Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 367: v2 Chapter 349: Shocked Rebecca, why is this territory so powerful...

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"How far is it?"

Rebecca Frostwolf was riding on the back of a dromedary, looking into the distance with a tired look.

Hurrying in the desert is definitely a double test of the body and the will.

Desolate, dry, hot, and perilous... In this environment, even a warrior with a strong mind will inevitably feel bored.

Especially in the desert of death, the inability to use flying units made it even more difficult to travel.

"Miss, it's coming soon, it's estimated to take half a day..."

A gray-haired old man beside him responded slowly.

Libe was instantly refreshed.

"It's finally here..."

The tone was like making up for a semester of classes and finally having a relaxed feeling of summer vacation.

I thought it was an easy trip. Although the desert environment was harsh, it was nothing to her who was prepared.

I never imagined that there would be so many twists and turns on the road.

For the first time, she also realized the true meaning of the name "Death Desert".

Quicksand, beasts, sand thieves, desert tornadoes, and even encountered a group of desert dragons crossing the border...

It was hard for her to imagine how the city at dusk could survive and develop in a harsher natural environment than the Ice and Snow Empire.

Moreover, it seems to be developing quite well... Otherwise, she would not have come so far.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the old man and said curiously.

"Uncle Klei, you say, is that city at dusk really as extraordinary as Onik said?"

Although she didn't think the Luanwei Flower Merchant Association would deceive her, what the other party said was too unbelievable.

The old man replied softly.

"Miss, I'll find out when I see you later."

After speaking, seeing the other party's dissatisfaction, he smiled dotingly.

She watched the other party grow up. In her heart, she was no different from her own daughter.

Without waiting for the other party to ask further questions, he was a little more serious now.

"The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is not easy, especially President Windsor."

"The other party took over the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce when he was a minor, and then used his super-strong means to grow the Chamber of Commerce to the extent that the Ice and Snow Empire, thousands of miles away, heard of it. It is nothing to describe his life experience as a legend. Pass."

"The information they disclosed may be exaggerated, but it should not be too outrageous."

As he spoke, a little doubt appeared in his eyes.

"But what I can't figure out is that, according to the news from the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, that Lord Richard, as the Lord of Divine Grace, only appeared a few months ago."

"No matter how fast the development is, it is impossible to do what the other party said..."

"There are not many lords of divine grace around the Frostwolf Territory, but the most powerful of them are just ants to us."

"What's more, the other party's territory is in the barren desert of death..."

This is what makes Rebecca suspicious.

No matter how extraordinary that lord is, he can't go beyond the rules of territory development, right?

Although the source of this news was the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, she did not fully believe it and kept a cautious attitude.

While the two were discussing, suddenly, a pathfinder guard in front drove the desert horse back quickly.

After getting closer, Rebecca found that the other party had a strong horror on his face, as if he had seen something terrifying.

I was shocked, what happened? ?

Before she could ask, the guard shouted loudly from a few dozen meters away.

"Miss... there is a sandstorm ahead!!!"

These words shocked Rebecca.

Looking up and looking into the distance.

In an instant, at the end of the line of sight, the dark clouds in the sky were slowly turning.

Because the distance is too far, it is difficult to tell whether it is a sandstorm without looking carefully.

Now that I got the report and looked again, I immediately found the difference.

Although there is still a long way to go, I can already feel that fierce pressure.

Sandstorm, the most terrifying disaster in the desert.

Even an existence of extraordinary level would not dare to say that they can pass through it safely.

The old man named Klei said in a hurry.

"How far is the sandstorm from us?"

"An estimated 50 kilometers!"

"Establish a protective wall immediately, it is impossible to run past the sandstorm..."


The whole caravan started to build defenses against sandstorms like crazy.

The sky is full of sand and dust.

Fortunately, the sandstorm doesn't move very fast.

After they built their fortifications, they still stayed on the horizon.

Everyone hid in the fortifications and waited quietly.

Ten minutes, twenty hour, two hours.

After a full 5 hours.

Rebecca looked at the still clear sky, her eyes were a little dazed... With a short distance of 50 kilometers, how come there is still no sandstorm?

After waiting for another hour, he looked around at the still motionless surroundings, and immediately got up and came out.

Called everyone over.

Eyes fixed on the soldiers who were investigating.

"Are you sure there is a sandstorm?"

"That's right, you can see it when you look at the sky..."

"Could it be that the sandstorm ended ahead?"

Rebecca breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if a few hours are wasted, it is still profitable to avoid sandstorms.

He pondered for a while.

"You send people to approach some probes to see if those sandstorms are blowing in this direction."

"Yes, miss."

After the guards left, the caravan fell into an anxious wait.

dare not leave the fortifications.

It took half an hour for the probing guards to return.

The other party's expression was extremely wonderful at the moment.


Seeing the other party's fumbling and unable to say why, Rebecca frowned.

"What exactly did you find?!"

The guard organized the language, and then said carefully.

"Miss, that sandstorm doesn't move towards us... No, that sandstorm doesn't move in either direction."

As he said that, he made some impatient gestures.

"I mean, that sandstorm is always in place and won't move."

"Can't move?!"

Rebecca looked dazed. Did she know less? ?

A sandstorm that doesn't move? ?

What are you kidding...

The old man next to him also showed a surprised expression, thought about it, and said directly.

"Go, take me to see..."

"Grandpa Klei..."

"Don't worry, since they can come back safe and sound, nothing will happen to me."

After speaking, I immediately set off with the guards.

This time I went for a longer time than the last time. After the other party returned, the gray-haired Klei was full of amazement.

"Miss, I have lived for decades, and this is the first time I have seen such a magical area. Those sandstorms really don't move around..."

Rebecca was also amused.

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Is there really such a spectacle?

Then he seemed to think of something, he hesitated.

"Onik didn't mention this area around here."

"And being so close to Dusk City, will it be..."

Klei turned his head, with some surprise in his eyes.

"Miss, are you saying that this magical sandstorm was created by the city of dusk?"

After speaking, before waiting for the other party to respond, he shook his head repeatedly.

"Impossible, if you want to control natural disasters, extraordinary powerhouses, no, legendary powerhouses can't do it!"

"How long has it been since the Lord of Divine Grace came to our world? Can he surpass the legend?"

Those words made the surrounding guards nod again and again.

After witnessing the terrifying picture with my own eyes, I realized how powerful the sandstorm was. How could this be artificially created? The other party is just an ordinary lord of divine grace. He has this ability.

It's not that they haven't seen the Lord of Divine Grace, and they are so weak that they can't be interested.

Even if this lord of divine grace is extraordinarily powerful, it is impossible to exceed their understanding...

Rebecca thought about it too, the other party really has such ability, why stay in such a harsh environment as the desert.

"Since the sandstorm won't move, let's set off. If there is an accident, it will be difficult to clean up."

"It's better to arrive at Dusk City first."


The order was given, and the caravan, which had just been hiding for several hours because of a dark cloud, set off again.

This time they far bypassed the sandstorm.

But even if it is more than ten kilometers away, you can clearly feel how terrifying the sandstorm that covers the sky and the sun.

Even when a veteran of a hundred battles is facing a natural disaster of this level.

There will also be a strong sense of powerlessness inside.


After seeing the magnificent scene, Rebecca directly denied the idea of ​​whether it was Dusk City that created the sandstorm.

It can only be attributed to the strangeness of the desert of death.

Finally, after a long circle, when half of the sun sank into the yellow sand, they reached their goal - the city of dusk.

Looking at the very conspicuous city in the desert ahead, Rebecca had a long-lost smile on her face.

This time, as long as she can get enough flame dragon rabbit fur, her plan to control the Frostwolf family will be pushed forward a lot.

"Mother, I will definitely fulfill your last wish!"

"I will definitely control the Frostwolf family!"

The eyes are full of firmness.

No matter how much you pay this time, you must achieve your goals, absolutely!

Because it is for trade.

Therefore, when the huge caravan was still some distance away from the city wall, they stopped and did not rashly break into the city gate.

After sending people to report, Rebecca looked at the territory in front of her with interest while waiting for the summons.

This city in the desert is not big, and to the Frostwolf family, it can only be described as small.

But after a few glances, she felt a little surprised.

On the top of the city, there are actually densely packed alchemy cannons.

There were so many that she felt a chill down her spine.

Judging from the energy emitted by those artillery pieces, these are all 3-star minimums.

She even sensed the existence of 4 stars...

In the city of dusk, is it still developing alchemy technology?

Continuing to look at it in surprise, the soldiers on the city wall are all mummies, which are very suitable for the characteristics of the desert.

What made her feel a little unbelievable was that the breath of these troops was several grades stronger than that of troops of the same level.

Even the strengthened units in the Frostwolf Territory are not necessarily comparable to the other side.

This is not easy.

After looking at it for a while, Rebecca was suddenly surprised.

Because in the line of sight, a group of undead giant dragons, burning with blood-colored energy, suddenly flew up.

Giant dragons, whether alive or dead, are top-level troops.

But now, this small territory actually has more than one squadron.

It's not over yet.

After those undead dragons took off, nearly three squadrons of special troops flew up.

Those soldiers were majestic, with fierce battle axes wrapped in dark red lines in their hands, and long chains wrapped around their arms.

Fluttering wings like a gargoyle.

From the empty eyes, the fire of Sen Leng's soul burst out.

These special units brought her a sense of danger, even more than the undead dragon.

When he noticed this, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

The level of these units seems to be only level 9... How can they be so strong? !

Rebecca thought it was over.

Yu Guang suddenly noticed that a large number of figures were shaking in the three towering arrow towers behind the city wall.

In a moment, several exaggerated crossbow arrows stretched out from the shooting air and slowly aimed at them.

From the magical energy surging above, it can be perceived that the level of these giant crossbows has definitely reached 5 stars...

If she guessed correctly, these heavy crossbows are used to hunt giant dragons.

Looking at the arrow thicker than her arm, she felt a chill.

If you pull the trigger, those crossbow arrows can only tear up seven or eight camels at will...

Looking at the just inconspicuous city in front of her, her extremely sharp fangs were revealed in the blink of an eye, and Rebecca subconsciously pressed the hilt on her waist.

The scalp was numb.

At this moment, she finally realized where the admiration in Onik's tone came from.

How long has it been? !

Four months or five months?

In less than half a year, that lord of divine grace has such a level of military power, how outrageous!

Waiting for Rebecca to take a breath.

Suddenly, an indescribable danger came to my mind.

It seemed that she was stared at by the **** of death.

The feeling that the blade of the blade was on her neck, and she might slash down the next moment with force, made her tremble.

At the same time, Klei, who was protecting her, the gray-haired old man's face became extremely solemn.

The breath on his body began to surge, and he was ready to take action at any time.

After Rebecca took two quick breaths, she looked up at the sky sharply.

In the line of sight, a mysterious figure appeared suspended in mid-air.

The opponent was holding a slender sword in his hand, wearing black armor, and the cloak behind him squeaked under the wind.

The most impressive thing is the pair of pale golden eyes under his helmet.

As if the falcon was hunting, piercing the eyes.

The aura on his body was like a ten thousand-zhang-high mountain pressing across his heart.

It makes it difficult to breathe.

Even if the other party didn't make a move, one could imagine how terrifying this mysterious existence was.

"Grandpa Klei..."

Rebecca turned her head and wanted to ask something, but the next second, she found out in horror...

At this moment, the old man, who had always been calm and breezy, was dripping with large drops of sweat on his forehead, but the other party didn't even dare to do the simple act of wiping his sweat.

That mysterious existence has almost collapsed before he can take action.

Aware of this scene, Rebecca was shocked, and her eyes were full of unbelievable horror.

Until this time, the owner of this territory had not yet appeared, and the army and the biggest support in her hands were all terrified.

What is hidden in this territory? !

Why, why is it so powerful? !

Grandpa Klei, a level 19 hero! !

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