Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 373: v2 Chapter 355: Can you fly in the desert? This is the desert of death! forward…

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The next day, Richard found that Rebecca was slightly deficient at lunch, as if she hadn't slept all night.

When asked about the reason, the other party just smiled and shook his head and didn't say much.

Li Cha didn't take it too seriously, he just assumed that the other party was not used to the unfamiliar environment.

After finishing the meal, he suddenly thought that the ice and snow elf statue had not been used.

Without hesitation, he left the lord's mansion directly.

Under the curious eyes of passing residents, this 5-star treasure was placed on the small square in front of the lord's mansion.

"Ding~ Do you want to place the ice and snow elf statue here? Note: After placing it, the body will return to its original size and cannot be moved."


The moment you make your choice.

The miniature statue on the ground instantly burst into a blue light.

As if a blue sun rose from the earth.

The figure that can be played with in the hand grows quickly like a balloon.

In just a dozen or so breaths, a five-meter-tall statue rose from the ground.

The body of the statue is crystal clear and exudes a refreshing cold air.

The sculpture is of a young girl in a long skirt, her posture is smart and lifelike, like a living person.

After the statue was restored to its original appearance, the blue light surged around like a wave.

In the area where the rays of light spread, the surrounding residents who were watching the lively suddenly felt that the temperature dropped rapidly, the heat dissipated, and it was replaced by a comfortable coolness.

The people around were full of wonder and surprise.

"It's cool, that statue can withstand the temperature of the sun..."

"It's so comfortable..."

"Praise the Lord!"

"What is this, why is it so cool..."

In the hot desert, even in the second half of the night when the temperature is the lowest, the heat is unbearable.

At this moment, the temperature suddenly dropped from thirty-seven-eight degrees to twenty-five-six degrees, making everyone feel comfortable at home.

Some great nobles will prepare cool ice cubes to cool off the heat in summer, but that is a treatment only for nobles, and ordinary civilians are not eligible to enjoy it.

After the blue energy emitted by the ice and snow statue spread to the city wall, it stopped quietly, just covering the city of dusk, without any excess.

At this moment, whether it is in the street square outside or inside the building, everyone can feel the temperature dropping.

The coolness caused the residents to fall into a state of restlessness. Many people left the house in surprise and excitedly asked what happened.

It didn't take long for him to know that this was what Li Cha did, and that the city at dusk would always be shrouded in coolness in the future, the whole city became noisy.

And the voices shouting long live the lord are even more incessant.

In the sweltering heat, the air conditioner is turned on, which is simply a beautiful thing in the world.

Looking at the excited crowd, Li Cha also smiled.

The three major artifacts in summer...air conditioners, watermelons, and WIFI.

He already has an air conditioner, and he has a 3-star watermelon treasure in his hand—100 acres of watermelon fields that can be cultivated at any time.

The only regret is that there is no such thing as WIFI, but there is a forum, and it is not lonely to be able to see the wonderful speeches of sand sculpture players.

Ignoring the excited residents, Li Cha looked at the ice and snow elf statue that seemed to come to life at any time, and his mind moved.

The next second.

The azure light emitted by the statue suddenly brightened, and a stream of energy turned into a streamer and quickly condensed in the air.

After a few breaths, the sharp-eyed residents discovered that those blue energies actually condensed into a petite figure with wings.

After a moment, after the phantom was formed, everyone could see the face of the other party clearly, and everyone was immediately amazed.

so beautiful......

The mysterious existence condensed by blue energy is only 1 meter tall and looks extremely petite.

The other party was wearing a long blue dress, which shone brightly in the sunlight, very beautiful.

Behind it grows a pair of wings carved from ice and snow, like a fairy in fairy tales.

The face is even more exquisite and perfect, as cute as a porcelain doll.

The second feature of the Ice Elf Statue—

It can summon 100 ice and snow elves. The ice and snow elves have normal intelligence. When fighting, they can add magic to the army, causing negative effects such as freezing, cold, stiffness, and tremors to the enemy.

Under the control of Richard.

The energy in the sky is rapidly condensing, and after a while, 100 ice and snow elves appear in the air.

After these little guys were born, they immediately turned their big blue eyes and looked at everything in Dusk City curiously.

Some daring ones flew to the ground from time to time, watching the residents babble and say something.

These little guys are about to make the surrounding residents cute.

In addition, the coolness exuded by the other party made the surrounding people feel good about him, and they all smiled and got close to these special beings and amused them.

And those little guys didn't recognize life either. Instead, they fluttered their wings very boldly and started playing with the residents.

This scene seems to be full of the flavor of a fantasy world.

At this moment, a chubby ice and snow elf flew in front of Li Cha. The other party looked at him suspiciously with a chubby face.

The tip of his nose twitched slightly, and after smelling the breath on his body, his eyes immediately curved into crescents.


Muttering something incomprehensible like a baby in her mouth, she flapped her wings and flew to her body.

He wrapped his chubby hands around Richard's neck, rubbed his face hard against his body, and showed a satisfied smile in his eyes.

Soon, more snow elves found Richard, and then a large group of little guys swarmed and wrapped him inside.

The whole body seems to be full of fruit...

Even a little guy rode on his neck, waving his hands happily.

Li Cha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and it took a lot of effort to escape from the heavy siege.

In the end, looking at the chaotic scene, I couldn't help but have a headache.

The introduction is good, these little guys are wise, but they are all children's wisdom... it's too much.

After thinking about it for a while, he appointed 10 ice and snow elves as team leaders, who were responsible for managing other companions.

Although he couldn't understand the other party's babbling baby language, the information directly transmitted through mental power allowed these little guys to understand the meaning.

After having the captain, the chaotic situation became a little more regulated.

After these curious ice and snow elves dissipated, the Dusk City immediately added interesting scenery one after another.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding~ You have changed the living environment in the city of dusk, the comfort level has been greatly improved, the people's heart in the city of dusk is +1, and the current people's heart is 94."

Li Cha was overjoyed.

Are you raising people's hearts again? 94 o'clock?

He doesn't know how much the other players have the highest popularity in the territory, but in terms of the difficulty of upgrading, 94 points absolutely tops the game.

According to the previous rules, raising to 95 points will inevitably activate new features. I wonder what bonuses can I get?

I was quite looking forward to it.

The only pity is that after the popular sentiment reached 90 points, it became more and more difficult to improve.

If you want to raise to 95 points, I'm afraid it will take a lot of work.

And the ultimate goal—100 points, is even more difficult...

Shaking his head, he didn't hesitate much, and looked at the third characteristic of the ice and snow elf statue.

Frozen Shield.

Can condense the shield to protect the entire territory, duration: 1 hour, cooldown: 24 hours, can input magic power to the statue to extend the shield time.

This 5-star treasure, the most important thing for him is this characteristic.

It can be said to be its value.

Li Cha's face became serious.

Turning his head to look at the dark Valkyrie who was silently following him.

"You go outside the city and wait for orders."

"Yes, Master."

When the Dark Valkyrie left, the light of yellow sand escaped from Richard's body, shrouding the ice and snow elf statue.

In an instant.

The statue emits a cold energy, like a storm passing through.

Before he could blink, that energy surged to the surrounding city walls.


A crisp voice sounded.

Starting from the city wall. A translucent solid ice grows wildly.

The naked eye can't keep up with the speed at which the ice condenses.

In a few breaths, the ice shield protected Dusk City, shaped like a bowl upside down on the ground.

Looking from the inside, the sun shines on the semi-transparent ice, scattering all kinds of strange colors, which is beautiful.

5-star Treasure Condensed Defense - Frozen Shield.

Li Cha was very interested.

I don't know what the real defense is like?

Immediately let the dark Valkyrie outside the city attack the frozen shield with the strongest attack.

The next second after the command is given.

The dazzling sword light shattered the world.


The moment when the heavy shield and the sharp spear collided.

The sword light disappeared, and the ice shield shattered in large pieces, and there were dense cracks in the outermost area that was attacked, as if it would shatter in the next second.

Richard looked down and saw that the shield, which could last for an hour, suddenly dropped by 20 minutes after this blow.

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The ice and snow elf statue was even more dimmed to the naked eye.

A 5-star treasure can block the opponent's three swords at most...

He was in a delicate mood, and he didn't know whether the Dark Valkyrie was too strong or the shield was not thick enough.

A thought moved.

The magic power from the body began to be input into the statue crazily.

It didn't take long for the originally dim light to shine again.

And the broken ice in the sky began to repair quickly after receiving the support of magic.

After realizing this scene, my heart settled down.

As long as the magic power is enough, it can fully support the shield for a long time.

After getting a rough idea of ​​the defense strength, Richard let the army inside the shield attack.

What makes him quite excited is that the opponent has a considerable shield, and when attacking from the inside, the shield will not hinder the internal attack at all.

It will even inflict a certain amount of frost damage on the arrows.

I am very satisfied with this.

As expected of a 5-star treasure, it really is extraordinary.

After two days of rest in Dusk City, Rebecca came up with the idea of ​​going back in the early morning of September 25.

The established goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay.

Next, the key is how to make the Fire Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Fur more effective.

When Li Cha heard the words, he replied with a smile.

He also proposed that he wanted to give the other party a ride, and by the way, he would go to Solan City to implement the Twilight City Chamber of Commerce.

Hearing that Richard was going to walk with them, Rebecca's face was full of surprise.

"Your Excellency Richard, this is the best news I've heard today."

It's a long way, and it's been too long to travel for half a month. It's definitely a good thing to have someone to talk to.

Klein and the guards around him are all old acquaintances, and they didn't say a word on the road for a long time. It was really boring.

Li Cha didn't talk too much, and immediately summoned the army.

Rebecca planned to go to Solan City when she didn't come, but it was because the arrival of the other party delayed the time.

Going now, just in time to have company, at the same time, Rebecca promised to give him a manor, and this time it was just a handover.

He will not be polite to this rich woman who has the identity of the eldest daughter of a grand duke.

This time, Richard only intends to bring the Air Force there.

It's too time consuming to drive from the ground.

Before the grey dwarf developed a means of transportation, he wouldn't try this kind of slow-moving feeling.

The accompanying heroes are Alves, Dark Valkyrie, Renee and Sheena.

All are top-level existences.

Emerald, Gaunt, Gray, and the ancient tree of the gods stayed behind in the city of dusk.

With the ancient tree of gods and sins there, he is not worried about the safety of the city of dusk, not to mention that he has now obtained the statue of the ice and snow elf.

It really can't be beaten. Once the shield is turned on, it is enough to wait for the ancient tree of gods and evil to support it.

Half an hour later, next to the ice elf statue, the caravan brought by Rebecca was all assembled.

Everyone brought enough food and water for the journey.

Looking at the skeleton and blood dragons and the stone statues of the dead that kept coming together, the girl was a little puzzled.

Looking at this, Dusk City is planning to use flying troops to travel?


He looked at Klei.

"Grandpa Klei, Mr. Richard didn't know that the Death Desert cannot use flying units for a long time?"

That almost regular lost power, no one can resist.

Once the flight time reaches a certain limit, it will lose its mind.

For hundreds of thousands of years, countless people have thought of ways to crack them, but none of them worked.

Unless the flying troop is used by the ground army, it is not allowed to take off from the beginning to the end... But then, isn't it unnecessary to bring the flying troop?

Chris thought for a moment, then smiled.

"It is said that life living in the desert of death has a certain range of movement space, and only after leaving this range will they get lost."

"Perhaps, Mr. Richard is using flying units to send us a certain distance... Let the army return after reaching the zero point."

Rebecca suddenly nodded.

That makes sense.

Li Cha didn't know the doubts of the two. After explaining to the heroes who stayed behind, he directly asked Rebecca's caravan to put all the goods on the backs of the bone blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead.

Rebecca didn't smack any ink, and immediately ordered her cooperation.

The work efficiency of the extraordinary world is very exaggerated, and it didn't take long for those materials to be transferred.

He even brought two squadrons of level 15 troops, all sitting on the back of the stone statue of the deceased.

Rebecca and Klei were arranged to ride the Bone Blood Dragon.

After confirming that everything was ready, Richard did not hesitate to order the launch.

Under the gaze of the residents below, the army immediately spread its wings and flew.

But as soon as it flew into the air, an accident happened.

Rebecca suddenly discovered that the camels and horses of the Chamber of Commerce were still tied to the corner of the square.

Immediately in a hurry, he turned to look at Richard who was riding Alves not far away.

shouted loudly.

"Your Excellency Richard, our camels and horses are still below..."

Li Cha glanced down.

"I know."

Rebecca didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Without the horses and camels, we're afraid that our journey will be delayed exponentially..."

Claire followed suit.

"Lord Richard, although the flying unit can send us a short distance, it is too difficult to walk on foot for such a long distance behind."

"It's better to let some of the troops go down and ride on horses and camels. We will wait for them in front."

Li Cha smiled as he looked at the two who were constantly persuading them.

"Who said we were going to stop halfway?"

Rebecca and Klee looked at each other, a little dazed.

Don't stop halfway? What is that going to do? Could it be possible to fly directly...

Rebecca was shocked.

"Your Excellency Richard, don't you want to... ride a flying unit to Solan City?"

Seeing the other party nod, the girl's expression became very exciting.

Immediately said anxiously.

"Your Excellency Richard, you may not know that the Desert of Death cannot..."

Li Cha waved his hand.

"I know that flying troops fly in the desert of death and will get lost..."

Rebecca doesn't understand now.

"Then you are..."

Li Cha said slowly.

"Rebecca, this is Dusk City, that rule is for us..."


After speaking, he looked around.

"Set off!"

All the troops immediately flapped their wings and flew towards the east.

Looking at Richard who was left with only his back in the blink of an eye, Rebecca was shocked.

Na Yingwu's figure seems to have the heroic invincibility, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are not many words in com, but they weigh more than a thousand pounds.

I can't tell what it feels like at the moment.

This is the city of dusk... What a simple sentence, why is her heart trembling.

Klei was shocked more violently than Rebecca at this moment.

Not limited by the lost rules, this is simple, but there are too many things behind it.

This is the desert of death!

Over the years, no matter how many forces have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, the power of rules that cannot be broken is invalid for the city of dusk at this moment...

This means that the huge desert of death, the city of dusk can be freely shuttled...

This is the power that many forces and chambers of commerce dream of having.

In his heart, the city of dusk, which was already high in status, skyrocketed again at this time.

From stepping into this territory to leaving, he has been hit more than ten years ago.

Perhaps, some people are born extraordinary.

Klein let out a long sigh, his eyes dim.

When you go back, you must persuade Miss Rebecca to maintain a relationship with the City of Twilight. You must not miss this territory with unlimited potential.

He has an inexplicable feeling that perhaps in the future, the city of dusk can play a huge role in competing for the family heir.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Rebecca beside him, wanting to remind him a few words, but the next moment, he realized that his worry seemed a little unnecessary.

At this moment, the girl looked at the figure that had already flown far away, and there was a bright light in her eyes that had never been seen before...

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