Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 411: v2 Chapter 391: Master of the Abyss - Lord of Decay

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Lord of the World: Begin as a Lord of the Desert Chapter 391 Lord of the Abyss - Lord of Decay


Hundreds of skeletal blood dragons with a wingspan of more than 20 meters flew away from the city of dusk with their broken wings.

Behind him, there are 6 squadrons of stone statues of the deceased.

The residents below did not have any extra expressions when they saw this scene.

No matter what happens, they are convinced that the great master will return victorious.

This is the confidence that Dusk City's repeated victories have built up for them in the past six months.

No one can break.

Because several heroes have their own tasks, Richard did not bring any heroes except for the statue of the ancient gods with him this time.

Gray and Gaunt were both left and garrisoned in the city by him.

Now he is no longer the weak lord who could only be commanded from behind when he first entered "Era of Radiance".

With the increase of his personal combat power, his confidence has long been different.

The army galloped at full speed in the direction of the collapsed ruins.

Seeing that the speed of the army did not reach the posture he wanted, Li Cha simply mobilized the power of Huangsha and attached it to the surface of the troops to provide them with extra thrust.

This subtle action greatly accelerated the flight speed of the army.

Let the overall speed exceed 400 kilometers per hour...

Looking at the army with geese flying behind him, Li Cha felt a sense of accomplishment.

This is all the wealth he has accumulated little by little.

Especially the stone statue of the dead, this fusion unit is really powerful enough to have no friends.

The stone statue of the deceased is level 9 at the beginning, and has a brilliant potential of 3 stars.

However, its combat power is even stronger than that of the skeleton blood dragon with a crown of 1 star and a level 10 newborn level.

He even has the confidence to rely on this army to pile up most of the players without going off the court in person.

The journey on the road was always boring and boring, so Richard had no choice but to communicate with the Hyena players about the collapsed ruins while flying.

I have to say that these guys do have something. With their personal connections, they can accurately give him the real-time status of the collapsed ruins.

Over time, the condition of the collapsed ruins gradually became worse.

Although the number of players gathering is soaring, the pressure brought by the demons is even greater, and the players are forced to evacuate...

On the morning of October 19, Richard, who had been flying all night, finally got close to his destination within 100 kilometers.

Looking at the getting closer and closer to the markers on the system map, Richard also raised his spirits.

The news from last night has not stopped. The ruins seem to be connected to the bottomless abyss, and there are a large number of high-level demons inside... The player was even forced to retreat into the desert, and had to exit the collapsed ruins .

At this moment, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding~ You triggered the regional mission: the 333rd floor of the endless abyss has opened up the passage to the desert of death, and a large number of demons have appeared in the main plane, which is seriously dangerous to the safety of Solan City. The legendary powerhouse, Archduke Solan, issued an order, All lords of divine grace immediately sent troops to eliminate the demons."

"Within 1,000 kilometers around Solan City, all lords will be forced to accept tasks. Those who refuse to fulfill them will be regarded as indifferent by Solan City, and all contribution points will be reset to zero. In the next six months, those who enter Solan City will be traded. Charge five times the tax."

"During the mission period, the experience gained from hunting demons is increased by 5 times."

"Every time you kill a demon, you can get a certain amount of Solan City contribution points, which can be exchanged for high-level treasures in Solan City."

"The lord who finally seals the abyss passage will be rewarded personally by the city lord of Solan City."

"The duration of this sub-regional mission: 3 days."

Regional mission?

Li Cha's eyes lit up.

This is the first time he has encountered this type of task.

Looks kinda fun.

But this mission only lasts three days?

This means that after three days, if the demon's problem has not been resolved, Grand Duke Solan, that legendary ascetic will end in person?

He has not seen the legendary powerhouse take action, and he does not know if he will be able to see the graceful appearance this time.

Immediately speed up the flight.

At this time, the private message sounded again.

Hyena: "Boss Qingqiu, we have triggered a regional mission, have you received it?"

"Yes, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

The hyena was so excited that he could finally hug his thighs again.

"Okay, we are waiting for you!"

"Quick, step back!"

"Fuck, there are so many angry demons, I can't stop it..."

"Be careful of the Balrog, these demons have reached level 14..."

A patch of ruins covering dozens of kilometers wide.

A large number of players led their armies to fight the demons pouring out of the central area among the ruins.

Looking down from the sky, the devil is like a surging black tide, and his face is so ferocious that it makes one's back chill.

A low roar like a dying beast resounded through the heavens and the earth.

High-level demons even carry words of sinking that make people feel terrified.

Representing the vile abyss aura, like a giant hand grabbing the neck, it makes it difficult to breathe.

There are too many demons...

There are countless low-level inferior demons and fallen demons, and high-level angry demons and flame demons can be seen everywhere.

In the outer area, the player leads the army, like a reef, resisting the demons coming like waves.

The priests of the sect camp continue to cast light magic, the human archers pull the bows and arrows, the fortress gunmen pull the trigger, the orcs flying axe warriors... The variety of arms of various races is dizzying.

However, there are too many demons.

Although the player is also very tenacious, he is still forced to retreat step by step.

Moreover, they came to hunt to earn contribution points and experience, and they would not fight against them, so they fought and retreated, and had no intention of fighting the devil to the death.

Richard saw this magnificent war scene that stretched for dozens of kilometers from a few kilometers away.

Dozens of races, thousands of players, and hundreds of thousands of troops smashing the demon army, this scene is still relatively rare.

But he was not interested in intervening at this time.

Contributing something is useful to him, but it's not that useful. That little girl Chris is still helping him take care of the Violet Chamber of Commerce.

Li Cha withdrew his gaze and flew in the other direction according to the coordinates given by the hyenas.

A few minutes later, I sensed a few hyenas hiding in a collapsed building.

It drove the skeletal blood dragon under the seat to fall in front of the ruins.

The hyena, the bald head, the eldest, and the third and fourth members came out of the bunker excitedly when they saw Richard's arrival.

"Boss Qingqiu..."

Li Cha looked down at a few people and said softly.

"Do you know why the demon suddenly appeared?"

The bald head opened his mouth.

"No, just two days ago, a player suddenly sent a message saying that there are a lot of demons here, and the experience is high, so I paid extra attention."

"At the beginning, the number of demons was still under control, and then it gradually became out of control. After I noticed the strangeness, I asked the hyena to send you a message."

"Until the area mission was triggered just now..."

Li Cha frowned slightly.

The news he learned from the players who discovered the rotten tree before was that the collapsed ruins had existed for a long time.

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Now it has suddenly changed... Could this be related to the Crimson Moon?

Although there is no necessary connection, it always gives him a very subtle feeling.

Too much has happened recently, making him a little sensitive.

"Don't get close to the central area, there may be extremely powerful demon heroes hidden in it, which is very dangerous."

"Try to help me find out the reason for the appearance of the devil on the periphery..."

"I have something to deal with now, so I can't get out."

The combat effectiveness of these guys can only be described as mediocre, a small group of dead statues can easily kill them.

It is useless in combat, and it is suitable for snooping news.

After a period of contact, it can be seen that although a few guys are not high-IQ people, they are not stupid, and they are quite easy to use.

"Okay, you are busy with your own business, and you can speak at any time when you need it."

The hyenas are very self-aware, and there is no nonsense.

The gap between them is too big, and the designation can't help in battle, it is better to follow the arrangement.

After Li Cha gave a brief warning, he didn't stay too long, and galloped away in the other direction with the army.

Look at the bone and blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead that have disappeared from sight.

Several players showed envious glances.

This is the real top class, I don't know when they will have it.

"Boss Qingqiu is worthy of being the boss of Qingqiu..."


Li Cha passed by without hesitation, and the heroic and domineering postures of the two arms aroused the exclamations of many players.

But he ignored these guys who were entangled with demons and quickly flew to the north of the collapsed ruins.

Rotten tree.

the goal of this trip.

Although he was very curious about why the demon suddenly appeared, the more important thing was to find the rotten tree.

Check to see if the other party is still alive.

Can recover.

Others, on the contrary, are secondary.

The flying speed is very fast, and no matter how wide this collapsed ruin covers an area of ​​tens of kilometers, it cannot stand the galloping of the flying troops.

Ten minutes later, Li Cha saw that he was coincident with the mark on the map, and subconsciously raised his head and looked ahead.

The next second, his eyes opened.

I was surprised.

I saw a thousand meters away, a dry giant tree with a height of more than 50 meters standing on top of the ruins and the ruins of the building.

It seems to be a scene left after the destruction of the world by natural disasters, vicissitudes, ancient, dilapidated, revealing an unspeakable atmosphere.

The abyss demon, which forced the player to keep retreating, was now stationed 100 meters away from the dry giant tree, as dense as locusts.

But these evil and chaotic pronouns seemed to be intimidated at the moment, and dared not step into the giant tree within 100 meters, forming a striking hollow circle around it.

Looking closely, you can find that the dozens of branches of the dry giant tree are strange, not only extremely twisted, but more like shriveled human arms, giving people a creepy feeling.

The most terrifying thing is that there are dense human skulls growing on the main trunk of the giant tree, the shape of which is like the raised knots of ordinary trees.

Ordinary people will have nightmares in the first half of the year just by looking at it.

This is not the end, there are countless pale skeletons all over the ruins of the hundred meters around the dry giant tree, and there are all kinds of life.

It was like the corpses in the mass grave were turned over to the ground.

Adding countless horrors to the already terrifying scene around.

Coupled with the demons wandering around, evil, darkness, brutality... It seems that all negative adjectives can be used to describe this strange and twisted tree.

This scene is very psychologically shocking.

Even veterans who are used to seeing life and death would be short of breath when they see this scene.

Li Cha forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart and continued to approach.

The demon on the ground sensed an unfamiliar aura and immediately raised his head, his scarlet eyes staring at him coldly.

A shrill roar came out of the throat that made the soul tremble...

Although Li Cha was not affected by the demon, as he gradually approached the rotten tree, he gradually sensed a terrifying pressure.

That is the coercion from the depths of the soul.

It was as if he was being watched by an abyss beast that could devour demons.

This feeling reached its peak when approaching the limit point of 100 meters from the Rotten Tree.

Going a step further, it seemed that the abyss behemoth was about to open its huge mouth and swallow him.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed, and he waved his hand to stop the army, but did not step into the sky above the skeleton.

His eyes were fixed on the rotten tree that still seemed to have no life.

After calming down, I opened the property panel.

rotten tree

Status: Dead (recovering)

Introduction: The mysterious tree of evil.

Simple attributes, people can't know the specific situation.

But the resuscitation prompt behind the status bar made him happy at first, and then a bad premonition arose.

Could it be that after the abyss was connected to the main plane, it was supplemented with energy?

This is not a good thing.

Li Cha frowned.

Recovery is not the key, the biggest question is, how can we benefit from it?

He doesn't have a treasure like the Dark Contract in his hand now.

Li Cha rubbed his forehead and subconsciously opened the black gold system.

But the next moment, when he saw the prompt that appeared above, his breath froze.

All in disbelief. UU reading

[The tree of decay, the ruler of the 333rd floor of the bottomless abyss - the king of decay, the seeds that Labres planted for some kind of plot, which contains a wisp of Labreise's rotten authority. 】

[1. It can irrigate the power of the abyss and restore the power of the rotten tree. At that time, Labrace can use the authority of rot to regain control of the rotten tree. 】

[2. You can use holy water to irrigate the rotten tree, destroy its vitality, and smash the rotten authority. Labrace will permanently lose part of the rotten authority and decrease in strength. 】

[3. It can consume divine power and **** the rotten authority hidden in the rotten tree. 】

Richard only felt his mouth dry.

There is an unreal dreamy feeling.

This rotten tree was arranged by the abyss master who rules the first plane? ?

There is also a trace of the opponent's authority in it? !

What is authority?

That is the unique power of the abyss, and it is the same kind of thing as the vocation of the gods... the power of rules.

Is it really going to change recently?

The soul of the **** of kobolds was partially imprisoned by him, and the statue of the **** of gnomes was in his hands. Now, he has found an abyss master buried in the back of the main plane.

Is this because the new expansion is coming, so some top presence is gradually surfacing?

But the current players, can deal with the existence of this level?

Even he felt his scalp tingling at the moment.

In the terrifying place like the bottomless abyss, who can rule the master of a plane, if this level of bosses singled out a **** like the **** of kobolds, I'm afraid they can kill him? +Bookmark+

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