Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 389: v2 Chapter 371: The 1st Chamber of Commerce in Dusk City - Violet Chamber of Commerce

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October 5th.

In front of Violet Manor, a brand new plaque was erected.

It is wrapped in red silk cloth, which looks full of festive meaning.

The wedding is decorated with red silk, which is a custom passed down from the **** of celebration.

On the huge plaque, the Continental Common Language was engraved with striking characters - Violet Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, it is also enchanted with the word general knowledge magic, whether you know the word or not, you can understand its meaning just by looking at the big characters above.

The development of magic has allowed this world with countless races to communicate with each other smoothly.

As a result, most races have retained their own culture.

Only the Continental Common Language, the language originally left by the God of Creation, is shared by all races.

Li Cha looked at the brand new plaque and was in a good mood.

He originally planned to name the Dusk Chamber of Commerce, but after thinking about it, he felt that he lacked a bit of vigor and vitality.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce seemed more catchy and full of vitality.

After the plaque was erected, Dusk City's Chamber of Commerce in Solan City was officially established.

However, there is still only one empty shelf.

He doesn't even have anyone who manages the Violet Chamber of Commerce.

"Your Excellency Richard, congratulations, this is a new beginning."

"I believe that with the city of dusk as the backing, the Violet Chamber of Commerce will soon become a large chamber of commerce known as the Desert of Death."

Rebecca looked at Richard standing under the giant plaque with burning eyes.

The name of the Violet Chamber of Commerce was the suggestion she gave. I didn't expect the other party to accept it so readily.

Of course, what satisfies her the most is that after the establishment of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, the future transactions between the two parties will be carried out directly in Solan City, and she no longer needs to send someone into the desert of death.

The harsh environment of the desert left a deep psychological shadow on her. If it wasn't necessary, she would never want to go to the desert again in her life...

"Next, it's time to consider how to build the framework of the chamber of commerce."

Said with a somewhat apologetic look in his eyes.

"The Frostwolf family doesn't have much foundation in Solan City. I'm afraid it will be difficult to help you in this regard."

Li Cha turned his head, looked at the girl with a perfect face and firm eyes, and chuckled lightly.

"Rebecca, you've helped me a lot. Violet Manor is expensive."

Rebecca said lightly.

"Compared to your Victory Gem, it's nothing..."

The two looked at each other, and suddenly both of them smiled.

After getting along during this period of time, the two have established a somewhat special tacit understanding.

"Your Excellency Richard, Chris should be able to help the Violet Chamber of Commerce."

"Although the Solan Chamber of Commerce has not been established for a long time, it has the full support of Solan City behind it."

"Even President Windsor's Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce may not be able to compare to the Solan Chamber of Commerce in some aspects."

With the legendary ascetic cultivator behind him, even if the Solan Chamber of Commerce was established on the first day, it would have energy that outsiders could not imagine.

Richard nodded slightly, looked around, but did not notice the little girl Chris.

The other party hasn't come to the Violet Chamber of Commerce this morning.

Righteously speaking, a luxurious carriage embroidered with a special aristocratic coat of arms came from the corner.


The sound of hooves was crisp, and after a few snorts, the twelve pure white high-class war horses slowly stopped in the open space in front of the manor.

The maid opened the car door, and a smart figure stepped out of the car gracefully.

Before getting close, a crisp and cheerful voice rang out.

"Yeah~ the plaques are all hung up? Your Excellency Richard, don't wait for me."

With a pair of dark circles under her eyes, Chris muttered and approached, staring with dissatisfaction.

"We all agreed yesterday..."

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

"what time is it now?"

Chris took out the exquisite pocket watch made by the dwarf in a bit of confusion. After taking a look, her eyes rolled.

In the end, he said sadly.

"I'm up late~ I'm sorry~ I won't be able to~"

Li Cha looked at the coquettish little girl, a little funny.

"Okay, let's go in, just hang a plaque, it's not a big deal."

Chris seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on her face again.

He looked at Li Cha proudly.

"Your Excellency Richard, the establishment of the Violet Chamber of Commerce is a major event. I have a gift for you."

As he spoke, he took out a pitch-black long sword from the space ring.

On the scabbard, it was specially decorated with violet flowers. Although it did not match the long sword, it was obviously done with care.

Chris handed the somewhat discordant long sword to Richard and looked at him pretending not to care.

"Yesterday I went to the warehouse to spend a little time and found this gift that suits you..."

Li Cha reached out and took it, looking at the crooked violet flowers on the scabbard, his heart warmed.

So ugly, this little girl must have made it by herself.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Chris, have a heart, thank you for your gift, I like it very much."

Chris looked like a child getting praise from the teacher, her eyes were crescents, and her head held high.

The excitement in my heart is beyond words.

Li Cha saw it funny, stretched out his hand to squeeze the other's face, and laughed aloud amid the girl's angrily protesting.

After fighting for a while, the group returned to the manor.

Taking advantage of the brief interval, Li Cha checked the attributes of the black long sword in his hand.

Sword of the Dead

Rating: 5 stars

Features: 1. It can summon the mourning guards that are one level lower than their own level. The number is limited to 1 squadron. After the mourning guards are killed, they can be re-summoned the next day.

2. After killing the enemy, you can directly revive the opponent's corpse and let it obey its own orders. The number cannot exceed 3 squadrons, and the damage degree of the corpse cannot exceed 70%. The power of the resurrected corpse depends on the strength of the corpse, and cannot be resurrected. hero unit.

3. After killing the enemy, it can extract the opponent's soul and imprison it in the long sword. When attacking, the long sword will send out a resentful roar, impacting the enemy's spirit.

4. Wrathful Angry Slash, which can cast the grievances imprisoned in the long sword at one time to attack the enemy's soul.

Introduction: A long sword made by a powerful evil wizard, full of evil powers.

5 star treasure...  

Li Cha was startled.

Turning her head, she took a deep look at Chris, who was holding a snack and stuffing it into her mouth.

With great emotion.

This little girl is indeed a little rich woman.

The 4 characteristics of the Sword of the Dead, one is stronger than the other, and there is no garbage.

With this sword in hand, even a single person can form an army.

Among the 5-star treasures, the Sword of the Dead definitely belongs to the top group.

Feeling the coldness emanating from the long sword, Li Cha suddenly thought.

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If other players know that they have been given a 5-star treasure with exaggerated attributes by an NPC, will their eyes turn red with jealousy?

This is a 5-star treasure. He spent several million points in the dungeon to redeem one.

In Solan City, the price is as high as millions of rare resources.

This can definitely be called a gift.

It's amazing to say, he didn't bring any utilitarian intentions to get along with Chris, but instead got a gift from the other party... unintentionally.

Putting away the mourner's long sword, Li Cha looked at Chris, who had a cheerful face, and told Rebecca his suggestion.

"The Violet Chamber of Commerce has just been established, and there is currently a big gap in personnel. Chris, do you have any good ways to get talents who are proficient in business?"

Chewing the snack, Chris, who propped her cheeks bulging, hummed a few times, swallowed the snack, and drank another sip of tea before muttering.

"I'm eating, Your Excellency Richard!"

After speaking, I just wanted to answer, but I was suddenly stunned and said dumbfounded.

"What did you just say?"

Rebecca looked amused and repeated what Richard said, and finally said.

"Does the Solan Chamber of Commerce have resources in this regard?"

Chris rolled her eyes, suddenly clapped her hands, and said excitedly.

"A few months ago, we caught a group of silver goblins, and they are still imprisoned in the dungeon... Your Excellency Richard, do you mind using goblins?"

"Silver Goblin?"

Li Cha is a little unfamiliar with this name.

The desert goblin is still helping him raise the flame dragon rabbit... What's the difference between the two?

"They are proficient in commerce?"

Rebecca was not surprised that he lacked a lot of common sense knowledge, and took the initiative to explain.

"Silver goblins are a high-level race among goblins. They have wisdom beyond ordinary people, and their talent for business is amazing, which also makes each silver goblin the best businessman."

Li Cha was interesting to hear.

"So, this is a very valuable race? How come it has been closed for several months and has not been sold, so it is difficult to conquer?"

The slave trade is not uncommon in this world, and the trade of arms is normal.

Rebecca looked a little weird.

"No, on the contrary, they are easy to conquer, but the silver goblins are greedy and very difficult to manage."

"They are as greedy as business genius."

"So few chambers of commerce use these greedy guys."

Li Cha was stunned, and he immediately thought of the head of the desert goblin, Qingya.

The guy with a thin body and shouting that he is strong.

The character of the goblin is really unique.

But it also piqued his interest.

The desert goblin gave him a lot of surprises at the beginning. Without blue teeth, there would be no flame dragon and rabbit.

Wonder how special these silver goblins are?

"Chris, please have someone bring the silver goblins, maybe they can help me."

Chris nodded, waved a few words to the maid beside her, and the other party immediately left the hall.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce is now an empty shelf, and it is not afraid to use those greedy guys.

After the establishment of the chamber of commerce is complete, it is not too late to make adjustments if there are problems.

While we were chatting, footsteps came from far and near.

After a while, Onik hurried over with a belly like June's pregnancy.

"His Royal Highness Chris, Miss Rebecca, Your Excellency Richard, good day~"

After the salute, Onik wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Richard apologetically.

"President Windsor originally wanted to come to congratulate the establishment of the Violet Chamber of Commerce in person, but there is a temporary matter to deal with, so I left Solan City with Lord Pym this morning."

"After I sent the president out of the city, I rushed there as soon as possible. I didn't expect to miss the time for the plaque to be erected."

"I apologize to you..."

After speaking for a while, "Master President also asked me to apologize to you."

"When I come back next time, I will apologize to you in person."

Today, the news of the listing of the Violet Chamber of Commerce was notified to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce a few days ago. With the current relationship between the two parties, the attendance of the other party is inevitable.

Missing the time point is indeed a bit unreasonable.

Li Cha didn't care either.

It is normal for such a large chamber of commerce to have urgent matters to deal with, but it is impossible for others to be delayed because the Violet Chamber of Commerce erected a plaque.

The only thing that made him a little curious was that Windsor left with Pym?

Thinking of the old man who was still alive and kicking without a heart, and the S-rank task, I felt a little subtle in my heart.

Windsor is a top-level existence with a boss panel.

That graceful and luxurious ruler, who can become the student who hunted down the ancient red dragon, is definitely not a simple character.

Are they going to try to explore the temple that hides the heart of the gods?

"Onik, you don't need to see outsiders like this, they are all friends, and there are no outsiders here."

Li Cha recovered his thoughts and smiled.

"You came just in time. The Violet Chamber of Commerce needs to recruit a group of talents who are proficient in business and trade. Chris recommended the silver goblin to me."

"I'm worried that those greedy races will go wrong. Does the Luanwei Flower Merchant Guild have any resources in this regard?"

It feels really different to have connections to do things. No matter what is lacking, there are channels to make up for it.

Thinking about it carefully, although he has only left the Desert of Death for the first time, he has already established a good relationship with the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, the Frostwolf Clan, and Chris.

Behind these are the forces of one-on-one.

Before he knew it, the network resources he now had were already rich.

As long as you use it, you can immediately complete operations that other players can't even imagine.

When Onik heard the word "Silver Goblin", his face became a little weird.

"The abilities of the silver goblins need not be said much, but their greedy and bad characters are indeed a headache for everyone..."

He seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up and he was quite excited.

"Your Excellency Richard, by coincidence, we purchased a special batch of slaves a few days ago - the half-feathered people."

"This race has a very special ability to discern lies."

"If these half-feathered people are used as supervisors, it may be possible to curb the greed of the silver goblins to the greatest extent."

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

Greed has never been a problem, it is the instinct of intelligent life and cannot be avoided.

The main problem is that there must be sufficient oversight.

He was originally thinking about how to curb the greed of the silver goblins, but he didn't expect that just as he was dozing off, Onik brought the pillow directly.

"Onik, please bring those half-feather people with you."

"As you wish. UU Reading"

Seeing the back of Onik leaving in a hurry, Richard also felt a little emotional.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce is the window to the foreign trade of Dusk City.

Now the framework has to get it right and get it up and running as quickly as possible.

With hundreds of millions of units of ordinary resources in his hands, he can only upgrade two brilliant-level arms nests to rare ones...

Dusk City's thirst for resources is too exaggerated.

The Chamber of Commerce carries the major task of earning resources for Dusk City.


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