Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 398: v2 Chapter 379: Desert dragon hunter, your front foot told me that you are weak, and your back foot...

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October 8, early morning.

Chris looked at Val angrily.

"Your Excellency Richard has left?"

"This **** didn't say goodbye to me again!"

After she went back yesterday, she did her best to help the other party find the Crimson Moon!

This guy should let her father teach him a hard lesson.

Will looked at the unhappy girl and said softly.

"Lord Richard said, Your Highness, you are open-minded by nature. Unlike ordinary vulgar nobles, you don't care about these secular etiquette."

"I also specifically told me to tell you that the next time your lord comes back, he will prepare a special gift for you, which will definitely satisfy you."

Special gift?

Chris's eyes lit up, and the anger just disappeared instantly.

He raised his head, pretending not to care.

"Hmph, this guy knows how to coax me... Will, when Your Excellency Richard comes back, tell me as soon as possible, and I'll settle the account with him next time!"

Seeing the back of the girl leaving, Wil couldn't help but smile.

She also understood why adults like to tease each other so much.

After regaining his senses, he turned his head and glanced at the silver goblin and the half-feather who got up one after another, and his eyes returned to clarity.

The next task is very heavy.

Lord Richard sent her from the city of dusk to take over the Violet Chamber of Commerce.

She couldn't know what to expect from her.

Especially when the Violet Chamber of Commerce is currently the only window to the outside world of Dusk City, this responsibility has risen to a significant level.

However, no matter how difficult it is, she will not admit defeat.

She will not disappoint the adults, and the Violet Chamber of Commerce will definitely become the most important support for Dusk City.

She had no doubts about it.

The carriage stopped in front of the half-front where the troops were stored.

After using the token to lead out the sleeping soldiers and Alves, Richard did not stay too long, rode Alves directly, and flew into the depths of the desert.

The guarding army doesn't care about this, the edge of the death desert can still tolerate flying troops, and the lost feature will only be triggered when it goes hundreds of kilometers deep.

After flying away, Li Cha seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him.

The extremely powerful city seemed to be an ancient beast entrenched on the ground.

In awe.

The eyes are a little subtle, and the next time you come again, it may be in a different state.

Crimson rises, I don't know if this city will change...

Turn your head and think no more.

Beside him, Sheena and the Dark Valkyrie ride with him.

For some reason, Richard always felt that the two heroes seemed to be in a different mood.

After Solan City completely disappeared from sight, he said slowly.

"Hina, Foy, are you hiding something from me?"

In a daze, Hina, who watched the yellow sand quickly pass by in front of her eyes, was awakened.

Turning his head to see Li Cha's inquiring eyes, his face showed a low mood he had never seen before.

"Lord Richard, am I very useless..."

Hearing the girl's words that were not like a joke, Li Cha was stunned.


What a joke, this super A-level hero who will always charge on the front line and tear the enemy's defense line with the most domineering posture once he fights, is it useless? ?

Even if the gods came, they wouldn't be able to say such things...

Just as she was about to speak, Hina continued to whisper.

"It's all because of my low strength that you didn't let me follow you when you entered that ruin."

"And even if I go with you, it is difficult for me to help you in the battle with the **** of kobolds."

Said with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"The **** of kobolds, the sinner who sealed the power of the my worst enemy."

"But, I can't face it directly."

The voice has an indescribable self-blame, which makes people feel inexplicably distressed.

Only then did Li Cha find the root of the problem.

Suddenly crying.

Dude, you're a level 14 hero and you want to fight the gods?

If you can't beat the opponent, you will be so frustrated... As for?

Even if the legendary powerhouse comes, facing the gods will have to bear great pressure, let alone you?

Reaching out and rubbing the other's small head, he said softly.

"Xina, the **** of kobolds, is the ruler of the rules above level 30, and one of the most powerful beings in this world... You are only level 14, this is not what you should deal with at this level. enemy."

"The merits you have made for the city of dusk are enough to be called brilliant."

"No one has the right to underestimate you."

"Your future is full of hope. It's normal that you can't fight the kobold **** now. The opponent has survived for millions of years. How old are you?"

"But I firmly believe that one day, you will be able to cut off the opponent's dog's head with a sharp sword!"

"No need to be discouraged, you are Hina, the descendant of the Krina tribe, the hero of the city of dusk, the subordinate I trust most, and the strongest warrior who will amaze the whole world in the future."

"I believe you."

Hear these powerful words of encouragement.

A warm current poured into my heart.

Hina's eyes blushed a bit, and she took a few deep breaths to suppress her inner emotions.

The dazedness in his eyes subsided, and he became tenacious again.

Yes, she is a descendant of the Krina tribe, a hero of the City of Twilight, and a subordinate of... Lord Richard!

How could she be afraid and withdraw!

The city of dusk needs her, and Lord Richard trusts her... She is not afraid of everything, even if the other party is a god? !

Eye-catching, eye-catching.

One day, she will climb to the supreme altar step by step, as adults expected, and cut off the head of the **** of kobolds with her own hands.

She swears by her soul that she will live up to the expectations of adults!

After a long time, Hina, who had adjusted, said solemnly.

"Lord Richard, after returning to Dusk City, I hope to go back to the Krina tribe alone."

Seeing the girl returning to her former demeanor, Richard nodded in appreciation.

But after hearing what the other party said, he frowned slightly.

"Go back alone?"

Sheena nodded.

"Yes, I need to know why the clansmen did not reply to my messages, and I need to know what happened."

"In addition, coming to Solan City this time made me feel that the strength is far from enough."

"I hope to be able to upgrade to level 15 as soon as possible, or even step into the supernatural."

His tone was firm and unwavering, and he didn't waver.

Only if he gets stronger, he won't let her wait in the back next time... She hates that feeling very much.

The dark Valkyrie heard the words, and her pale golden eyes flashed with sharp eyes.

Her unique high language sounded.

"My lord, I hope you can also allow me to go to experience... Fighting is my destination."

"My level has also been stagnant at level 15 for too long."

Li Cha felt the firm attitude of the two top heroes, and there was some subtlety in his heart.

This time, he left the two alone to download the copy, but he did not expect to have such a big impact.

It's a good thing to say, the subordinates are motivated, it's better than lying flat.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded slowly.

"Hina, this time, Foy will go back to the Krina with you, and I won't accompany you."

There is a hero altar, and I am not afraid of any accident between the two.

Moreover, with the abilities of the two, as long as they do not encounter supernatural forces or encirclement and suppression by a large army, it is difficult for ordinary opponents to pose any threat to them.

After obtaining the agreement, Hina and the Dark Valkyrie looked at each other and were quite happy.

Sitting down, Alves also muttered when he heard the conversation of several people.

"Master, I also need to upgrade my level, the great dragon family, can't be trampled underfoot all the time..."

Li Cha laughed dumbly, this guy also joined in the fun.

But after thinking about it, my heart also moved.

The strategy of Dusk City has always been to improve the nest of arms, but it has somewhat neglected the cultivation of top-level combat power.

It seems that it is time to change direction and cultivate top-level combat power.

Especially the Dark Valkyrie.

The fighting power of this boss is well-deserved to be the best in the audience.

If you can rise to level 18 or 19, and then activate the ultimate move - final form, the level will be increased by 3 levels.

She may directly possess extraordinary level of combat power.

At that time, if you have this trump card, you will have a better grasp of completing the S-rank task.

I made a decision in my heart.

After going back, not only Hina, Gaunt, Gray, Emerida, and even the ancient tree of God's Sin will raise their levels.

Not to mention extraordinary, at least above level 15.

After recovering his mind, he opened the system map and took a closer look.

There are three striking marks on it, all of which are harvests from Solan City.

The glass mine, located in the west of ←, here is a group of desert dragons. When they came, Rebecca deliberately told him to avoid it.

Dragons can be hunted in this map to expand the number of skeletal blood dragons.

↑To the north, the rotten tree, he accidentally found a branch containing a special breath from the player's hands, and knew the existence of the rotten tree.

Consuming 100 points of divine power can restore the branches of the rotten tree to life, and it makes him sure that the evil tree that the player said has died, there are treasures waiting for him to dig.

↓South, the S-level mission, where the temple that seals the heart of the gods is located.

After a few glances, his eyes focused on the glass ore veins.

He originally planned to explore the Rotten Tree first, but after getting the news about the desert dragon in Solan City, he set his sights on these top desert predators.

Late October every year is the breeding season for giant desert dragons. Every time they reach this node, they will return to the dragon's nest and will not stay outside for too long...

Delayed time, I don't know when I will meet next time.

After having a target, he no longer hesitated, and immediately asked Alves to speed up.

He galloped away with the skeleton blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead behind him.

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There is no drag from Rebecca's subordinates.

The flight speed is greatly increased.

Richard estimated that it exceeded 300 kilometers per hour.

For the Bone Blood Dragon, which is not known for its fast flying speed, it is already high speed.

If it is Alves, the dragon hero, he can soar to five or six hundred kilometers per hour.

From morning to evening, the sun sets over the earth.

The rosy glow on the horizon was glowing red, as if a young girl saw her lover's face, and it was fiery.

On the undulating yellow sand land, layers of sand and gravel are piled up, and a piece of crystal clear glass spreads all over the sand dunes.

The glass reflects the rays of the sun, filling the sky with rainbow colors.

The colorful area that stretches for dozens of kilometers gives a strong visual impact.

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, Li Cha felt quite emotional. No wonder dragons like glittering objects.

"Master, I smell the breath of giant dragons... They are just ahead!"

Alves' hollow tone carried a strong fighting intent.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

Alerted immediately.

Rebecca mentioned it before.

There are more than two squadrons of desert dragons, between levels 15 and 17, commanded by a level 17 dragon hero.

The three squadrons she led were level 15 units, and one squadron was directly killed by the opponent.

Of course, there are reasons why the desert dragon has air supremacy, but it can also explain its fierceness.

"Master, I request to fight..."

The Dark Valkyrie spoke first, with high fighting spirit.

In the battle in her hands, she has not drunk blood for half a month...

Hina's eyes were as sharp as a sword.

Follow the opening.

"Please order."

Li Cha looked at the firm eyes of the two and smiled.

"be careful."

After receiving the order, the dark Valkyrie with a three-meter-long sword suddenly floated up.

The momentum skyrocketed like a tsunami.

Heaven and earth paled for it.

Hina held the Dragon Slaying Sword in her hand, and was wearing a bloodthirsty armor, full of blood, and stood in the sky.

Murder is awe-inspiring.

Fearless warrior, never fear to fight!

At this moment, a low roar came from the front.

The aura attached to it can make ordinary life tremble.

Halo skills - Longwei!

One of the most ferocious coercion in "Age of Radiance".


in the blink of an eye.

A terrifying giant with a wingspan of more than 20 meters lifted off from the ground.

The whole body is covered with sturdy gray-black scales, and the siege crossbow may not be able to pierce it, and its defensive power is amazing.

A row of razor-like bone spurs grows on the back, extending from the back of the neck to the tail, making it full of ferocious aura.

The dragon wings fanned, setting off a powerful airflow, raising the sky full of gravel.

Strong limbs with shimmering claws, they can destroy a wall with brute force.

Desert Dragon, Level: 15, Potential: Crown 3 stars.

Looking around, the previous color was level 15~17.

With the hideous appearance, it brings an indescribable sense of suffocation.


The existence at the top of the world's food chain.

Even if you only have a part of the life of the dragon's blood, the combat power will be more fierce than the same level.

Let the other side attack and kill, the skeleton blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead will suffer heavy losses.

There is a significant gap in both rank and potential.

Li Cha's eyes were indifferent, he did not command the army to evade or perform other operations, and just watched hundreds of desert dragons rushing wildly.

The desert dragons have a strong hostility to the skeletal blood dragons, and these undead make them feel humiliated.

I immediately wanted to bypass the Dark Valkyrie and Hina and attack them directly.

But the next moment.

The idea of ​​the desert dragon was suppressed.

Two top heroes who were underestimated broke out a deadly attack.

The Dark Valkyrie held a three-meter-long sword and slashed through the air.

In an instant, thousands of dazzling swords erupted around him.

The void exploded directly.

It was as if someone had used thousands of long knives to cut across the sand, densely packed with knife marks.

All directions are destroyed, super A-level, with itself as the center, the explosion of ten thousand swords, slashing in all directions, causing indiscriminate damage to a radius of 100 meters, the minimum consumption of 1000 points of qi and blood, can increase the consumption of qi and blood to improve the attack power and range.

Where the sword light passed, those desert giants that bypassed the dark Valkyrie were cut directly into the body like tofu like tofu.

Blood splattered, and flowers of death exploded in the air.

Even some desert dragons were pierced through the bones and fell on the spot...

The scene became **** and horrific.

Just now, I despised the Dark Valkyrie, and the desert dragon who targeted the skeletal blood dragon behind was startled.

Qi Qi turned to look at the domineering figure standing with a knife.

Anger suddenly surged.

Don't think about bypassing them anymore.

The top troops attacked and killed with the craziest attitude.


His throat suddenly lit up with hot light.


With the high temperature that can melt steel, the dragon's breath pulls out a tongue of fire that is dozens of meters long and devours everything.

Light is distorted by the heat.

The Dark Valkyrie didn't take a half step back, waving the long knife in her hand.

The endless sword light erupted and slashed directly at the dragon's breath.

A scene that shocked the desert dragon appeared.

The dragon breath that can destroy everything was directly annihilated by the opponent's sword light.

Dragon breath, invalid!

The long knife breaks through the void, and the dark blood is attached to the weapon. When attacking, it can destroy all the skills and attacks of the enemy.

The dark Valkyrie charged straight up against the dragon's breath, and in an instant, came to the front of the nearest desert dragon.

In the pupils of the desert dragon, a figure wearing a black armor was already reflected.

There was a bit of fear in my heart, and when I wanted to avoid it, a sudden pain came, and I lost consciousness directly.

The three-meter-long sword pierced through the void with a sharp blade.


A huge dragon head flew out.

The headless corpse quickly fell down, smashed **** the sand, and splashed gravel more than ten meters high...

The fighting style of the Dark Valkyrie is still as strong and domineering as ever.

Wherever she went, no opponent could resist the sword in her hand.

On the other side, Hina, although fighting is not as reckless as the Dark Valkyrie.

But the super A-level hero did not lose his color.

Master-level fighting skills, plus the floating ability brought by blood, plus the dragon-slaying long sword with special damage to the dragon in his hand.

The waves of attacks that erupted became more ferocious.

After being contaminated with dragon blood, the 5-star bloodthirsty armor on her body can provide her with a steady stream of power.

This fearless warrior slaughtered dragons like dogs.

It seems that he wants to pour out his backlogged emotions in Solan City on the desert dragon.

Li Cha watched as hundreds of high-level troops above level 15 were brutally killed by two heroes.

Emotions are also somewhat subtle.

He seemed to have heard it right just now, these two guys said that their strength was not enough and their level was too low...

Hunting and killing a group of troops with a higher rank than you like chickens, is this **** not strong enough? ?

If you let others see it, you can't shut yourself up?

In addition to crying and laughing, there are also some emotions.

I don't know what kind of shocking power will erupt after these two top-level existences rise to extraordinary, or even legendary?

It is worth looking forward to.

And if these two can be promoted to extraordinary, then what kind of bicycle is needed, and he doesn't have to search for the contract scroll so laboriously.

The Vampire Archduke in the Blood Coffin? What kind of thing is that, it is also worthy of comparison with his Xina? Also worthy of comparison with his dark Valkyrie?

Under the furious attack of the two top heroes, the desert dragon directly killed more than one-third in less than ten minutes.

It was at this moment that the situation changed.

A fierce dragon's might soared from the rear.

Everyone on the field felt this momentum.

Richard looked into the distance.

In line of sight, a terrifying thing over 30 meters in size appeared.

The desert dragon hero appeared.

The battle is reaching its climax.

Li Cha didn't notice that on a small hill a thousand meters away from the side of the battlefield, a few players who were integrated with the sand, stared wide-eyed at the battle between the two sides.

"Fuck, what level of npc is that? Killing the desert dragon like a dog..."

"It's so terrifying, UU reading, do we still have to complete the mission? Why do I feel so empty? Whether it's the desert dragon or those two terrifying NPCs, they can crush us to death with one hand. …”

"Fuck, I'm afraid of wool, didn't you see the desert dragon being attracted away? Now is the best time!"

"After this vote, our brothers will become prosperous! No matter how big the risk is, it's worth it."

"Let's go, before they discover what's in this glass mine, let's take it and run away..."

Taking advantage of the gap when the desert dragon was led away, a few people who were integrated with the desert quietly touched the inside of the glass mine...

Both sides of the war did not notice this scene at this time.

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