Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 468: v2 Chapter 445: Void Weaver (6,000 words)

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new task?

Li Cha looked at the system prompt and narrowed his eyes.

Each time you capture an autonomous church, you can get a statue, and if you collect twelve statues, you can merge into a special unit.

This piqued his interest.

What level of troops needs to spend so much energy?

Huiyue or higher?

In the Spider Church, are there any other treasures besides the statues?

While he was thinking, the giant spider weaving webs in the void smelled the breath of outsiders.

The huge body over 30 meters in size moved extremely flexibly on the stretched spider web, and the glittering eyes looked at Li Cha.

After confirming that there are outsiders.


He raised his head abruptly, and the harsh sound of a sharp knife rubbing against the glass came out of his mouth.

Invisible sound waves are transmitted along the spider silk, and the sound transmission speed of the spider web is several times faster than that of air.

The surrounding was dumped on the void spider web, and the countless giant spiders immediately turned around in unison, and let out a low and weird roar in the direction of Li Cha.


Level: 16

Potential: Huiyue 1 star

Skills: Void Weaving (Class A), Psychedelic Venom (Class A), Spider Silk Spray (Class A), Insect Body (Class B), Furious Bite (Class B), Blade Arthropod (Class B)

Li Cha's pupils shrank.

Those spiders hanging upside down in the void are all level 16, and their potential has reached Huiyue 1 star.

Although it is a little worse than the king of the forbidden army in his hands, the number of these arms exceeds 5 squadrons.

The ferocious posture hanging on the cobwebs of the void is terrifying.

What's even more frowning is that the spider with a body size of more than 30 meters is a level 19 hero unit with A-level potential.

This is only one of the twelve spider churches, and at the very center, there is the extraordinary guarded spider temple.

The guarding power inside can only be described as terrifying.

Li Cha once again realized the exaggerated difficulty of S-level tasks.

If it hadn't been for a lot of gains in the recent period, the overall quality of the army has been improved a bit, and the army has rushed in, it's hard to say what the final outcome will be.

With the roar of the Void Weaver hero, a large number of abyss spidermen began to pour out of the spider church below the layers of spider webs.

Cooperating with the void weavers in the sky, they formed a ground-air linkage formation.

Just when everyone thought that these monsters would attack.


The sharp roar sounded again.

After the abyss spider people on the ground spread to a range of 100 meters, they organized a defense on the spot.

Void Weavers began to weave cobwebs, covering the sky directly.

Seeing this, Li Cha was a little disappointed.

As long as the opponent dares to leave the cobweb-covered home field, the army of Dusk City can immediately start a massacre.

This spider hero is very smart, he did not lead the army out to die.

He turned his head and glanced at the army behind which was shrouded in sandstorms.

His eyes raised a bit of fighting intent.

Capture high-level maps, hunt wild troops, occupy resources, and harvest treasures. This is the eternal theme of "Age of Radiance".


"The Mummy Praetorian Guards attacked in the first round. The stone statue of the dead tore the other's cobwebs. The King of the Custodian Army pierced the enemy's heart and hunted freely!"

"Sandstorm controller, bone and blood dragon, waiting for support at the rear, listen to my order to attack!"


The short and powerful words immediately made the army move.

Richard's will is the direction of the city of dusk.

As the blade pointed, death was like returning home.

The player who was carried by the bone and blood dragon was placed on a small hill a thousand meters away at this time. With the help of the geographical height, he could barely see the battlefield here.

The Bone Blood Dragon quickly returned to the team.

Under the shroud of the sandstorm, the entire army quickly approached the Spider Church.

War is imminent.

The players in the back widened their eyes, full of tension.

The guards of the spider church are obviously several times stronger than the abyss spider man just now.

This battle is the key.

If they win, Qingqiu will swallow the world, but if they lose, they will be buried in this dungeon in the end.

The City of Dusk had already shown its edge in the last encounter, but at this moment, they still couldn't settle down.

"Qingqiu boss will definitely step down the spider church!"

"I don't worry about anything else. That 19th-level A-level hero is too scary for me. I'm afraid that the boss of Qingqiu will capsize"

"If you can win, you will definitely win, that's Qingqiu!"

In the player's expectation, excitement, fear, and fear of various complex emotions.

The army of Dusk City approached the church.

Looking around, the Void Weaver has woven cobwebs all over the sky.

The dense white cobwebs glowed with some oily green, indicating that these cobwebs were not just cobwebs.

Watching the enemy did not make an offensive move.

Li Cha frowned.

A word came to mind, hold on for help.

The churches in this copy must be related to each other.

Must be quick.

Once the reinforcements arrive, it is not so simple to want to capture this temple.

This copy is not his home.


A cold voice resounded through the sky.

under the player's watch.

The sandstorm controller evacuated a certain distance below, revealing the flying units.

The Mummy Praetorian Guards riding behind the stone statue of the deceased, at this moment, arched his body violently, and after tensing to the extreme, it exploded like a spring.

The violent power was transmitted from the body to the spear condensed by the yellow sand in the hand.


The violent whistling sound like a demon's roar resounded through the sky.

500 spears with violent force pierced directly into the dense spider web.


The cobweb was like a piece of cloth that had been slashed by a razor, making a crisp shattering sound.

But the spear that could directly nail the abyss spider man suddenly stagnated after tearing three or four layers of spider webs.

A root is stuck in the air


After losing its strength, the spear shattered into gravel and fell from the sky.

The attack of the Mummy Guard was unable to tear through the defense of the Void Weaver organization, and the first wave of attacks was ineffective.

The player, who had originally held great expectations, immediately became uneasy at this moment.

Those who were just extremely confident also became a little flustered.

This battle decides their fate.

The figure shrouded in yellow sand controls everything. The consequences of failure are unacceptable to anyone.

Just as the players were panicking, the gravel again condensed in the hands of the Mummy Guards, and a brand new spear appeared.

The second round of throwing begins.

The player's heart rose again, but to his disappointment, no matter how fierce the spear attack was, it couldn't break through the spider web's defense.


When panic spreads among players.

Li Cha was expressionless and continued to order in an indifferent tone.

"The stone statue of the dead, the axe is broken!"


In the sky, the statues of the dead from 96 teams flew up.

The throwing distance of the battle axe has increased to an exaggerated 180 meters after several rounds of strengthening the statue of the dead.

For attacking such a bursting stone statue of the dead, this attack distance can be described as an exaggeration.

After approaching the enemy about 150 meters.

The body violently erupted with endless power.

The battle axe came out.


The strong inertia pulls the chain, and the crisp sound is like the whisper of death.


The tyrannical battle axe directly tore layers of cobwebs.

The damage caused is more ferocious than the Mummy Praetorian of Crown 3 stars.

But only ten meters deep, the stone statue of the deceased felt the stagnation from the chain in his hand.

The battle axe was also stuck in cobwebs.

The players in the back were not disappointed at the moment, but their eyes widened, as if they were expecting something.

The 19 Void Weaver hero in the most central area saw this scene, and his oily green eyes filled with mockery.

How can these lowly beings know the power of spiders?

But I haven't had time to be happy for long.

Suddenly a crisp sound was heard.


Those battle axes that were stuck with cobwebs exploded directly.

The tomahawk shards ripped apart the surrounding cobwebs with terrifying power.

What's even more exaggerated is that after those fragments lost their strength and stuck to the spider web, they suddenly turned red, and then burst out with hot energy, burning the surrounding spider web into large holes.

A battle axe exploded several waves of damage.

Then under the unbelievable gaze of the Voidweaver hero.

The stone statue of the dead threw round after round of battle axes, directly emptying the cobwebs woven in the void in front of them.

Damn worm! How dare they? ?


The Void Weaver hero roared fiercely to the sky.

The sharp hissing sound made the Void Weaver immediately agitated.

But just when they want revenge.

Suddenly, the gargoyles spread their wings, turned their direction and moved away from the cobwebs.

Those worms, run away?

The Voidweaver's anger skyrocketed after eating a suffocating loss.

I can't wait to devour all the outsiders in front of me.

Just when the atmosphere became violent, they suddenly saw nearly a hundred mummies flying out of those gargoyles.

Those mummies looked like they were made of gravel, and their bodies were a little fuzzy.

What made them feel even more weird was that several sharp swords were slowly rotating around them, as if they were being held by invisible arms.

The king of the forbidden army, Huiyue 3 stars, the first level is 17, the strongest arms in the city of dusk.

The original trump card, the stone statue of the dead, should also bow its head.

After a round of recruitment, the number reached 9 teams.

Although not much.

But no one dares to despise

Forbidden Sandstorm, Grade A, explodes body strength, increases all attributes by 300%, is immune to all control skills and instant-death skills, and can control gravel to fly into the sky, during which the cooldown of all skills is reduced to 10 seconds, duration: 20 minutes.

Invisible Blade, A-level, can use magic power to condense the rope of nothingness to control the sword in hand, rope length: 20 meters, can control 5 ropes of nothingness that cannot be cut at the same time.

With a fierce stance, the King of the Forbidden Army, who had opened the strongest stance, smashed in through the opening opened by the stone statue of the deceased.

5 sharp long knives filled with yellow sand energy.

Make the blade appear sharper.

The level 16 Void Weaver crawling on the spider web saw the King of the Forbidden Army approaching, and the backlog of anger finally had a target to release at this moment.


With a strange roar, the Void Weaver moved up and down from the sky, directly wrapping the King of the Imperial Army.

Looking from the outside, the mummies of several teams were stared at by two or three hundred giant spiders.

Gives the feeling that the mummy could be emptied at any time.

A Void Weaver quietly approached the King of the Forbidden Army more than 20 meters away.

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Abdomen sharply bent.


A cobweb sprayed with green slime.

The spider web is like a fishing net, and it opens directly from the abdomen to become a large net with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

And that seems to be a signal.

The Void Weavers who approached at the same time sprayed out a piece of fishing net-like spider silk.

I want to imprison the King of the Imperial Army.

Once they are stuck on the cobwebs, the next step is their home ground.

Such a dense attack, no one can dodge!

The king of the forbidden army of several squads was directly shrouded in it.

When the players in the back saw this scene, their eyes widened and they were shocked.


Big Brother Qingqiu has grown up!

How can you resist entering the opponent's territory like this?

The dense cobwebs covered their sight, and they could only see a vast expanse of white.

But before their worries spread, suddenly, the five swords floating around the King of the Imperial Army slammed into a fan-shaped arrangement.

Extremely terrifying energy began to surge above.

Then it seemed to be clenched by an invisible arm and slashed down.

The endless energy burst, and the void became distorted.

The sharp knife awn covered the area of ​​tens of meters ahead, tearing everything apart.


Those cobwebs were like hay harvested by a sickle, shattered directly, and scattered all over the sky.

Some Void Weavers didn't have time to dodge, their bodies were directly torn by the blade, and green blood splattered.

Breaking the army, A-level, ten bursts of sword energy instantly, covering a fan-shaped area of ​​50 meters in front, each time consumes 500 mana, cooldown: 10 seconds (temporary)

Dozens of Kings of the Imperial Army erupted at the same time, and the scene was spectacular.

The Void Weaver, who was just thinking about wrapping up the King of the Imperial Army, was immediately beaten by the City of Twilight.

Giant spiders fell straight down from the air, blood everywhere.

After the Forbidden Sandstorm is activated, the cooldown of all the skills of the King of the Forbidden Army is reduced to 10 seconds, which makes the scalp tingling.

After a round of outbreaks, it quickly approached, before the Void Weaver organized the second round of offensive.

Broken Army reappears.

Cobwebs with venomous and terrifying sticky power cannot cause any hindrance under this sharp attack.

The long knife broke.

The king of the forbidden army with only 9 squads forced the Void Weavers to retreat again and again.

The player who was still full of worries just now stared wide-eyed, watching this scene with shock.


They just thought that Qingqiutuo was too big.

Where the **** is Toda? ?

Obviously conservative!

Too fierce, too fierce of her grandma!

Although they don't know the specific attributes of the Dusk City army, they can see the three basic information of name, level and potential.

The original intention was that the opponent's potential and level were almost the same as Dusk City, and even a bit higher.

This battle is not good.

But who knew that there would be such a big gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides.

What shocked the players even more was that the king of the forbidden army was actually releasing his skills continuously.

With a single slash, the attack that destroyed the range of dozens of meters could continue to erupt, and the time interval was only ten seconds.

Does this **** thing have no cooldown?

They can no longer describe their emotions in words.

Where did Qingqiu get this kind of powerful troops?

God is not fair! !

Death Elegy Medal - For undead units, an additional 50% attribute is added.

In addition, after turning on Forbidden Sandstorm, all attributes will be increased by 300%. The current King of the Forbidden Army cannot use the level of 17 to measure his combat effectiveness.

They were killing machines until the 20-minute duration of Forbidden Sandstorm ran out.

The level 19 Void Weaver hero entrenched in the central area, the big spider suddenly let out a long roar when he saw this scene.

The terrifying and eerie sound sent chills to the teeth.

But just when Richard thought that the other party was going to launch an attack recklessly.

Stunned to discover, the Void Weaver began to step back, no longer trying to challenge the King of the Forbidden Army.

Retreat, or dodge the edge?

He raised his head sharply to look at the spider over 30 meters behind.

This guy is too sensible.

With the range attack skill of breaking the army, plus a 10-second cooldown, the number of enemies has little effect on the King of the Forbidden Army.

The more you have, the richer you can get.

And rotating the attacking strategy can keep their magic at a high level.

If you want to forcibly kill these Huiyue-level units, you must either use more numbers to drain the magic power of the King of the Forbidden Army, or delay their strong time.

The 19th-level A-level hero obviously saw the weakness of the King of the Forbidden Army.

But the sharp edge they showed was too exaggerated, directly shocking the Void Weaver hero.

Let him have to choose the second method to delay the time.

When the enemy retreats, it is naturally impossible for the king of the forbidden army to let him go.

With the most ferocious attitude, he pursued it closely.

Li Cha frowned slightly.

The opponent is standing firm and waiting for help, so Dusk City naturally cannot curse the pharaoh according to the opponent's fighting rhythm.

Turned to look at the spider church below the Void Weaver hero

He's not interested in any game of you chasing me and running away.

The goal is clear, to capture this church.

Want to escape?

Then attack it will save you.

"Alves, you lead the bone blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead to attack the Spider Temple!"

"Sandstorm controller, listen to my orders to support."

"Amelida, join the army in the war!"

The order was given, and Richard flew away from Alves' back.

This undead dragon, whose level has reached 15 and has the potential to be promoted to Transcendent A Grade, immediately flapped its wings and rushed up with the skeleton blood dragons of the 16 teams behind.

Under the blessing of various attributes of Alves, the aura of the Bone Blood Dragon has become extremely fierce, and it does not counsel the Void Weaver of the Huiyue level in front of it at all.


The long dragon breath pulled out tens of meters of fire tongues in the air.

Strong corrosive spit down.

If you want to break through the obstacles of the spider web, attack the spider church directly.

But what is surprising is that the spider web is very resilient, and there is not much damage in the face of the dragon's breath.

The stone statue of the deceased shot at the same time to get through the cobweb blockade to the Spider Church.

Soon, the Voidweaver heroes in the sky discovered the purpose of the Dusk City army.

Immediately outraged.

These lowly worms!


With a low roar from his throat, the Void Weaver, who had just retreated from the King of the Imperial Army, suddenly spit out a series of spider silks from his abdomen, and swayed quickly approaching the Spider Church.

Anything can happen, not here!

The scene of hundreds of giant spiders swaying forward with spider silk like Spider-Man is extremely spectacular.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched slightly.

not running?

His eyes were cold.


Alves roared up to the sky, and Long Wei rolled out.

The body with a wingspan of forty meters fluttered, setting off a gust of wind, killing the Void Weaver directly.


The Void Weaver's abdomen bent, and large cobwebs spewed out.

Like a bird net, I want to kill all the flying units in the sky.

Alves, who took the lead in the charge, was taken care of by the most cobwebs and was directly shrouded in it.

Layer upon layer, densely packed.

But in the next second, the crimson energy on Alves' body skyrocketed as if it had broken gasoline.

Melt and corrode those cobwebs directly.


Dragon breath spewed out of his throat.

Compared with the ordinary bone and blood dragon, the 15-level Alves has more than ten times stronger corrosive energy.

The Void Weaver in front once again felt the taste of the dragon's breath.


More than a dozen Void Weavers wanted to escape, but the moment they were enveloped by the dragon's breath, the entire body festered and turned into green slime, and the dead couldn't die any longer.

Alves acted as the spearhead in the front, followed by the bone blood dragon and the stone statue of the dead in the rear.

But I have to say that Huiyue-level units are not weak.

After getting close to the opponent's attack range.

The Void Weaver immediately showed his edge.


A cobweb enveloped a stone statue of the dead.

The stone statue of the deceased was struggling to break open, but the spider web was not only tough, but also extremely sticky and poisonous.

Firmly stick to the stone statue of the dead.

The stone statue of the deceased lost the energy to spread its wings, and fell directly, hitting the ground.

The abyss spidermen, who had been waiting on the ground for a long time, immediately swarmed up.

The sword in his hand frantically attacks the stone statue of the dead.

The Void Weaver is like a bird hunter, and the sprayed spider silk has an irresistible restraining effect on the flying troops.

The poison attached to it is even more lethal to flesh and blood life.

After the stone statue of the fallen deceased found that it could not break free from the cobweb, the body was blurred for a while, turning into small gravels.

Then, the picture that made the surging abyss spidermen burn in anger appeared.

The stone statue of the dead easily escaped from the cobweb.

Fierce means, again ineffective.


The ultimate life-saving skill possessed by all units in Dusk City.

Turning on Sandification, facing enemies with no magic damage, is like turning on invincibility.

Under the fury, the abyss spidermen rushed out.

They're going to crush these **** bastards!

But being overshadowed by the stone statue of the dead, he immediately counterattacked.

The tomahawk in his hand swung fiercely.

The two sides fought directly together.

The stone statue of the dead, the skeleton blood dragon, the void weaver, and the abyss spiderman started a big melee.

The scene became violent and frantic.

The players in the back watched the army of Dusk City kill those terrifying spider troops and retreated. UU Kanshu couldn't help but breathe quickly and their blood was surging.

Damn, this is the strength a player should have!

What kind of **** crown and Huiyue arms should all become fragments of stumps under their own butcher knife!

At this moment, Richard has become the object of their fanatical longing, and many people even brought themselves into this war.

He imagined that he had become the figure shrouded in yellow sand.

With a wave of your hand, there will be countless fierce and domineering armies, stomping all obstacles in front of you!

The orc female player with the heart-protecting hair on her chest was full of envy and yearning at the moment.

"If I can have a nose like the boss of Qingqiu in my life, even if I live 20 years less, it will be worth it!"

The rough voice resounded in the ears of hundreds of players.

Hearing this, everyone else felt a strong sense of identity at this moment.

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