Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 408: v2 Chapter 388: Alchemy Technology Imagination

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Global Lords: Beginning as a Desert Lord Chapter 388 Alchemy Technology Imagination

Under Richard's strong will.

The next morning.

A group of more than 60 god-blood gnomes were brought back to Dusk by Brown.

When Richard arrived, he found that the old dwarf Rand was already there.

Both sides were looking at their companions with complicated eyes.

Seeing Richard who was surrounded by a group of people, the dwarf who was controlled by the mechanical puppet immediately panicked.

He lowered his head in shock and fear, not daring to look directly at Li Cha.

Richard nodded to the old dwarf who saluted him, and didn't talk nonsense to the captive dwarfs.

Open the properties panel directly to view the properties.

After a circle, a total of 3 heroes were found, one of which had a potential of C-level, and the other two were D-level.

without exception.

These three heroes all possess the two top skills of legendary descendants of god-blood and super-A-level knowledge inheritance.

It is not the skill of ordinary gnomes after being castrated.


Sure enough, it was because of whether he was a hero or not.

In this way, if 1 million rare resources are invested in these dwarfs, the income must be not small.

Withdrew his eyes and looked at the old dwarf.

"Rand, all the dwarfs are under your management, handle your internal affairs, if there is any problem, ask Brown to solve it."

After Li Cha warned them, he ignored them.

To subdue a few dwarfs, there is no need for him to take action.

What are the identities of these dwarfs... and deserve him to speak in person?

Even if the gnome **** is still around, that's it.

Not to mention, now that the dwarf even has the soul of his own **** under his control...

"Yes, the great master..."

The old dwarf should be respectful and dare not say anything more.

Other dwarfs don't even dare to fart one.

In front of the fierce and powerful surface lords, what else can they do besides waiting for the other party to decide their own destiny?

After the dwarf left, Brown excitedly came to Richard and told him good news.

"Master, the mechanical vehicle manufacturing workshop you ordered has been built..."

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

How to travel fast in the desert has always been a big problem in the inconvenient "Glorious Era".

The flying arms have a limited carrying capacity, and they also have to hold important combat positions, so it is impossible to put all of them into transportation.

The normal mode of transportation is still required.

The sandworms that are up to 100 meters in size and can drill into the sand are the best motivation.

To this end, he put the 4-star rare blueprint he obtained in the copy - the traffic machinery manufacturing workshop, into the furnace city to build.

In order to be able to produce the corresponding tools as quickly as possible.

Conquering the underground world is not the end, ruling this area and enjoying various hidden conveniences is the ultimate goal.

Brown led the way, and Richard followed.

Walking in a dungeon full of mechanical punk style, his mood is also a little subtle.

If those players who love one bite come to this kind of place, I am afraid that they will have a direct spiritual climax.

The mix of machinery and exoticism is extremely impressive.

What can alchemy do?

For the aborigines of "Ara of Radiance", this question is like asking what the Blue Stars can do.

Alchemy is a different world science that conforms to the rules of "Ara of Radiance" and can change the world.

For Richard, the gray dwarves are such a group of races that have deeply studied alchemy.

Although this race is arrogant, greedy, cowardly, timid, and selfish, almost all the negative characters possessed by intelligent beings are reflected in them.

But having an unmatched talent for alchemy is enough to earn them a place in Twilight City.

As for how to use alchemy, Li Cha has always had his own ideas.

But the biggest problem at present is that the accumulation of alchemy in Furnace City has not achieved the effect he wants.

Only step by step.

In front of the huge mechanical vehicle manufacturing workshop, there is an exaggerated yard.

At this time, there are three machines with a very special structure.

The three machines look exactly the same, ten meters high, twenty meters wide, and thirty meters long, and are divided into three layers: upper, middle, and lower.

It looks like a canoe and is streamlined.

Interestingly, there is also a giant hook in the front and rear, much like the connection between the train cars.

When Richard was about to ask, Brown pointed to the special machine in front of him and said loudly.

"Master, this is the mechanical boat we designed for sandworms!"

"We have adopted a special segmented design, which has a small transportation volume. We can separate the mechanical boats and have a large transportation volume. We can use hooks to connect multiple sections of the mechanical boats to increase the carrying capacity."

"If the three-story building is not needed, it can be completely dismantled, leaving only the base of the mechanical boat, which can meet the transportation needs of large-scale materials."

"And the front is specially designed for the body shape of the sandworm with a fixed carrying method, which can automatically adjust the size and will not fall off."

"Not only that, we also reserved a magic space in the mechanical boat, which can be enchanted later..."

Seeing Brown chatting eloquently, Richard looked quite happy.

Man, you can tell how much traffic this thing has just by looking at it.

The loading capacity of a mechanical boat is at least comparable to a brigade of bone blood dragons.

This thing is like a desert train...

It has been a few months since I got the rare 4-star blueprint of the traffic machinery manufacturing workshop, and it finally came to fruition.

The foundation of the gray dwarves is indeed solid.

Yes, he is satisfied.

"Master, although the mechanical boat has taken shape, there are still many difficulties that need to be improved, and further research needs to be carried out by Sandworm."

Richard nodded.

"I will dispatch a few more sandworms for your research."

As he said that, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

The birth of machinery made him suddenly think that the development direction of alchemy in "Era of Radiance" seems to be born for combat.

For the research on people's livelihood, it can only be described as lackluster.

The fundamental reason is that "Ara of Radiance" is dangerous.

Every week, the strongholds of the wild arms, the terrifying monsters in the dimension plane, the demons, the endless abyss, the nine layers of purgatory, the undead... and so on, the world is never safe.

Maslow's Theory of Needs... Survival and safety are always the most fundamental and bottom-level needs.

Therefore, when their own safety is threatened, whether they are active or passive, they must invest resources to improve their own safety and ensure their survival.

This is the most basic logic of military competition.

The same is true of alchemy technology, not other people are stupid, but environmental requirements.

If you stock up food and the enemy next door stock up guns, then everything you do is meaningless.

Therefore, basically all forces will develop military power mainly.

Even the development of Dusk City has always been the same.

This mechanical boat, which is somewhat similar to a train, was originally intended to transport troops, but it can completely reduce the cost of communication between the two areas when it is used for transportation.

People's livelihood and military use can be seamlessly switched.

This made him think of a question that most people can think of - if that's the case, why can't you do more with alchemy?

For example, making special mechanical puppets to mine ore, forging weapons, designing special machinery to cultivate farmland, developing mechanical modules to produce goods...

Other forces, perhaps out of desperation, must engage in an arms race, and they have to devote all their resources to improving the strength of the army.

But he has the underground world, and the city of Dusk is in the desert, and the surrounding environment is relatively safe.

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There is room for him to grow.

Richard touched his chin.

"Although the technology of "Era of Radiance" is completely different from that of Bluestar, the basic rules are also different."

"But it doesn't seem to be too difficult to localize some of Bluestar's products that have a major impact on life, and use alchemy technology to implement them."

"Isn't the natural environment poor in the underground world? Is it feasible to directly change the environment by planting in greenhouses?"

Think divergently in this direction.

Li Cha instantly felt that this development in this direction has a lot to do...

Alchemy is a top "discipline" that can be as famous as magic.

Taking back his thoughts, he looked at Brown.

"The sandworms haven't fully grown yet, and their body shape will change in the future. Have you taken this into account in your design?"

"Master, the mechanical boat was finalized after many arguments, please rest assured."

Brown's words are very confident.

Can become the overlord of the underground world, ruling a large area for hundreds of years.

The talents and alchemy accumulation of the gray dwarves can be called strong.

After the melting pot city was occupied, although the casualties were not small, a large number of gray dwarf talents were gathered from other areas.

Richard nodded.

After organizing the language, I narrated the idea of ​​​​just developing the people's livelihood technology, and finally said.

"Alchemy has the potential to create miracles, not just for military purposes."

"Transforming the natural environment and turning an unsuitable environment into an environment suitable for us should be the ability of alchemy."

Brown opened his eyes wide and looked at Richard in surprise.

"Master, few people pay attention to this aspect now... In fact, at the beginning of the birth of alchemy, it was used to transform the environment and improve production efficiency."

Said a little surprised.

"Your wisdom is really admirable, alchemy greenhouse, alchemy mining, alchemy forging..."

"I have a feeling that if we really move in this direction, one day we will be able to achieve results that will amaze everyone."

Richard smiled, but he was very pleased with Brown's acceptance of this aspect.

I also have some expectations in my heart, and maybe some smart players have already started similar attempts.

However, it is difficult for players to have an entire underground world as a test field.

It is also difficult to have a big city like Furnace City as a base, and it is even more difficult to have a race like the Grey Dwarves that has accumulated hundreds of years of technology to serve him.

If the statue of the **** of gnomes is activated again, he will also have a group of gnomes with knowledge inheritance in his hands.

Bloodhoof City manufactures weapons, Forge City studies alchemy... The two largest cities in the underground world will once again compete for hegemony.

The prize for winning this time will be Richard's appreciation.

This will determine their future status in Dusk City.

Who dares to ignore the will of the Lord?

After a tour of Forge City.

Li Cha is in a good mood.

The Forge is on track, and the regime of the Grey Dwarves seems to have been completely reduced to nothingness.

The city of dusk is gradually imprinted here.

The gray dwarf's style of doing things has made his will the best practice here.

As long as Dusk City still controls the underworld for a day, the gray dwarves will serve it obediently.

October 18.

After Richard arranged things in the underground world, he quietly returned to the surface.

Bloodhoof City has Searle in charge, and Furnace City has Brown commanding. Both of them are not weak in their ability to execute orders, and they don't need him to keep an eye on them all the time.

When he left the underground world, he didn't disturb the ancient tree of gods and evil that was still sleeping.

All the god-blood gnomes were brought out by him.

The number adds up to exactly one squadron.

There are many dwarves in this world, but the one with the blood of the gods may be the only one left in his hand.

Although Richard deliberately put these dwarves into the furnace city, let them cooperate with the gray dwarves to study alchemy.

But before that, the blood vessels in their bodies must be activated.

However, 1 million units of rare resources made it difficult for him.

In the player market, 1 unit of rare resources can now be exchanged for 500 units of common resources.

This is no small sum.

The output of ordinary resources is large, and there are various mineral veins refreshed every week. Even if it is a low-level force, it can be accumulated for a period of time by mining alone.

Rare resources are not the same, not only less refresh, but also less output.

In the lord's mansion, while listening to Karoo's report, Richard was thinking about where to earn the 1 million rare resources.

After Karu stopped, he regained a few thoughts.

"Your normal arrangement for those dwarfs is that you don't have to worry too much."

"After the blood vessels in their bodies are activated, the useful ones will be kept, and the useless ones will be returned to the underground world."

Carew agreed.

After knowing that those dwarfs had the blood of the gods flowing in their bodies, they were a little unsure about Li Cha's attitude towards them.

Li Cha seemed to think of something at the moment, turned his head and glanced at his side.

Looking at the empty ground, his eyes moved slightly.

"Has any news from Hina come back?"

Carew shook his head.

"Not yet, maybe they have just arrived in the Krina tribe."

Richard was noncommittal.

I'm used to Hina and the Dark Valkyrie guarding my side, and it's a bit unaccustomed to leave them suddenly.

I hope that the two of them can take a higher step when they come back next time.

Seeing that Richard didn't ask any more questions, Carew continued to speak.

"My lord, two hours ago, Val sent a letter back..."

As he spoke, he took out the unsealed letter from his pocket and handed it over.

As the administrative officer of Dusk City, this letter was originally written to him to communicate the It is normal to unpack it.

Li Cha didn't answer and waved his hand.

"That's the point."


Karoo's tone became solemn.

"Most of the matters are about how to develop the Violet Chamber of Commerce, and we have written back to Vail."

"Only one of the proposals requires your decision."

Seeing Karoo's very serious tone, Richard also raised a bit of spirit.

"What's new with Vale?"

Karoo said in a condensed voice.

"Vell suggested to take advantage of the fact that Dusk City won't get lost in the desert to carry out commerce..."

Li Cha was a little puzzled, wasn't this a long-standing plan? Want to tell him specifically?

Carew's voice didn't stop.

"Not just for ordinary trade, Wei Er suggested to make Dusk City the core city of the Death Desert, so that the commodities of the entire Death Desert can be circulated from Dusk City."

"And the city of dusk, you can form your own transport caravan, use our characteristics that we will not get lost, help other forces, and transport goods out of the desert of death."

"In addition to this, you can also train special guides to show the way for the chambers of commerce of other forces."

"Death desert has a lot of restricted areas. Those terrifying areas will invalidate all maps and magic items, and the feature that we will never get lost in the death desert is an unparalleled advantage."

When Li Cha heard this, his expression was a little subtle.

Isn't this just about logistics?

Moreover, Furnace City just made a mechanical boat suitable for large-scale transportation... Did Vale get this news in advance? +Bookmark+

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