Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 405: v2 Chapter 386: The great master, the dwarf's treasure, summons me...

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October 16th.

before heading to the underworld.

Richard recruited the newly refreshed units.

In addition, before going to Solan City, a batch of troops recruited on September 22, when upgrading the territory, recruited two batches accumulated on October 1 and 8.

During this period of time, he recruited the output of the troop nest 4 times in total.

The current total strength is .

Mummy Guardian 630

Axe of the Dead 515

Bandage Mummy 273

Scorpion Warrior 141

Great Axe Death Rider 387

Sand Condensed Archer 850

Wild Sand Mage 445

Cursed Pharaoh 90

Brilliant Arms - Dark Gargoyle 240, Axe of the Dead 70.

110 Statue of the Dead - 720

Heavy Swordsman 20.

Crown Arms - Bone Blood Dragon 160, Bone Demon 0.

Total troop strength: 4536, more than four brigades.

What he valued in particular was the fusion of arms - the stone statues of the dead, whose number also reached an exaggerated 7 squadrons.

All lift off, can directly cover the entire city of dusk.

The power in his hands skyrocketed again.

But the price is that the resources on the panel drop wildly.

The rare resources accumulated before have all been consumed in Solan City.

This time, in order to recruit the stone statues of the dead, a large amount of rare resources had to be exchanged for ordinary resources. After this round of consumption, there are still 50 million units of ordinary resources remaining.

This made Li Cha feel that while the resources he earned from conquering the underground world last time were abundant, he also felt a headache about the exaggerated expenditure.

He wanted to accumulate some resources and promote all the arms' nests to the brilliant level.

But this month, the resources in hand are getting less and less...

This made him a little helpless.

There is a big money-sucking family like the troop nest, no matter how much you earn, it feels like it's not enough.

"It's still more profitable to capture advanced maps..."

It's a pity that a power as rich and easy to handle as the gray dwarves is too hard to find.

If you want to find it, you can only leave the desert of death.

But at this stage, Dusk City has no spare capacity for frequent long-distance expeditions.

The crimson moon is coming, and great changes are about to begin.

Before the spatial ability of the Void Sandworm is unstable, the plan to go out hunting needs to be careful.

After giving the recruited troops - desertification, Richard did not hesitate to enter the underground world from the two-way portal built in the land of quicksand.

When he passed through the ancient tree of gods and evil, the boss still had no vitality at all, and even he could hardly sense the vitality of the other party.

As if really withered.

The venomous wasps that stayed on the branches also turned gray and black, as if they had become fossils.

This scene looks rather odd.

Li Cha didn't observe much, it was still too early for the other party to wake up.

After passing through the gate of space, immediately after the continuous underground passage, the dim environment of the underground world appeared in front of us again.

Smelling the stench of mud in the air, his brows furrowed subconsciously.

No matter how many times he came, this world without sunlight would still make him feel uncomfortable.

Open the system map, determine the target, and directly control the gravel to fly out.

Bloodhoof City, since the annihilation of the Grey Dwarves, the city has become the virtual center of the underworld.

And the masters of this city, the dungeon barbarians, finally got their wish and became the overlords of the underground world!

Although this overlord seems to many people to put a quotation mark.

But no matter what, before the surface lord didn't speak, Bloodhoof City was the most powerful ruler of the underground world, and there was no force that could compare with it.

At this moment, the streets of Bloodhoof City are very lively. If you look around, you can see all kinds of strange dungeon races coming and going.

Most of these beings came to trade weapons.

The news that Bloodhoof City used food to purchase high-level equipment from all forces had spread throughout the underground world before the Grey Dwarves were wiped out.

And food is the hard currency that is more precious than anything to the underground world.

Out of ten fights, nine were over food.

Suddenly, a burst of yellow sand flew into the city from the sky.

Many people on the street looked up subconsciously.

"How dare you break into Bloodhoof City? You're really courting death... eh? That's... the surface lord?!"

The street suddenly became noisy.

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see what the legendary surface lord looked like.

But unfortunately, the speed was too fast, and when they reacted, they only saw a vague shadow...


This upset many people.

Manipulating yellow sand is Richard's signature ability to spread in the underground world.

Coupled with the legendary degree that has exceeded 10 points, his popularity and prestige in the underground world can be described as horror.

Li Cha ignored the restless street and flew directly into the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as he landed, Sel Bloodhoof, the owner of Bloodhoof City, greeted him.

The other party seemed to know his arrival one step in advance every time.

Searle strode closer and took the lead in salute.

"Lord Richard! Welcome you!"

Respectful and humble attitude.

This is what Li Cha appreciates the most about life in the dungeon. If he can afford it, he can let it go. When he should admit, he will never hold on.

A smile appeared on his face.

"No need to be more polite, Searle, I promised you that in the future, the dungeon barbarians will follow the city of dusk to conquer the surface."

"Keep a good attitude, we were friends before, and we will be friends in the future."

He stepped forward, patted the other party's shoulder, and his tone was somewhat close.

After Searle straightened up, his emotions were complicated.


He took a deep look at Li Cha and nodded vigorously.

The high-level dungeon barbarians behind them also let out a sigh of relief.

There has always been a proverb in the underworld... After the rabbit in the forest has been caught clean, it is the moment when the hound dies.

Judging from Li Cha's attitude, the other party obviously did not have this idea.

In the future, Dusk City will bring Bloodhoof City to attack the surface forces together. It was the promise that Richard made to Searle last time. Now that he mentioned it again, it also gave them a lot of confidence.

My heart immediately calmed down.


Searle led Richard into the hall and let him sit in the main seat.

Li Cha was also polite, and of course he would not let him sit down.

A few months ago, when he first came to the underground world, he was able to take control of Bloodhoof City with the help of the severely broken Transcendent Hunter.

developed over several months.

The city of dusk has long been different, and his status will naturally be higher.

Strength is the only pass, this sentence is never false.

After three rounds of tea and chatting for more than ten minutes, Li Cha got to the point.

"Searle, how did the plan we agreed on before, Bloodhoof City complete?"

Searle's face turned serious immediately.

"Lord Richard, everything is developing according to plan."

"One third of the progress of unifying the underground world has been completed."

"The small forces around Bloodhoof City have all been brought under our jurisdiction."

"Those who do not surrender have been eliminated."

"And the plan to exchange food for weapons is also being implemented steadily. At present, more than 20,000 weapons have been exchanged, and more new weapons will be sent in the future."

It was a plan made early in the morning to make the underground world a weapons factory for the city of dusk.

Dusk City doesn't have so much energy to devote to the underground world now. The best way is to set a goal to guide the underground world in the direction he wants.

Bloodhoof City is his agent.

Richard nodded.

"Yes, you did a good job and didn't disappoint me."

"I have some new ideas here, which you will gradually promote later."

Searle immediately became solemn.

"Please speak."

After Li Cha organized the language, he explained the ideas that came to his mind.

"In order to maintain the leadership of weapon forging in the underground world, I need Bloodhoof City to open up forging technology to everyone and share forging information."

At the first sentence, Searle was shocked and felt a little incomprehensible.

"Lord Richard, you mean... open forging technology??"

Richard nodded.

"Yes, Bloodhoof City will establish a Forge Association in the future, and at the same time select the top forging divisions to teach forging techniques to other forces."

"Those who surrender to Bloodhoof City can send blacksmiths to study every once in a while."

"At the same time, as long as the blacksmiths from the small forces are above the senior level, they will come to Bloodhoof City to teach at regular intervals."

"In addition, as long as you contribute your forging skills to the Forge Association, you can get rich rewards."

"Working behind closed doors will never progress."

"Knowledge can only be promoted by mutual exchange."

"Of course, this is only a rough framework, very rough, and the specific details need to be supplemented by you."

His weapon business mainly faces players. If he wants to continue, he must be one step ahead of the players.

With the rapid development of players, the desire for low-level weapons and equipment has gradually decreased, and the demand for high-level weapons is on the rise.

It is necessary to make the underground world keep up with the player's development rhythm, in order to use the huge productivity to shave wool all the time.

To stay ahead, in his opinion, the best way to improve is to promote communication.

In this closed world, knowledge is an extremely precious wealth.

Especially forging this kind of craft that can eat, even more so.

It is impossible for anyone to share their craft without enforcing it by command.

What is the effect of this, he has already tested it in Dusk City.

Definitely worth trying.

After listening to Searle, he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

This idea of ​​completely breaking the inherent thinking made him feel a kind of crushing on sight.

While he was still complacent about mastering the underground world, the other party was already thinking about the longer-term future.

And what he did was so bold that he didn't even dare to think about it.

What a precious treasure is knowledge, if you share it, you should share it?

But from the other party's simple words, he heard a strong feasibility...

If it is firmly implemented and advanced, he is 70% sure that everyone will accept it.

No one can refuse to learn the craftsmanship of others.

The other Bloodhoof City executives were also speechless.

At this moment, they seemed to understand why Li Cha, who was still on an equal footing with them a few months ago, and even slightly bowed their head, could make them respectful a few months later.

The pattern gap is too big.

"Lord Richard, your heart is amazing..."

Li Cha smiled.

In the modern age of the explosion of knowledge, as long as they have the heart, ordinary people can even learn the driving skills of fighter jets, the manufacture of nuclear weapons...

There are few obvious barriers.

It is precisely because of the opening of knowledge that the whole world develops so rapidly.

Dusk City has achieved certain results in knowledge sharing.

The scale of the underground world is countless times larger than that of the City of Twilight, and there are countless times more intelligent life, if it can really be popularized.

For a long time in the future, in the aspect of forging weapons, it will remain ahead of players.

As long as the underworld can do that, it's enough.

"You must arrange this."

"Don't be too tough in the early stage, first use soft means, let other forces taste the sweetness, and then promote it vigorously."

"Specific details, you are free to operate."

Sell ​​came back to his senses, and bowed his chest with sincerity.

"As you wish."

After Li Cha finished his instructions, he continued.

"There is another important thing you have to do - register the hero units of all forces, level, occupation, ability, all the information is well counted."

"And the detailed information about their troop nests should also be recorded."

Searle was startled, then nodded seriously.


Li Cha waved his hand.

"On these two points... When you advance, you can do it in my name, but you must master the degree and don't be too aggressive."

"It can't be too much resistance from other people."

"Our goal is to keep the plan going, nothing else."

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Sel's eyes lit up.

He knew how terrifying Li Cha's current reputation was.

With the endorsement of the other party, the difficulty of implementing these two plans will be greatly reduced.

After chatting some more details, Searle suddenly twisted.

"Lord Richard, can I ask you to follow you to the surface world?"

Speaking as if afraid that he might misunderstand something, he said quickly.

"I just think......"

Li Cha interrupted with a smile.

"Naturally, after the underground world is completely unified, you can go to Dusk City at any time."

"In the future, the City of Dusk will also need Bloodhoof City to send troops to defend the city."

Searle was overjoyed.

The yearning for the surface is almost engraved in the genes of the dungeon family.

But unfortunately, many dungeon life have never left this gray world to see the sun, the stars and the moon.

Richard didn't say anything more. After making an agreement with the other party to trade weapons at the end of the month, he left Bloodhoof City and headed for Furnace City...

The barbarian executives waited for Li Cha to leave, and all looked at Searle.


Searle took a deep breath, his eyes burning like a torch.

Quietly restored the momentum of the former overlord.

"Immediately let someone refine the two requirements put forward by Mr. Richard, and at the same time make a perfect plan... Three days later, the implementation will begin."

"This is a task that Mr. Li Cha personally issued. Anyone who dares to drag their feet will be dealt with by the laws of Bloodhoof City!"


Several people should be in unison.

Searle didn't speak again, and turned to look at the dim sky outside the window.

"Conquering the surface...I really look forward to that day."

His eyes were very bright at the moment.


after an hour.

Forge City.

The soldiers guarding the city only saw a cloud of yellow sand flying in.

Several gray dwarf recruits subconsciously wanted to sound the horn, but were stopped by the teammates next to them in the next second.

"Idiot! That's the great master, Mr. Richard!"

The gray dwarf was startled, and then looked at the sky full of admiration.

"That's the great master?!"

Richard ignored this scene. In the underground world he conquered, he naturally had enough privileges.

A single word can decide the fate of countless people.

After crossing the city wall, he came to the vast central square after a while, but when he was about to fall, his face suddenly darkened.

Because a rock statue with a height of more than 30 meters appeared in his sight.

The statue seems to have been carved by a master, and its appearance is vivid and gives a strong visual impact.

But what left him speechless was that the statue was him...

Who the **** did this? ?

Li Cha fell to the ground with a speechless face, and after a while, two groups of gray dwarves who controlled the mechanical puppets surrounded him.

Perceiving the familiar aura, the gray dwarf immediately opened the cockpit and came out in unison, shouting in the most flattering tone.

"Great master, your humble servant greets you~ I welcome your return..."

After Li Cha captured Furnace City, he sat in town for more than half a month, but few soldiers in the city did not know him.

And there is this statue, it's hard not to know him.

Li Cha said with a dark face.

"Where are Brown and Gregor? Let them meet me here!"

"Yes, the great master..."

The two gray dwarves immediately turned to communicate, and the other gray dwarves quickly protected their surroundings.

A stance of waiting.

Ten minutes later, Brown, whose wheelchair was quickly pushed by two mechanical puppets, came to the front of the statue.


When the 12th-level alchemist saw him, he immediately stood up excitedly and ran over.

Li Cha glared at the guy angrily and pointed to the statue in front of him.

"Who asked you to carve this?"

Brown's excited expression suddenly stiffened on his face, and then he said carefully.

"This is the common wish of all the gray dwarves. Everyone said that it is simply the glory of the gods to welcome such a great ruler as you in the Forge City!"

He pointed at the gray dwarf next to him and added.

"If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Li Cha looked at Qi Qi and nodded, the gray dwarf who had no intention of lying, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although he knows that the gray dwarf has no bottom line, you can't be so unreasonable.

I occupied your city with my front feet, and you erected a statue for me with my hind feet?

He didn't know what to say to these cheap bones for a while.

Too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Where's that guy Gregor?"

Gregor, a level 15 master alchemist.

It can be said that he is the top talent in his hands.

His precious Andelle, whose occupation level is only super, is still a long way from being a master.

The only pity is that this guy is a gray dwarf.

It is also the day of the dog.

Brown grimaced.

"Greg was studying the World Destroyer in the secret room. He said that he must give life to the World Destroyer and come out again. Do you need me to call him?"

Only then did Richard remember that when he annihilated the gray dwarves, the chief of the gray dwarves drove a mechanical puppet wrapped in blood-colored muscles, the World Destroyer.

The grey dwarfs were defeated, and the master alchemist Geglu said that he could give life to the mechanical puppet, so he gave the World Destroyer mechanical puppet to the other party for study.

Unexpectedly, this guy still looks like a research madman in Andel.

"Forget it, ignore him."

Richard glanced at the statue and looked a little stubborn.

"Push this thing to me."

Brown is weak.

"Master, I suggest you keep it. The gray dwarves worship you very much, and your statue can deter them a lot... Because of your statue, the security has improved a lot during this time."

Richard's expression is quite wonderful.

Is this a joke?

A statue, can still make the law and order better?

But looking at Brown's serious face, he felt a little powerless.

He really didn't understand the brain circuits of these dungeon lives.

He waved his hand.

"Forget it, keep it useful."

Out of sight is pure, and I don't want to stay any longer.

Turn around and walk towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Asked while walking.

"What happened to the dwarf with the blood of the gods?"

Brown, who followed closely behind, responded immediately.

"Those god-blood gnomes came to take refuge on their own initiative, and they claimed to have the blood of the **** of gnomes flowing in their bodies."

"Although I don't see that they have, but one thing is very doubtful - those dwarfs have always insisted that they have not learned alchemy, but they are very proficient in alchemy."

"I often ask them some difficult alchemy questions, and they can answer them easily."

"I suspect that they may not only have the blood of the gods, but also have a high-level inheritance in their bodies."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"God of gnomes, hasn't this **** fallen?"

Among the mythological information he collected, there are records of the **** of gnomes...

Brown pouted.

"Those stupid gnomes don't see it that way. They still firmly believe in their legend that after the rise of the moon, the **** of gnomes will be resurrected..."

Li Cha's originally casual expression suddenly condensed.

His eyes were like knives, staring at Brown coldly.

The voice carries a powerful pressure.

"What legend?"

Brown was startled, didn't understand why Richard reacted so much, and said quickly.

"It's a legend that spreads among dwarfs. I also knew it by accident. All dwarfs say so."

"I mean . . . what moon rises? You know that?"

Li Cha stared at him closely and said word by word.

"But the crimson moon?"

"Master, this, I don't know..."

Brown felt like he was being targeted by an ancient dragon.

The terrifying pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

Sweat dripping down from my forehead...

Perceiving that the other party did not lie, Li Cha slowly restrained his momentum.

But his face was still full of grimness.

"Bring the dwarf immediately, not a single one!"


Brown responded with a trembling voice, and without even wiping his sweat, he quickly turned around and took the surrounding soldiers to the dwarf camp.

Richard came to the City Lord's Mansion in contemplation and sat directly on the golden throne, motionless like a sculpture.

After a long time, a clutter of footsteps came from far and near.

After more than a dozen breaths, about forty gnomes entered the hall under the **** of mechanical puppets.

The average height of this race is between 1.3 and 1.4 meters. It looks ugly and looks scary.

The clothes he was wearing were also very crude, and even many of them were ripped apart. At a glance, he knew that he was not doing well.

Rand Augustus, the aged old dwarf entered the hall and immediately saw the figure of the High Throne.

Immediately raised the spirit of twelve points.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he stepped forward when the other clansmen were still in a state of fear.

Kneel down and salute.

"The great master, the descendant of the **** of dwarfs, Rand Augustus, sends you the most lofty greetings and thank you for your reception."


When the other party's voice came from his ear, the old dwarf stood up tremblingly.

But at this moment, he still lowered his head, not daring to look more.

That one is the stalwart existence who has stepped down the underground world. The gap between their identities is too great.

"I heard that you have the blood of the gods flowing in your body? If so, why did you rely on me?"

The old dwarf gritted his teeth and raised his head.

Only at this moment did I see the figure on the golden throne.

The other party wore a black and red crown, his face was handsome and extraordinary, and the dark black cloak behind his back covered part of the throne, making it even more mysterious.

What impressed him most was the pair of dark and deep eyes, as if they could see through everything.

His temperament is full of the air of a king that makes people tremble, as if the other party is a natural master, and he is only worthy of kneeling.

After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down and spoke.

"Great existence, although the blood of the Father is flowing in our body, the glory of the dwarf has disappeared in the long river of time... We have lost the ability to open the blood in our body."

"Right now, only an enormous amount of resources can reactivate our power."

"In the huge underground world, there is no more benevolent refugee than you. Allegiance to you is the only way out..."

"You can give us hope."

After saying that, he knelt to the ground again.

"The great master, the dwarf family, is willing to sacrifice our lives and souls, and be eternally loyal to you."

As he spoke, his heart was tense to the extreme, because the next sentence of the other party would decide all their fates.

He is like a sinner sitting in the dock at the moment, waiting for the court to pronounce.


After a while, the words with a strong sense of oppression sounded again.

"Dwarf, what do you use to prove your identity?"

The old dwarf took a deep breath, raised his head, looked directly at the supreme king, shook his hands, and took out a blood-colored dwarf statue from his arms.

"The great master... This is the last treasure left by the father to the dwarf family."

The moment Li Cha saw the statue, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Breathing quickened.

That's... the breath of the gods!

There will be no fake!

Just when he was about to open the system panel to view the attributes, the old dwarf below made him stand up directly from the throne.

"Father God predicted the future before he fell asleep. After the crimson moon rises into the sky, He will return."

"And this treasure can summon the Father to come..."

Crimson Moon? ! !

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