Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 372: v2 Chapter 354: The shocked Rebecca, the city will eventually rise! …

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Regarding the transaction of Shirao's Brew, it was quickly negotiated with the intention of both parties.

The price of the final deal was also increased from 50 units of 1 unit of Whitetail Brew to 60 units.

For this price, Richard and Rebecca are both satisfied.

For Richard, this means that 300,000 units of rare resources can be recorded in the account every month, after deducting the production cost of 50,000 units, there are also 250,000 units of net profit, which can fully cover the resources required for the recruitment of the dead statues. .

For Rebecca, this level of wine means more than just earning resources.

She now controls the liquor sales channel for part of the Frostwolf family.

With this fine wine, it will undoubtedly make her achievements even more dazzling.

Both parties take what they need.

After talking about this matter, Li Cha continued.

"Ms. Rebecca, I will go to Solan City in two days."

"If a suitable location can be found, Dusk City will create a Chamber of Commerce in Solan City."

"In the future, you can go directly to the Chamber of Commerce in Solan City to exchange materials, and you don't need to spend a long time crossing the desert."

He suddenly thought of establishing a chamber of commerce in Solan City during his conversation with Rebecca.

In the future, the City of Dusk will not be able to keep its head down and develop trade with the outside world. It is inevitable.

The special rules of the Dead Desert will make the flying units get lost and end up in various terrifying places, so they can only travel from the ground.

But this undoubtedly increases the difficulty of doing business.

The solution is not difficult. Since you are not easy to come, why not go out of the city of dusk?

His gift gave the residents of Dusk City a very special attribute - never getting lost in the desert.

This gives Dusk City the capital to trade in the Dead Desert.

The grey dwarves are already working on desert vehicles.

When the sandworms grow up, they can conduct business on a regular basis.

If there are important supplies, it is even possible to send flying troops there.

It is a pity that the number of space treasures in "Era of Radiance" is very rare, and it cannot be popularized on a large scale, otherwise it will be easy.

When Rebecca heard this, she was quite surprised.

"Establish a chamber of commerce in Solan City? That's great..."

The long-distance trek in the desert this month has left her with a psychological shadow. If it is possible, she will never want to enter the desert again in her life.


After thinking for a while, he continued.

"Your Excellency Richard, I have a medium-sized manor in Solan City."

"If you don't mind, I hope to give it to a testimony of our friendship."

Seeing the girl's serious expression, Li Cha was filled with emotion.

As a partner, the eldest daughter of the Frostwolf family can be said to have achieved the ultimate.

Even if you deliberately find fault, you can't find anything wrong.

It is to send souvenirs, and it is to send manor, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

Not polite now.

"If so, then I will accept it."

Saying that, he raised the wine glass in his hand to signal it.

"Miss Rebecca, it's a pleasure to meet you. May our friendship, under the blessing of the Snow Goddess, last forever..."

From lady to lady, this title silently represents the closeness of the relationship between the two.

Rebecca naturally noticed this, and the smile in her eyes was equally bright.

Raise a glass.

"May the friendship last forever..."

After the two drank, the atmosphere rose a step further.

After Li Cha put down the wine glass, he looked curiously at the girl with a faint red glow on her face.

"Miss Rebecca, as the eldest daughter of Grand Duke Frostwolf, no matter how precious the Flame Dragon Rabbit is, you shouldn't come here in person, right?"

Few people are willing to suffer this kind of crime if they have to travel for a month in such a harsh environment as the desert.

With the status of the other party, there is no need to take risks at all.

Looking at the charming existence in front of her, Rebecca's eyes flashed a little bit of subtle light, after taking a deep breath, she said slowly.

"There are some things that have to be done... I want to control the Frostwolf family."

Li Cha frowned, then relaxed again.

Because the creator **** of "Ara of Radiance" is a goddess, the status of women is extremely high, and there is no idea that women cannot be in power.

But the key point is not whether Rebecca is male or female, but this kind of big family, you don't need to think about how fierce the competition is.

If you want to be the patriarch, others don't want to be?

They all have the same blood, how amazing is it that you were born a few days early? Naturally, whoever has the greatest ability will go.

Rebecca is clearly trying to make a difference...

After figuring out the other party's purpose, the girl who looked straight at him.

Shen said.

"Miss Rebecca, as a friend, I will do my best to support you."

"I'm looking forward to seeing the Frostwolf family welcome a new grand duke."

Feeling the sincerity in the words, Rebecca was stunned for a moment, and then her face was like a spring flower, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, the pressure that had been accumulated for a long time in my heart suddenly dissipated most of it.

It seems to be a particularly happy thing to be recognized by Li Cha.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, thank you, the Frostwolf family, with me, I will not be controlled by others!"

She once swore to the goddess that her mother's last wish would be fulfilled.

No one can stop it!

Li Cha also heard the determination in the girl's tone.

Thoughts began to diverge in this direction... Although the Ice and Snow Empire is far away from the desert, it would not be a bad thing to support a powerful ally.

And the two sides still have the basis for in-depth cooperation.

There are many good things in the Ice and Snow Empire...

Especially the soul scroll rewarded by the Snow Goddess, only the royal family of the Ice and Snow Empire has one.

This is currently the best solution known to enslave the Vampire Archduke in the blood coffin.

But he was unfamiliar with life, and it was too difficult to get the soul scroll.

Leaving the City of Dusk, it is unrealistic to go to the Ice and Snow Empire for a long time to plan.

However, what if it was replaced by the Frostwolf family?

As the Grand Duke's family, its status in the Ice and Snow Empire is by no means comparable.

If Rebecca can get the upper hand, after taking control of the Frostwolf family, she will do her best to help him, and she may not be able to get the soul scroll...

More importantly, the Death Desert is tens of thousands of miles away from the Ice and Snow Empire. The climate is extremely cold and the other is hot and dry. There is no contradiction between the two sides.

Even if Rebecca becomes the king of the Snow Empire in the future, it is impossible for her to do anything harmful to Dusk City.

There will be no trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Cha suddenly laughed again.

It seems that he is thinking too much... The current city of dusk does not have the strength to support the eldest daughter of a grand duke.

But it's not wrong to plan ahead, the city of dusk will eventually grow up.

The competition for the heirs of the Frostwolf Clan cannot be a short-term matter. After another year and a half, the role that Dusk City can play will inevitably become larger and larger.

Not necessarily the last feather on the scale.

Withdrew his thoughts and looked directly at the elegant girl in front of him.

Slowly speaking.

"Although Dusk City is not powerful at present, it also has its own strengths, Miss Rebecca, I don't know what you lack? If you can help, you will not refuse."

"Fairy Wood"

This remark made Klei next to him a little touched. I thought that Richard was just a polite remark just now, but I didn't expect the other party to be real...

The rays of light in Rebecca's eyes were as bright as stars, and Yan Yan said with a smile.

"Your Excellency Richard has a heart. The fact that Dusk City can provide a large amount of rabbit fur in a stable manner is the greatest help to us."

Li Cha smiled.

"It's natural."

Immediately curious.

"I don't know what Miss Rebecca is going to do with these rabbit hairs? Making thermal equipment?"

Rebecca nodded generously.

"Yes, the cold in some areas of the Ice and Snow Empire is beyond the imagination of outsiders... Except for the elements of ice and snow, almost no life can survive in those areas."

"It just so happens that some extremely cold places have ore veins that can produce top-level ores, and magical plants that are difficult to find... Although top-level equipment has the ability to keep out the cold, the cost is too expensive to popularize on a large scale. "

"On the contrary, the rabbit fur of the Flame Dragon Rabbit is very suitable for equipping ordinary troops."

"In addition, these rabbit feathers also contain powerful magic power. They are made in a special way and can be forged to reduce the damage of ice magic. The value is immeasurable..."

"I see!"

Li Cha immediately recognized the value of the flame dragon rabbit.

This thing is definitely a strategic treasure in the Ice and Snow Empire.

No wonder the other party had to come here in person from thousands of miles away.

He also felt a bit interesting in his heart. Who would have thought that the specialties of the desert would play an important role in the extremely cold regions tens of thousands of miles away.

The world is full of wonder.

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After getting the answer, Li Cha didn't ask any further questions, and changed the subject.

"Miss Rebecca, after you return to the Ice and Snow Empire, if you can, please help me find out more about the Soul Scroll."

Rebecca blinked.

"It seems that the vampire is very important to your Excellency."

"Very important."

Extraordinary power, no matter which power is placed, is the top-level existence.

For the city of dusk, it is completely equivalent to getting a nuclear weapon, and it cannot be overemphasized.

"I will go to Frost City next month, and I will ask the king to grant this treasure."

Rebecca said, with a bit of helplessness in her eyes.

"But this is a gift from the goddess. His Majesty the king may not give it. Your Excellency Richard, don't hold out your hopes."

Hearing this, Li Cha was quite touched, but he didn't expect the other party to be able to do this to such an extent.

Not easy.

Nod slowly.

"Rebecca, thank you for your help, it's best to succeed, and it won't affect anything if you don't succeed..."

The blood coffin is still there, and the vampire archduke will not be able to escape for a while.

The suffix did not include Miss and Madam, and Rebecca, who was only called by her name, was not only not unhappy at this moment, but was extremely happy in her heart.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency Richard, as friends, it's right to help each other."

Li Cha looked at the smiling and pure face, and his expression relaxed a little.

"Yes, we are friends."

Talking about this, the main issues have been discussed clearly.

Li Cha checked the time, it was almost 9 o'clock, so he ended the tea party tonight.

He waved at the maid who was looking a little sleepy in the corner, and asked the other party to take Rebecca to the guest room to rest.

Klei insisted on living with the soldiers of the caravan, and Richard didn’t care, so he was taken to the barracks.

Those 15th-level arms are arranged here.

Rebecca, led by the maid, came to the guest room on the second floor of the lord's mansion.

After some washing, Rebecca changed into plain clothes and was about to let the maid leave her to sleep when suddenly a small head appeared at the door.

Rebecca sensed the unfamiliar aura, and immediately turned to look, a shy centaur appeared in her sight.

Is this the centaur hero on the city wall?

Immediately got up, smiled and nodded.

"Good night, Ms. Centaur, Rebecca greets you."

Although it is unclear why this strange hero came here at this time, he still maintained enough courtesy.

Noble culture.

After Amelida was discovered, she walked into the room slightly awkwardly.

Then looked at Rebecca curiously.

"Good night, Sister Rebecca... Amireda sends hello to you."

A bit of excitement appeared on his face.

"You are from the Ice and Snow Empire? Father said that the Ice and Snow Empire is very cold, and there will be a lot of snow... Sister Rebecca, will it really snow in the sky? What does snow look like? ?"

Hearing that childish tone, Rebecca was a little surprised.


But seeing those eyes that were so pure that there was no trace of impurities, he seemed to have thought of something, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

"It will snow. The snow is pure white, like cotton. When the snow falls, it will cover the ground. It looks like the ground is covered with cotton..."

Longevity races such as elves often do not become adults until they are two or three hundred years old.

The centaur in front of him had a similar reason?

Looks older, but is actually still a child?

Childishness and simplicity cannot be performed by acting skills. There is no way that the attitude of a child is fake.

Emerald's eyes brightened.

"It's great, I must ask my father to take me to see the snow in the Ice and Snow Empire in the future..."

Children in arid and hot areas always have a strong curiosity and yearning for snow...

Rebecca was a little surprised.

"Father? Your father is... Mr. Richard?"

Amelida nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Father treats me the best."

Seeing that the lower body was the body of a horse, Rebecca looked a little weird.

Your Excellency Richard... Really can play.

But after thinking about it, the other party is so young, it should be impossible to have such a big daughter.

Is this centaur the adopted daughter of the other party?

It makes sense to think so.

After all, if it's your own, it's...too heavy.

After confirming that the other party was really a child, Rebecca put down her guard and started chatting with Emerida.

Not long after that, I started to like this "little guy" whose body looks like sixteen or seventeen years old, but his mental age is still four or five years old.

There was a motherly look on his face.

But the good times didn't last long. After chatting for more than half an hour, Emerida suddenly seemed to think of something, patted her head, exclaimed, and quickly stood up.

"Sister Rebecca, I almost forgot, I still have to go to class, today is Mr. Ma's class, I'm already late... Mr. Ma is strict and will slap the palm of your hand... ..."

Rebecca looked at the startled little centaur, and couldn't help crying.

"It's alright, don't be afraid, I'll go and intercede with you... That Mr. Man is your personal teacher?"

"No, Mr. Ma En is everyone's teacher... I can't stay any longer. It's going to be late later, and the square will be full of people and I won't be able to find a good seat."


Rebecca was a little surprised.

This hero with unlimited potential is taking lessons in the... square?

At this moment, I suddenly thought of what Onik said... Dusk City imparts knowledge to every inhabitant.

This is real? The other party didn't lie to him?

Immediately there was a strong interest.

"Amelida, can I go to the class with you?"

The little man nodded happily.

"Of course you can~ Mr. Ma En's class is fun..."

After receiving a positive answer, Rebecca did not delay, and with strong curiosity, led the little man downstairs together.

Walking out of the lord's mansion, I immediately found that the small square in front was already crowded with people.

Gray-haired old man, seven or eight-year-old child, forty-five-year-old aunt, calloused uncle...

This complicated personnel composition shocked Rebecca.

When she was in class, all of her companions were well-dressed and polite.

Has she ever seen such a scene?

In the dense crowd, there is a small high platform on the side of the residential house.

There was a blackened wooden board hanging on the wall, and a middle-aged man was writing something on a white stone.

After swiping and writing, the other party turned around and looked at the residents below and said loudly.

"Recognize these words today! Everyone read it to me..."

Then the middle-aged man picked up a wooden stick and pointed at one of the words, UU reading www.uukanshu. com read it out loud.

The residents below immediately opened their mouths to read.

Rebecca looked at the residents of Dusk City who were taking notes and reading carefully under the light of animal fat.

He looked stunned.

Although the reading sound is uneven, but the sound is heartfelt.

Although the teaching is so superficial, at this moment, those rough palms and old faces look like ordinary residents who work all year round.

At this moment, she seems to finally understand why this territory looks so different from beginning to end...

Because the owner of this city really treats these humble residents as individuals.

These low-level residents are placed in other territories, not to mention the qualifications to study, that is, they do not even have the qualifications to be human.

They can only be the tools of labor enslaved by the lord.

How precious is knowledge? Want to learn these tools too? dream!

Even in Frostwolf territory.

If she learns the practice of Dusk City, I am afraid that the next day, the members of the family will be turned upside down.

Knowledge that can only be mastered by nobles, are those lowly poor people also worthy? Why are they...

It was because she knew the cruelty of the rules of this world that she was so shocked when she saw the serious eyes of the humble civilians.

Perhaps, only a lord with such courage can build an amazing city in a barren desert in just a few months.

City of Dusk, Richard...

After Rebecca muttered a few times, her eyes shone with incomparably bright light.

She had never believed so firmly that the name Richard would one day resound on the main plane.

This city will eventually rise.

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