Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 374: v2 Chapter 356: There are dragons! Arrived at Solan City, the bustling scene (5200…

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Flying in the endless desert, the sense of desolation blows.

The land of yellow sand always makes people feel heroic.

Richard, who was riding on Alves' back, was looking forward to the next journey.

Solan City.

From the day that Onik, the merchant hero of the Luan Taihua Merchant Guild, came to Dusk City, he was full of curiosity about this glorious city on the edge of the desert.

I had no chance before, but now, I finally found time.

This is also the first time he has visited an NPC city in the past half a year since he came to this world.

Although he always sees other players discussing on the forum, the information is not enough for him to form an intuitive feeling.

There are three goals for this trip to Solan City.

First, establish a chamber of commerce and open up trade with the outside world.

In the previous transaction with the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, Dusk City has always been passive, and can only wait for the other party to come actively.

Once the Chamber of Commerce is established in Solan City, the City of Dusk will take the initiative.

The benefits of having a chamber of commerce, naturally, needless to say, products that are overproduced can be actively sold, and materials that are lacking can be freely purchased.

And the most crucial point is that the resources that the aborigines now have are far incomparable to the players.

The trading forum cannot meet all the needs of Dusk City.

The second purpose...find out how to use the Plane Stone and World Tree seeds.

He originally wanted to explore how to build agricultural areas that are not disturbed by the outside world.

But after getting the solutions from other forces from Rebecca, she felt helpless.

Because the experience of those lords is useless to him... The desert is too barren and does not have the conditions of the other party.

This made him change his mind.

It is a luxury to have such level treasures as the Plane Stone and the World Tree Seed in his hand.

If he can use it, he may be able to solve this headache, and maybe he will get more.

In the system's introduction to the world tree seeds, there are clear instructions, which are enough to support a medium plane.

This made him endlessly reverie...

Third, look for treasures like the dark contract and the soul contract, and try to subdue the vampire archduke sleeping in the blood coffin as much as possible.

The existence of the extraordinary level is undoubtedly the power of nuclear weapons.

The earlier the Vampire Archduke was enslaved, the security of Dusk City would be more secure.

The soul contract of the Ice Goddess is only owned by the royal family of the Ice and Snow Empire. It is too difficult to obtain and cannot put eggs in one basket.

Thinking about this, Li Cha took a deep breath.

The desert of death and other planes will fuse this sword of Damocles, so that he always has a string.

Don't dare to take it lightly.

We can only make Dusk City stronger as soon as possible.

And the **** of kobolds lurking in the shadows is still planning how to pacify the city of dusk...

The pressure he faced was not small.

This world is not a safe world, although the current city of dusk has grown to a height that can sweep any player.

But for the aboriginal forces that have existed for an unknown number of years, the background is still too shallow.

And the inner urgency, in addition to the current situation, the uncertainty of the future also accounts for a large part of the reason.

It can be known from the information of other players that the current main plane looks very calm.

Not many large forces even collide.

But this is often the most fatal. Here, gods, abyss, undead, hell, all kinds of hidden dangers are lurking.

Judging from the game's settings, when players grow up, huge turmoil is bound to break out.

Either the abyss is broken, or the undead natural disaster, these plots are all too familiar to him.

How many times has that classic game - Warcraft, the undead natural disaster swept through...

And the fact that the Death Desert will merge with other planes in the future is even more powerful evidence.

"If you don't achieve your goal this time, after you come back, go to the place where Emerida's sealed rules are broken."

"Try how to use the world tree seeds and plane stones from the remnant soul of the god."

Among the high-level maps known so far, the place where the rules are broken is what makes Richard most excited.

The revived god, like a young girl with her skirt up to her waist, is always tempting him.

The last time I went there, the remnant soul of the **** was scared by the statue of the old **** and hid in the broken kingdom of God.

At that time, he was not sure to take down the opponent, so he didn't make a move.

Now, he has the Dark Valkyrie in his hands, Renee... and the ancient tree of gods and evils that is about to transform.

Already have the strength to go to explore the depths.

God, he definitely knows how to use the plane stone... It depends on whether he can get what he wants.

In addition to this god, the dark monarch who was imprisoned in the dungeon with extraordinary strength has always been in his heart.

By breaking through the dungeon, you can conquer the opponent... This is a huge challenge.

If you are in Solan City this time, you can get the treasure of the enslaved vampire archduke.

Then the gods of the broken land and the dark monarch in the dungeon will become meat on his chopping block.

In this situation, an extraordinary power is enough to change the current balance of power.

Richard's contemplation did not affect the army's journey.

However, because of the heavy load, the flight speed was not as fast as expected.

But the speed of nearly 150 kilometers per hour is still unattainable for ground marching.

It only took one day, and the long journey was nearly one-third of the way. This was because of the seven or eight hours of rest at night.

September 26, at noon, during the flight.

Rebecca suddenly drove the skeletal blood dragon to speed up and approach Richard, with a bit of anxiety in her tone.

"Your Excellency Richard, there is a special ore area ahead... We'd better take a detour."

When Li Cha heard this, he looked at the girl curiously.

"Ore area? What ore?"

"An ordinary glass mine, but that mine is exposed on the ground."

Li Cha looked into the distance, and under the sunlight, a bright light flickered.

"Is there any problem with this?"

Rebecca's face became serious.

"When we came, we encountered a group of desert dragons in this area..."

"The 15th-level arms of the three squadrons I carried lost nearly one squadron here."

Desert dragon? !

This familiar name made Richard suddenly think of the level 15 desert dragon he found when he first entered the single-player dungeon - The Burning Village.

He was deeply impressed by the other party's majestic figure.

It was the quick glimpse that made him make up his mind to grab a giant dragon as a mount.

Later, after getting Alves and the Bone Blood Dragon in the dungeon, his dream was fulfilled, and his obsession with the desert dragon gradually faded.

Unexpectedly, now I heard the other party's news again.

Immediately, he was a little interested.

"How many desert dragons are there? How strong are they?"

He has no interest in enslaving these normal lives that need logistical supplies, but the number of bone blood dragons needs to be expanded.

The desert is too barren, and the number of lives with dragon blood is too small, so that he has only 12 teams of bone blood dragons in his hands.

1-star crown troops, even if you recruit one more, you will earn blood.

Seeing his surprise, Rebecca was dumbfounded.

Why does the other party think differently from normal people?

That's a giant dragon!

But after the girl looked down at the skeleton and blood dragon sitting down, she realized something.

Perhaps because of these undead dragons?

It is no secret that the undead use corpses to recruit troops, and children of three to five years old know it.

"The number of desert dragons that attacked us was more than two squadrons, between levels 15 and 17, led by a dragon hero of level 17."

"Because the opponent occupies the sky, when we encounter the opponent's attack, we can only passively defend, so the loss is not small."

The Death Desert cannot fly, which is a huge restriction for outsiders who step into the Death Desert. Once they encounter an attack by an air force, they will fall into absolute passive before they start.

It is impossible to carry heavy weapons on long journeys, and the ordinary longbow is like a tickling for the dragon...

Li Cha became more and more interested.

"Those desert dragons built their nests in this mining area?"

"No, the giant desert dragons were attracted by the glass mines, and their lair is not here..."

Rebecca shook her head.

"Those who are greedy by nature love things that shine."

"The God of Creation once wanted to create the most perfect life, and put all the characteristics on the dragon."

"But the most basic rules of the world do not allow perfect life to appear, so after the goddess of creation was hidden, the dragon was infected with greedy, arrogant, lustful and other negative traits..."

Is this an ancient secret about the dragon?

Li Cha was thoughtful.

After regaining his senses, he turned to look at the sparkling area in front of him at the end of his line of sight.

"Those dragons... are they still there?"

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Rebecca nodded.

"This ore vein has just formed. Those greedy beings will definitely mine it out, and they will be entrenched for at least two or three months."

Li Cha nodded.

After marking this area on the system map, he waved his hand to the army and moved forward.

There are priorities, and now going to Solan City is the first priority, and the rest will be put aside first.

Going so recklessly now, I don't know how much time will be delayed.

If there is an accident in the middle, and a few terrifying dragons come, and Rebecca is damaged here, then the loss of Dusk City will be huge.

How much benefit can a grand duke and eldest daughter who is determined to control the family bring to Dusk City?

Seeing that Li Cha obeyed her advice, Rebecca was inexplicably happy.

The feeling of being trusted is extraordinarily comfortable.

After getting away from this dangerous area, the next journey became easier in an instant, and there was no more danger like the desert dragon on the road.

Even if some flying troops attacked in the middle, it would not be able to cause any storms, and it would be easily destroyed.

The further out you go, the lower the level of the field troops, and the level of danger gradually decreases.

I flew in the desert for three full days.

On the morning of September 28, a new icon lit up on Richard's map... Solan City.

finally reached.

"Your Excellency Richard, the city of Solan is in front! The Templar Empire is the most powerful city on the edge of the desert, and there are legendary powerhouses in it."

Richard followed Rebecca's guidance and looked forward.

I saw at the end of the desert, a city so huge that it made people tremble.

The city wall is more than 100 meters high, as thick as a mountain.

He couldn't imagine what kind of siege machinery could make a city wall of this level collapse.

Even if they are two or three kilometers apart.

It still gave him the feeling of standing under the heels of a giant beast that could devour the world.

I am extremely small.

Alves, with a wingspan of more than 30 meters, is also like an ant in front of the city.

Above the black city wall, exaggerated crossbow siege crossbows are lined up neatly.

A siege crossbow with an arrow three times thicker than an ordinary person's waist, let alone an ordinary person, even if a giant dragon came, it would be unbearable.

Every distance from the city wall, there will be a towering tower, and at the top, there are crystal **** surging with majestic magical energy.

It seems that in the next second, those crystal **** will release the forbidden spell.

Looking over the city wall, neat arrow towers stand like trees.

The arrow tower gradually rises in the style of "".

A three-dimensional firepower network is formed.

Once it encounters an enemy attack, it can instantly burst into a rainstorm-like attack.

Above Solan City, the uniform group of Pegasus cast shadows one by one on the ground.

At a glance, there are at least three brigades... all of them are level 19.

Li Cha took a deep breath.

At this moment, he truly intuitively felt the heritage and strength of the aborigines.

These forces that have lasted for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, the power they master is by no means comparable to the players at this stage.

Even if players are given three or five years to develop, it is impossible to catch up.

But after being impacted by its magnificent scene, Richard's heart became more and more determined.

He stared at this magnificent city of miracles in front of him with burning eyes.

My heart is full of fighting spirit.

One day, the city of dusk will be more trembling than this city!

When Richard stopped to observe, over Solan City, a Pegasus knight came straight towards them.

There was only one squadron in number, but the formation was so neat that it seemed as if the formation printed by a mold made people tremble, and its momentum gave people a strong sense of oppression.

The elite of the elite!

After the Pegasus Knight approached, the first one came out alone.

He glanced at the skeleton blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead with a little disgust.

The Templar Empire belongs to lawful goodness, and has always hated this kind of evil troops.

If it hadn't sensed that it belonged to the desert camp, I'm afraid that it would have already taken action.

The neutral camp will not be deliberately hostile.

After a little scrutiny, the leading Pegasus knight immediately found Richard, who was riding on Alves' back, with an extraordinary temperament.

Feel the fire of the soul burning in the dragon hero beneath him.

The originally somewhat unpleasant gaze immediately eased, revealing a kindness.

Few of the heirs of the big families in Solan City have this kind of temperament.

And the troops mounted on the undead are all level 15, with the marks of high nobles on them.

The other party is by no means a small person...

As a guard, eyesight is definitely the most important.

"Dear guest, welcome to Solan City."

"But I'm sorry to inform you that the law of Solan City stipulates that, except for heroes, no army can be brought into the city."

"You can deposit your troops in the custody yard outside the city."

Richard nodded slightly, Rebecca had already warned him before, so he was not surprised.

Basically all cities have similar regulations, unless the contribution in a certain city reaches a certain level, in order to obtain the privilege of carrying a part of the army.

After thanking him, he came to the area where the army was stored under the guidance of the Pegasus Knight.

Dozens of incomparably huge space gates stand on the ground.

Each gate of space corresponds to a separate faction, and there will be no scene where elves and demons are mixed together.

On the other side of the door of space, it leads to a half plane.

After all the troops enter, they will enter a dormant state, and the lord can wake up with a token.

This scene made Richard see the background of Solan City again.

Using one and a half planes as a parking lot is simply too arrogant...

After paying 100 units of gems, Richard temporarily stored the army inside.

The same is true for Rebecca, but she has a special token that can carry one or three squads of troops into the city.

After leaving the storage area, there was a horse-drawn carriage waiting for the arrival of guests.

From this, it can be seen that the business of Solan City has developed very prosperously.

There are all kinds of industries.

After hiring ten of the best carriages, Richard and Rebecca slowly entered Solan City.

Pass through the city gate with a depth of more than 50 meters and look out from the glass window.

The extremely prosperous scene of Solan City appeared in front of him.

One after another, domed buildings are built closely against the street, and each building is embossed with delicate patterns.

The most eye-catching thing is that the roofs of each building are painted azure blue with paint.

Unforgettable at a glance.

Dense pedestrians shuttle back and forth.

All eyes are filled with black human heads.

Li Cha looked at the crowd curiously, and soon found one player after another.

These guys are dressed in a mess. At first glance, you can tell that they are random pieces of equipment. The combination is very inconsistent, but these guys don't care, they swagger.

He could hear a few sporadic words from time to time, which made him even more emotional.

Sure enough, you are still you...

In the center of the road, the road for carriages is separated from the pedestrian road and does not affect each other.

On both sides of the street, there are countless shops and taverns covered with goods.

The carriage was driving on a road with a width of more than 100 meters, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com wheels crunched against the slate.

Rebecca and Richard shared a carriage.

The learned girl introduced him to some of the city's landmarks.

Angel reliefs, bronze statues of griffins, Pegasus sculptures... It seems that behind every striking pattern there is a fascinating story.

His aristocratic cultivation was on full display at this moment.

Li Cha listened with relish, and was not even interested in watching those sand sculpture players.

Crossing the bustling streets, the convoy drove straight to the city center.

"Your Excellency Richard, let's return to the manor first."

The breath of the opposite **** around her kept pouring into her nose, causing Rebecca's face to always have a bit of blush on her face. Once she met Li Cha's line of sight, she would turn her head subconsciously.

"Let's take a night's rest. Tomorrow we will visit the Luantail Flower Chamber of Commerce. Onik and President Windsor are still waiting for the desert crown honey you brought."

"At that time, you can also listen to their suggestions on establishing a chamber of commerce. The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is more familiar with this than me. Based on your relationship with them, I believe they are happy to help."

"The black market in Solan City will open for three days on the 1st of every month. If you are interested, we can go shopping after visiting the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce."

"Every time there are many good things in the black market, maybe there are treasures that can enslave vampires..."

Black market?

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

In normal game settings, the black market usually has special functions... I just don't know if the black market in Solan City has been broken by other players.

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