Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 428: v2 Chapter 406: When you encounter the Lord of the Dunes, you actually possess the power of yellow sand? !

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Chapter 408 Encountering the Lord of the Dunes, you actually possess the power of yellow sand? !

After swallowing the golden dragon soul, Alves fell into a long sleep.

Originally estimated to be able to wake up in a month, but now sleep for half a month.

But this doesn't affect anything.

Li Cha was in a good mood at the moment.

He brought Karoo, who was weak under the dragon's might, to the backyard.

With the upgrade of Dusk City, the area of ​​the lord's mansion has also increased a lot.

In the wide backyard, a terrifying figure like an ancient mythical creature appeared in front of him.

Alves' original blood-colored skeleton has now turned into pure gold, with a faint crimson flowing on it, looking like a work of art, full of unique aura.

The blood-colored power burning around him seemed to have been splashed with gasoline, and it exploded to a height of more than ten meters.

Under the strong corrosive force, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were directly turned into coke, forming a forbidden area of ​​life.

From those empty eyes, it could be seen that the originally blue soul fire had turned into gold.

It feels more pure.

The broken dragon wings that were unfolded exceeded 40 meters, and Alves just stood there still, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

No one can imagine what kind of terrifying damage this terrifying creature will cause once it erupts with all its strength.

After Alves sensed Richard's breath, he hunted the dragon's might that made the whole city panic.

Gently bowing his head and stepping forward, this terrifying dragon hero squatted on the ground with the most humble gesture, and saluted the figure in front of him.

"Your humble servant greets you, great master."

Richard nodded in satisfaction.

Although he hadn't checked the other party's attributes, he could sense how terrifying Alves was at the moment.

The opponent exudes a deadly danger of the blade approaching the neck.

Even if it's him, take it seriously.

With strong anticipation, I opened the other party's property panel (you can view the detailed properties in the previous chapter).

Just a cursory glance, I was pleasantly surprised by a series of luxurious attributes and skills.

Alves has not only been upgraded to the crucial 15th level, but also all skills have been promoted to super A-level——

1. Bloody Breath; 2. Golden Body; 3. Golden Dragon Power; 4. Bloody Power; 5. Golden Dragon's Wrath;

Super A-level skills, each of which can cause disaster-level damage.

Now, there are 7 dragon heroes. This **** is just committing a crime.

"How powerful was that golden dragon soul? All Transcendent A Grade skills, this wave is a great deal. No, it may be because of tens of thousands of dark spar."

But no matter what the reason, Alves's current state can be amazing.

Richard even feels that Alves now has the strength to face the Dark Valkyrie.

This skeleton and blood dragon was born and devoured the ancient dragon crystal before transforming into a heroic undead dragon.

Finally got to a very high position.

Looking at the majestic and domineering Alves in front of him, there is a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He has a lot of heroes who have transformed from arms, Gray, Gaunt, all of them.

However, Alves is undoubtedly far ahead of them at this moment.

After Alves recovered, Annai couldn't help feeling excited and said.

"Master, I feel like I have infinite power now."

"My dragon breath and my body are more than ten times stronger than before the promotion."

Li Cha grinned.

If the 7 Transcendent A Grade skills are not strong, there is no such thing as strong in this world.

"It's time for you to wake up, and we're going to Solan City soon."

Without Alves, he is now controlling the yellow sand to fly. Although it has no effect, it always feels a little less compelling.

No matter what level this guy is, it is his royal mount.

It can be considered that the idea of ​​​​must enslave a dragon as a mount is satisfied to the extreme.

When Alves heard the word Solan City, his fierce aura immediately dissipated a lot.

Although he was kept outside and didn't enter the city last time, he had felt the horror of that city.

Even if it is now countless times stronger, it is still not enough to see in front of Solan City. The other party has a legendary powerhouse.

However, he believes that with a great master, one day, he will be able to overlook the city!

In the empty eye sockets, the fire of the golden soul jumped scorchingly.

"As you wish, Master."

Richard didn't know that this guy had so much mental activity, and turned his head to look in another direction. The land of quicksand.

The ancient tree of the gods who is sleeping doesn't know how long it will take to wake up.

Alves raised his expectations to the extreme. The boss who is activating the power of the gods in his body, I don't know how far he can transform?

Really looking forward to it.

After recovering his mind, Richard did not delay, and asked Alves to go outside the city to wait for orders. He first went to recruit all the troops for the past two weeks.

The three arms he valued most, the stone statue of the dead, the sandstorm controller, and the poisonous scorpion warrior with master-level attack technology, the number increased again.

Statue of the Dead: 1250

Sandstorm Master: 700

Scorpion Warrior: 694

These three arms are now the absolute pillars of Dusk City.

After thinking for a while, Richard decided to take away 16 squadrons of bone and blood dragons, one brigade of dead statues, and 5 squadrons of sandstorm controllers.

The rest of the arms, all stay in the city of dusk.

The news of the Lord of the Dunes that Hyena had said a few days ago caught his heart.

This time, I went to Solan City and learned the news of the Crimson Moon from Windsor, so I couldn't say that I would go to the depths of the desert to find the Lord of the Dunes.

The task of his promotion to level 15 is very complicated.

Maybe, when the time comes, the target will be placed on the Lord of the Dunes.

After preparing the army, Richard found Gaunt and Gray.

After Twilight City is upgraded to Mid City, you can grant the authority to recruit troops to your subordinates.

The troops recruited by the subordinates are still absolutely loyal to the lord.

He had all kinds of concerns before and didn't delegate this power. It might take a long time to leave this time. If he didn't come back in time, it would be a pity to waste a few weeks of production.

The new expansion is about to open the node, and every power is crucial.

After thinking about it, I made this clear to the two mummy heroes, and then on the lord panel, the authority to recruit troops was delegated to these two mummy heroes who were absolutely loyal to him.

If there is any accident, he can also waive the authority of the two at any time.

Richard instructed the two additionally to give priority to recruiting the statue of the dead and the sandstorm controller.

If other arms lack resources, they can be suspended.

After he finished speaking, he left most of his resources in the territory warehouse.

After the operation, Richard called Karoo again and asked him to quickly arrange the big event of planting frost grass.

The black congealing sorbet is a competitive product, and the biggest drawback is that the production capacity cannot keep up.

After making a series of arrangements, Li Cha did not delay any longer, looking at the bright moon the size of a grinding disc above his head, ready to set off.

But at this moment, a private message prompt suddenly sounded in his ear.

He frowned slightly, waved his hand to stop the army, and opened a private message.

Hyena: "Boss Qingqiu, it's a big event. The caravan of an earl in Solan City was robbed by the owner of the sand dune. It is said that the caravan contains extremely important treasures."

"The 19th-level earl has gathered five squadrons of senior troops and is heading to the desert."

"He also called the players to go with him. This is an A-level mission. The boss, the third, and the bald head also took it. Would you like to take a look?"

A-level mission?

Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

A bit of vigilance rose in my heart.

Judging from his previous experience, although the A-level mission is not as perverted as the S-level mission, it is also dangerous, and it will overturn if you are not careful.

What is the origin of that dune master?

A 19th-level earl leads the team, how can it be so difficult?

After thinking, he replied to the message.

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"I am preparing to go to Solan City, and I am expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon or evening."

Hyena: "That's a pity, the big troop is leaving now, and the battle may be over tomorrow"

Li Cha has no feelings for this, any task must be completed with life.

"Pay attention to yourself. A-level tasks are not so easy. It is best to keep a certain distance from the main force to ensure your own safety."

The hyena was so moved, "Boss Qingqiu, don't worry, we know what's going on."

After instructing the other party to report any problems in a timely manner, Richard did not say more, and flew away from Dusk City with the army.

Among the three arms brought, the Bone Blood Dragon and the Stone Statue of the Dead are all flying arms, but the sandstorm controller is not.

But the sandstorm controller is not bad. This unit, which combines two powerful spellcasting units, has a very domineering skill - incarnation of a sandstorm.

This is also the source of the name of this unit.

The most important thing for Li Cha is that this skill can last for a long time - as long as there is enough magic power.

When not encountering an enemy, the sandstorm controller's incarnation only consumes 5 mana per second, and they can now recover more than ten points per second.

The amount recovered completely covers the consumption.

Simply perfect.

Richard sat behind Alves with a wingspan of more than forty meters, with the bright moon above his head and the endless sea of ​​yellow sand below.

On the side, the blood dragon with the blood-colored power scorching and burning accompanies flying.

Finally, a large group of stone statues of the deceased marched in an orderly line, making a whirring sound like the flapping of wings carved out of the rock.

The most amazing thing is.

The sandstorm that can make desert life tremble is now mixed in this huge army.

Crazy fly howling.

However, the sandstorm did not cause damage to the units inside, but instead accelerated their flight speed.

This scene looks like a scene from a fairy tale.

Has a strong visual effect.

December 1st, 8:00 am.

The sun climbed up from the yellow sand, and the orange color made it look like a fire, igniting the world.

Li Cha glanced at the system map. After flying all night, he was less than 500 kilometers away from Solan City.

This made him quite satisfied.

After the storm blessing of the sandstorm controller, the overall flight speed of the army exceeded 500 kilometers.

This also allowed him to discover another magical effect of the sandstorm controller.

In the future, even if you don't use it for battle, let them help transport the goods, I'm afraid it will be of great help.

Just as he was about to speed up the army, the sound of the attribute system suddenly sounded in his ears.

Li Cha took a look and opened the private message.

Hyena: "Boss Qingqiu, it's over, it's over, the large army was ambushed by the Lord of the Dunes, and the Count himself died tragically on the spot."

"That's a level 19 hero. The potential must be above the B level, or even the A level. He was forcibly killed by the opponent. That dune lord is terrifying."

"The players who followed have also been killed by most of them, and the rest are still rout."

"Fortunately, after listening to your words, we were 20 kilometers away from the main army, so we didn't get dumped."

Li Cha frowned,

The 19th-level Earl led 5 brigades of advanced arms, plus a large number of players were recruited, so it's gone?

Is that Dune Lord too strong, or is that Earl too weak?

"Have you met the dune master? How strong is the other party?"

Hyena: "No, the army of the Lord of the Dunes is led by a giant made of yellow sand."

"The giant brought three battalions of level 15 troops, and a wave of charges wiped out the army of the Earl of Solan City."

"It's terrifying. The 19th-level earl was hammered to death by that yellow sand giant."

"Boss Qingqiu, you'd better go directly to Solan City. I feel that the power of the Dune Lord is not something players can deal with at this stage."

"Maybe it's another big mission."

After thinking for a moment, Li Cha returned the message.

"Send me the coordinates first."

The hyena did not delay, and immediately shared the coordinates.

Li Cha looked at the system map and found that he was less than 100 kilometers away from him.

This distance is a matter of ten or twenty minutes for the flying arms.

After comforting the hyena for a few words, he was not ambiguous at the moment, he turned the direction directly, and drove the army towards that coordinate.

Ten minutes later, there were three or five groups of routed soldiers in sight.

From time to time, you can also see a few frightened players.

Not far from the battlefield.

Speeding up the flight in the opposite direction of the rout, within five minutes, a terrifying roar suddenly resounded through the sky.

Li Cha looked in the direction of the sound.

Thousands of meters away, a giant made of yellow sand was holding a gravel hammer, frantically attacking the army fleeing on the ground.

The height of the opponent's body is more than 30 meters, standing in the desert, like an ancient demon, making people tremble.

The breath it exudes is like a hurricane sweeping the earth, making people not even have the courage to fight.

Ordinary troops would not be able to fight back against an enemy of this size.

The troops that fled in all directions were like whack-a-mole, one by one being smashed into meat sauce.

The scene is **** and terrifying.

Around the yellow sand giant, there are still a large number of mummies carrying spears.

These mummy soldiers are wrapped in yellow bandages, and their eyes are inlaid with rubies.

From the perspective of breath, they are all top-level arms of level 15.

Li Cha frowned.

The power of the Lord of the Dunes is even more terrifying than expected.

Not to mention the yellow sand giant that made him feel strongly dangerous, those mummy arms alone are extraordinary.

Open the properties panel.

yellow sand giant

Level: 19

Features: Has one-fifth of the power of the Lord of the Dunes, and can use all the skills of the Lord of the Dunes.

Introduction: The condensed clone of the Lord of the Dunes.


Mummy Praetorian

Level: 15

Potential: Crown 3 stars

Skills: Guard King, Mummy Body, Stab, Fierce, Immortal

That yellow sand giant turned out to be the clone of the dune master?

Li Cha was surprised.

The opponent only has one-fifth of its power, but the level has reached level 19.

Moreover, in the battle just now, he killed the 19th-level earl of Solan City.

How powerful should the Lord of the Dunes be?


Just when he fell into deep thought, the yellow sand giant who was wanton massacre on the ground felt something, raised his head sharply, and those eyes condensed by the yellow sand looked at Li Cha, who was thousands of meters away.

Four eyes facing each other.

The air suddenly condensed.

Li Cha only felt an extremely brutal aura coming towards him, as if being stared at by a beast that had been starving for dozens of days.

eyebrows furrowed.

Just when he was about to make a move, the giant of yellow sand in front of him suddenly opened his huge mouth, and when he moved up and down, he made a dull sound like rolling thunder.

"The power of yellow sand. You actually have the power of great yellow sand in your body!!!"

The tone carries strong surprise and uncontrollable greed.

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