Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 404: v2 Chapter 385: The ancient tree of the gods is transformed, and Hina leaves

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Global Lord: Becoming a Desert Lord at the Start Chapter 385

After he was busy with the upgrade of the territory, Li Cha inspected it carefully.

Looking at the spacious city, the mood is quite good.

From the dilapidated territory of three or two big fish and small fish in the beginning, to the current city of dusk with strong soldiers and horses.

In the past six months, his efforts have not been in vain.

The whole is now on this brick by brick.

And it won't be long before more buildings will be built on these widened open spaces.

He never forgot his original goal—to make the city of dusk the most dazzling pearl in the desert.

He was unwavering in this goal.

After walking around for a while, when Richard came to the north wall of the city and looked into the distance, he suddenly thought that he had not had time to go to the quicksand land in the past few days.

When he left, the dark energy obtained by the ancient tree of God's Sin had almost met the needs for transformation.

In the past half a month, the Void Sandworm is still opening the door of space to let the ancient tree of gods hunt the Void Hunter, how should it also meet the needs of transformation.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated, and galloped directly towards the land of quicksand.

At the moment when the ancient tree of gods and sins appeared in front of him, Li Cha immediately found that the boss who exuded endless evil aura was a little different.

The first is the dry branch, which was originally black and gray, but now it has become pure black, and it is faintly shiny, as if a layer of oil has been applied to it.

Gives a seductive feeling.

Its aura is also different from the majestic and majestic before, becoming like a volcano about to erupt, turbulent.

Ups and downs, extremely unstable.

Even if they are separated by a great distance, they can feel the pressure from it.

Open the attribute panel, and a new change has indeed appeared on the status bar of the ancient tree of gods.

God's Ancient Tree

boss unit

Level: 14

Status: Transforming (120%)......

The other party devoured dark energy, and it was full, even beyond the limit of transformation.

Li Cha frowned.

It stands to reason that when accumulating transformation energy, the more the better.

But now the state of the ancient tree of God's Sin is a little unstable, and he is not sure at this moment that it will be beneficial.

Approach immediately.


On the huge trunk of the ancient tree of gods, a twisted face appeared.

The other party's slow and leisurely tone is very distinctive, as if the video is set to 0.5 times the playback speed.

Li Cha nodded and said directly.

"Treebeard, why haven't you transformed?"

The mythical treasure that can make the ancient tree of gods and sins undergo a qualitative change and cost 8 million points to exchange - the blood of the dark gods, he has already given it to the other party in advance.

It shouldn't be delayed until now.

God's evil ancient tree urn sounded urn air.

"Master, you don't need to worry, I can still control the power in my body."

"This transformation is expected to take a long time... I need to wait for your order."

As the most powerful fighting force in the city of dusk, once he falls into a deep sleep, it will have an impact on the strategy of the entire city of dusk.

The ancient tree of the gods is not stupid. As a boss unit, its wisdom can be called outstanding.

It's just his own exaggerated combat power that makes people ignore this.

Li Cha was relieved and nodded.

"Do the items stored under your roots need to be moved?"

Under the roots of the ancient tree of gods, there is a huge underground space, and the magical plants he plundered from the underground world are planted here.

The corpses of hero units obtained from hunting before are also stored in it.

With this boss guarding him, he is more at ease than the existence of Dusk City.

"No, my transformation will not affect the items below."

Li Cha's tone relaxed.

"What about the desert dragon hero?"

"I have used the roots to control its body. When the opponent is weak, it will directly inject energy, and it will not let it die..."

Li Cha was very satisfied, the role of the ancient tree of gods and evil was absolutely incredible.

Can do anything.

Treebeard added at this time.

"Master, while I am transforming, please don't let the residents of Dusk City enter the land of quicksand."

"I won't be able to handle the quicksand by then."

Richard agrees.

"Is there anything else I need to do? Do I need to send troops around to guard it?"

The ancient tree of gods shook its branches.

"No, once there is an irresistible danger, I will sink into the quicksand... You will come to help when the time comes."

Richard smiled, this guy was more thoughtful than he thought.

Then he seemed to think of something, and took out the branches of the Rotten Tree.

"Treebeard... do you know the origin of this branch?"

The distorted face of the ancient tree of the gods was a little surprised.

"Master, the evil aura that this tree exudes is familiar to breath of the abyss."

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

Breath of the abyss?

He glanced down at the branches, thoughtfully.

Is it another evil tree that came from the abyss to the main plane like the ancient tree of gods?

It seems that after busy with trivial things, I have to speed up the time to go.

It must be confirmed whether the rotten tree has withered and whether it can be brought back to life.

With the ancient tree of the gods, he is very interested in trees and other things.

After communicating with the ancient tree of God's Sin for a long time, Li Cha determined that the other party had no more needs, and no longer said any more, and withdrew from the quicksand land with the surrounding sandworms.

Standing on the edge and looking out, you can see that the poisonous wasps flying wantonly in the air gradually landed on the trunk of the ancient tree of gods.

Afterwards, the ancient tree of gods and sins, whose breath fluctuated, gradually converged, becoming like an ordinary dead tree.


Li Cha looked at the system panel, and there was only one attribute left in the ancient tree of the gods—transformation.

Take a deep breath, eyes burning.

From the dungeon hunting the Void Hunter, to desperately earning points to exchange for the blood of the dark god, and then leaving the dungeon to open the dark plane with the Void Sandworm to fill the energy gap...

After several months, it's finally here.

Not easy.

Alves is transforming, and the ancient tree of gods is also transforming. The power of the city of dusk is about to usher in a new round of outbreaks...

And unlike Alves, once the ancient tree of the gods is transformed, it will gain one of the most terrifying existences in this world... the power of the gods.

God's sin... that is a very evil existence that can slaughter gods.

Powerful enough to exist as the ultimate villain in all the myths and legends of "Era of Radiance".

No one can estimate the height of the already powerful ancient tree of gods and evils.

He was full of anticipation for it.

After returning to his senses, he thought of another thing.

"If within two months, the ancient tree of the gods can be transformed successfully, then you can bring this super boss into the temple where the heart of the gods is sealed to complete the S-level task..."

It has now been half a month since the deadline given to him by the old man who lost his heart.

With two and a half months left, the mission will fail.

Now, I can only hope that the ancient tree of the gods will wake up soon.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it any further, just as he was about to turn around and leave, out of the corner of the eye, he saw a void sandworm with dark golden skin and countless mysterious runes engraved on it.

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This guy who was a baby bug two months ago has grown to 50 meters in size at this time.

The torso diameter exceeds 20 meters.

Ordinary people stand nearby, as if facing a city wall, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

At this time, the gap between ordinary sandworms and void sandworms is also reflected.

Although the size of the ordinary sandworm has grown a lot, it is still less than forty meters.

Those little guys didn't dare to approach the Void Sandworm at all, so they could only whimper to Li Cha from a distance.

As a Void bloodline, for ordinary sandworms, it is simply a terrifying big boss.

Li Cha saw this big guy and smiled.

Step forward, reach out and press on the opponent's skin.

The spirit radiated out and entered the void sandworm spirit sea.

Sensing Li Cha's breath, the Void Sandworm was immediately excited.

A somewhat immature spiritual force came.


After this period of development, the Void Sandworm has gradually mastered the ability to communicate, and wisdom has gradually been opened.

Li Cha looked at the big guy who wanted to rub his head with his head, and his face turned black.

If this is rubbed against, the city wall can't stand it...

Quickly stop the other party's coquettish behavior.

Immediately after that, he entered the topic, and asked the other party in spirit whether the time to open the door of space had improved.

"Master, I can now open up the space for 6 hours...but if the distance is too far, the time will be shortened."

Before he went to Solan City, it was still 4 hours, and it improved by 2 hours in half a month, which is not a small improvement.

The door to space that he was looking forward to opening around the clock may not be far away.

The ability of the Void Sandworm is a completely strategic force for Dusk City.

The effect is indescribable.

Even in the later stage, the value is higher.

It is not a dream to conduct cross-plane transactions in the future.

It was very encouraging to the Void Sand Worm, and after repeatedly telling it that it could only devour Void energy and not eat the food of the main plane, it returned to Dusk City.

The land of quicksand is temporarily handed over to these big guys to guard.

With the current military strength of Dusk City, within tens of kilometers around it, it has already been emptied over and over again.

It is impossible for a large number of enemies to unknowingly touch the quicksand without being discovered.

Moreover, the ancient tree of the gods may not necessarily need to be guarded...

Back at the lord's mansion, I just sat down and had a cup of hot tea.

The Dark Valkyrie and Sheena, along with the innocent-looking little centaur Emerida, came together.


"grown ups......"


Three completely different names rang out at the same time.

Li Cha looked at them with some amusing.

"Which song is this about?"

Hina took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Lord Richard, I hope I can go back to the Krina residence, and at the same time have some experience, at least break through level 15..."

The excitement in Solan City was too great.

A girl who is strong by nature, unwilling to be weak... Although to most enemies, Hina is simply a demon.

Li Cha raised his brows, this was what he had promised before he came back.

It's just that he didn't expect the other party to be in such a hurry.

But after pondering for a moment, he still nodded.

"Go early and return early, pay attention to safety."

He wanted to visit the Krina family in person, but now there are too many things in his hands and he can't get away.

And with these two top heroes there, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

The hero is the arm of the lord, and the ability of the top hero is even stronger than that of most lords.

After exhorting him, he turned to look at Amelida with big eyes.

"What about you? What do you want to do?"

Amelida stepped forward and put her arms around Richard's shoulder coquettishly.

"Father, I also want to go out to play with Sister Hina... No, go and practice yourself!"

Li Cha could not laugh or cry.

"You are only level 9... The surrounding field troops are enough for you to improve."

"Before level 15, you are not allowed to leave Dusk City."

Amelida stopped for a moment, and looked at Richard pitifully with a pouty mouth.

"Father~ I beg you~"


Li Cha didn't see it.

The little guy was coquettish and cute for a long time and didn't see a response, so he muttered angrily that his father was a big bad guy and ran out of the door.

The former demigod boss, the first plan to go out to play was ruthlessly smashed...

Hina is also a little funny.

If one day, Amelida's memory is restored, she knows that she does not know what expression she will have during this experience?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look forward to the other party's memory being restored.

After regaining his senses, he said slowly.

"Master, if possible, I will try my best to persuade the clan to join Dusk City."

Xina has always known Richard's thoughts. At first, she didn't have any big ideas, but now, this city of miracles has explained everything.

It is not shameful, or even honorable, for the Krina to be a member of the City of Twilight.

More importantly, it was the **** of kobolds who cursed the Krina tribe.

An evil **** of the dungeon clan with extremely terrifying power!

Although the other party has repeatedly suffered setbacks in the city of dusk, who can ignore a god.

If they can't win the City of Dusk, the other party will definitely hate the Krina people.

The City of Twilight can stop the **** of kobolds, but what can the Krina people do to stop it?

Li Cha took a deep look at Hina. UU reading www.

"Just do your best, no need to entangle."

The current city of dusk can be called the four words of strong soldiers and horses, and it is no longer the weak territory that could be destroyed at any time.

It is good that the Krina tribe can join, but without them, it will not affect anything.

After a trip to Solan City, I have a broader understanding of the world.

Top heroes like Sheena can't be all over the street.

In particular, the ancient tree of the gods and Alves are still undergoing further transformation... which makes him more confident.

"Yes, my lord."

Hina didn't say much, and the specific situation will only be known after returning to the Krina tribe.

After Li Cha finished speaking, he looked at the Dark Valkyrie, nodded slightly towards the top boss, and did not speak.

Beidi Pavilion

The Dark Valkyrie slowly stroked her chest without opening her mouth.

it is more than words.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Li Cha's emotions were also a little subtle.

The ancient tree of the gods and Alves are transforming, and Xina and the Dark Valkyrie are stimulated to go out to experience and upgrade alone. Several top combat powers in the City of Twilight are gone in an instant.

Now seems to be the eve of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly.

When they return successfully, the power of Dusk City will definitely reach a new level!

"It seems that to explore the rotten tree, I can only go there alone, but before that, I should go to the underground world first."

"I don't know how much the alchemy technology in the Furnace City has recovered, and what about the dwarf with the blood of the gods..."+Join bookmark+

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