Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 400: v2 Chapter 381: Golden Dragon Soul

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After the players in the back came out of the crack, their faces froze.

Especially after looking at the floating dark Valkyrie, the emotions are even more difficult to describe.

I scolded the desert dragon in my heart...

"Hello, big brother..."

The tall and thin player who led the team bit the bullet and opened his mouth.

Li Cha looked at a few people with interest.

"Are you taking chestnuts from the fire, or are you a fisherman?"

Tall and thin players laugh harder than cry.

Although they are not afraid of death, the resurrection scroll was obtained with great effort.

It's not a last resort, who wants to waste it like this, let alone drop three levels.

The punishment is too severe.

"Big brother, we have already prepared for this more than a month ago, I didn't expect you to come."

"We mean no offense."

Richard was noncommittal.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing, just..."

The tall and thin player really didn't know how to speak.

Being caught by the other party, I want to ask for help, but I don't know where to find it.

"Fey, go down and have a look."

Li Cha was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The Dark Valkyrie didn't look at these ants any more, and the sword glow on her body skyrocketed, descending from the cracks in the earth with a burst of momentum.

A few people didn't even dare to look at it.

The tall and thin player raised his brows when he saw this scene.

The figure of the other party, why does it feel a little familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere...

No more thoughts, no more thoughts.

I made a decision in my heart and took the initiative to speak.

"Brother, we are actually here to find treasure, and the treasure is below..."

Several other players were in a hurry.


Li Cha was a little surprised.


So, those desert dragons appeared on the glass veins, not just because the other party likes glass?

More likely... the desert dragon is the guardian guarding this treasure?

He was keenly aware of the connection.

What level of treasure can be guarded by the top troops like the Desert Dragon?

Immediately became interested.

"Have you found anything good in it?"

The original plan this time was to expand the hunting desert dragon to expand the skeletal blood dragon.

But I didn't expect to be able to capture an A-level dragon hero in the middle. Now, what's even more surprising is that it was discovered that these dragons were here to guard a treasure.

Sure enough, in this magical world, no one can be sure what will happen in the next second.

The tall and thin player smiled wryly.

"You don't need much, I know it... That door can't be opened anyway."

After appeasing his teammates, he looked at Li Cha and said seriously.

"Brother, we got a 3-star treasure map before, and the treasure in it is here."

"However, we only got the outer treasures, and the core area was blocked."

"We don't have the key to that door."

After speaking, he turned his heart and took out a tattered map full of traces of time from the system space.

handed it out directly.

Xina, who was on high alert next to her, stepped forward to take it, and after she carefully sensed it and determined that there were no dangers such as poison and curses, it was sent to Li Cha.

Several players looked at such a meticulous Hina, and suddenly felt envy in their hearts.

To be able to tune such a high-level hero so well... it's awesome.

Treasure Map of the Golden Dragon (Incomplete)

Rating: 3 stars

Features: You can follow the treasure map to find the treasure of the golden dragon.

Introduction: The treasure map made by the golden dragon, but because it is too old, it has already appeared incomplete, and it is impossible to know whether some key information is missing.

The golden dragon is the top-ranked race among the countless dragon races. It is known for its powerful body and is very powerful.

After seeing the attributes, Li Cha's eyes were a little subtle.

The treasure map of the golden dragon, the name looks very tempting...

Just as he was about to continue to ask questions, the Dark Valkyrie emerged from the dark earth fissure.

Higher language with special rhythm sounded.

"Master, there is a vast underground space below, and there are no enemies in it."

"In the central area there is a golden gate with dragons carved on it."

"I can't push that door open."

Richard nodded.

Glancing at the players who looked at him eagerly.

"Hina, take care of them."

"I'll let you go when I come back from the ground."

"I have no interest in you."

The tall and thin player immediately swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Although they are all players, after more than half a year of baptism of life and death, there is no Virgin Mary anymore.

Unfamiliar players don't talk about feelings, and some players even hunt other players for property.

Even in the modern age with advanced education, crimes are emerging one after another. Coming to a world without legal constraints, it is a joke to want players to abide by the law.

Once a beast has been released from its cage, it will no longer be willing to remain domesticated.

Li Cha took the Dark Valkyrie and disappeared to the ground along the stairs...

A few players are honest, even if the desire to escape arises in their hearts, they will be shattered by Hina who is watching them indifferently.

They didn't even dare to make big moves, for fear that the NPC who hunted dragons like slaughtering dogs would kill them.

In the private messages, several people were frantically discussing Li Cha's identity.

There are all kinds of guesses, but there are too many players, and top players are emerging one after another.

Li Cha covered her breath, Xina changed her weapons and armor, and the dark Valkyrie's aura was so cold that people didn't dare to look at it too much, and she didn't contact Qingqiu for a while.


The leather shoes stomped on the gravel steps, making dull footsteps.

The further down you go, the dimmer the light gets.

But Richard manipulated the gravel to cover the entire space.

Even in the dark, everything is in his perception, and he can even see clearly than his eyes.

After walking down 300 steps, I could feel a soft touch under my feet.

to the ground.

Looking up and looking up, at this moment, there is only a wellhead-like light left on the steps.

look around.

At the point of sight, there are air-dried and corrupted bones everywhere, covered with shallow gravel.

Like ancient tombs.

There are dense footprints on the ground, obviously left by the player just now.

Go forward.

Kacha~ I accidentally stepped on the skeleton, and immediately made a crisp cracking sound.

Li Cha's eyes were not as indifferent as before.

Having experienced countless wars with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, this kind of picture has long been bland to him.

The Dark Valkyrie stood in the central area at this time, looking around vigilantly.

In front of her is a golden gate with a height of more than 20 meters.

The surrounding space was lit up by the radiance emanating from this giant gate.

Looking closely, the Golden Gate is embossed with a ferocious and terrifying dragon, its appearance is lifelike, as if it will come to life in the next second.

It also exudes majestic dragon power.

Li Cha stepped forward, and the closer he got, the stronger the sense of oppression brought by Longwei.

When he came to ten meters, the relief above seemed to have come to life, staring at him with angry eyes, Long Wei spurting unscrupulously.

Ordinary people may even find it difficult to breathe in the face of this kind of oppression.

No wonder a few players said they couldn't open the door, I'm afraid they couldn't even get close.

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Li Cha did not rashly go to push the door, stretched out his hand and waved, and a seven-to-eight-meter-high sand person condensed out of thin air.

The giant sand man stepped forward and pushed it in the center of the gate.

But the Golden Gate was as motionless as a mountain.

After trying for a long time, still to no avail.

Richard dispersed the Sand Man and opened the system panel with a bit of curiosity, but to his disappointment, only one title was displayed on it—the Golden Gate.

Also there are no properties.

Without hesitation, he directly opened the black gold system.

A more detailed prompt appears immediately above.

"The Golden Gate holds the dragon soul of a golden giant dragon, devours its dragon soul, and can obtain the inheritance of the golden giant dragon. The currently selected successor is the desert giant dragon."

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

Good guy, dragon soul, inheritance?

It's something.

Samsung treasure map is so powerful.

No wonder the desert dragon has been circling here, I thought it was because of the glass mine, but I didn't expect it to be selected.

If those few players didn't open this treasure, he didn't come either. I'm afraid that the desert dragon would find something different soon, carrying the inheritance of the golden dragon.

If you can get the other party's inheritance, how much benefit can you get?

It's a pity that the desert dragon is difficult to conquer... Thinking of that dragon hero's eyes with mad hatred, he had a headache.

Unless you can get the contract can this thing be so easy to get, the vampire prince in the blood coffin has not been done yet.

After thinking about it, he put his mind on Alves.

They are all giant dragons. The opponent can choose the desert giant dragon, and can't ignore the skeleton blood dragon, right?

However, before that, we still have to wait for the other party to return. This guy is now sending his competitor back to Dusk City.

As his thoughts turned, he crossed the 10-meter boundary against the tyrannical Longwei and came to the Golden Gate.

Reached out and pressed on it.

Just as he was about to try to push it away, a golden dragon suddenly appeared in his mind, roaring wildly at him.

The terrifying power makes people tremble.

Li Cha subconsciously pulled his hand away, and the phantom disappeared at the same time.

"Sure enough, it is an inheritance, and it is extremely resistant to others."

After trying to no avail, he turned around and searched in the empty underground space.

After a while, a mottled mural was found behind the Golden Gate.

It records the process of a golden dragon killing one powerful enemy after another, and then ascending to the golden throne.

Although dilapidated, it made him look at it with relish.

Judging from the murals, the inheritance of this golden dragon is absolutely extraordinary.

A bit of anticipation rose in my heart.

If Alves can get the inheritance, I don't know how much improvement he can get?

After confirming that there are no other treasures in this area, let the Dark Valkyrie continue to guard here, and he left the underground space.

On the surface, several players were greatly relieved when they saw that Li Cha appeared again.

"Big brother, I'm not lying... Can you let us go?"

His tone was indescribably humble.

Richard is a little funny, these guys are indeed famous for being able to stretch and bend.

"Don't be nervous, if you say that you are not interested in you, you are not interested."

"Do you know what's hidden inside that golden gate?"

"I don't know, we can't even get close..."

Li Cha carefully sensed the other party's mood swings and said suddenly.

"Did you get the treasure about the golden dragon in it?"


The tall and thin player answered firmly.

"Only got a few 3-star treasures."

No lie... Richard felt that the heartbeats, facial expressions and even breathing of several players were all the same, and he knew it.

As his level became higher and higher, his mental power became more and more turbulent, and his existence was lower than his level, and there was no room for lying.

Immediately lost interest in them.

"You wait, when I get what's inside, I'll let you go."

Said and waved to the distance.

A small team of skeleton blood dragons galloped fast, patrolling the sky with a domineering attitude.

"Take care of them."

When the expert player saw the Bone Blood Dragon, a sense of horror came to his mind.

A familiar ID appeared in my mind... Qingqiu!

He had seen the last battle in the last dungeon, and he was deeply impressed by the fierce troops commanded by the opponent.

He turned his head and glanced at the partner beside him, excited to say something, but the others spoke before him.

"Fuck, we met Qingqiu!!"

"This undead arm, the symbol of Qingqiu?! Those two heroes were the heroes in the final battle just now? I said why they look familiar."

"President, let's just stay honest, a big guy like Qingqiu shouldn't break his promise."


The tall and thin player sighed and could only nod with a wry smile.

Qingqiu, this kind of top boss can be met by him, I don't know if it's bad luck or luck.

Li Cha ignored the few players. If it weren't for the existence of the Golden Gate, he would not even be bothered to stay. Now the gap between ordinary players and him is so big that few people can get into his eyes.

Alves did not return until the next morning.

Gray also arrived.

"Good day, Master."

Li Cha looked at the saluting mummified hero, nodded slightly, and indicated the corpse of the blood dragon that had been gathered on the side.

"Turn these corpses into bone blood dragons."

At present, only Gray can recruit the Bone Blood Dragon, and no one else can except him.

Gaunt can recruit bone demons of the same level as the Bone Blood Dragon, but from the current situation, the demons on the main plane are harder to find than dragons.

Therefore, the corps of the Bone Demon has been in a state of vacancy for a long time.

"As you wish."

Richard had seen Gaunt recruiting too many times, and he was too lazy to look at it at this time.

After confirming with Alves that the level 17 dragon hero has been placed, he took the other party to the underground space.

This unexpected golden dragon inheritance is the top priority.

The moment Alves entered the underground space, he immediately sensed the obvious dragon power, and the blood-colored power that escaped from his body immediately began to soar.

The dark underground space was immediately covered with a blood-colored blanket.

Empty eyes stared at the Golden Gate with a low tone.

"Master...I felt a dragon's spirit behind that door, roaring at me."

Li Cha frowned slightly.

"That soul didn't accept you?"

Alves stared straight ahead, his eyes did not shift half a minute.

"It's showing anger and hostility towards me!"

The dragon soul chose the successor, the giant desert dragon, and Alves appeared in the form of an undead, which was obviously very different from the opponent's choice.

At this point in Li Cha's thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a little tricky.

How to resolve the enemy's hostility? Let Alves be swallowed successfully?

After thinking for a while, UU reading couldn't help shaking his head.

He has too few means to deal with the dragon soul, and he can't let the opponent damage it.

After not finding the answer, he subconsciously opened the black gold system.

Originally, I just wanted to see the properties of the Golden Gate, but unexpectedly, new information appeared at this time.

"The Golden Gate holds the dragon soul of a golden giant dragon, devours its dragon soul, and can obtain the inheritance of the golden giant dragon. The currently selected successor is the desert giant dragon."

"It is detected that the new dragon hero-Alves meets the needs of inheritance, which can allow Alves to replace the desert dragon's successor position and obtain inheritance. Note: However, the golden dragon is not compatible with the undead life, and needs to be updated. High potential can only bear inheritance.”

"It can consume treasures that increase potential, stabilize Alves' soul and prevent it from collapsing."

Looking at the detailed information above, Li Cha was pleasantly surprised.

The black gold system is indeed an eternal god!

This reminded him of the tips given by the black gold system when Gray, an A-level hero, was born... Now it's the same.

A treasure that enhances potential... Richard instantly thought of the dark spar he obtained by attacking the gathering place of the Void Hunters in the last dungeon.

The only function of these spar is to increase the life potential.

Because of various considerations, he has never used the dark spar.

Now that this hand is left, it just takes effect, and it completely hits the muzzle.

The tone was a little excited.

"Alves, push open this golden gate, which contains the inheritance of the golden dragon."

Alves was immediately shocked, stepped forward, and pushed open the golden door that the dark Valkyrie couldn't open with a slight push of the bone and sharp claws.

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