Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 399: v2 Chapter 380: The horror of a few unlucky players, I want to report him for fouling!

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With the emergence of the dragon hero.

The desert giant dragon, who had been wantonly slaughtered, suddenly rose in momentum.

A mysterious khaki pattern appeared on the gray-black scales on his body.

An aura as thick as a mountain escaped, and the defense rose sharply.

When Hina, who was holding the Dragon Slaying Sword, slashed again, she immediately felt an obvious obstacle.

It was as if the cowhide had been cut with a dull knife.

At the same time, the dragon breath of the desert dragon has become more and more tyrannical.

Its collateral damage is significantly increased.

Desert Dragon, Hero Unit, Potential: A Class, Level: 17...

The moment Li Cha saw the giant dragon hero with a wingspan of thirty meters, his eyes became more interested.

Good guy, A-class hero.

And it's a giant dragon!

This was also the first wild dragon hero he encountered.

There was some movement in my heart.

This is a giant dragon, one of the top beings on the food chain of "Ara of Radiance".

Although he has Alves in his hand, he is still very keen on this level of combat power.

But he quickly suppressed the thoughts in his heart, wanting to tame the dragon hero in the wild, I'm afraid there is no hope.

Heroic units are difficult to recruit, and the rebellious dragon has no contract scroll, and it is not at all fun.

Otherwise, hero units would not be so scarce.

This is also a limitation of the rules of the Radiant Age.

After Li Cha dispelled this thought, he suddenly thought of a treasure—a high-level artifact, the Wishing Balance.

This artifact can be exchanged for the item you want with an equivalent item.

A level 17, potential A-level dragon hero, what can be exchanged for it?

This made his mood rise instantly.

"Foy, try to capture that giant dragon hero alive under the condition of ensuring her own safety... no matter if it is disabled."

He was really afraid that the Dark Valkyrie would kill the opponent with a knife.

Although the Dark Valkyrie level is two levels lower than the opponent.

But as a boss template, the potential is two steps higher than the opponent.

It is not a level of life at all.

When the Dark Valkyrie heard the words, she immediately gathered the dazzling sword light like Huiyue.

Deliberately avoiding the dragon hero, the long sword swept across the four directions again.

Although the ordinary desert dragon has been greatly strengthened, it still cannot hinder her...

Hina saw the figure of the dark Valkyrie Yingwu, and her fighting spirit was also high.

Although Foy is stronger than her, she will not fall behind!


When the battlefield situation is anxious, inside the glass mine.

Several players who were integrated with the desert sneaked into the central area at this time.

After stopping at a place where only a few shards of glass remained, holding a map and engraving the photo, one of the tall and thin players whispered.

"That's it!"

Hearing the leader's words, the rest of the group immediately cheered up.

"President, what should we do?"

The tall and thin player glanced back subconsciously, heard the sound of fierce battles coming from the periphery of the glass mine, and said decisively.

"Make arrangements immediately, and take out the treasures inside as quickly as possible!"

"Three-level treasure map, the treasures hidden in it will not disappoint us..."

The eyes of all players were hot.

It has been over a month since they got the treasure map.

But for more than a month, the desert dragon has been entrenched in the glass vein.

They tried their best, but couldn't find a way to start.

But the sky pays off. Under the competition between the snipe and the clam, they, the fisherman, will finally win!

Several people are very fast.

Quickly took out a bucket of blood exuding strong magical fluctuations from the system space, and under the command of the tall and thin player, it slowly fell down according to the special distribution rules.

goo goo~

Blood soaked into the ground, and the dry gravel gradually condensed into scarlet lumps.

As more and more points are poured, a special pattern is revealed.

The magic began to flow gradually.

When the last bucket of blood fell, these points suddenly burst into a burst of strong energy fluctuations, and then the points were directly connected together.

The next second, it was as if the key was inserted into the right hole.


The ground shook violently, cracking to both sides, and sand particles splashed up.

The sound traveled a great distance.

Several players turned green when they saw this scene.

Damn, is this thing moving so much?

He hurriedly turned his head and looked to the side, not even daring to breathe, for fear of the arrival of the enemy.

When the cracks in the ground stopped completely, revealing the steps, I was relieved.

Fortunately, no one outside found out...

The tall and thin player looked at the opening in the ground and spoke faster.

"Everyone has a resurrection scroll. If you die, you will lose up to three levels. This treasure can be guarded by a desert dragon, and there must be good things hidden in it."

"All in."

"As long as you can get the treasure inside, it's worth dying!"

Other players have already made psychological preparations.

Hearing this, he plunged in without hesitation.

When Li Cha heard the sound of the earth, he subconsciously glanced in that direction.

Due to the ups and downs of the dunes, the line of sight was blocked, and I didn't find anything unusual, but only saw a burst of dust floating in the sky.

But this scene made him frown slightly, keenly feeling that something was wrong.

This movement is not like the desert dragon can make.

Inside, has anything changed?

Turning to look at the still unclear situation, it is time to speed up the progress.

Mind turning.

The endless power of yellow sand surged up from his body.

On the ground, the gravel suddenly lost its gravity and flew upside down into the sky.

Although the desert dragon found something strange, the gravel covered the entire space and could not be avoided at all.

For a moment, the yellow sand suddenly condensed on them...forcibly wrapping the joints.

directly bear the shackles.

Flexibility plummeted immediately.

The desert dragon was already suppressed by the Dark Valkyrie and Xina, and after this battle, it was impossible to confront them.

The Dark Valkyrie seized the opportunity and swung the long knife intensively in her hand.

The level 17 dragon hero has always wanted to forcibly snipe the Dark Valkyrie.

But the Dark Valkyrie did not entangle with her, she just walked away at the touch of a button. With her powerful strength and extraordinary fighting skills, the dragon hero couldn't help her at all.

The dragon breath and the sword light collided in the sky, and the space was distorted.

Richard did not end the hunt, but continued to control Huang Sha to create opportunities for the two heroes.

With his assistance, the offensive efficiency has been greatly improved.

Looking at the one-sided situation, I feel quite good.

I didn't expect that when he was an assistant, the effect was no worse than when he ended up in person.

The super A Grade skill of manipulating yellow sand, the more you use it, the more you feel that its potential is endless.

Soon, the Dark Valkyrie and Xina, with the assistance of Richard, emptied the desert dragons of the two squadrons.

At the end of the game, there were only level 17 dragon heroes left.

This ferocious desert dragon almost went crazy when he saw his subordinates being slaughtered.

He launched wave after wave of attacks towards the Dark Valkyrie, his eyes full of violence and anger.

But under the blade that can destroy everything, these attacks were blocked by a strong force.

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The Dark Valkyrie did not back down any longer.

Seeing that the situation had settled, Li Cha moved slightly.

Raise your hands up.


Countless grains of sand rushed into the sky, forcibly covering the dragon hero.

With a strong body, the dragon hero ignored the shackles formed by the gravel and forcibly shattered everything.

But Li Cha's intention was not like that. With the blessing of magic, the sand and gravel greatly weakened his perception.


Slashing with a long knife.

The sword light shines in the sky.

The perception was blurred, and the dragon hero felt a terrible pain from the right flank as soon as he sensed the danger.

The body suddenly lost its balance and fell directly.

At this moment, several sharp gravel thorns condensed on the ground.


The powerful body of the desert dragon smashed the thorns down, but the abdomen was also damaged a lot.

The sandstorm was still obscuring his perception.

Want to get up and struggle.


Pain came from the root of the other wing, and the wings could no longer flash.

But Rao lost his senses, his wings were scrapped, and the desert dragon hero was still fierce.

The limbs propped up the body on the ground, stabbing ~ the furious dragon breath surged out.

The surrounding gravel was directly melted into magma...

After penetrating a big hole, he desperately wanted to break through the block of gravel.

But no matter where it moves, the gravel follows it closely.

After a while, the 17th-level top life couldn't take it anymore.

Roaring fiercely to the sky.

His body suddenly swelled up.

The scars on the body healed instantly.

At this moment, the breath exuded by the other party is several times more ferocious than before!

Full of heart-pounding power.

It exploded!

The desert dragon's eyes swept across the four directions, and the next moment, a powerful energy shock wave attacked all around.

Forcibly keep the gravel out.

Then the wings fluttered and flew into the sky.

This time, its target was no longer the Dark Valkyrie, but Richard.

The dragon wings are fanning very fast.

The dragon hero sensed the key point. If Richard is not killed, the gravel that can weaken his perception will become the soil embryo on his grave...

But haven't waited for it to fly halfway.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth paled.

The dragon hero turned back subconsciously, and saw a long knife that smashed everything, slashing down.

His pupils suddenly widened and he wanted to escape, but no matter how much he flapped his wings, he couldn't dodge...


Knife Mans Battle Result.

From the rear wing directly to the back of the neck.

A terrifying wound exploded, and the rolling flesh looked terrifying.

The fierce dragon hero just now fell directly from the sky, smashed on the gravel, and splashed all over the sky.

The dark Valkyrie slowly floated over, looking indifferently at the dying dragon below.

"I've been waiting for this move for a long time..."

It was useless before, because I was afraid that the other party would not be able to stop her from killing God.

The master's order for her was to be captured alive.

Li Cha watched the desert dragon hero, whose momentum receded like a tide, lying on the ground, unable to get up, felt a little subtle in his heart.

A few months ago, when he saw a desert dragon, he didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Now, this potential A-level desert dragon hero can only crawl under his feet and survive.

Life and death are between his thoughts.

Various of them are inspiring.

Driven Alves to land, and walked to the front of the desert dragon hero.

Li Cha looked at him intently, and immediately found that the other party looked at him with extremely crazy hatred.

This made him instantly dismiss the idea of ​​subduing the opponent.

"Foy, seal its power."

The Dark Valkyrie stepped forward, swung the long sword, and slashed out at several fatal points, depriving the opponent of even the power to move.

After confirming that the opponent could not recover in a short time, Li Cha looked to his side.

"Alves, take it back to the City of Twilight, and hand it over to the ancient tree of the gods. In addition, **** it with 6 teams of bone and blood dragons... When you go back, bring Gray."

It is more efficient to bring back the corpse of the giant desert dragon than to have the other party come to recruit the skeleton blood dragon directly.

Alves immediately stepped forward, grabbed the dying dragon hero with his powerful limbs, and flew directly into the sky.

"The statue of the dead gathers all these bodies together."

After arranging these trivial matters, Li Cha suddenly remembered the previous vibration in the central area of ​​the glass mine.

That's not a movement that a desert dragon can make.

Immediately control the gravel to float up, with the Dark Valkyrie and Xina, towards the central area.

After a while, the cracked desert and the pattern watered with blood appeared in front of him.

Judging from the aura emanating from the blood, it was obvious that it was just poured.

Li Cha frowned slightly.

Is this... the player's masterpiece?

Only those daring guys would dare to do this kind of thing, right?

He looked down at the bottomless crack.

What is hidden in it that can make these guys come in even if they don't want to die?

Just when he was wondering and curious, suddenly there was a burst of movement below.

A few disgraced guys climbed frantically from the steps under the crack.

"Hurry up, hurry up, when those NPCs can't hold back the desert dragon, let's just..."

Suddenly, the voice of the tall and thin player who just showed his head stopped abruptly.

Standing on the stairs is like rooting under your feet, and you don't move.

The players in the back muttered in dissatisfaction.

"President, what are you doing, why did you stop? Hurry up, didn't you say that the desert dragon will come back?"

The tall and thin player was shocked, turned his head and roared at the people behind him.

"To shut up!"

Only then did a few players hear that something was wrong, and hurriedly stood on tiptoe and looked outside.

Because of the angle of view, I can only faintly see the hair of a stranger...

The tall and thin players looked at the Dark Valkyrie and Hina, who were staring at them indifferently, and were about to cry at the moment.

Damn xipi... aren't these two NPCs who slaughtered desert dragons like dogs? !

Day, the desert dragon is too wasteful, how long did it take to be defeated by the opponent? !

Where did these big guys come from, why are they so fierce...

"Hina, let them out."

"Yes, my lord."

Sheena stepped aside. UU reading www.

At this moment, the tall and thin player finally saw Richard at the back.

I thought that the other party was also an NPC, but after seeing his player panel, he gasped for a few breaths in a row, and was extremely horrified.

Is this a player? !

What's the joke? ?

How can a player so freely drive a top being that slaughtered a level 15 desert dragon?

Looking at the respectful expressions of Hina and the Dark Valkyrie, I suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

Shit, I'm going to report this b foul!

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