Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 429: v2 Chapter 407: The soul imprint of the Lord of the Dunes, who is the hunter? (six…

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Chapter 409 The soul imprint of the Lord of the Dunes, who is the hunter? (6800 word chapter)

Hearing the words of the giant of yellow sand, Li Cha's heart skipped a beat.

I have the power of yellow sand in my body?

What does it mean?

He glanced at his talent - the desert master.

Is the other party saying this?

The yellow sand giant was even more excited at this moment.

His aura was rising like a condensing storm.

The surrounding yellow sand was pulled and began to drift away.

Straws of gravel floated up from the ground, lingering around him.

This made the already ferocious Yellow Sand Giant look even more trembling.

It seems that the creatures in myths and legends have come out of the ancient murals.

"The Blessing of the Desert"

"Lowly human, that's not a gift you can enjoy!!"

The shocking roar cut through the sky, and the soldiers and players who were fleeing frantically were terrified.

What the **** is going crazy with the yellow sand giants of the dog days! !

With their liver and gallbladder torn apart, many people noticed something and raised their heads subconsciously.

Want to see who is **** off that terrifying monster.

In the next second, the Dusk City army hovering above the sky and lingering in the yellow sand appeared in sight.

But the outside world can only see the blurry silhouettes flying with their wings in the endless yellow sand, unable to detect the true face.

"Giant, giant dragon??"

"What monsters are those? Reinforcements from Solan City?"

"Another desert force."

"The enemy of the Lord of the Dunes?! We are saved!!! Run!!"

After a burst of low-pitched exclamations, the defeated soldiers recovered and began to run out even more desperately.

They didn't care who came, as long as they could drag the **** giant.

Li Cha didn't care about the collapsed soldiers below, and the information spit out by the giant yellow sand made his thoughts go crazy.

The Blessing of the Desert. How did his talent come from?

Can the power of yellow sand be robbed by others?

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't come to a conclusion, and now I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Since it's my stuff, do you want it?

Then have the ability to take it!

Richard didn't reply, but Alves couldn't bear it any longer.

This **** lowly monster dares to despise the great master in front of him! !

This is self-defeating! !


A furious roar resounded through the sky.

The unbridled Longwei surged out like a tsunami.

At the same time, the blood-colored power exploded on his body, and the surrounding sandstorm was also forced to separate.

Alves revealed his full form.

With a wingspan of more than forty meters, the undead dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The golden skeleton, the burning crimson power on the body surface, and the golden soul fire flickering in the head. All of them explain its horror.

Accompanying this, there is the coercion that penetrates into the soul.

In the surrounding area of ​​1000 meters, all the defeated soldiers felt an uncontrollable fear attacking.

what! ! !

monster! !

A shrill scream rang out in a disorderly manner, and the soldiers whose morale had dropped to freezing point collapsed directly at this moment. Even the comrades around him could not care about them, and they just dispersed.

The fleeing soldiers didn't realize that the terrifying dragon's might was not aimed at them, but at the unparalleled yellow sand giant ahead.

The yellow sand giant did not show weakness at this moment, and the momentum on his body rose in anger.

The tip of the needle is against the wheat awn.

The two momentums shook in the air.

The soldiers at the junction, with a slightly lower level, bleed directly from the five holes, and their hearts burst to death.

This momentum alone has harvested the souls of hundreds of people.

Those players who escaped from a certain safe distance are still in shock.

Turning his head to see that the two opposing sides were not chasing after him, he dared to take a deep breath.


Is this the **** boss they can deal with?

Don't do any A-level missions in the future, this is just giving up death for nothing! !

Because Alves has already revealed his figure, many players opened the attribute panels of Alves and Richard with strong curiosity at this time.

Originally, they thought it was the reinforcements from Solan City who were facing the Yellow Sand Giant.

But at this moment, I was extremely shocked to find that the player who rode the giant dragon and faced the yellow sand giant turned out to be the player? ! !

This scene shocked countless people to the point of drooling.

"Then, the **** is the player?? Rnm, the player can actually enslave such a terrifying dragon?!!"

"I mean, is I blind? Is that the player? Not the reinforcements of Solan City?"

"Who the **** is this god?"


Alves' body has undergone tremendous changes, and the skeleton and blood dragon has been hidden by the yellow sand. At this moment, no one can recognize Richard's identity.

Just when the player was shocked beyond measure, the Yellow Sand Giant finally couldn't hold back his greed and launched an attack.

He violently raised the heavy warhammer condensed with gravel in his hand and pointed at Alves.


The roar fell, and he took the lead in charging.

Behind him, several large groups of mummy guards clenched their spears and followed closely behind.

Level 15, a 3-star crown unit, the combat power of a single unit is enough to be called overbearing.

Although in front of the giants of yellow sand, it appears to be particularly insignificant, but after the aggregation of thousands of people, it still makes people tremble.

Seeing this, Li Cha's eyes narrowed.

"All troops attack!"

The clone of the Lord of the Dunes?

He wants to see how strong the opponent is!



Alves fluttered.

The sandstorm master roared up.

Bone and blood dragons, the stone statues of the dead flap their wings and attack fiercely.

Those soldiers who fled, have no time to consider the outcome of this battle at this moment, only some unrepentant players still turn back from time to time.

How fast are the flying units.

After a few breaths, the two sides collided violently.


A hundred meters away, Alves' throat suddenly flashed crimson.


The dragon breath with terrifying corrosive power spit out.

Pulled out a tongue of fire that was 100 meters long in the sky.

The yellow sand giant charged fiercely, directly killing the dragon's breath.


The gravel on his body was melted directly like ice and snow.

The 30-meter-high terrifying body shrunk dramatically in the blink of an eye.

Hard to charge with the super a-level dragon breath, no matter how strong it is, there is a price to pay.

But what is surprising is that when the yellow sand giant is charging, the yellow sand on the ground is like a magnet attracting broken iron, and it keeps flowing backwards from the legs to replenish the damaged body.

Let it always maintain an exaggerated body shape.

Thirty seconds of dragon breath pulled out a charred fire road in the desert.

After the dragon's breath, the remaining power on it is still corroding the gravel.

Outside the yellow sand giant body, because the yellow sand is severely corroded, a layer of charred shell has been produced.

But because of the continuous influx of sand and gravel, the body expanded again, and the outer shell was supported by cracks.

It looked inexplicably fierce.

With the dragon's breath rushing to the ground below Alves, the yellow sand giant raised the warhammer in his hands and raised it above his head.

His waist was bent violently like a long bow.

All the power burst out.

The warhammer slammed down quickly.


The whole desert shook.

Thousands of meters away, the defeated soldiers stumbled directly and overturned a large area.


The next second the heavy hammer hit the ground, the surrounding gravel suddenly condensed.

Two abrupt and jagged sand snakes entrenched by blue dragons, like the blue veins of the earth bursting, climbed along the way.

In the blink of an eye, it extended directly to the feet of the yellow sand giant and connected with it.

Then, 30 meters high, like a giant of yellow sand in the Tower of the Sky, his body quickly rose.

At this moment, his feet were forcibly held up by two snakes of yellow sand.

This scene is simply dazzling.

The players outside were horrified for a while. Damn, can this dog-day yellow sand giant still have this operation?

In a few breaths, the yellow sand giant rushed to a height of 100 meters and wanted to fight Alves in melee combat.

When Alves saw this scene, he immediately became fierce. He didn't even think about taking off from the opponent's attack range. Instead, he roared and swooped down.

He really wanted to confront each other head-on.

After upgrading to level 15 and the potential being upgraded to super a, Alves has not only been exaggeratedly strengthened with his dragon breath.

The body's melee ability has also been terribly improved.

Seeing this, Li Cha flew directly into the higher sky, and did not participate in the battle between the two behemoths.

He wanted to see how strong the yellow sand giant, who had one-fifth of the power of the Lord of the Dunes, was fighting.

At the same time, it is also necessary to test whether Alves' strength has reached his estimated strength.

The battle between the two sides broke out in an instant.

Melee melee combat is different from the ranged attack of casting skills.

The scene looked more violent and intense.

The yellow sand giant waved a warhammer dozens of meters long and slammed it down.

Phew~ There was a harsh sonic boom in the air.

Alves rushed forward without dodging or evading.


The dull crash sounded like a battering ram hitting the ground.

Alves was hit in the shoulder by the hammer, and his body rolled over, but he didn't suffer any damage. Instead, the gravel warhammer thumped and dropped a large piece of yellow sand.

Strong against the opponent's damage.

Alves approached the yellow sand giant, and the burning blood-colored power soared at this moment, stabbing~

The terrifying corrosive force quickly coked the giant's body.

The two sharp golden dragon claws in front stabbed out fiercely, piercing deeply into the opponent's chest.

The yellow sand giant's body suddenly erupted with yellow rays of light, and endless sand and gravel squirmed.

It seemed that he wanted to trap Alves to death with his chest.

After all, the yellow sand giant is similar to the existence of summons, and it does not have the defects of ordinary creatures, so it has the confidence to do this operation.

At the same time, the big boss slammed the exaggerated warhammer with his arm and smashed it towards Alves again.

But before the giant's strategy took effect, Alves slammed the front claws with force.


Countless yellow sand exploded.

The terrifying yellow sand energy shattered directly, unable to hinder it in the slightest.

Dragon claws break the void, super A Grade, the sharpness and firmness of the claws are increased by 500%, and it has the characteristics of forced armor breaking and magic breaking.


The two dragon claws behind Alves also stabbed into the yellow sand giant at the same time.

The four sharp claws are like the roots of a creeping tiger, firmly grasping the yellow sand giant.

At the same time, the huge head opened.

A crimson light suddenly lit up in his throat.


Face to face, the terrifying Transcendent A Grade dragon breath burst out directly, with the power to corrode everything, directly covering the head of the yellow sand giant.

The scene is like a high-pressure musket roasting pig trotters, stabbing, and the gravel is corroded layer by layer in an instant.

Even if the yellow sand giant encountered such an attack, he did not lose his combat effectiveness at this moment.

The warhammer in his hand was violently split into two short-handled axe, and the two handwheels were swung.

Cleave at the golden bones of Alves with a gravel axe that can easily destroy the power of the walls.


In a burst of air breaking sound.


Mars exploded dozens of meters high.

What is shocking is that the terrifying gravel battle axe not only failed to cut off the golden bones, but was broken one by one, causing large pieces of gravel to fall into the sky.

And those gravels were corroded by the power of blood, and immediately turned into charred black.

Seen from a distance, at the moment when the two behemoths were fighting, black raindrops fell, and it didn't take long for the yellow sand to be covered with a layer of black sand.


The collision of two top combat units turned from intense at first to frenzy later.

There are two giant snakes connecting the desert under their feet, and a steady stream of yellow sand surges up. Although the sand and gravel on the giant's body has fallen layer by layer, it still does not fall into decline.

Tyrannically attacked the dragon in front of him.

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Alves is even more arrogant, although his level is a full 4 levels lower than that of the Yellow Sand Giant.

But the potential of Transcendent A Grade, plus after devouring the golden dragon soul, he has 7 Transcendent A Grade skills, and he just pressed and beat the Yellow Sand Giant.

The degree of endurance shown in melee combat is even more exaggerated than that of the giant in yellow sand.

No matter how crazy the giant's attack was, Alves could not be injured. The golden bones seemed to be ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times as hard as steel!

Richard was very enjoyable to watch above the sky.

This is countless times better than any blockbuster movie, and the sense of live broadcast is so impactful.

If you put it on Blue Star, you can make a fortune just by running live broadcasts.

When the two top combat powers were fighting fiercely, the army of the ground dune lord also rushed below.

Mummy Praetorian.

Level 15 troops.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha frowned.

"Bone and blood dragons stay behind, and the rest of the army crushes them!!"

The voice fell, except for the bone and blood dragon.

The statue of the dead swoops down in the sandstorm transformed by the sandstorm master.

The ground arms face the flying arms, and according to normal logic, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

But the next second the Dusk City army launched an attack, a mutation suddenly occurred.

I saw the Mummy Guards raise their spears violently.

A strong energy emanated from his body.

A large amount of gravel floated up from the ground, lingering on the spear.

The ruby ​​embedded in the hollow eye socket is shining brightly at this moment.

When the whole spear is covered with gravel.

They leaned back violently, like curved longbows.

The moment of reaching the extreme.


The spear dropped.

At the same time, the bright ruby ​​eyes dimmed like a light bulb that had lost its power.

The spears covered in yellow sand shot like lightning into the sandstorm transformed by the sandstorm master.

It was so fast that even the outside world could only see extremely vague shadows.

The stone statue of the dead only felt a fatal danger coming, and fluttered its wings to dodge.

But because it was too dense, there were still a large number of stone statues of the dead that did not escape.



A screeching sound of sharp objects rubbing against the glass exploded.

The spear directly pierced the extremely sturdy body of the stone statue of the dead.

next moment.

Those spears inflated like balloons.

At the moment of reaching the extreme, it burst open.

The body of the stone statue of the dead was blown to pieces directly from the inside.

The sharp broken spear ripped everything!

Some stone statues of the deceased noticed something was wrong and turned on the sandification in time. Although they exploded in the air due to the explosion of the spear, they survived.

But more than that, it was too late to react and was directly blown to pieces by the spear.

Incarnate into fragments of stumps and die on the spot.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, Li Cha's pupils shrank suddenly.

The detailed attributes of the Mummy Guards' skills could not be explored, and he did not expect that this unit could have such terrifying attack skills.

This is also the biggest loss encountered since the birth of the stone statue of the deceased.

The opponent's attack this time killed nearly a squadron.

Heart aches.

Ordered coldly.


The next second, the bodies of all the stone statues of the dead suddenly blurred, turning into grains of yellow sand.

An angry growl came out of his throat.

This is the anger after being provoked.

"Shattered axe!"

The speed of the stone statue of the deceased skyrocketed, and the battle axe wrapped in chains in his hand was thrown out with a mighty thunderous momentum.

At the same time, the Mummified Praetorian Guards who had not launched an attack threw their spears at the same time.

The spear with the yellow sand lingering on it defiantly confronted the battle axe with dark red lines flowing in chains.


Many battle axes and spears collided directly, and the two sides exploded in mid-air.

Like the explosion of heavy artillery shells.

The scene was magnificent.

The player who ran far away suddenly turned back.

I saw a light flickering between the sky and the earth.

Suddenly stunned.

"Mother, that boss is too **** fierce!"

"I didn't expect that there are such great gods in Suolan City. I feel that Qingqiu can't compare! Just that giant dragon hero can crush Qingqiu!"

"The undead dragon fights the yellow sand giant, damn, isn't this scene too exaggerated? Is this really the power that players can have?"


No one on both sides of the war paid attention to the surrounding soldiers, and at this moment, with endless killing intent, rushed towards each other.

After the tomahawk of the stone statue of the deceased passed through the yellow sand spear, it chopped directly into the Mummy Guards.

The Mummy Praetorian was extremely agile, avoiding most battle axes.

But next second.


A crisp sound rang out.

The Mummy Praetorian only felt that the **** of death was staring at them at this moment, and their souls seemed to be frozen.


Countless tomahawk fragments blew up a metal storm, directly covering a range of tens of meters.

Those mummified guards who were not directly hit by the battle axe enjoyed the taste of the Iron Fist of the City of Twilight.

The tomahawk shards pierced directly into their bodies, this is the first wave of damage.

The attached 30% death feature comes into play, causing a second wave of damage. After the second wave of damage, the hidden flame energy begins to explode, causing a third wave of damage.

Even if it was just hit by the tomahawk fragments on the limbs and other non-lethal parts, it would lose its combat effectiveness in the triple damage, or even be killed directly.

After turning on the sandification, the lethality of the sand spears of the Mummy Guards dropped sharply in an instant.

After the spear stabbed the stone statue of the dead, it would directly penetrate their body, and it did not explode like an axe.

Obviously, the Mummy Guards have no control over the spears after they are shot.

This also renders its attack ineffective.

Even if part of it exploded in mid-air, the spear's fragments were obviously pure physical damage, carrying only a small amount of magical power.

Cannot deal fatal damage to statues of the dead after Sandification is turned on.

On the contrary, the Mummy Guards suffered exaggerated damage under the axe.

Although the level of the two arms differs by four or five levels, the potential also differs by one rank.

However, the terrifying combat power of the stone statue of the deceased forced the two back into a line, and even had the absolute upper hand because of the desertification and flying ability.

When the stone statues of the dead attacked recklessly, the sandstorm controllers finally gathered together.

Disaster now.


The howling wind caused the heaven and earth to cry.

The endless sandstorm skyrocketed at this moment. The light was completely swallowed up.

Compared with the fireworks-like attack of the dead stone statue, the scene created by the sandstorm controller is even more exaggerated.


The sandstorm gathered by the 5 squadrons of mad sand masters directly covered the Mummy Praetorian Guards below.

The gust of wind was like the scream of a demon, and the high-speed flying gravel turned into bullets, attacking the body of the Mummy Praetorian Guard.

The bandage on his body seemed to be cut by a razor and torn directly.

Dry and hollow undead bodies exposed to sandstorms.

The Mummy Guards noticed that the situation was not right and immediately responded.

In the frantic roar, the arm slammed into the ground.

The power of yellow sand poured out from his body, and a thick sand shield suddenly condensed.

Then several squads of mummified praetorian guards combined to form a windbreak with sand shields.

Bravely blocked the erosion of sandstorms.

At the same time, the Mummy Guards re-condensed the spears, but the spears at the moment were all condensed by yellow sand and lost their original sharpness.

But a surprising picture appeared. They held a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, slamming them around.

Attack the sandstorm.

This was a somewhat comical scene, but no one laughed.

Because the thousands of mummified imperial guards made this action at the same time, the frantically whistling sandstorm suddenly froze.

They can actually cause damage to the sandstorm master who is incarnated as a sandstorm!

The power of the top arms is fully revealed at this moment.

Li Cha, who was fighting on the outside, saw it clearly.

After the sandstorm controller turns into a sandstorm, they can share the health bar and magic power, but the attack of the Guards makes their status decline rapidly.

If the Mummy Praetorian Guards are not destroyed in time, the sandstorm controller will be beaten out in a few minutes.

The sandstorm controller also discovered this scene, and the next second, the whistling resumed.

In the air, a giant sand thorn with a handle several meters long, or even ten meters long, was condensed.

Skill - Giant Sand Thorn.

Accelerated by the gust of wind, the giant sand thorns with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, mixed in the yellow sand with blurred vision, stabbed the Mummy Praetorian Guards with their shields and spears fiercely.


At a terrifying speed, the power of the giant sand thorns reached the point of being terrifying.

The thick shield in the hands of the Mummy Praetorian Guards exploded directly.

The body was like a wooden stick smashing tofu, and after it shattered to the ground, it was rolled up by the storm.

at the same time.

A wave of magic power escaped, and the gravel on the ground suddenly formed a gravel prison, imprisoning the Mummy Guards.

Forcibly separating the shield walls they formed created even bigger holes.

Although the Praetorian Guards counterattacked wildly, it would be difficult for them to break free for a while, and they could only become lambs to be slaughtered in anger.

Skill - Yellow Sand Prison.

At this time, the adjusted stone statue of the dead also shot.

The clenched battle axe was thrown violently.

In the whistling, it penetrated the sandstorm and smashed directly into the dense mummy guards.


The axe is broken again.

Because the team was too dense, it was impossible to dodge at all. In the metal storm, the soul was directly harvested.

A brigade of statues of the dead and 5 squadrons of sandstorm controllers, the cooperation of the two top arms, formed a terrifying front.


In the sky, the yellow sand giant who stepped on two giant snakes with both feet, at this moment, the hand-to-hand combat with Alves has also reached the level of white-hot.

Both sides have gone crazy.

Collision with all his strength at all times.

And just when Richard thought this battle might go on for a while longer.

Suddenly, the situation changed suddenly.

After the yellow sand giant repelled Alves' round of attacks, he turned his head sharply to look at Richard.

The charred giant mouth opened and closed up and down, and a dull sound penetrated the air.

"Despicable human, the power of yellow sand in your body, I will come and take it myself!"

The voice fell, and the body suddenly burst open like a mass of loose sand.

In the rage, Alves threw himself in the air, and then stared blankly at the falling gravel.

Where is his opponent? Gone?

After regaining consciousness, the mood in my heart immediately rose.

He raised his head sharply and roared towards the sky.


The long roar conveyed tens of kilometers away, from which one could even hear its joy and excitement.

He, won the battle, that humble coward, escaped!

He, the hero of the city of dusk, Alves, guarded the glory of the master!

At the moment, Richard was not happy with Alves, because he heard an unusual system prompt.

"Ding~ You have been branded by the Lord of the Dune with the power of your soul. Every hour, your coordinates will be known to the Lord of the Dune."

Soul imprint?

Looking at this message, Li Cha's eyes showed a bit of coldness.

That dune lord, taking him as his prey?

How dare!

Suppressing the cold killing intent in his heart, he took out the statue of the ancient gods and felt the surging power inside, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Soul imprint?

What brand can escape the devotion of the ancient statues of ancient gods?

But just as he was about to remove the brand, the breath on it suddenly jumped.

In the next second, a breath came from my mind. The Lord of the Dunes.

Li Cha turned his head sharply and looked into the depths of the desert.

When the soul imprint passed his coordinates, it was also passing him the position of the Lord of the Dunes.

Suddenly, he pressed the idea of ​​using the ancient **** statue to take out the brand.

A playful arc hung on the corner of his mouth.

It's funny. This dune master is more courageous than he thought.

That being the case, let's see who is the hunter.

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