Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 390: v2 Chapter 372: Silver Goblin, the shock of aura skills

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An hour later, the maid came to report, and both the silver goblin and the half-feather were brought.

Li Cha got up in high spirits and walked out of the hall.

In front of the hall is a manicured verdant meadow.

Forty or fifty goblins with silvery-white skins, under the care of the guards, looked around on the grass timidly.

The average height of these guys is about 1.3 meters, the faces are extremely ugly, and the psychological endurance is weak, and I am afraid that they will have nightmares at a glance.

From the outside, except for a slight difference in skin color, it is not much different from the desert goblin.

Beside the silver goblin, there are more than twenty half-feathered men with short, flightless wings growing behind them and bound by chains.

Unlike the goblins, these half-feathered people raised their heads at the moment, with rebelliousness in their untamed eagles.

Open the properties panel.

Silver Goblin

[Level:] Level 7

[Skills:] 1. Negotiation (Level C, when negotiating with outsiders, it can increase the success rate.)

2. Inquiry (Class C, when conducting business, you can find the bottom price of the other party to the greatest extent.)

3. Explore business opportunities (C-level, it is easier to find business opportunities, and can accurately grasp.)

4. News snooping (C-level, extremely sensitive to various business information, can quickly detect the business information you want.)

5. Persuasion (C-level, increasing the persuasiveness of the tone, making it easier for the other party to believe their own words.)

6. Intimidation and deception (Class C, when intimidating and deceiving the target, additional credibility is added.)

[Racial talent:] Fanatical and greedy, has an unimaginable thirst for wealth, and will endlessly earn wealth.

[Fetters-Traveling:] If the number of employees exceeds 10, the efficiency of handling business affairs will increase by 10%; if there are more than 20 employees, the efficiency of handling commercial affairs will increase by 20%; if there are more than 50 employees, the efficiency of handling commercial affairs will increase by 30%.

[Introduction]: Silver goblins are born businessmen, their thirst for wealth gives them an extraordinary sense of how to earn more wealth.

After seeing the attributes of the silver goblin, Li Cha was very emotional, the world is really big.

These skills and characteristics are all related to business.

No wonder it was so admired by Rebecca and Chris.

However, their racial talent is also **** up.

Endless riches... He felt that these goblins would risk their lives for a single gold coin.

Dragons don't have such greed, do they?

Ignoring the silver goblin who looked at him eagerly, his attention turned to the half-feather man.

Half-feather is a very powerful race in "Ara of Radiance" - a hybrid of feather and human.

Feathermen's appearance is similar to that of angels, and they live in a city in the sky that cannot be reached on the surface.

Possess extremely powerful power.

These half-feathered people are far from their ancestors, and not only have their wings degenerated and cannot fly.

And the power is very weak.

The average level is only one level higher than the goblin.

What race are goblins? As far as combat power is concerned, the sewers in the sewers, Banyuren are only a little stronger than them, so one can imagine their strength.


[Level]: 8

[Skills:] Strong body, dexterity, proficient in archery

[Racial Talent:] Words of Truth, after asking the question, as long as you answer the question, you can immediately tell whether the words are true or false.

[Fetters - Strict] The relationship between the superiors and subordinates of the Banyu people is very strict. When there is a leader, they will implement 100% of the orders.

【Introduction:】Has a life of Yuren blood, but only inherited a little power of Yuren.

The skills are all ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

Only the racial talent made Li Cha shine.

Words of truth.

This talent is kinda awesome.

It is absolutely the best choice for interrogating prisoners, and it is also completely feasible for commercial use.

Richard touched his chin.

It would not be a big problem for these two races to support the now empty Violet Chamber of Commerce.

With the silver goblins, he only needs to arrange a few high-level chamber of commerce personnel who can lead the overall situation.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce has not yet started business, and it does not need an overly complicated structure.

Let it run first.

"Chris, I want all these silver goblins, what's the total price?"

Chris waved her hand indifferently when she heard this.

"Silver goblins are worthless, they're all for you... These guys eat and drink in dungeons every day, wasting food."

Looking at these ugly guys with disgust.

The talents of silver goblins are good, but not many natives will like to use these greedy races.

For the great aristocracy, although the top human merchants may not be flooded, they are not afraid of finding suitable talents.

Richard smiled.

All 5-star treasures were accepted, just a few goblins, and he was welcome.

And this little rich woman, the whole city of Solan is her family's territory, so she shouldn't think too much...

The friendship between friends is not established by ritual exchanges.

Next time you have something interesting, just send a few to this little girl.

Onik, with a big belly and a fat face, saw Richard's gaze and took the lead.

"Your Excellency Richard, since the Banyu people are suitable for you, consider them as gifts to celebrate the establishment of the Violet Chamber of Commerce. Please accept them."

After knowing the identity of Li Cha's Qingqiu, the Luanwei Flower Merchant Association's attention to him has been raised by several levels.

Using this worthless thing can bring the relationship between the two sides closer, but it is so worth it.

Li Cha smiled and thanked him. He turned to look at his two races when he heard their conversation.

After thinking about it, he slowly walked to the front of the silver goblin and the half-feather man.

The majestic eyes stared at everyone.

Haven't spoken yet.

The yellow sand light on his body suddenly escaped.

In an instant.

The world seems to have lost its color.

In everyone's perception, there is only a touch of yellow light floating.

In the breath, as if a sandstorm that swept the sky and the earth rose in front of them.

The monstrous sand waves devoured everything.

The terrifying coercion smashed into his heart.

The silver goblin and the half-feather man only felt that their souls were trembling, and their bodies couldn't help but soften.

Can't resist, can't resist...

That is the majesty that seeps into the blood and penetrates into the bone marrow.

In just two breaths, the silver goblin couldn't hold it any longer, and his legs fell to his knees.

With his head on the ground, he bowed to Richard in the most humble manner.

The trembling tone was filled with endless panic.

"Great being...we are willing to be your slaves..."

"I beg you to forgive our humble lives..."


Goblins have never been a race that would rather die than surrender. Their soft and rotten characters penetrate deep into their souls like their greed.

Li Cha seemed to have not heard, and the terrifying coercion on his body continued to crush him.

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The half-feathered man, who was struggling to support, also stepped into the footsteps of the goblin after holding less than five breaths.

One by one with fearful eyes slumped to the ground.

The unruly gaze had long since disappeared.

Falcon's submission seems to be so simple that it makes people laugh.

"I declare in the name of the master of the city of dusk, you are my slaves now, surrender or destroy?"

"Submit!! Great Master! We are willing to surrender!"

The silver goblin almost screamed.

These greedy guys have been completely frightened.

Among the half-feathered people, the one who knelt down and bowed at the front, the leader who was bigger than the other half-feathered people, made a hoarse voice at this moment.

"The ruler of Dusk City, the Changfeng Feather Clan, is willing to obey your orders."

Strength is the best passport in this world.

Li Cha's unbridled coercion caused their arrogance to be stomped on the soles of their feet and trampled recklessly.

Relying on the strong, this is the survival rule of "Era of Radiance".

Moreover, the Banyu people felt the temperament of a special leader from the terrifying existence in front of them. The other party seemed to be a king by nature, so they did not have much resistance...

"Ding~ Silver Goblin (number: 52) is willing to take refuge with you, do you accept it?"

"Ding~ Banyuren (number: 20) is willing to take refuge with you, do you accept it?"

The system prompt arrives as scheduled.

After choosing to confirm, Li Cha dissipated the pressure.

The goblin and the half-feather were relieved, as if they were alive again, gasping for breath.

His body was covered with grass clippings and mud, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"You go to the backyard to change your clothes first, and clean up your wounds at the same time."

"After processing, the original manager among you, come to the lobby to find me."

Said and waved, and asked the servants to take them to the backyard.

Seeing the figure gradually walking away, Li Cha touched his chin.

The next thing to consider is who will run the Violet Chamber of Commerce.


No, this is the big butler of Dusk City. Without him, the operation of Dusk City will only be a few knots slower.

Are there any management talents in Dusk City?

After thinking about it seriously, Li Cha was helpless to find that there were really few talents who could do it.

Although he has been vigorously cultivating, even literacy classes and seminars have been brought out in this way.

But the time was too short, and the population of Dusk City was too sparse, and they were all refugees from the desert.

So it is very difficult to cultivate.

"Forget it, go back and ask Karu. If it doesn't work, go to the underground world to find out. Although the underground world is barren, how many talents can still be found?"

"If it really doesn't work, just go to the slave market and buy it. There will always be a solution."

After recovering the scattered thoughts, Richard suddenly found that Chris and Rebecca's eyes were sparkling at this moment.

The two girls were watching him with a different look.

Being stared at by two girls who were almost full of looks, Li Cha felt a little baffling.

Reaching out and pinching Chris's face, he smiled.

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

Chris was surprisingly not struggling, still looking at him with an indescribable expression.

After taking a deep breath, he said in a trembling tone.

"Your Excellency Richard... You, you have the halo skill?"

Speaking of the word halo, his eyes suddenly became hot.

Seeing the other party's expression, Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought that in "Ara of Radiance", only high-level life can have aura-type skills.

For example, the dragon might of the dragon, the holy halo of the angel, and the evil halo of the great devil.

It is impossible for ordinary races to have auras, because this is the state where the power hidden in the blood is exposed.

How can ordinary races have powerful bloodlines.

Even among the immortal races, the most famous elves have no halo skills—the bloodline potential is not enough.

The halo of yellow sand was obtained in the first instance. The boss of the Crimson Council used him as a container when he replaced the dragon blood in his body for the princess of the Templar Empire.

After absorbing a lot of dragon blood, it was activated by luck.

He was already used to it, and it was only when he saw the two of them that he was so surprised that he remembered the extraordinary.

"by coincidence."

Richard shrugged.

Rebecca couldn't help her emotions, and said in amazement.

"It's unbelievable, the halo skill, my father, the legendary powerhouse, doesn't have..."

"Your Excellency Li Cha, you must have been blessed by the gods!"

For her, the eldest daughter of the grand duke, the halo skills are all elusive powers.

Unexpectedly, the lord of divine grace she met by chance was not only the strongest among the 20 billion players, but also established a magical territory, and also possessed skills that even legendary powerhouses may not possess.

It just dazzled her.

She felt unreal at the moment.

The other party is so dazzling, is he really the Lord of Divine Grace?

Even if someone told her at this moment that Richard was the prince of a certain empire and was nurtured by the resources of the entire empire. She dared to believe it.

The other party was too good, so good that it even made her feel dazzling.

There are many forces in the Ice and Snow Empire that are not inferior to the Frostwolf Clan. Among them, there are also excellent descendants. She knows a lot of them, and some are even pursuing her.

But compared with the other party, the light on those descendants of the nobles instantly dimmed, and there was not even any advantage that could surpass the other party.

Li Cha smiled.

Blessed by the gods? This is the reward I got after completing the S-rank mission...

After Chris came back to her senses, like a lark, she jumped in a clear voice.

"Your Excellency Richard, your talent is simply shocking. This is the first time I've seen it. You have an aura before reaching level 15!"

"Outsiders will never believe it!"

"No wonder you can become the strongest among the lords of divine grace. It's really enviable. I'm level 14."

"Your Excellency Richard, are you interested in changing careers to become an ascetic? My father has no students yet..."

"A genius like you, my father will definitely accept you!"


There is no end to this little girl's broken mouth, and she has to ask Li Cha to go to the City Lord's Mansion with her to meet the legendary ascetic monk.

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

He squeezed the other person's face a few times before changing the subject.

Ascetic monk, gave up all weapons and armor, only cultivated his body, and even gave up pleasure in order to sharpen himself.

Even if this profession has reached the legend, what's the point.

Moreover, he is the master of the desert. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Legendary class.

A super A Grade skill is no less than anyone's.

Seeing that Richard couldn't move, Chris pouted and hugged Richard like a koala.

Pulling his arms back in his arms, he coquettishly asked him to tell him how to get the aura.

The cute look made the maids next to her a little funny, and Rebecca couldn't bear to look directly.

Li Cha felt the touch of Xiao Hecai's sharp corners, and laughed dumbly.

In the end, I promised to help her get the halo next time I have a chance. This little girl is satisfied...

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