Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 407: v2 Chapter 387: The **** of gnomes is in my hands?

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This heavy news is like a depth bomb thrown into Li Chaxin Lake, setting off a huge wave.

He never imagined that he could get news related to the Crimson Moon in the underground world.

And still so startling.

The crimson moon will rise, and the gnome **** will return... This prophecy may seem ordinary, but it completely overturns his previous inferences about the crimson moon.

Isn't the crimson moon the fear that can make the gods tremble?

Why did he suddenly have a relationship with such a fallen god? ?

What the **** is going on with this new expansion?

If this prophecy is true, the crimson moon is probably more complicated than he expected.

Thoughts turn.

His gaze turned to the blood-colored statue exuding a divine breath in the old gnome's hand.

Forcibly suppressing the waves in my heart, I slowly opened the attribute panel.

Gnome God Statue

[Level]: Special

[Characteristics]: It seals part of the soul of the gnome god, and at the same time activates the power of the descendants of the gnome god.

[Introduction]: The treasure forged by the gnome **** himself, and sealed part of his soul at the core.

Richard's breath suddenly stopped.

In this statue, is the soul of the gnome **** sealed? !

He felt a little weird.

When did the gods become Chinese cabbage? How can he meet him anywhere? !

Are these guys playing so big?

And this is different from the kobold **** clone imprisoned by him, which is sealed by the other party.

Its soul power is absolutely countless times more than that of the clone.

From the information just now... this statue is the key to the resurrection of the gnome god!

The light in the eyes is unstoppable. . . .

Rand Augustus, the old dwarf looked at Richard without speaking for a long time, his face full of anxiety.

It seems that he is afraid that he will order them to be dragged down and hanged on the city gate in the next second...

After a long time, he dared to speak with a trembling voice.

"Great Master, you, do you have any questions?"

Li Cha was awakened, looked at the worried old dwarf, and took a deep breath.

"How much do you know about Crimson Moon?"

The old dwarf smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Master, the prophecy of God the Father is too vague. We have searched for countless years and have not found any information about the Crimson Moon."

"Now that the gnomes are declining, there is no longer the ability to excavate this legend..."

Said with a long sigh.

"Our ancestors once deduced that this prophecy may just be a legend made up by one of our ancestors in order to gather dwarfs."

" may be difficult to wake up."

As he said this, his eyes were full of bitterness.

After countless years of anticipation and countless years of searching, the dwarf has not found hope.

Over time, the once mighty gnomes have become the bottom race.

The beliefs that supported them in their hearts had already collapsed and there was not much left.

The prophecies left by the gnome god, those who believe in it, have become an absolute minority...

They can't afford it.

Li Cha looked directly into each other's eyes, and every word was more important than a thousand miles.

"No, this prophecy is not a fabricated lie..."

The old gnome was startled.

He widened his eyes sharply, looking at the stalwart figure in front of him in disbelief.

"Master, you, what you said is true?!!"

The tone was extremely trembling, even making it unheard of.

In the hall, those dwarfs who dare not speak are also breathing faster at the moment, staring at the unparalleled ruler who is high on the golden throne.

They are waiting for the judge to pronounce their fate.

Li Cha nodded.

"You have no value for me to deceive."

"I have definite news that the Crimson Moon will rise soon."

If this sentence was said by someone else, even Serge Bloodhoof of Bloodhoof City, the new overlord of the underworld, the dwarf would not believe it.

But the one who said this now is the true ruler of the underground world.

A great existence that single-handedly wiped out the gray dwarves.

Its prestige, ten Bloodhoof cities tied together, can not be compared.

The dwarf was immediately excited.

"Woooooo... the legend, it turned out to be true!"

"Praise you, the great ruler of the city of dusk!"

"God of gnomes above, I swear, this is the best news I have ever heard in my life!"


The old dwarf was even more excited.

Tears flowed uncontrollably at the moment, because the wrinkles on the face were dense, and the tears flowed directly along the wrinkles.

It looks unbelievably sad.

The legend that the dwarfs have been looking forward to for millions of years, and has no longer hoped for any more, turned out to be true... Their patrons will reappear!

The emotions in my heart at this moment are too complicated to describe in words.

After a long time, a group of talents gradually recovered.

As if thinking of something, the old dwarf woke up abruptly, stepped onto the golden steps, and respectfully brought the statue in his hand to Li Cha.

"The great master, the fate of the dwarf family, please take control."

"We will fight to the death for your glory!"

The other dwarfs felt unwilling to see the old dwarf act like this.

Many people even gave birth to the idea of ​​whether they could leave and wait for the gnome **** to recover... But after seeing the mechanical puppets around him, he immediately came back to his senses.

Now they have no choice.

From the moment they made the decision to join the City of Twilight, their fate was out of their hands.

No, since the gnomes were no longer able to activate the blood in their bodies, they had lost the power to control their destiny...

Richard looked at the aging dwarf with interest.

A little admiration rose in his eyes.

He likes to deal with smart people.

Don't shirk, just reach out and take it.

The statue is like a weighing scale, quite a bit heavy.

Just before I put it in front of my eyes to take a closer look, the situation suddenly changed.

The divine aura that I could still perceive before suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The statue no longer has the slightest energy fluctuation, as if it has become a mortal.

The old dwarf's pupils shrank.

I was horrified.

what's going on?

Why is the frightening aura on this treasure gone?

Seeing that Li Cha's face was as usual, he lowered his head, and no longer dared to look at each other.

The breath of the gods can be erased, this great existence is really frightening.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed slightly, but his expression did not fluctuate.

The power of the statue is not disappearing, but, fear...

The next second, a hideous statue appeared silently in his hand.

Statue of an ancient god.

Two statues are placed side by side.

The statue of the gnome **** has no breath, but the ancient statue of the ancient **** exudes a faint dim light, like a shark smelling blood.

Naturally, he would not take the dwarf **** statue, the power of the **** is elusive.

In order to prevent accidents, he always controls the statue of the ancient gods.

The ancient statues of ancient gods that feed on gods are a big killer to deal with the rulers of the rules of this world.

Now it seems that the soul of the gnome **** sealed in the depths of the statue obviously still has a certain perception.

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I may not have a clear consciousness, but I also know to seek good luck and avoid evil...

Li Cha sensed the aura that he tried to hide, and looked at the old dwarf.

"Rand, how can I use this statue?"

"Are you talking about calling the Father God, or activating the blood vessels in our bodies?"

"Tell me all about it."

The old dwarf forced himself to calm down and said solemnly.

"If God the Father has returned, then you just need to input energy into the statue and you can call..."

"If you want to activate the bloodline, it's not that simple."

As he spoke, his face became a little ugly.

"The statue is the key to activate the bloodline."

"But to maintain this energy, 1 million units of rare resources need to be consumed every year."

"Because of the weakness of the gnomes, we have long been unable to pay for such a huge resource... This has also led to the fact that the blood vessels in our bodies have not been activated for hundreds of years."

The more you say, the more complicated the eyes are.

"At least 1 million units of rare resources are now required to restore the function of the key to the statue."

If it is not forced, who is willing to give up everything?

The decayed dwarf has no way out.

Li Cha understood.

No wonder the other party is willing to offer the statue.

1 million rare unit resources, which is an exaggerated figure for Dusk City.

He has been in "Era of Radiance" for more than half a year, and the rare resources on the book have not reached 1 million, even 500,000 units.

A few top treasures in his hand may be worth this price, but it is impossible to sell.

Moreover, it has to pay 1 million every year, this thing is simply an unbearable gold swallowing beast.

It's no wonder that the gnomes are weakened, not a force that is strong to a certain extent, and the annual payment of this resource can drag it down.

At this point, with a bit of curiosity, I opened the old gnome's attribute panel.

Although the other party's words were beautiful, he also wanted to see whether the blood of this **** was worth the price he paid.

Rand Augustus

hero unit

[Level]: Level 9

[Potential]: Grade B

[Skills]: Descendants of God-blood (legendary, the potential is increased by 1 level (the upper limit is super A level), can actively activate the blood of God in the body, open the body of the gods, the body of the gods, the body size increases to 4 meters high, and all attributes are improved 800%, skill attributes increased by 200%, level temporarily increased by 2 levels, before the energy in the body is exhausted, immune to death, duration: 20 minutes, cooldown: 24 hours.) (in seal)

Inheriting knowledge (Super A Grade, the knowledge of ancestors - fighting skills, alchemy, magic knowledge can be inherited through bloodline.) (in the seal)

Strong physique (Class B), Stealth (Class B), Gnomish Archery (Class C), Gnomish Combat (Class C), Blacksmithing (Class C), Tailoring Skills (Class D), Distinguishing Herbs (Class D)

[Heroic Talent]: Smart brain, when leading a gnome, wisdom increases by 20%.

[Racial Talent]: Super comprehension, for advanced knowledge such as alchemy and magic, the learning speed is increased by 40%.

[Bound-Gnomes]: If the number of gnomes exceeds 20, the intelligence will increase by 10%; if the number of gnomes exceeds 40, the intelligence will increase by 15%; if the number exceeds 60, the intelligence will increase by 20%.

[Introduction]: A dwarf with great potential, once the power hidden in the body is activated, he will have surprising talents.

After seeing the other party's attributes, Li Cha's expression was quite subtle.

A word popped into my mind... Ice and Fire.

The two skills of the old gnome's descendants of divine blood and inheritance of knowledge made him jealous, and they were among the top skills.

But aside from these two skills, everything behind is garbage.

This also seems to explain the current situation of the dwarf from the side.

Unlimited potential, life embarrassment.

If not out of desperation, how could a fighting hero learn the skill of tailoring?

Li Cha was slightly emotional.

Racial talent and fetters are not bad. If the bloodline is activated again, the seal of the two top skills will be broken.

I'm afraid this old dwarf can become the top hero in an instant.

Look at the other gnomes.

After scanning around, I found that the skill of the descendants of **** blood on other gnomes is only super A-level, and the upper limit of one-level potential improvement has also been reduced to A-level.

The temporary level increase has also become level 1, and various attributes have also shrunk to varying degrees.

But this is the case, within 20 minutes, the energy in the body is not exhausted, and the feature of immunity to death is still called a bug.

But it was a pity to him that the knowledge inheritance skill was not seen in other gnomes.

In the hall, except for the old gnome, no one else is a hero unit.

This is obviously the main reason.

After Li Cha was slightly emotional, he looked at the old dwarf.

What he valued most was not the opponent's combat power, but the inheritance of knowledge.

Brown specifically mentioned before that the dwarf had never learned alchemy, but he could answer many alchemy puzzles he didn't know.

Obviously thanks to this skill.

The City of Dusk now does not lack high-end combat power, but it lacks scientific researchers.

The attributes of the other party gave him new ideas...

"In Solan City, 5-star strategic treasures can be sold for millions of units of rare resources."

"With 1 million rare resources in exchange for a powerful hero unit, this transaction is not a loss."

Moreover, he still has a lot of dark crystals in his hand, which can completely train ordinary gnomes into heroes.

Thinking of this, he looked at the old dwarf.

"Apart from you, are there any other dwarfs?"

The old dwarf said bitterly.

"When we decided to join you, some of our clansmen had a huge disagreement with us, so half of them stayed at the station."

Richard nodded and looked at Brown, who had never spoken.

"Brown, you have someone to bring those gnomes back to the Forge without casualties."

Brown nodded immediately.

Then let the two dwarfs lead the way, turned and went down.

Li Cha glanced around, and after pondering for a moment, said slowly.

"Are you willing to live on the surface?"

This made the eyes of all dwarfs light up.

In the underground world, the surface is synonymous with abundance, safety, and hope. Almost all dungeon life has an obsession with the surface.

"Great Master, we would like to..."

In the end, the old dwarf was the representative.

"Very good, trust me, you will be sincerely honored for your choice today!"

"After going to the surface, I will activate the key function of the statue and give you power again."

This immediately made the dwarf excited.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

"Praise you, great master!"


Li Cha nodded, didn't say anything more, waved his hand to let everyone disperse.

Although there is still a lot of detailed information to ask these gnomes, those are not important, just leave it to the subordinates.

After the house was emptied, Li Cha turned his attention to the statue of the God of Gnomes again.

Feeling the breath of the statue, my heart moved slightly.

The statue is very extraordinary, but it will make him not know where to start for a while.

Needless to say, the soul of the dwarf **** is naturally invaluable.

But the big question should this thing be used?

Can the soul hidden inside be forced out?

Letting the ancient statues of ancient gods swallow them is a bit of a waste of time.

"This kind of top treasure seems to be a common problem in my hands."

"The stone of the plane is like this, the seed of the world tree is like this, and now this statue of the gnome **** is still like this..."

Li Cha smiled wryly and shook his head.

Others are afraid that there will be no good things, but he has too many good things, and he doesn't even know how to use them.

After withdrawing my thoughts, my attention was focused on the key issues.

"The most critical point now is the crimson moon... As long as the crimson moon can be found, all problems can be solved."

"I don't know if this little girl, Chris, has made progress..."

Shaking his head, he didn't bother.

It will only take two and a half months, even if no trace of the crimson moon can be found during this period, with the strength of the city of dusk, you can still get a share of the upcoming changes.

Didn't he accumulate the strength for so long to deal with these unexpected situations?

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