Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 492: v2 Chapter 468: fall into the abyss

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In the chaotic light, those corpses of gods exude endless coercion.

Even just looking at it can make people feel trembling.

The dead gods are still gods.

That is the existence of a higher level that has a great deterrent effect on ordinary life.

Tyrone, the **** of deceit and lies, was staring at one of the indistinct corpses at the moment, with a complexion in his eyes that was incomprehensible to outsiders.

"Graves of the Gods"

Li Cha didn't notice this scene, and at this time, he forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and his eyes flickered.

The bodies of these gods, in his eyes, are like shining golden mountains, containing infinite value

If you can bring these more than ten divine bodies back this time, no matter how much you pay, it will be worth it!

Dusk City will definitely usher in a qualitative leap.

At this moment, the wax melting demon finally came back to his senses, took his eyes away from the bodies of those gods, and aimed at the **** of lies again.

The shrill roar in his mouth sent chills down his spine.

An extraordinary head ignited by anger, no one dares to despise.

The God of Lies was awakened by the murderous intent, turned his head, looked at the abyss monster like lightning across the sky, his eyes turned cold.

bang bang~

bang bang~

The sound of the beating of the chest resounded in the sky again.

Endless power was input into his limbs, and his divine power suddenly exploded.

Centered on the God of Lies, a bleak air wave swept all around, directly covering the surroundings for hundreds of meters.

The melting wax demon was forcibly involved in it.

The scarlet one-eyed with endless killing intent was a little confused, then turned slightly sideways and killed in the other direction.

The tentacles on his body slapped wildly against the empty sky, the void continued to burst, and inch-inch space debris scattered all over the sky.

The terrifying gesture made the mouth dry, and no one could imagine what would happen if it was beaten on a person.

Seeing that the wax melting demon was restrained again, Li Cha couldn't help but glance at the God of Lies.

The gods are indeed gods.

Even if the strength of the whole body is weakened to the extreme, and even only a heart and a broken soul are left, he can still play the extraordinary head round and round.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, he put his eyes back on the more than ten corpses of the gods lingering in the chaotic light.

With a wave of his hand, the gravel on the ground flew upside down.

A sand man seven or eight meters high condensed in the air.

The sand man flew into the air, killing directly towards the chaotic light.

Conspiracy to steal the body of God.

With a corpse of this level, as long as you get three or five of them, Dusk City can benefit endlessly.

The players in the back just recovered at this moment.

One by one, their eyes widened, and their breathing became rapid.

Although they did not know that the corpse in the chaotic light was left behind after the death of the gods.

But judging from the breath it exudes, it is definitely not garbage.

High-level corpses are simply magical weapons for the undead camp!

It's a pity that they are not even qualified to participate in this battle, and now they have profits and only envy.

And even if they were asked to go up, no one would dare, that thing would not be easy to provoke at first glance, and it would only be to deliver food if they went up.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being a little frustrated. The gap between them and Qingqiu was so big that they didn't even have the heart to compare with each other.

Amidst the wide-eyed gazes of the players.

The sand man condensed by Li Cha rushed directly into the chaotic light, heading towards the nearest **** body.

But just after flying more than ten meters away, the sand figure was like an ice cube thrown into the stove, and the ice melted and disintegrated.

This? ?

Li Cha's heart froze.

Fortunately, he left his hand to use the sand man to explore the way, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

But if you don't eat the meat you put in your mouth, you will be sorry for this adventure.

Eyes condensed, the second sand man condensed out.

At the same time, the statue of the ancient gods floated above the opponent's head, and the dim light directly enveloped the sand man.

Not only that, Li Cha continued to frantically input the power of the yellow sand, making the sand man look extremely staring, as if he was about to come alive.

Under the double blessing, the sand man once again rushed into the chaotic light.

Li Cha's eyes widened, watching this scene closely.

What surprised him was that the statue of the ancient gods, which had a great restraining effect on the power of the gods, was actually repelled by the chaotic light at this moment.

The scene where the ancient statue of the ancient **** devoured everything did not appear. Judging from the degree of entanglement, the strength of the two sides seemed to be on the same level.

"The chaotic light is the power of the ancient gods?"

Only the power of the ancient gods can shake the ancient gods.

After Li Cha pondered the taste, there was a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

Immediately thought of more.

The reason why Rose didn't take away the bodies of these gods was because she was shrouded in the power of the ancient gods?

Or, this power was originally arranged by Rose?

At one time, I had a lot of thoughts.

But there is too little information in hand to make an accurate judgment.

He turned his head to look at the God of Lies beside him.

"Your Majesty Tailong, what's the matter with the power of this old ancient god?"

The face of the God of Lies changed slightly, and after sensing it for a while, he said solemnly.

"I didn't know that before I lost consciousness, there was no aura of the power of the ancient gods here."

Li Cha couldn't help but feel more dignified.

Because of the suppression of the chaotic light, although the sand man with the statue of the ancient **** above his head did not dissolve, he was unable to come and go freely and bring out the corpse of the god.

The sand man seems to have entered the thick mercury, and every step requires a huge amount of energy.

After Li Cha took a deep breath, he turned his head and glanced at the wax melting demon.

This extraordinary level of terrifying life is still attacking the air at this moment.

But judging from the situation just now, it is obvious that the God of Lies cannot keep the wax melting demon trapped.

The power of this **** is far from restored.

Dark Soul Eater - Kratos, this level 19 boss is only temporarily upgraded to level 20.

Lack of sufficient means to kill each other.

Don't delay too long.

A bit of urgency rose in my heart.

After thinking about it, he turned to look at the towering giant tree on the flank.

"Treebeard, try it out and take out the corpse of the god!"

"As you wish"

The ancient tree of god's sin did not delay for half a second, and immediately waved its roots and came to the front of the chaotic light.

A sturdy tree root rose from the ground and stretched directly into the chaotic light.

The moment it touched the chaotic light, the roots of the tree were immediately dry and charred, as if they had been roasted in a high temperature.

But the next moment, a dark breath escaped from the roots of the tree, forcibly protecting the roots.

With the protection, the roots continued to extend towards the nearest corpse of the god. Although the speed of the forward was still slow, it was still much faster than the sand man.

Li Cha could see it clearly, the ancient tree of God's Sin was still unable to resist the erosion of the chaotic light, but this top boss relied on his own strength to create a shield to resist the damage.

Different from the old statues of ancient gods who relied on their own strength to confront each other head-on, the ancient tree of gods is fighting a war of attrition.

The huge body can only supply one root to stick into it, and the magic power stored in the body is declining at an exaggerated speed.

Finally, under the high-intensity consumption, the roots finally touched the corpse of the god.

Then, like a rope, it directly wrapped around the vague divine body.

Li Cha's spirit was shocked, and a strong joy rose in his heart.


But at this moment, the mixed light, which had returned to calm, rioted again.

Ferocious tides of energy erupt from the core.

Swept all over the place.

The roots of the ancient tree of the gods were smashed~ Like glass, it began to stretch into the shrouded area of ​​the chaotic light, and all shattered.

The sand man with the statue of the ancient **** above his head was also thrown a hundred meters away.

Li Cha, who had great expectations, suddenly froze.

He took a long sigh.

The treasure is right in front of you, but the feeling that you can't get it now is too uncomfortable.

After thinking about it carefully, although there are many treasures in his hand, there is no one that can be used for it.

Breaking the blockade of the power of the ancient gods is not something that ordinary treasures can do.

After pondering for a while, his eyes turned to the God of Lies.

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"Your Majesty Tyrone, how can we take out the corpses of the gods from the chaotic light?"

The God of Lies shook his head directly.

"Those corpses are imprisoned in a special magic circle. Unless the magic circle is broken or there is a way to resist the power of the ancient gods, it will be difficult for us to interfere."

Said, staring at a vague figure with a bit of complexity.

"I sensed my body"

If he can get back his body, even if he loses most of his strength, he is confident that he can recover as quickly as possible.

It's a pity that the sense of danger in his soul made him unable to lift the slightest urge to venture into it.

will die

Li Cha took a deep breath and quickly adjusted.

Since it is a magic circle, it is very likely that Rose arranged it. Although I don't know what the dark master wants to plan, I am afraid that there is no hope of trying to grab it from the opponent.

After recognizing the status quo, his thoughts gradually returned to clarity.

A smart gambler is not about having a good hand every hand, but about knowing when to leave the table.

The ultimate goal of entering the dungeon this time to retrieve the heart of the gods has been achieved.

And also obtained an additional level 19, as long as you complete the promotion task, you can get the promoted super A-level boss.

This time, the exploration dungeon has made a steady profit.

If you can't get these corpses of gods, it won't affect anything.

Pressing down the emotions in his heart, he looked at the ground and stared blankly at Popov Black Tower, who had no movement in the chaotic light.

calmly said.

"Lord Popov, the temple has been destroyed, and the road to the abyss has been cut off. Is there anything else we need to do for the tower clan? If not, can we communicate with the will of the plane to send us away?"

Richard was not completely relieved, Rose was just driven away, not killed.

After the corpse of the gods floated in the air, he faintly felt a danger condensing.

And there are signs of deepening over time.

The most important goal is already at hand, no longer delay

At this point in his thoughts, Popov on the ground suddenly shivered, and there was endless despair in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand violently, and pointed tremblingly at the corpses of the gods.

There was hysterical anger and deep fear in the tone.

"The will of the plane has been swallowed!!"

Li Cha was taken aback.

He turned his head sharply.

An exaggerated dark crack appeared in the sky shrouded in chaotic light.

Endless evil aura poured in frantically from the rift.

After coming into contact with the chaotic light, it made a sizzling sound.

Seeing this scene, the danger and anxiety in his heart soared tenfold at this moment.

The appearance of that terrifying rift is not the end, but the beginning.



A crisp sound resounded through the sky.

With the chaotic light as the center, large cracks appeared in the sky, spreading out at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky cracked.

The majestic evil energy poured in frantically, I am afraid that within a few minutes, the whole world will be swallowed up.

A taboo word suddenly popped up in Li Cha's mind and fell into the abyss.

Heart is bitter.

Rose's ultimate goal was finally achieved!

No matter how firm his mood is at this moment, he can't help but feel his scalp tingling.

In the end, is it still not possible to escape this catastrophe?

Looking up at the sky that seemed to be shattered on the ground and cracked everywhere, taking a few deep breaths could not suppress the inner waves.

The majestic evil breath covered the sky in the blink of an eye.

The originally thick black cloud was more like being twisted by an invisible giant hand, and it seemed that some terrifying monster was bred inside.

In the face of this kind of disaster, even if you have the power to reach the sky, you can only feel powerless at this moment.

The entire plane is about to be pulled into the abyss, what else can the army of Dusk City do?

Li Cha turned his head and glanced around, with a bit of a wry smile on his face.

The army can't even touch the face of the enemy now. Once it completely falls into the abyss, even if the army at hand is ten times or a hundred times larger, it will be useless.

That is Rose's base camp, what does a Lord God who makes the bottomless abyss tremble represent?

It was a stalwart existence that mortals could not imagine.

After letting out a long breath, facing the unchangeable ending, Li Cha instead relaxed.

His gaze turned to the God of Lies.

"Lord Tyrone, take your heart off."

Saying that, he gestured to the statue of the ancient **** in his hand.

"My statues hold souls"

"The situation can no longer be changed. After leaving this plane, I will resurrect you again."

The God of Lies, who was still in high spirits just now, seems to have aged by several decades.

Looking at Li Cha's calm eyes, he opened his mouth, trying to say something but couldn't.

Finally, he took a deep look at him, without hesitation, he reached out his hand and took out the bright red heart directly from his chest.

The whole person slumped in an instant, no longer the domineering power just now.

Holding the beating heart in both hands, he handed it to Richard.

After he took it, the God of Lies slowly saluted.

"Your Excellency Richard, may the goddess bless you."

The voice fell, and the whole person turned into a pure energy, pouring into the statue of the ancient gods.

The moment his body was enveloped by the power of the ancient **** statue, he knew that his destiny had been controlled by this human lord.

Life and death are all in between.

At this moment, it's just more thorough. Don't worry? Yes, he was worried, but so what, did he have a choice?

Either become Rose's trophy, or trust the human lord. For him, there is really only one choice.

To be Rose's trophy? Then he would rather die now

After the God of Lies entered the statue of the ancient gods, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Richard silently put the heart and statue into the system space.

There is also a stone casket left by Dark Soul Eater - Kritos.

After the fairy of lies fell asleep, the wax melting demon who was still outputting to the void suddenly returned to normal.

But at this moment, this extraordinary monster burning in anger did not attack the army of Dusk City again, but bowed down in the most humble manner in the void.

it senses, the great mother goddess is watching it

At the same moment, endless pressure rose in Li Cha's heart, and he looked up at the sky.

I saw that the crack just now had expanded again, and through the gap, I could faintly see different parts of a behemoth.

Spot see leopard.

Even if it hasn't really arrived, the evil aura it exudes has already made him feel breathless.

The other side looked down at them from another plane.

The spider queen is coming.

The rules of the plane gradually disintegrated with the collapse of the sky.

The speed of the influx of evil aura was getting faster and faster, and Li Cha, who fell to the ground again, felt a sense of weightlessness. The whole plane was really falling.

Just when the pressure in everyone's hearts soared to the extreme, and even many players in the back couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

Li Cha suddenly opened his eyes.

This is?

Surprised and happy, he waved his hand violently.

The space in front of him shattered directly, and a space exuding an affinity appeared.

Eternal place.

That little plane that belongs entirely to him

After the plane rules were broken, he actually connected to the eternal land? !

He could even feel that the seeds of the World Tree that had not yet sprouted were rapidly devouring the power of this plane.


At this moment, a terrifying aura swept out.

The powerful impulse interrupted Li Cha's thoughts and turned to look.

I saw the chaotic light that had just shrouded the body of the gods, and suddenly burst open, it seems that because of the collapse of the plane rules, that special magic circle was also affected.

One after another, the broken and **** corpses of the gods were directly exposed in the void.

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the empty Eternal Land.

The heart beats uncontrollably

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