Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 432: v2 Chapter 410: The Will of the Ancient God, the Lucky Secret of the Crimson Moon

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I am the Crimson Moon.

Li Cha looked at those eyes with a subtle glow, and his heart skipped a beat.

Breathing was frozen.

He never thought of this possibility. Crimson Moon would be alone.

If true, how scary would that be?

The expansion of the entire game is set up because of one person.

This is definitely a world-class boss growing up, I'm afraid it can go against the sky.

However, Li Cha dispelled the surprise in an instant.

The new expansion, Crimson Moon, can make gods fall and change the world pattern, which is obviously not something that one person can do.

Especially the point of changing the world pattern, no matter how strong the opponent is. The main plane of "Glorious Era" prohibits the existence of god-level power.

If there is no individual combat power at the level of gods, how can we change the world pattern?

Forcibly suppressing the ups and downs in his heart, Li Cha's thoughts began to go crazy.

After thinking for a long time, he looked directly into the other's eyes and said slowly.

"If President Windsor is Crimson Moon, then Dusk City will be Crimson Moon's friend."

Windsor's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth hung a bright arc.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, are you so sure?"

Li Cha's eyes did not evade at all.

"Sure. President Windsor didn't lie, and of course I won't cheat."

The other party is testing, and he is not like this.

The most interesting point of the game is to constantly test the opponent's cards and approach the opponent's limit.

The seemingly soft words of the two hide all kinds of changes.

Windsor laughed suddenly.

"What if we are going to be enemies with this world?"

Li Cha's face was calm.

"Then, trample the world under your feet."

There was no mood swing in the voice, but this moment gave one such a firmness.

Looking at the other party's deep eyes, Windsor was stunned for a moment.

Trample the world under your feet?

These words came out of the mouth of a lord of divine grace who was not yet level 15, and it was so crazy.

Just wanted to laugh, but suddenly thought that the other party was Qingqiu.

He is the strongest among the lords of divine grace. He once buried hundreds of thousands of troops with his own hands and ascended the throne with one enemy and a hundred in the competition of tens of billions of people.

What's more, the other party has imprisoned a clone of a **** at the moment.

There's this crazy record ahead.

This piece of madness also has a bit of credibility.

After Windsor regained his senses, his eyes moved slightly, slightly unnaturally deviating from the eyes that were stared at by the other party.

Compared with the opponent's fierce record, the soul-stirring charm of the opponent's gestures made her even more uncertain.

This lord of divine grace is so special.

He picked up the delicate teacup on the white round table and took a sip of the warm tea.

After putting down the teacup, he said with a somewhat relaxed tone.

"Your Excellency Richard, it was just a joke, I am not the Crimson Moon."

Originally, Li Cha didn't believe much, but when the other party said this, the subtlety in his eyes made him snort.

The other party's absurd statement that he is the Crimson Moon, at this moment, he feels it is true

This is so **** bullshit.

After this unrealistic thought hovered in his heart for a moment, he hid it in his heart and did not say it out.

Slowly, continue to ask.

"Can President Windsor tell me the news of the Crimson Moon you have?"

Windsor pondered for a moment, then whispered.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, what do you want to know?"

Richard was not polite.


Windsor smiled, neither rejecting nor agreeing.

He spoke slowly in an elegant and slow tone with a unique charm.

"The crimson moon is the power left over from the ancient gods"

The first sentence shocked Li Cha.

Ancient God? !

He had heard this mysterious title countless times.

And it was all heard from the mouth of the gods.

Since he got the statue of the ancient god, he has been investigating the information of the ancient god, and the result is that there is no such person.

All traces of the ancient gods have been erased.

Windsor, who was staring closely at Li Cha's face, saw the fluctuation of his expression, showing a certain look.

But he didn't ask anything, and continued to use the tone that sounded very charming.

"In the countless years after the death of the ancient god, the crimson moon was also forced to hide."

"When the battle of the gods ended hundreds of thousands of years ago, the power of the ancient gods began to awaken again."

"And the crimson moon, which inherited the will of the ancient gods, is also recovering."

"The crimson moon rises into the sky, and the gods will tremble. This is a prophecy that has been passed down for countless years."

"Once the crimson moon appears, the gods who have mastered the rules of this world will inevitably launch crazy revenge."

"If you have anything to do with the crimson moon, you will definitely be hostile to the gods. The foundation of this world is the gods."

"It is not empty words to be an enemy of this world."

This sentence surprised Li Cha, but also had more doubts.

"President Windsor, who is the ancient god? The ancient god?"

Windsor shook her head slowly.

"No, the ancient gods are not gods, they are existences beyond gods."

Beyond the existence of gods?

This assessment is simply horrifying.

Li Cha felt that what the other party was about to say might be one of the biggest secrets in the world.

"Why did the ancient gods pass away? Why do the current gods hold authority?"

Windsor's eyes showed cold killing intent.

"Those **** gods, who stole the power of the old gods."

Li Cha was puzzled.

"The ancient gods surpassed the gods, why can they still be stolen by the current gods?"

"Because the ancient gods are not life and have no desire for life."

"Not intelligent life?"

Richard was shocked by the news.

Windsor's tone became a little lower.

"Yes, they are the incarnation of rules, and each ancient **** represents a rule."

"Life, death, light, darkness, water, fog."

"At the beginning of the world's creation, the gods did not exist, and the ancient gods were the real masters of this world."

"At that time, a single rule could only be controlled by one ancient god, and other ancient gods could not interfere, because they were the rules."

"Now the king of the gods of the light gods - the **** of thunder and light, is the first thief to steal the power of the ancient gods."

Richard has digested these heavy news for a long time, but it is difficult to regain his senses.

Is the ancient **** the embodiment of rules?

The current gods are the thieves who steal the power of the ancient gods?

These news are too terrifying, no wonder he used conventional means to find news about the ancient gods and failed to find the slightest clue.

Those with vested interests, the gods, will definitely use all means to erase this ancient fortunate secret.

Thinking about it now, there is an explanation for the horror of the gods he encountered before seeing the statues of the ancient gods.

Their power is to steal the ancient gods.

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The impostor suddenly saw the real master, and the fear in his heart can be imagined

After taking a deep breath, he said condensedly.

"President Windsor, can I know, what is your relationship with the Crimson Moon?"

Windsor gave Li Cha a deep look.

"A closer relationship than you think."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

This news is obviously more credible than Windsor's claim that he is the Crimson Moon.

The tone was a little more serious now.

"What is the purpose of the Crimson Moon? What is the goal pursued?"

Whether a force is evil or good, lawful or chaotic, depends only on their goals or teachings.

Plunge the world into the eternal dread of the Dreadlord.

Let the world be free from injustice and sin, the **** of justice.

Windsor fell silent.

Standing up gracefully, he came to the huge French window on the side.

This Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is the tallest building, overlooking half of Solan City.

The mage tower in the distance, the clock tower at the corner of the cross street, and the ant-sized pedestrian windows on the street are reflected in the pupils.

The white and slender hands gently pressed on the transparent glass window, as if wanting to touch the world outside the window.

After a long time, a faint voice sounded.

"Your Excellency Richard, do you know? How much darkness and injustice is there in this world?"

"In the face of these darkness and injustice, most people are unable to resist them and even kneel down and pray for the blessing of the gods when they are desperate."

"Pray, haha, what a ridiculous move."

"If they knew that the sinner who caused all this was the **** they were praying and begging, how would they look?"


"A group of creatures with strong selfish desires, they are also worthy of worship? To be believed?!"

The tone became colder.

"Gods, why spread faith?"

"Because they do not have complete control over the power of rules, they can only rely on the power of faith contributed by intelligent beings who are favored by the will of the world to control the rules."

"Ancient God, you don't need these."

"The power of faith is everything to the gods, and as a result, their greed and desire for the power of faith is constantly magnified."

"Occupy farmland to build churches, incite believers to believe in religion, attack rival sects, use faith to harvest wealth, and fool the commoners."

"Start wars, slaughter villages, destroy races, and shatter planes"

"In this world, as long as it is a large-scale war, the final master behind the scenes must be a certain god!"

"Gods, their existence is the original sin!"

"After they stole the power of the world, they plunged the world into never-ending turmoil."

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the battle of the gods that destroyed half of the life of the entire world is the best testimony to the greed of the gods."

"A very small number of creatures hold the fate of most people on the main plane. This is the greatest darkness."

"What Crimson Moon pursues is to let the ancient gods regain power and slaughter all those gods who steal power!"

"Remove the turmoil and insecurity of the gods because of their own desires."

The gods are the original sin of everything. Those who dare to draw such a conclusion are either lunatics or super bosses.

Li Cha looked at the elegant back, and felt a little dry mouth at this moment.

Although it is not suitable to attribute all the problems to the gods.

But that's not the point, it's... Slaughter the gods!

He thought it was a big goal for him to make Dusk City the grandest city in the Death Desert.

Good guy, compared to the crimson moon, it's not enough to watch at all.

That belief alone is insane.

The gods hold the authority of this world, and the fall of every **** is a major event that shakes the world.

But now, Windsor said that he wanted to slaughter all the gods.

It made his scalp tingle.

Is this the true face of the Crimson Moon?

This new expansion pack is so **** awesome.

No wonder the system prompts that when the crimson moon appears, there will be gods falling.

That's because of the power of the ancient gods, Tianke's current gods.

No one knows this better than him.

After Windsor finished speaking, he slowly turned around and looked at Richard again.

"So, Your Excellency Richard, what is your attitude towards the Crimson Moon now?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room immediately became subtle.

At this moment, Li Cha is really confirming that the top existence in front of him has a boss template and is in charge of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

The relationship with the Crimson Moon is absolutely no trivial matter.

Although the other party has already mentioned it, the words may be true or false, and he trusts his own judgment more.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, he said slowly.

"President Windsor, my attitude has always been firm. Dusk City is your friend, no matter what your status is."

There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Also, I'm quite interested in Tushen, maybe, we can cooperate further."

The soul of the kobold **** is also imprisoned in the statue of the old god.

More than once, that **** tried to wipe out Dusk City.

The hatred between the two sides has long since died.

He searched for the Crimson Moon with such great fanfare, in addition to wanting to explore the new expansion, the most important point is that the Crimson Moon can make the gods fall.

Since it can kill other gods, why can't the **** of kobolds taste the taste of death?

Unless the old dog is killed, he will never be at peace in his heart.

There is always a feeling of being on the back.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, it will jump out and bite him at some point.

Windsor smiled, and the atmosphere in the house immediately warmed up.

"Your Excellency Richard, perhaps, I have made a real friend."

"However, I'm curious, is your Excellency really not afraid of the gods?"

Feeling the breath coming from the statue of the ancient **** in his arms, Cha smiled.

"Afraid? Of course afraid, who is not afraid of those terrifying existences that control endless power?"

"But so what? God, it's not that he can't die."

"And I'd rather trust my friends than the gods."

Others have choices, but he has already stood with the ancient god.

The statue of the ancient **** is the most powerful treasure he has ever traveled, no one.

Several times of desperation, they all relied on this turnaround.

This is a treasure that can confront the gods head-on, and even has infinite potential to be tapped.

For the gods, if they knew all of this, they would automatically classify him as the remnants of the ancient gods.

As for giving up statues of ancient gods?

Who dares to say this, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Richard can knock out his dog's brain.

Windsor sighed.

"Your Excellency Richard, you are really the most unique lord of divine grace I have ever seen."

Saying that, he stepped forward, slowly supported his chest towards him, and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for your trust, and may Crimson live with you forever."

Seeing this, Li Cha got up gently, stroked his chest, and returned the salute.

"President Windsor, may the crimson live forever."

After the two stood up straight, they looked at each other and suddenly showed their faces.

In the air, there seems to be an air of pure revolutionary friendship.

Although the two sides are still far from true comrades-in-arms, they have gone through some trial and error.

Finally completed the first and most critical step. Build trust.

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