Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 410: v2 Chapter 390: black sorbet

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Regarding Val's proposal to let Dusk City establish a logistics core city, after careful consideration, Li Cha still feels that it has a good feasibility.

But at present, this plan cannot be carried out... Dusk City is not suitable for being exposed to the eyes of outsiders.

In the later stage, it may be possible to develop with the characteristics of not getting lost, but this core logistics city cannot be the city of dusk.

The current city of dusk is not able to cope with the pressure from the outside world.

And the feature of not being afraid of getting lost is simply irresistible to the forces around the desert of death.

Before they don't have enough strength, they rashly expose this characteristic. If the young children hold gold in the busy market, there is a high probability that there will be no good results.

"This idea, it is not too late to start when the strength is enough in the later stage."

"Now, the City of Dusk has the power to travel freely in the desert of death, and if you dig deep, you will definitely be able to grab a lot of benefits from it."

Thinking of this, Li Cha rubbed his forehead.

"Originally, the desert of death was impassable, and it was a great deal to do business there, but because of the emergence of players, the price difference in most areas has been smoothed out."

"It's unlikely that there will be a 100-fold difference in prices in some areas ... a market that is free to trade, changes a lot of the rules."

The arrival of players can be said to have fundamentally changed the way of business and trade in "Era of Radiance".

Even if there is a handling fee of up to 30%, with the timely and direct transaction method, a lot of costs can be saved.

In the past, due to the inconvenience of transportation, the price difference of items in a far-flung area may reach dozens or hundreds of times.

But after the player appeared, it killed the situation directly.

Even some players who lost their territories went to explore unfamiliar maps to find the difference in commodity prices.

Taking back his thoughts, he said slowly.

"This matter, there is a chance to make plans in the future."

Carew nodded, no longer entangled in this matter.

The point of his hesitation is that although this plan is good, it is obviously not the time.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject.

"My lord, the food workshop has recently developed a special food using a magical plant in the underground world."

"After eating, it can make people feel very cool, I feel very potential..."

Richard came a little interested.

As the earliest architectural drawing he got, the food workshop has been established for more than half a year.

The resources invested during this period cannot be calculated.

Last time I heard that the food workshop has made progress, and now, finally, there is a product that can be produced?

However, due to the poor performance of the food workshop before, he decided to take a look at the finished product and make an evaluation.

"Have someone bring that food over."


Carew immediately turned around and left, and it didn't take long before he entered the hall with a young man showing excitement and anxiety.

At first glance, Li Cha saw the three conspicuous porcelain bowls on the tray held by the other party.

The bowl contained a black jelly-like item.

He looked unremarkable and had no appetite.

"Sir, this is the product developed by the food workshop - black ice sorbet."

"Have you tasted it?"

Looking at Richard's expressionless expression, Carew was a little uneasy.

Whether it succeeds or not is known only after his judgment.

"Come here."

Although Li Cha is a little reluctant, the food workshop has been scolded once before, so I can't cheat him this time, right?

The young man came to him respectfully holding the tray, his eyes full of anticipation.

Li Cha was not in a hurry to try it, so he opened the property panel and looked at it.

black sorbet

Rating: 1 star

Features: After eating, it can recover 20% physical strength within 10 minutes.

Introduction: Magical food made from special plants.

1 star item?

Li Cha put down a little distraction, although the level is not high, but it can't be too bad, right?

I picked up a bowl and looked at it a little. There is no difference between black sorbet and black jelly, and they are very Q bomb.

Put it on the tip of the nose and sniff it lightly, there is no special strange smell, but a faint sweetness.

This gave him a sigh of relief.

If he is sore, he will never fall for this kind of evil again.

Pick up the spoon next to it and dig half a spoon.

Slowly put it in your mouth...  

Carew and the two young men raised their hearts at this moment.

I'm afraid that in the next second, Li Cha will put down the bowl and curse...

Richard originally thought that the black sorbet was the taste of jelly.

But in the next second, an ice-glutinous and sweet taste burst open, and the taste was very wonderful. At the same time, a strong icy smell escaped with chewing.

All over the body.

That coolness instantly dissipates the dryness and heat of the body, and it is different from the coldness of ice cubes, which is more like an air conditioner blowing 20 degrees.

Just right.

The whole person was instantly energized.

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

Good stuff... This stuff is a hundred times better than any ice cream popsicles.

I couldn't help but scooped another spoonful and felt that icy feeling again.

Three times, two times, a bowl of black ice sorbet was directly dazzled.

Li Cha still put down the porcelain bowl and looked at the two with burning eyes.

Carew is in a good mood.

Looking at the actions just now, I know that the other party must be very satisfied.

"Lord Richard... What do you think?"

Richard reached out and patted the young man holding the tray on the shoulder.


"good stuff!"

“The Food Workshop did not disappoint me!”

"Black Ning Sorbet has a bright future!"

This is the scorching desert of death.

This kind of refreshing food is definitely a top killer for people in hot areas.

When it's hot, a bowl of black ice sorbet can make people instantly cool off from the heat... Think about it, you know that this stuff will definitely not worry about the market!

Compared with this feature of relieving heat and reducing heat, the effect of restoring 20% ​​of stamina at a 1-star level is secondary.

Hearing such praise from Li Cha, the young man blushed with excitement.

Karoo's smile also brightened.

"Sir, do we need to increase the production of black ice sorbet?"

"Increase, use as much force as possible."

Li Cha kept smiling, and after speaking, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"What is the production cost per bowl of black sorbet?"

Carew looked at the young man.

"Sir, the black ice sorbet was developed by Beech, let Beech report to you."

After seeing Li Cha nodding, the young man suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a trembling voice.

"Reporting to Lord City Lord, the main raw material of the black congealing sorbet is the magical plant you brought back from the ground - Frost Grass."

"This magical plant has very peculiar magical properties. From the outside, it doesn't look like anything peculiar, but there is a hidden ice magic power in the body. After touching it, it will freeze people."

"And as long as it's handled properly, that ice magic can be preserved."

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"With the Frost Grass as the core, together with 30 other common plants, it can be made into black sorbet after 12 procedures such as grinding, filtration, and cooking."

Having said this, the other party paused for a while before continuing.

"Frost grass is the main cost of black ice sorbet, but we don't know the value of this magical plant..."

When Li Cha heard the words, he knew something.

It seems that the wealth of the underground world is far more than the surface.

It is still necessary to increase development efforts, not only to get the benefits of the surface, but also to collect rare plants and special animals, which may not be used.

After returning to God, order directly.

"Call Rand Augustus, and at the same time go to the food workshop and fetch the Frostgrass."


Not long after, the old dwarf Rand entered the hall with an uneasy mood.

Li Cha didn't talk nonsense when he saw the other party, and directly handed him the Frost Grass that he had just got.

"Rand, do you know this magical plant?"

The old dwarf reached out to take it, and raised his head after just a cursory glance.

Some puzzled.

"Master Master, this is frost grass, which grows near swamps and water sources. It contains a special magical energy that can make you feel cold when you touch it... Other than that, it doesn't seem to be useful. "

Li Cha became more interested.

"Is this magical plant rare underground?"

The old dwarf looked a little weird.

"Rare? It can't be said to be everywhere in the underground world, but as long as there is water... Great Master, what do you need to do with frost grass?"

Where is there water?

Richard's expression was a little subtle.

Shaking his head, withdrawing his thoughts, he reached out to gesture for the bowl on the tray.

"You try the latest top food developed by the food workshop - black ice sorbet."

The old dwarf looked at the black gelatinous object, and although he was a little murmured in his heart, he took a quick sip.

After Hei Ning Sorbet entered, his body trembled, and he shivered directly.

The whole person showed a very happy's too cool.

I couldn't help but take a few more bites, and after the bottom of the bowl was emptied, I was reluctant to put the spoon down.

He looked at Li Cha with a look of surprise.

"Master Master, what kind of food is this? It's so delicious, the icy smell is simply fascinating..."

Although there is a statue of ice and snow elves, the temperature in the city of dusk has been kept at a constant state, but the desert is a desert after all, and it is still unbearably hot after leaving the city.

That feeling of icy whole body, in the hot and dry environment, is simply irresistible.

Halfway through the old dwarf's words, looking at the frost grass in his hand, he immediately woke up.

"I didn't expect that this inconspicuous magical plant could be made into this kind of food..."

Li Cha looked at the surprised expression on the other side, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Rand, all gnomes have temporarily joined the food workshop to find special magical plants in the underground world for the food workshop to try to develop new foods."

Before the blood of the gods in the body is unsealed, the power of these gnomes is not strong enough.

In this case, it is better to make the best use of it.

Even if the other party has no knowledge inheritance, after living in the underground world for so long, he will still have experience in this area.

After speaking, he looked at the young man holding the tray.

"Beach, you did a good job this time. Black ice sorbet is of great significance to Dusk City."

"This time, the research and development work will continue to be handed over to you!"

He just glanced at it, this young man named Beech turned out to be a B-level life hero.

After asking Karu, I found out that the other party was a hero unit that automatically became a week ago, which is a rare talent.

"Besides, you have to collect recipes from the underground world and foods with special effects and flavors."

"Find valuable R&D for improvement..."

"Age of Radiance" is a magical world, and many plants have special effects, which makes the taste of food more creative.

Just like the black ice sorbet, this thing is a unique specialty in this world. If you put it on Blue Star, even if you slap ten ice creams, it is impossible for your feet to be covered by the cold air...

After thinking in this direction, Li Cha felt that his mind was opened.

Since there are magical plants that are full of cold, is there a fever all over? It can be sold in hot areas, but you can't look at it with tinted glasses in cold areas...

The old dwarf was obviously a smart man, and he immediately sensed the deep meaning contained in Richard's order.

Respond very firmly.

"Yes, the great master."

"We will definitely do our best...for Dusk City!"

The last slogan sounded a little abrupt, but to the old dwarf, it came from the heart.

Although it was not a long time to come to Dusk City, this city gave him an unprecedented feeling.

Vibrant, hopeful... it seems that all the adjectives for beauty are appropriate here.

In the dark and disorderly underground world, the weak eat the strong, and they can kill each other for a piece of bread.

If the underground world is a chaotic jungle of flesh and blood, then this is an orderly kingdom of heaven and gods.

He may have been forced to come to the surface before, but after feeling this completely different environment, he really wanted to bring the dwarf into this territory.

Just as Li Cha was about to speak, a reminder of a private message came from his ear.

Open the chat panel.

A new message popped up on it immediately, and it was sent by the Lionel player with the ID of Hyena among the few players that I met in Solan City this time.

Hyena: "Boss Qingqiu, are you still in Solan City? In a collapsed ruin in the southern area, a large number of abyss demons suddenly appeared."

"A large number of players have gathered there..."

"We are going to form a team to have a look, do you want to join us?"

Collapsing Ruins... Rotten Trees?

Li Cha frowned.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

After inquiring in detail, it turned out that it was the location of the Rotten Tree.

There have been too many things recently, plus the departure of Hina and the Dark Valkyrie, the ancient tree of the gods and Alves are asleep, so that the power in his hands has dropped sharply, so there is no time to go to investigate.

Why did it suddenly change?

"What is the specific situation?"

Hyena: "I don't know, I just heard that there are a lot of demons inside, and the experience of those demons is five times that of ordinary field troops, so it attracts a lot of people."

"You go first, I'll be there later. If there is any situation, report to me as soon as possible."

Hyena: "Okay~ Don't worry!"

After turning off chat.

Li Cha suppressed the doubts in his heart, looked at Karu, and briefly explained the matter of the rotten tree and the collapsed ruins.

The last way.

"I'm going there right away, you supervise the implementation of our plan."

"The individual value of black ice sorbet may not be high, but this thing is a consumable item. It has a huge market in a hot place and can definitely generate huge wealth."

"Send someone to sort out the distribution, quantity, production cycle, and growth requirements of the frost grass."

"After the cost is calculated, send the finished black ice sorbet to Solan City and give it to Val, and let her determine the price of the black ice sorbet."


"In addition, UU Reading Bloodhoof City is building a knowledge sharing system, and Dusk City should also participate."

"Hundreds of years of accumulation in the underground world, the knowledge reserve must be richer than ours."

"In addition, you have to follow up on the situation of the heroes and troops in the underground world. It is very important to control the underground world."

"The alchemy technology in Furnace City is full of infinite possibilities. Brown is already discussing the application of alchemy technology in people's livelihood. You have to cooperate with him."

"In the future, agriculture, mining, forging, and transportation can all be assisted by alchemy technology."

"Now, food workshops can also benefit from the underground world, and exploration should be strengthened in this regard."

The development of the underground world requires long-term and stable resource investment and huge energy, and the output that can be obtained in a short period of time is only limited.

But as long as you keep at it, you will eventually be able to produce considerable results one day.

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