Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 467: v2 Chapter 444: Player: Qingqiu boss, Niubi! (Breaking sound)

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The abyss spider man held a long black knife, and the blade was glowing with a faint green light.

The spider's body combined with the human's upper body makes this unit full of fierce and violent aura.

The eight spider arthropods grow gray-brown fluff, and the toes are as sharp as spears. When they step on the ground, they are like nails hitting the board, leaving deep marks.

Ordinary human beings may not even have the courage to resist in front of it.

But at this moment, these top 2-star crown arms have become lambs under the raging sandstorm.

The wind howled.

The sandstorm formed by the sandstorm controllers of the 5 squadrons set off a prelude to death.

After being promoted to the brilliant class, the 6 C-level skills of the sandstorm controller have been directly upgraded to B-level, and the attributes in all aspects have been greatly improved.

At this moment, facing the crown arms, he still showed a trembling sharpness.

The sandstorm condensed into a giant thorn. Under the acceleration of the wind, it seemed like a deadly arrow shot from a heavy siege crossbow, which could destroy all obstacles in front of it.

No matter how fierce the abyss spider man's combat power is, in the face of this man-made natural disaster, he still only has the chance of being strangled.

This very psychologically shocking picture made the players in the back tremble and their blood surged with excitement.

Qingqiu boss, bull nose!

Damn it, it's so fun, so fun!

These **** **** should be trampled like this!

Their previous worries were directly crushed in front of absolute strength!

Looking at the stalwart figure suspended in the sky, my heart is full of amazement.

Is this the gold content of the strongest among the tens of billions of players?

Their army, before, was slaughtered by these abyss spiders like lambs.

Now, this situation is reversed directly, and it is the turn of the abyss spider man to be trampled by the opponent at will.

The gap between them is so big that they can't afford to compare at all, and even their envy and hatred have been wiped out.

A man may be jealous of a neighbor who is better off than himself, but it is hard to be jealous of the richest man in the world

Watching the abyss spider man fall head to head under the slaughtering knife in the city of dusk, all players feel the thrill of revenge.

These **** **** have finally met their opponents, right?

Thinking of the experience of being kept in captivity like a pig, and always frightened, I can't wait to end these abyss spidermen by myself.

After the sandstorm controller ended, the abyss spider man suffered a tragic blow immediately.

The incarnation of yellow sand can be directly immune to physical attacks, and then share life and magic power

The abyss spider man, who can only cause physical damage, can't help the sandstorm controller at all.

Their attacks didn't even kill the sandstorm masters, they didn't even have the ability to injure them.

For maximum lethality, the sandstorm controller did not spread the sandstorm too much.

This allowed the abyss spiders who had an advantage in numbers to find an opportunity.

Part of them bypassed the sandstorm directly and headed straight towards the rear.

Before he could think about it, the player saw the abyss spider man approaching within 100 meters.

Seeing those ferocious monsters with an average height of more than 4 meters attack, one by one suddenly burst into cold sweat.

I was anxious.

In their current state, there is absolutely no way to fight back against these fierce troops.

When looking up at the sky and asking for help from Xiang Licha.

Suddenly found that the dim light, suddenly became even more dim.

Before returning to his senses, I saw a head of gargoyle flapping its wings like lightning passing over the head.

On some of the gargoyles, there are still mummified soldiers who can't see their silhouettes.

In the blink of an eye, those gargoyles flew to the top of the abyss spidermen who avoided the sandstorm.

next second.


A chained battle axe ripped through the sky.

Driven by a huge force, the chain wrapped around the arm made a harsh rubbing sound.

It was death whispering.

The abyss spider-men who were imagining rushing into the players and killing them immediately became living targets one by one.

Even if its speed is fast, it is already difficult to escape under the dense battle axe.


The battle axe smashed an abyss spider man from behind, and the back with a solid skeleton burst like pottery, spewing out pieces of green blood.

Just when players thought that the attack of those gargoyles was to throw tomahawks.


There was a sound of glass breaking.


The battle axe that slashed into the body of the abyss spider man or smashed into the earth suddenly burst.

A terrifying metal storm swept all directions.

The surrounding area of ​​dozens of meters was completely covered.

Those abyss spidermen who charged were instantly torn apart by the whistling tomahawk fragments.

After the fragments pierced into each other, the blood in the mouths of those abyss spidermen who had not died suddenly became coagulated.

Not yet able to cry out.

Bang~ A burst of hot energy.

The body of the abyss spider man exploded directly, igniting billowing flames.

Third stage damage.

Those abyss spidermen who escaped the sandstorm and wanted to wash the earth with blood, under the edge of the stone statue of the dead, encountered a more ferocious attack than the sandstorm.

Every time the tomahawk was thrown, it was like a depth charge thrown into the water.

Blast the sky full of water.

The scythe of the **** of death is reaping souls recklessly.

The abyss spidermen, which numbered more than a hundred teams, were slaughtered at an unimaginable speed under the fierce and violent offensive of the Dusk City army.

When the last abyss spider man was decapitated by the stone statue of the dead.

The sandstorm controller slowly flew back to the sky and wrapped the army again.

After the army withdrew, the battlefield, which had just been wailing all over the place, fell into a dead silence.

The players widened their eyes and looked at the stump fragments covering the ground with an indescribable shock.

The pale cobwebs had long since been destroyed by the sandstorm.

On the gravel ground, the corpses of the abyss spiderman were like smashed glass, scattered all over the floor.

The green blood splattered all over the ground.

Even after the war, keep making psychological expectations so that you can accept all this.

But at this time, they saw that the almost invincible abyss spider man was slaughtered in less than ten minutes, leaving only the corpses on the ground.

There was still a strong shock inside.

This **** is Qingqiu's true strength?

This pervert!

There is really no problem with the name of him on the forum.

Looking at the blurry figure floating in the sky, the emotions in the players' hearts are particularly subtle.

Rejoice, marvel, fear, worship. Complex and difficult to understand.

"Ding~ You commanded the army to hunt down 1123 abyss spidermen (crown 2 stars, level 15) and achieved a perfect victory. You gained 11230 experience points and 1123 undead crystals."

With the end of the encounter, a familiar reminder sounded in Li Cha's ear, and after a glance, he felt a little helpless.

Crown-level units can only bring him 10 experience points now.

The higher the level, the more exaggerated the difficulty.

After waiting until the extraordinary, if you want to upgrade, I am afraid that it will take years to calculate.

However, thousands of undead crystals made him very interested, and things that could be rewarded by the system would definitely not be bad.

After waiting for a while, Li Cha turned around and wondered why the crystals had not been released.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the broken abyss spider man corpses on the ground were directly vaporized, turned into a green energy, and then began to condense towards each small point.

In a short time, all the stump fragments disappeared, replaced by green fog areas on the ground.

Those green mists are gradually shrinking in the surging.

After a few minutes, the mist dissipated.

Looking intently, I can see that green beads the size of a thumb have appeared on the ground.


With a little curiosity, Richard opened the attribute panel of those beads.

Undead Crystal

Grade: Special

Features: Contains majestic negative energy.

Introduction: A special item that can only be condensed when the most evil beings die.

The properties are unexpectedly simple, and there is nothing fancy about them.

Li Cha frowned slightly.

Could this be related to the final mission?

In my mind, my mind moved.

The gravel shrouded in the surroundings escaped, directly wrapping the green beads on the ground.

Drag these undead crystals and fly back to the front.

Thousands of undead crystals piled up together, two circles bigger than a basketball.

Li Cha picked up one and felt it carefully.

A dark and evil energy surged like a vortex.

Makes people feel uncomfortable.

When ordinary people touch this undead crystal, they are afraid that their soul will be eroded by the negative energy inside in the blink of an eye.

After looking around for a long time, Li Cha couldn't find anything unusual.

Shaking his head, he didn't bother any more, and directly entered the system space.

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When you're done, turn your head to look at the other players.

"Do you know the function of undead crystals?"

Although these guys were a bit miserable, they all had troops in their hands when they came in.

It is obviously not difficult to obtain crystals of the undead, just how much.

As soon as the voice fell, an orc female player who was five big and three thick raised her hand and said in a rough voice.

"Boss Qingqiu, this thing seems to be related to our main quest. I saw it in the Spider Church."

The roar of the roar caused the other players to turn their heads and look at each other in unison.

When she saw that it was a female orc whose chest hair was thicker than her hair, she quickly retracted her gaze.

Damn, it's too hot for the eyes.

Li Cha frowned slightly.

Is it really related to the main quest?

In the end, will it also involve hunting extraordinary?

His interest intensified a bit.

"Any other information?"


Li Cha is not disappointed either, it is unrealistic to expect these guys, how about this dungeon, he needs to explore by himself.

Turning his head to look at the direction where the abyss spiderman came, after a moment of indulgence, he said slowly.

"After you entered the dungeon, the spider statue you encountered was waiting for me."

"I will send a small group of stone statues of the dead to serve as sentries for you."

"Remember, don't kill yourself, this dungeon is very dangerous, I'm not sure I can pass the level."

He didn't intend to bring these sand sculptures with him.

The player's combat power is there, but compared to the established army in the city of dusk, it is not enough to see.

And each player is worth 10,000 units of rare resources, and it takes less than 10,000 units to recruit Huiyue 3-star King of the Forbidden Army.

Their life is the greatest reward.

When the words fell, hundreds of players suddenly looked at me, looked at you, and wanted to say something, but because of Li Cha's majesty, they didn't dare to speak.

Finally, the female orc stood up and said.

"Boss Qingqiu, we have lost our army, and we stay in that area. If we encounter danger, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to deal with it. Can I beg you to protect us?"

After he finished speaking, he quickly added a sentence. "We are willing to pay. All the resources on our body are given to you."

Now, being able to survive is the key.

Leaving Li Cha, once encountering abyss spidermen, not many, even three or five teams can destroy them all.

On one side is the crisis of life and death, on the other side is the golden thigh.

Anyone without a brain can make this choice.

Li Cha glanced at the orc female player, but did not speak.

The player, who was a little unhappy because the orc female player spoke rashly, saw that Li Cha didn't seem to agree, and suddenly raised his heart.

Those who have been able to get in until now are not stupid people who immediately understood their current situation after turning their heads.

Fish on the plate.

Without an army in hand, it could be killed at any time.

It's still hypocritical now, and I don't know how to die when I die.

After changing his mind, he immediately followed the orc female player and pleaded with Li Cha.

In the end, it was impossible to discuss how much the players had saved. After a brief discussion, a standard was negotiated.

Each person pays 1 million units of common resources and 10,000 units of rare resources in exchange for Richard's carry.

Yes, carrying, not asylum.

Just take them. If he encounters an invincible existence, Richard has no obligation to protect them.

Rao is so, and let the player breathe a sigh of relief.

At least you don't have to worry about being left behind.

Hundreds of people raised enough for hundreds of millions of units of common resources and millions of rare resources, and paid them to Richard.

For Richard, this resource was a huge profit that made him smile.

There is a system reward, and now I get additional income, which is wonderful.

For ordinary players, this resource is even more astronomical.

The player is not Richard, there is no underground world, there is no such money-making things as flame dragon rabbit, desert crown honey, etc.

The main income of most lords actually depends on mining resource points that are refreshed every week.

And a territory is not only inaccessible, it costs money to recruit troops, to maintain the territory, and there are war losses, to buy troop nests, and so on.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary players to accumulate resources.

Most people's lives are poor and not as nourishing as they imagined.

Richard naturally did not reject the idea of ​​this kind of extra income delivered to his door.

After all the players borrowed the resources to raise enough, he arranged for two teams of skeleton blood dragons to ride them.

In the face of invincible danger, it is impossible to say that there will be more cannon fodders that can attract attention.

Other players also know that it is not a good thing to leave their destiny under the control of others, but now, how can they have other choices?

After finishing everything, Richard took hundreds of players and headed straight for the Spider Church dozens of miles away.

The battle just now has aroused the vigilance of the church. It is better to start sooner rather than later.

And if you capture that church, you will definitely get more news about the copy.

Entering the dungeon this time, Richard's goal is very clear - the heart of the gods.

Whether or not you can succeed in this dungeon is actually not that important.

The most important thing now is to find out where the heart of the gods is and what level of power is guarding them.

If it is not the same as he guessed by the extraordinary guard, is there any other way to get it?

The meaning of that god's heart is too great, and it can even affect the next historical process.

The crimson moon is about to rise. As a teacher of Windsor, he once killed the ancient red dragon and took charge of the existence of high-level artifacts. Once it regains its vitality, what will happen?

No one can imagine this.

Not to mention that this quest can directly bring an extraordinary vampire prince to the city of dusk.

Thousands of troops do not change.

Squeezing the player sitting behind the skeletal blood dragon, watching the scene of the fast retreating on the ground, he was also excited.

"I didn't think we could survive this time"

"This time we fought side by side with Qingqiu! I can blow this wave back for a year!"

"Hahaha, my Hu Hansan is alive again!"

"Next time I kill Lao Tzu, I won't come to such a place, and I will still have S-level tasks. In the future, as long as it is a B-level or higher task, I will not look at it."

The topic was chatting, and the strong female orc suddenly spoke up.

"You said, can the boss of Qingqiu complete this S-level mission?"

The rough voice made everyone quiet.

With a subtle expression, he looked at the iron-blooded real man with a slap on his chest and a heart-protecting hair.

These words made their thoughts diverge. If it was before Richard didn't come, they would definitely shake their heads directly.

The horror of those abyss monsters, they have already experienced it.

But now, the army of Dusk City has annihilated the abyss spiders like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and crushed the impossibility in their hearts.

That feeling is different.

Even if this copy is extraordinary, they still have strong confidence in Richard.

After all, he is Qingqiu.

Qingqiu, who has created countless brilliant achievements, is a unique Qingqiu! !

Li Cha ignored the player's discussion and focused all his attention on the front.

As you get closer to what the player calls the Spider Temple.

He felt a heavy pressure.

Consciously warn him again. Dangerous, extremely dangerous ahead.

He seems to be approaching an abyss monster with a huge mouth, and he may be swallowed by the opponent in the next second.

Just when Li Cha was thinking about whether to stop first and send an advance team to investigate the specific situation.

The stone statue of the deceased who went to explore the path suddenly turned back.

"Master! Thousands of meters ahead, the spider church was found!"

Li Cha was refreshed.

"How is the opponent's strength?"

"The guards are more than one brigade, and the commander and his heroes do not see it."

Richard nodded slowly.

"All troops, prepare for battle!"

No matter what that church had, it was impossible to make him back down.

The order was issued, and the momentum of the army immediately cooled down.

A ferocious aura was brewing in the air.

The players' voices were unconsciously lowered until they disappeared without a trace.

After driving Alves forward for thousands of meters, Li Cha waved his hand violently, and the army suddenly stopped.

arrival. UU reading

Looking intently, I saw a grey-black spider over thirty meters in size hanging upside down on a huge web woven in the void.

Below, is a strange church.

A large number of giant spiders and abyss spiders are entrenched outside.

A giant net is woven into the void.

As if the world was the world of spiders.

Gives a strong visual impact.

Just when Li Cha was about to make a move, a reminder sounded in his ear again.

"Ding~ Discover the Spider Church, trigger the side quest - Twelve Churches, each time you capture a Spider Church, you can get a spider statue."

"A collection of twelve spider statues can synthesize a special spider unit, and each statue can add an attribute to the unit."

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