Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 493: v2 Chapter 469: golden corpse

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In the sky, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

The body of the spider queen gradually became clear.

The power surging from the abyss made everyone's heart be pressed against the boulder.

Fear is spreading.

Li Cha withdrew his gaze from the corpses of the gods, glanced at the cracks that were still expanding, and took a deep breath to forcefully suppress the ups and downs in his heart.

With a wave of both hands, the door of space in front of him suddenly expanded.

"Everyone immediately enters the land of eternity!"

A cold command sounded into the army's ears.

Without the slightest hesitation, the army of the City of Twilight scattered around immediately flew in.

The players in the back had never seen such a big scene before, their faces were already pale, and many people even had their legs trembling and could not even stand.

Hearing this, it was like the drowning man had found a life-saving straw.

One by one, they woke up like a dream and ran towards Li Cha at the fastest speed.

For fear of running half a second slower.

Because it's going to die, it's going to die!

That **** is Rose!

Thinking that the ruler of the bottomless abyss was coming, all the courage in his heart was smashed. rush

Some are fear and despair emanating from the depths of the soul.

Gods, it is not that they can deal with existence, it is the controller of the rules of the world, the eternal master!

The army of the City of Dusk is like a tired bird returning to its nest, and filed into the eternal land at the fastest speed.

Because of the breaking of the rules, a large amount of plane power in this plane also poured into the eternal land along the gate of space.

Richard could even feel that the Land of Eternity was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it weren't for the more exaggerated void cracks above his head, he would definitely stay for three or five days.

The coercion of the sky is becoming more and more pressing, and Richard and even his own soul may collapse at any time.

The more this is the case, the higher the mood in the heart at the moment, the eyes are full of uninhibited and arrogant.

The unyielding madness in the body was activated.

He wanted to see what would happen when Rose came.

Facing the gods, how much pressure is there!

The army of Dusk City rushed into the gate of space quickly, but only after flying into the stone statues of the dead of two or three squadrons, a cracking sound sounded.

There were large cracks in the space door leading to the eternal land.

Can't take it anymore.

When Li Cha saw this scene, his pupils shrank.

Although the land of eternity is a serious plane, it has two top treasures such as plane stones and world tree seeds to suppress.

However, after all, it is still a nascent plane, and its diameter is only a kilometer, which is too weak.

Facing the coercion of Rose and the impact of this collapsing plane, it was simply unbearable.

He didn't hesitate for half a second, his figure was like lightning, and he stood directly in the door of space.

One hand propped up above the Void Gate.

The majestic yellow sand power surged away, forcibly stabilizing the door of space that could collapse at any time.


Looking up at the back of countless gaps in the sky, the more striking spider's body, Li Cha's face was indifferent.

This plane won't last long.

With the altar of heroes as a backhand, death cannot harvest his soul.

This time, he didn't plan to leave alive.

But the army in hand must be sent out.

At this moment, the wax melting demon who was kneeling in the void finally raised its head.

The scarlet one-eyed glanced around, and immediately opened to the door that was supporting the space and closed the army to Richard.

The killing intent suddenly surged.

"The Blasphemer!"


The great mother goddess is watching it, these humble beings can only be turned into blood food of the mother goddess!

It was like a figure that condensed after melting a candle like lightning, tearing apart the sky.

Scarlet eyes filled with chaos, bloodlust, brutality and endless madness.

This is the purest monster of the abyss, the iconic life of chaotic evil.


Li Cha's tone was indifferent.

The level 19 boss floating in the air immediately moved. The six-meter-tall structure body exuded a gray-brown earth light, and the five fingers clenched the heavy warhammer.

The moment the order was given, it exploded violently, pulling out several sonic booms behind him.

Although this Dark Soul Eater is only temporarily elevated to extraordinary, extraordinary is extraordinary, no matter whether it is temporary or eternal, no one can despise it with full force.

The two sides collided directly in the void at a speed unseen by the naked eye.


The dull crashing sound exploded.

Hit the center, and the void twists directly under the tyrannical force.

The terrifying energy impacted the ground below the Quartet, and large cracks appeared.

The battle between the two sides is a real hand-to-hand combat.

After summoning the tower clan heroic spirit, the melee combat power of the boss, Kritos, has been improved to a higher level.

At this moment, I didn't show any timidity with the Rong Wax Demon.

Warhammer swings, tentacles whip.

Kratos' Warhammer can't deal lethal damage to Waxmelts that have no weaknesses.

However, its own construct composed of special rocks can also be immune to most of the attacks of the wax melting demon.

The two sides pointed to Maimang, and the aftermath of the battle caused the light to be distorted.

The already fragile void is constantly bursting.

One is a construct life, the other is an abyss monster with a scarlet one-eyed and dozens of tentacles. The fierce fighting between the two sides makes the scene look very visually impactful.

Taking a brief gap, Li Cha looked at the flank, and after the chaotic light shattered, the ancient tree of gods and evil retreated a hundred meters.

"Treebeard, go and drag those **** corpses back!"

The gate of space must be stabilized by him. With all his strength, he is unable to take care of those corpses anymore, but he has no spare strength, which does not mean that the ancient tree of gods is not good.

The ancient tree of the gods did not hesitate at all, and stepped directly towards the corpse of the gods.

bang~ bang~

The huge tree roots are like whipping the ground every time they move forward.

In a few breaths, the other party was already close to those floating corpses of gods.

Thorn~ Two tree roots swept up directly, tying up the two nearest floating body corpses.

Then without hesitation for half a second, he pulled directly.

But what is surprising is that the bodies of the gods who are not exaggerated seem to weigh hundreds of millions of pounds.

The ancient tree of the gods broke out and pulled it with all its strength, it turned out to be like an old cow pulling a heavy cart, one step at a time, and the speed was extremely slow.

Sensing that the movements of the ancient tree of God's Evil was colliding with the wax-melting demon who was swaying hard by Kritos, he turned around sharply and killed the dark boss.

The fierce attitude seems to be smashing the ancient tree of the gods with one blow.

The ancient tree of gods and sins sensed the danger and was not afraid at all, and the twisted face on the trunk let out a roar.

The branches with the characteristics of instant death slammed violently and smashed down forcibly.

Hu~ The piercing sound of breaking through the air is like a demon roaring.


At the moment when the two sides collided, the surrounding void shattered directly, and the endless abyss aura swarmed out.

The wax melting demon was not hurt, and the ancient tree of the gods was not hurt either.

This boss, with the power of gods and the authority of decay, had already shown his fighting power when he hunted the Lord of the Dunes.

With a 17th-level body, he can shake the extraordinary.

The wax melting demon was blocked from attacking, and immediately felt extreme anger.

Goddess is watching it!

Immediately launched a frantic offensive against the invincible God-Evil Ancient Tree.

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But this extremely resistant boss, dragging the two dead bodies of gods, also blocked it again and again.

In the face of this extraordinary combat power explosion, he did not show weakness.

The battle of the three bosses created a huge momentum.

Those spider armies that were not wiped out also regrouped at this moment and re-attacked the army of Dusk City.

The scene fell into a new round of chaos.

Above the sky, the coercion of the spider queen became more and more infiltrating with the rapid collapse of the rules.

Many players even felt in a trance that their minds were full of spiders, and the other party was eating their souls.

Maybe three minutes, maybe five minutes, the other party will definitely come.

At this moment, every cell in Li Cha's body was warning him.

The breath of death enveloped him

"Alves, take the bone blood dragon to block those spiders, and the rest of the army, speed up and evacuate!"

Looking at the entangled army of Dusk City, Richard ordered again.

The players in the back finally came to the front at this time, looking at him more ugly than crying.

"Qingqiu Boss"

Richard didn't say a word of nonsense.

"Go in!"

After waiting until the players who are allowed to trust, if they are granted amnesty, they will rush in after rushing in.

In the face of death, not many people can keep calm, that is the ultimate fear in the world

With a strong determination to evacuate, except for Alves and the Bone Blood Dragon who were stationed around, the rest of the army finally returned to the eternal land after paying certain casualties.

Seeing this, Li Cha couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Finally saved the army.

For him, death means spending some resources to revive at most, but in addition to resources, the army also needs a lot of time to accumulate.

The big change is imminent, and no force can be given up.

After suppressing the emotions in his heart, he seemed to think of something and turned his head to look in another direction.

At this moment, Popov Heita, the 19th-level patriarch of the pagoda clan, is looking at the whole world from a distance with forty or fifty young children of the pa clan at a loss.

The turbulent fighting spirit just now has long since disappeared, and the arms holding the weapon have become weak.

The will of the plane is dead, and their family that has survived and multiplied for millions of years is about to be destroyed

All previous expectations were now in vain.

Now, is there any point for them to continue fighting?

What are they supposed to do? What else can be done?

The world is about to end, and nothing they do is useless.

No one can change the outcome.

Rose, it's coming

Under the strong blow, no matter how firm the mind is, the warrior will be shaken.

They have no direction.

"Popov! Enter the land of eternity!"

"This plane is gone, and the Ta people are still there!"

"Do you want to be a vile coward and destroy the Ta people together?"

"You are worthy of the heroic spirits of the Ta tribe? You are worthy of my subordinates who died in battle? You are worthy of the children behind you?!"

An angry shout made Popov, whose eyes were dazed, snap back to his senses, and turned his head to look subconsciously.

Immediately saw Richard who was supporting the door of space.

That angry look made him tremble inexplicably, and his lips moved.

"Lord Richard"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"We can't support it for long, and immediately enter the land of eternity!"

The merciless anger made Popov seem to be alive again, and his eyes were no longer gloomy and blank.

He gritted his teeth violently and roared loudly.

"We are still here, and the Ta people will not perish! Go ahead with me!"

After roaring, the young Ta Clan boy with bloodstains behind him and his body covered with scars charged again.

The three- or four-meter-tall Ta children in the back did not hesitate, raised their weapons and rushed into the army of spiders.

These natural warriors, even cubs, are respectable enough.

Seeing the other party approaching, Li Cha then withdrew his gaze.

He turned his head and looked again at the broken body of the **** floating in the sky.

At this moment, the battle between the wax melting demon and Kritos and the ancient tree of the gods has entered the extreme.

The collision of the three top bosses made the void blurred.

Looking from the outside, only one after another distorted spot of light can be seen shining.

Completely unable to see the battle between them.

But what cheered him up was that the figure of the ancient tree of the gods was approaching

A sudden, violent sound of breaking through the air resounded in his ears.


The roots entrenched by a blue dragon slammed out of the distorted light.

He directly threw a corpse away, and after flying rapidly, it stopped in the void and floated more than 20 meters away from the gate of space.

Li Cha's expression condensed.

Looking closely, it was a lustrous golden corpse, covered in animal skin robes, covered with large and small scars, and its muscles were as bright as gold poured.

The other party was decapitated, and the flesh and blood rolled around his neck, looking **** and brutal.

No one could imagine what kind of battle this golden corpse went through in front of him.

Even if the other party has already died, it still exudes endless coercion.

A **** was slaughtered like a lamb, and the icy corpse floated in front of him at will.

When I looked at it from a distance, I didn't have such a big feeling, but when I got closer, I felt the vicissitudes of life.

Li Cha's eyelids jumped, and he couldn't calm his beating heart after taking a few deep breaths.

In that corpse, he felt the energy surging like an ocean. UU reading

It surpassed all the treasures he had seen before.

An indescribable surprise rose inside.

The ancient tree of the gods has really brought back the corpse of the gods!

Taking a few deep breaths increased the operation of the ancient statue of the ancient gods, and expelled the influence of the remaining power of the gods in his heart.

On the ground, the gravel flew upside down, directly wrapping the corpse of the orc **** over 5 meters in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, a huge sand ball was formed.

Then slammed into the door of space and dragged.

But at the moment when the sand ball was about to pass through the gate of space.


Suddenly, a sound resounding through the soul exploded.

Li Cha only felt an indescribable coercion rise to his heart, and his soul seemed to be frozen.

Fear is spreading.

Death is watching.

He looked up subconsciously.

I saw that the cobweb-like cracks on the plane had all disappeared.

The sky was only pitch black.

Evil, darkness, chaos, brutality and countless negative energies pour in from outside the sky.

In the abyss filled with extreme darkness, a huge figure with an elegant and noble elf on the upper body and an evil twisted spider on the lower body covered half of the sky.

The other party is like an ancient demon from across time and space, dark, evil, ancient, and eternal.

That is the master of the abyss, the **** of conspiracy, the behind-the-scenes boss that makes the gods tremble, and the representative of all chaos and evil.

Spider Queen Rose.

On the delicate elf face, those blood-colored eyes stared at this plane coldly.

The bottomless abyss has arrived.

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