recruiting troops.

Richard recruited 220 from the 11 dead stone statues dens.

Add in the original 6 squads for a total of 280, nearly three squadrons.

Overnight, this unit has formed a considerable scale.

When the statues of the dead of the 28 teams were flying in the sky of Dusk City, the smile on Richard's face never stopped.

In the death arena, if you can bring the stone statues of the deceased from these 28 teams, even if a few heroes don't take action, they can turn over an army of 30,000 players.

In addition, Richard did not hesitate to recruit all the remaining troops.

The power in his hands soared again.

Mummy Guardian 450→50

Axe of the Dead 515

Bandage Mummy 147→189

Scorpion Warrior 99→113

Giant Axe Death Knight 261→303

Sand Archer 550→650

Wild Sand Mage 295→345

Curse Pharaoh 60→70

Brilliant Arms——Dark of the Dead 70,

110 Statue of the Dead 60→280

Heavy Swordsman 20.

Crown Arms - Bone Blood Dragon 120

Earning resources and recruiting troops is a good feeling.

After some exaggerated consumption, there are still more than 100 million resources in hand.

Simply delicious.

After thinking about it, I am not in a hurry to promote these arms.

Hold off on one hand, he will go to Solan City in two days, and he can go to see if there are any high-level arms nests for sale in the hands of NPCs.

If there is a suitable one, buy it back, and then integrate it, and it will not be too late to improve it at that time.

This time, you can spend money openly.

That's it, Richard asked people to put down the alchemy artillery seized from Furnace City.

This time, I got more than 100 doors from the underground world.

In addition to the original, this thing is more than enough to form an artillery regiment.

And there are tens of thousands of alchemical bombs for logistics.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is enough to support a large-scale battle.

Huaxia's artillery regiment only has hundreds of artillery pieces. If Lao Li had the firepower configuration of Dusk City, Ping An City would have been razed long ago.

The only thing that made Li Cha slightly regret was that no high-level strategic equipment was found in the grey dwarves' lair.

Even the mithril necessary to repair the Super Hunter was used up in the construction of the Level 19 Destroyer.

Comfortable rest for two days, September 22nd.

After confirming that there is nothing urgent to deal with, Richard prepares to leave for the long-awaited city of Solan.

But he did not expect that before he had time to leave, a strange caravan entered the City of Dusk first.

The leader of the team made it clear that he was the eldest daughter of the Ice and Snow Empire, the Grand Duke of Frostwolf, and came to visit Dusk City on purpose...

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