Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 431: v2 Chapter 409: Windsor: What is the Crimson Moon? Your Excellency Richard, if...

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Horses' hooves make a unique footstep sound on the hard stone pavement.

Richard looked at the receding street through the glass window and fell into deep thought.

The most important thing to come to Solan City this time is to explore the news of the Crimson Moon.

Today is December 1st, and the opening date of the new expansion is - December 28th.

He only had twenty days left.

In the past two months, the only time I heard the news of the crimson moon, I must grasp it.

The most terrifying thing is not the powerful enemy, but the unknown.

Just as urgent as the crimson moon, there is also the S-level task given by the old man who lost his heart at the Red Dragon grocery store—the three-month deadline to retrieve the heart of the gods is approaching.

The time is gradually shortening, and the room for him to turn around is also getting smaller.

Whether it was getting the news of the Crimson Moon or the S-level quest, he had to make progress during this time.

becomes unpredictable in the future.

"Hopefully, I can get what I want this time."

Richard rubbed the statue of the ancient gods and remained silent.


The traveling carriage turned a street corner and slowly stopped.

"Dear Sir, the Violet Chamber of Commerce is here."

The front was neatly dressed, with a somewhat elegant coachman opening the door respectfully.

His carriage was specially used for high-level guests, and he even paid for it to learn noble etiquette.

Li Cha was awakened, thanked him gently, and stepped out of the car.

The fare is already paid when you get on the bus.

Looking at the back of him leaving, a sincere smile appeared on the driver's face, and this order would make him a lot looser.

Come on~ keep working hard.

There are two little guys in the house who are waiting to be fed, waiting for him to come home with food.

Standing at the door of the spacious manor, smelling the fragrance of violets in the air, Li Cha was slightly dazed.

This luxurious manor is now his private property.

He smiled. Half a year ago, he never imagined that owning a manor would be so simple.

Still in Solan City.

Life experiences are really unpredictable.

Walking towards the manor, there was a guard booth seven or eight meters high inside the closed gate. When the two half-feather guards saw Richard, they immediately showed a surprise.

"Master is back!"

This news immediately caused a sensation in the manor as the door opened.

Under the respectful and humble reception of the Banyu people, Richard walked into the manor with a calm expression.

Being in a high position, I have long been used to this kind of scene.

These are the deeply rooted rules of "Age of Radiance", and it is impossible to abide by them.

Most of those players who follow the path of equality for everyone have not survived for three months.

When he returned this time, Li Cha found that in addition to the original silver dwarf and half-feather man, there were many more unfamiliar faces in the manor.

Apparently Vale's newly hired or purchased staff.

Many new plants were planted in the originally empty corner of the manor.

Some areas are still building new buildings, and there are many more statues full of artistic flavors, and the overall look has a brand-new feeling.

At this time, those new employees looked at the extraordinary Richard cautiously and curiously. Is this the real owner of the Violet Chamber of Commerce?

This momentum is truly awe-inspiring.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the main hall, I saw Val, who was excited to greet him after hearing the news.

The current controller of the Violet Chamber of Commerce held his chest and saluted in front of everyone.

"Welcome back, Mr. Richard."

These words directly declared who the true ruler of the Violet Chamber of Commerce was.

Li Cha looked at Val, who had a haggard face, and comforted him softly.

"It's been a long time for you, and you can cultivate an executive team later, and you don't need to do everything yourself."

"Some non-main tasks can be assigned and let the team perform."

"You are responsible for the main tasks yourself, and as long as you regularly supervise and direct the work of the executive team, you can greatly improve the efficiency of the work."

"Managers, the most important thing is not to do it personally, but to employ people."

This is also the biggest feeling of Li Cha during this period of time.

The word "people" is definitely the essence of the essence.

He made good use of Karoo, so in the early days of Dusk City's development, he could devote his energy to other places.

Now, the bloodhoof city that rules the underground world, the furnace city is not the case, and the same is true of Val.

Although Vail's face was haggard, he was in high spirits.

"My lord, I understand what you said, but this is the first time I have performed such an important task."

"I don't want Mr. Karoo to disappoint you."

Seeing the firmness in the girl's eyes, Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then relieved.

In the eyes of the other party, he saw the familiar light, Hina, Karoo, Sam, Andel and even countless residents of the City of Twilight, all have the same light.


For the city of dusk, they are willing to give everything!

The emotions in his heart are a little subtle, but he has not been let down after all.

"You pay attention to rest yourself, and I believe you have your own judgment for the rest, so I won't interfere with you."

Hearing this, Will had a bright smile on his face.

Nodding hard.

"My lord, I will not disappoint your expectations!"

That feeling of being trusted is extraordinarily wonderful.

After a simple conversation, he entered the room, took their seats, waited for the maid to make hot tea and retired, and Li Cha went straight to the topic.

"This time, in addition to seeing how the Violet Chamber of Commerce is developing, there is another very important thing about Crimson Moon."

"The message on the letter is simple, you tell me everything you know."

Seeing Li Cha's serious eyes, Will sat up straight, and his tone became solemn.

"Lord Richard, I've been using all kinds of power to find out about the Crimson Moon, but the Violet Chamber of Commerce was just established, and the network was too small to gain anything."

"Even for Her Royal Highness Chris, the Crimson Moon doesn't seem to exist in this world."

"But a few days ago, President Windsor came suddenly and let me tell you that she knew the news of the Crimson Moon."

He paused for a moment and lowered his voice a bit.

"President Windsor's expression is too calm, I feel that there may be some hidden secrets that are difficult for outsiders to explore."

"However, this is just my feeling. It is up to you to grasp the real situation."

Li Cha was thoughtful.

"President Windsor didn't reveal more information?"

Will shook his head.

"She only asked me to tell you that everything will be discussed after you return."

Li Cha nodded, thinking about the problem in his heart.

All players are looking for news about the Crimson Moon, and it is impossible for the aborigines not to know.

Although players can't reveal the details of the crimson moon, but after a long time, some smart people will definitely figure out something.

Under the prying eyes of the aboriginal people, the secrets have been dug up, and not many things are still hidden.

But what's interesting is that Chris, the princess of Solan City, did not use the power of Solan City to explore, but Windsor knew about it.

Moreover, the other party also informed him of the news by name.

Its meaning is quite interesting.

However, there is too little information at present, and no conclusions can be drawn. We can only follow Weier's advice and deal with it carefully.

After discussing for a while, he didn't get any more news, and Li Cha didn't bother.

"Prepare the carriage, I'm going to visit the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce."

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Will hesitated.

"Sir. Do you want to inform Her Royal Highness Chris?"

Compared with the majestic and powerful Queen Windsor, she believed more in Chris, the girl who didn't have much scheming.

With the little princess of Solan City, even if there is any accident, the relationship between Li Cha and the other party can also play a buffering role.

Li Cha couldn't help laughing when he thought of the small talker.

He has already made up for the picture of the other party muttering non-stop.

"Send someone to tell her."

As she said that, she took a deep look at Will, but the girl's thoughts were not hidden deeply.

No, the queen who is in charge of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is not that simple.

What the other party wants to do is not something that Chris can stop.

How can an existence with a boss template be easy to match?

Soon, the carriage will be ready.

Li Cha rode up alone and went to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, a fast horse rushed to the Solan Chamber of Commerce to deliver the letter.

When Chris got the news, she jumped up with excitement immediately, and then went out in a hurry.

I kept mumbling about my gift coming

When the carriage disappeared at the corner, a kind-hearted grandma suddenly appeared, but the soldiers around didn't seem to see her.

This scene felt inexplicably weird.

But if you look closely, the other party's wrinkled face is actually covered with large and small scars, and there is a kind of tragic feeling that makes people palpitate.

No one could imagine what happened to her.

"Lord of Divine Grace, Qingqiu"

After the old woman muttered a few words, she took a deep look at the street, turned and entered the manor behind.

Looking intently, you can see that the manor is painted with several unpretentious common languages. Solan Manor.

Grand Duke Solan, the residence of the legendary ascetic monk.

Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at this magnificent building complex, Li Cha's emotions were a little subtle.

The first time he came, he was curious about everything around him, but this time, it was because of unknown factors.

The carriage stopped, announced its intention, and followed the staff on the alchemy elevator to the top floor of the most central building.

After a lapse of two months, Li Cha saw the graceful and graceful figure again.


The controller of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, an extremely mysterious boss.

Windsor looked at the heroic figure standing indifferently in front of him, and a little admiration flashed in his eyes.

I haven't seen each other for two months, and the temperament of the lord of divine grace in front of him has actually reached a new level.

Every move seems to have a fatal attraction.

If she hadn't been able to be sure that the other party didn't use magic like charm, she would have been able to drive him out.

The other party has already affected her mood.

After taking a deep breath and regaining peace, he spoke slowly.

"Good day, Your Excellency Richard, we meet again."

Li Cha's eyes were calm.

"Good day, President Windsor, it is an honor to visit you again."

After a simple courtesy, Windsor motioned for Richard to take his seat.

Li Cha was also rude, and sat down with a golden knife without any restraint.

This move, coupled with that unique temperament, has a kind of bohemian charm.

After a series of skill bonuses, Li Cha didn't know at this time how much he was attracted to the opposite sex.

Windsor gave him a deep look and sat across from him across the white round table.

After the maid who made the tea left, she calmed down.

"Your Excellency Richard, may I ask you a question?"

Li Cha raised his brows and said sternly.

"President Windsor is very kind, please speak."

Windsor's eyes narrowed slightly, with a bit of special meaning.

"It's not just your Excellency, it seems that all the lords of divine grace are listening to the crimson moon. Can I know what the crimson moon means to the lords of divine grace?"

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, not expecting the other party to ask such a question.

After pondering for a while, he said slowly.


The new expansion, the turmoil that can change the world pattern. This is the future.

The light in Windsor's eyes suddenly brightened, and Richard could even feel the joy of the other party.

"Future, why do you say that?"

Just as Li Cha was about to speak, he suddenly felt a mysterious force that prevented him from opening his mouth.

In my heart, I knew that the system reminded me that I could not reveal the news of the Crimson Moon to the aborigines.

This is clearly the power of that rule in effect.

Abandoning the answer in his heart, after thinking for a while, he said slowly.

"Believe me."

Just three words, nothing more.

Windsor stared blankly at Li Cha, carefully savoring the meaning of these three words.

After a long time, he suddenly showed his face.

"I have asked hundreds of lords of divine grace, but the answer from Your Excellency is the most beyond my expectations."

Li Cha looked directly into the eyes of the other party's bright stars.

"Then I think President Windsor already knows the subtleties."

With the channels of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce and the other party's super-strong means, it is not difficult to guess the restrictions related to the crimson moon.

Looking at each other, Windsor's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

"Your Excellency Richard, you are the most special lord of divine grace I have ever seen."

Li Cha smiled.

"President Windsor, you are also the most amazing lady I have ever met."

Windsor smiled.

"There is not much sincerity in what you say."

Richard was noncommittal.

Staring at the face that is so delicate that it is almost perfect, even the most critical person can't find the slightest flaw, and said slowly.

"So President Windsor, this time I'm not just looking for my opinion on the Crimson Moon, right? I heard that Will said that the President has improved before, can the President who knows the news about the Crimson Moon answer me? doubts?"

Windsor smiled a little.

"Yes, UU reading I know the news of the Crimson Moon."

This sentence made Li Cha's eyes light up.

"But before that, I want to hear what you think of the Crimson Moon."

Li Cha looked at the other party thoughtfully, thought about it, and said slowly.

"Sorry, I also want to make sure of my opinion."

"Because at this moment, I don't know what the crimson moon is."

The smile in Windsor's eyes grew stronger.

"What about after you know?"

Richard's tone was gentle, but he didn't give in.

"Once you know it, you will naturally make a decision."

Windsor suddenly stopped smiling.

"Your Excellency Richard, what if I am the Crimson Moon?"

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