Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 403: v2 Chapter 384: Twilight City upgrades, the expectation of god-blood gnomes

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October 15th, at noon.

Standing in front of the lord's mansion, Li Cha watched the yellow sand in front of him gradually dissipate, revealing a magnificent building.

Feeling very comfortable.


"Ding~ Dusk City has been upgraded to a third-level mid-city. The lord's mansion is expanded by 50 squares of open space, and the territory is expanded by 500 squares of open space. The current open space in the territory is: 1098 squares."

city ​​of twilight

Level: Level 3 Mid City (Upgrade to Level 1 Big City: 10 million units each of gold coins, wood, stone, and iron ore; 100,000 units each of crystal, gemstone, mercury, and sulfur; population 50,000; 5 special technologies; 20 hero unit.)

From the evening of the 13th to the noon of the 15th, in dozens of hours, the city of dusk has been upgraded from a third-level small town to a third-level middle city.

Looking down from the sky, the area of ​​Dusk City at this time was more than several times larger than before.

The original buildings were slightly crowded, but at this time, outside these buildings, there were large open spaces.

It is especially worth mentioning that when Dusk City was upgraded, the city walls also expanded along with Dusk City.

At this moment, it is still firmly guarding the territory.

city ​​wall

Level: Intermediate (You can follow the territory level to upgrade the level at the same time, the next level requires 10 million units of stone)

Features: 25 meters high, 12 meters wide, 50 firmness.

Skill: Tenacity, increase the strength of the defending army by 30% and the defense by 30%.

Introduction: A city wall with good defense.

Obviously, the city wall is firmly bound to the territory.

There will be no embarrassing situation where the territory exceeds the city wall.

The only thing that gave Li Cha a headache was that the conditions for upgrading a third-level middle city to a first-level big city were too harsh.

Not to mention resources, with the ability of Dusk City now, it is not a big problem.

20 heroes are also not difficult, but the latter two are not the same.

5 super technology, 50,000 people...

He knows how difficult it is to upgrade technology.

Those resources consumed are still second, the key point is... the time that research needs to consume.

Beginners and intermediates are fine, but upgrading technology from advanced to super will often take a month, or even longer.


And there is a chance of failure.

5 super technology, even the city of dusk, it will take at least four or five months to succeed.

This is also the result of the research he arranged for Sam, the one-armed blacksmith, to conduct research.

If there is any unexpected situation in the middle, such as a more urgent task that needs to be cut in the queue, then this time will be delayed.

The population of 50,000 also left him speechless.

Where did so many people come from in the desert?

It's been half a year since he came to "Era of Radiance", and Dusk City has only picked up more than 2,000 people from the desert...

It just made him unable to complain.

Those lords who lived in wealthy land, there were 30,000 to 50,000 people who were more ruthless.

The barren resources of the desert make this condition not a problem for other lords, but it is very harsh for Dusk City.

After taking a deep breath and stabilizing his mind, he began to think of a solution.

"For population issues, it is never enough to rely on deserts to produce them on their own."

"Who has nothing to cross the desert all day?"

"The best solution at present is to introduce it from the outside..."

"The world has no shortage of poor people displaced by war."

"The Violet Chamber of Commerce should play its role."

"However, there must be a certain degree. You can't introduce too many residents at one time. High people's hearts have a huge role in promoting the development of the territory. Too many people will easily disperse people's hearts..."

"The population is solved, and the technology can only let Sam work hard."

"We will continue to explore talents in this area in the future."

"According to such conditions, if Dacheng wants to upgrade in the future, it may still be blocked by technology."

Li Cha's thoughts gradually became clearer, and he quickly found the crux of the problem.

However, this cannot be solved in a day or two, it can only be done step by step.

The development of Dusk City is bound to encounter various difficulties.

He is mentally prepared for this.

After taking back his thoughts, he looked around.

Other buildings should also be upgraded.

Now he has enough resources in his hand, he left 20 million to Vale before, and he still has 80 million in his hand.

I don't hesitate to upgrade all the 5 buildings such as Blacksmith Shop, Food Workshop, Brewing Workshop, Tailor Shop, Barracks.

3 hours later, 5 super buildings appeared in front of us.

Except for the barracks, all turned into 4-storey buildings.

Looks quite majestic.

Only the barracks remained the same. The only difference was that the railings outside had become three-meter-high walls.

Barracks can train ordinary residents to become soldiers and participate in war.

You can even get special treasures and train special units.

But this building, which is very useful to other lords, is tasteless in Dusk City.

Richard didn't need ordinary residents to change jobs into arms. First, there were fewer residents, and they were more valuable than soldiers.

Second, the undead army in hand is more suitable for desert combat.

The only function that leads to this building is to meet the upgrade needs of the territory...

After the inspection, Li Cha was quite satisfied.

Anyway, Dusk City is getting stronger and stronger now.

But seeing that there are more than 70 million ordinary resources left on the attribute panel, I immediately looked at the residential buildings... If you want to upgrade, you need a big city with a population of 50,000.

There are far from enough residential houses at this point.

After thinking about it, I simply upgraded the 40 residential houses to the special class.

After such a crazy upgrade, only millions of resources are missing.

Seeing that the numbers on the attribute panel are still considerable, Li Cha is in a good mood.

The gains from the last capture of the underground world were indeed a lot of money.

So far there has been a surplus.

This made him have to sigh that it was indeed the golden belt of murder and arson.

But looking back, it was a bit sloppy.

Because of so many resources, it is only possible to upgrade two arms nests to crowns...

There is a sharp contrast between the two.

"Is this reminding me that military strength is everything?"

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. No matter how well the city is built, if there is not enough strength to protect it, it is also a wedding dress for others."

"When others store grain, I store guns, and his house is my granary??"

Under Richard's generosity, all buildings in Dusk City have been upgraded to special grades.

And the next level, you need to upgrade the city of dusk to a big city to be promoted.

This turned him off.

With a population of 50,000 and 5 super technologies, this is stuck on the door of life.

Underground world.

An elderly old dwarf stood on the towering city wall of Furnace City, looking out into the gray distance with an inexplicable expression.

Because this direction is the direction of Bloodhoof City.

What he was looking for was not the city of the dungeon barbarians, but the figure that once appeared as a savior.

Unfortunately, it has been half a month, and the other party has not appeared...

"Rand Augustus...what are you doing up there? Damn bastard, if you fall again this time, I promise you you'll throw your body down the drain and let Those filthy sawtooth rats devoured them clean!"

Hearing the cursing voice behind, the old dwarf turned around.

A gray dwarf with anger on his face appeared in front of him in a wheelchair.

There are two mechanical puppets behind the other party pushing the wheelchair. What is particularly eye-catching is that one of his arms is as short as a bean sprout.

Congenital deformities.

The old dwarf had a wry smile on his face.

"Master Brown..."

The man in front of him was the first 12th-level alchemist to take refuge in Richard, Brown.

The gray dwarf stared at the old dwarf viciously at this time.

"You fell from here last time, how dare you come?!"

The old dwarf was helpless.

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"It was just an accident last time, am I fine?"

"Accident? Listen, listen! This is what a dwarf can say? Gods are above, I promise the great master, if he allows, I will kick you down personally, so that you can experience what it is Accident!"

Brown was furious.

Seeing this, the old dwarf decided to change the subject.

"Lord Brown, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Brown snorted coldly, and didn't bother to bother, anyway, his life wasn't his.

He said stiffly.

"The master has returned to Dusk City three days ago, and he specifically named him to see you."

"It is expected that in two days, we will come to the underground world."

Said full of threats.

"Rand! If you lied, you don't have the blood of the gods in your body... believe me, I will throw you all into the furnace without the master's anger!"

The old dwarf had an unconcealed surprise on his face.

"Lord Richard is back?!"

"Praise the **** of gnomes!"

Brown pouted.

"God of dwarfs? That guy has long since fallen. What's the use of praise now... We are all small-sized races, why don't you let gnomes follow me and believe in the great **** of gray dwarves."

The old dwarf stared at Brown indignantly and said loudly.

"Stupid gray dwarves! Great gods will not fall!"

"My **** is just sleeping! He will definitely return!"

Brown sneered.

"Return? It's the legend of your dwarfs? When the moon rises, it will be resurrected?"

Looking at the old dwarf who was about to get angry, he was too lazy to say any more and waved his hand.

"Stop arguing, hurry up and inform your clan, don't hit the master when something goes wrong, I won't be able to spare you at that time!"

After speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and sat up straight, with a bit of flattery.

"Lord Rand, I recently encountered a few questions in alchemy, I wonder if you can ask you to answer..."

The old dwarf looked at the faceless face of the other party, his anger subsided, and he could not laugh or cry.

They are all of the same stature, why is there such a big difference?

With a long sigh, he could only ask the other party's question and explain it.

He was not familiar with alchemy technology, but for some reason, as long as Brown described the cause and effect in detail, he could always think of a way.

It's like knowledge that is already hidden in the mind.

After Brown left with satisfaction, the old dwarf took a deep look outside the gray city wall, and stopped staying, turned and left the city wall, and walked towards the inside of the furnace city.

On the street, mechanical puppets and gray dwarves are constantly moving, making it very lively.

It seems that decades have passed since the war that destroyed the Forge City.

No one mentioned it again.

Life in the underground world is always so pragmatic.

Survival comes first.

Who rules them, in essence, doesn't matter, as long as the other party can give them a chance to live...

Coincidentally, Dusk City is stocking and managing the underground world, but it has released the potential of the underground world and found a way of development that suits itself.

Except for a few mechanical puppets who protected him on the road, no one paid any attention to him.

The old dwarf didn't take it seriously, and with hope in his heart, the pace was much faster.

After crossing two streets, he turned into a small manor, ignored the mechanical puppet guarding the door, and pushed the door directly in.

The moment the gate of the manor opened, dozens of pairs of eyes glanced over.


"Lord Rand..."

One by one, old or young dwarfs looked at him expectantly.

In the past, facing these gazes, the old dwarf always felt a little ashamed, he knew what his clan was waiting for.

But could not give a reply.

This time is different.

Take a deep breath and speak loudly.

"Lord Richard has returned to Dusk City three days ago, and has stated that he will come to Furnace City in a few days, and we will be summoned by name!"

This remark immediately cheered up all the gnomes.

After waiting so long, it's finally here!

"Praise the **** of gnomes, I know that we will definitely get the approval of the surface lord..."

"Hahaha, those clansmen who didn't follow, let them regret it!"


The life of the underground world always has a special worship for the strong.

And for the great existence who could reverse the situation by himself and finally forcibly destroy the underground overlord of the gray dwarves, everyone has a strong respect in their hearts.

Not many people will have a psychological burden for relying on such a strong person.

The rules of survival in the underground world are far simpler and crueler than those on the surface.

The old dwarf waited until the heated discussion had subsided before speaking again.

"Everyone else should go back and rest. You must keep your spirits up these days. Lord Richard may come at any time..."

After speaking, he looked at the two middle-aged dwarfs.

"You come with me."


Entering the side hall, the old dwarf looked at the two middle-aged dwarfs and said slowly.

"Is that thing...ready?"

The eyes of the two suddenly became a little complicated.

"Patriarch, once we hand over that thing, we will have no way out."

"That's the only treasure left by our ancestors, and it's the key to unlocking the power of our bloodline..."

The old dwarf fell silent, and did not speak for a long time.

The air suddenly fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, the old dwarf looked up.

said in a hoarse voice.

"We, do we still have a choice?"

"We have been without power for far too long since the great gnome **** fell into eternal slumber."

"Who, can still start the key?"

He spoke with a complexion that no one could comprehend.

"The resources needed to activate the key... With our current strength, we cannot accumulate enough in 10,000 years."

"Bloodhoof City has already started the siege against other forces in the underground world."

"If you don't seize this opportunity, the genocide will be obvious."

"Either show your worth and survive, or be treated like trash...we, have no choice."

The eyes of the two middle-aged dwarfs were full of helplessness and pain.

The underdog... always has been.

"Then, why don't we take refuge in Bloodhoof City?"

The old dwarf sneered.

"Bloodhoof City? That's just a dog raised by Lord Richard..."

Although now the bloodhoof city is in charge of the underground world, and even the prestige is the same.

But smart people understand who is the real master of the underground world.

The old dwarf sighed softly.

"Now, only Lord Richard can help us, we need to regain our strength too much."

"And from Mr. Richard's attitude towards the underground world, it can be seen that the other party is not a murderer."

"We will get what we deserve."

As he spoke, he slowly extended his hand to the two middle-aged dwarfs.

"Take it out..."

The two looked at the old dwarf with firm eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com sighed and said no more.

Gnomes, since their gods have fallen asleep, they have no power to decide their own destiny.

Each of the two took out a short knife and swiped it directly on the palm of their hand.

Blood flowed instantly, and the smell was pungent.

But the next second, a surprising picture appeared.

The blood that flowed out seemed to have lost its gravity and floated in the sky, and the blood of the two gradually merged together.

After a dozen or so breaths, a statue of a gnome the size of a third fist condensed in the sky.

The old dwarf looked at the familiar statue and burst into tears.

"My God prophesied before he fell asleep that the crimson moon would rise into the sky, and he would come back again... But now, we may not be able to wait for that day."

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