Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 495: v2 Chapter 471: Your Royal Highness, you don't want your country to be taken away, do you?

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Latest URL: Endless darkness covers everything.

Li Cha didn't know how long he slept.

Maybe a minute, maybe a century.

In the endless darkness, he finally regained consciousness.

It's just like a sleeping person will wake up and still be unable to think and judge.

In the haze, I suddenly heard a low whisper in my ear.

But the voice was erratic and could not be heard clearly.

It seems to be praying, and it seems to be crying.

Round after round, never ending.

I don't know how long it took, the voice gradually became clearer.

"Great master, please answer our call, the descendants of the royal family of El, I beg you humbly."

"The kingdom of El has been stolen by the vile."

"We honor the last words of our ancestors"

"Ask the great you to come."


Is someone calling him?

What country is the kingdom of El?

There is the kingdom of El on the edge of the dead desert?

Li Cha cheered up and wanted to recover, but he still felt like he had stayed up for ten days and ten nights without sleeping, with a strong sense of powerlessness and distress.

"O great master. I beseech you to keep your eyes on this land"

"The royal family of El is willing to give everything and ask for your presence"


The voice became weaker and weaker, but Li Cha could hear it more and more clearly.

I beseech you to come. come

Until a certain critical point, the crisp sound of the system made him suddenly wake up.

"Ding~ Your soul has been blessed and protected by the desert and temporarily integrated into the desert."

"Ding~ You sensed the call of the alien plane, did you respond to the call and come to the alien plane?"

"Note: This summon can only come down with a ray of soul power. The dissipation of soul power will not involve itself, but it will obtain a weak state that lasts for a day."

Someone, calling him?

what's going on?

Li Cha's mind was condensed when he woke up.

Immediately feel it carefully.

Immediately, he was surprised to find that he was not resurrected at this moment, but was still in a state of soul.

In his perception, there is yellow sand all around, and he seems to be buried in the desert. No, not buried, the yellow sand is cheering, jumping, singing, dancing for him. He seems to belong here.

And in the endless yellow sand, there are two exits hidden behind the gravel

An altar of heroes that exudes an air he is all too familiar with - the city of dusk.

Perceiving carefully, you can even see that his people are calling for his return.

Carew, Gray, Gaunt, Andelle were all there.

On the other side, there is a plane full of alien aura, and the sound of prayers constantly resounding inside can be heard.

It was this voice that called to him when he was hazy.

After re-opening the system prompt and reading it twice, my curiosity surged.

A. Unfamiliar plane?

How did the other party summon him because he was temporarily integrated into the desert?

And it can only come with a ray of soul power, without involving itself?

After reading it several times, a strong curiosity arose in my heart.

Exploring unfamiliar planes, this kind of action. He is full of attraction - especially when there is no danger.

Without hesitation, he turned and walked towards the unfamiliar plane.

When he got close to the yellow sand around him, he realized that the sand and gravel around him were not entities, but were condensed with the energy of nothingness like him.

A bit of doubt arises in my heart where is this place?

Up, down, left, and right, all were nothing but yellow sand, making him unable to tell the direction.

The system map is also blurry at the moment, without any information.

Is he at the Altar of Heroes? No, no, it said he was integrated into the desert. Is this the core of the Death Desert?

After groping for a while, I couldn't find any clues, and I was still confused.

After keeping this in mind, I don't have to worry too much.

Passing through the emptiness of yellow sand, I came to the front of the passage that exudes the breath of another world.

After careful perception, after confirming that there is no danger, with curiosity and anticipation, a ray of soul power escaped and passed through the passage.

Redel El, the descendant of the El royal family, is now kneeling with his seven- or eight-year-old sister in a majestic church.

The bas-relief frescoes of giants fighting demons are carved around the church, which looks magnificent and majestic.

The huge windows on both sides were sealed, no light penetrated, only the magic lamp hanging upside down on the ceiling in the center of the church was glowing.

The two of them kneeled down in front of an altar full of gems, with their hands clasped together, their heads lowered, and they kept reciting the prayers handed down from their ancestors.

In the slightly dim light, the two figures were elongated, and in the open environment, they looked extraordinarily small.

They have been praying for half a month.

The original expectations and hopes in my heart are gradually dissipating.

The plane summoning array has long been broken, and the repairs of the El royal family for countless years have only repaired the most superficial magic runes.

The deeper runes have exceeded the knowledge limit of the restorer.

No one knows whether this plane summoning array can still operate, because it is too broken, and the royal family of El has not tested it for thousands of years.

A dangerous building that is about to collapse, it is impossible for anyone to try how much weight it can bear.

It can only be repaired as much as possible and reserved as a last resort in case of emergency.

Now, this long-hidden hole card has been activated.

can end

At this point, the eyes of Redel, who lowered her head, became dull.

Filled with confusion.

If there are really no more rescue soldiers to come, what should they do?

The Grand Duke of Angry Blood, an extraordinary existence, now has the allegiance of the vast majority of the army, and only the two of them are left in the royal family, and they are no longer qualified to fight against each other.

Is the kingdom of El really going to be destroyed by that despicable traitor?

How can I repay the blood feud for killing my father?

"Sister, you are distracted"

With a bit of a cold voice coming from her side, Li Daer snapped back to her senses.

She looked at her sister in a white nun's robe with some shame.

The other party's cold eyes are like morning dewdrops, crystal clear, making people feel ashamed of themselves.


As soon as the words were spoken, the thin girl covered by the nun's robe slowly shook her head.

"No need to explain my sister to me."

"Keep praying."

Redel stopped at this moment.

Pushing his long golden hair behind his ears, his sky blue eyes looked directly at each other.

"The plane summoning array has long been broken and has lost its effect. We have no reinforcements."

After speaking, he glanced at the altar full of gems, his tone was hoarse and endlessly painful.

For half a month, she kept praying day and night, which brought her already tense spirit to the limit.

The plane summoning formation that did not respond at all dragged her into the abyss.

That nerve is broken.

No one can imagine how hopeless it feels when his father was killed under his watch, the family was cleaned, the kingdom was taken away, and he was forced to hide with his sister like a sewer mouse.

The thin girl in the nun's robe looked at the exhausted figure beside her with firm eyes.

He stretched out his pale, bloodless little hands and gently supported him on the other's face.

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"Sister, I sensed it. I sensed that a powerful soul was sleeping. He dominates the desert."

"The desert sings, blesses, prays, praises"

"He's waking up."

"The plane summoning array is not useless."

"We have summoned the most powerful existence."

"Sister, the El royal family will never be cut off."

"We are the descendants of King El, the royal family guarding the rift in the abyss, and the brave and fearless warriors!"

Those naive words are now with unparalleled persuasive power.

Redel's heart was shocked, and there was a bright star in his eyes.

He hurriedly said with a trembling voice.

"Sister. Do you really sense that there is a sleeping presence in the desert answering our prayers?"


He stared at each other, for fear of getting the words just to comfort her from his mouth.

The thin figure under the nun's robe was about to speak, but suddenly he seemed to sense something, and turned his head sharply to look at the altar with countless gems in front of him.

His eyes glowed endlessly.

"Sister. That great being. has come."

The moment the voice fell.

I saw that the gems on the altar kept making a sound of shattering, and the majestic energy contained in it seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and it quickly rushed into the sky.

Under Redel's nervous gaze, a stalwart figure with a black and red crown on his head and a black cloak with dark flowers on his back slowly condensed.

The moment the other party appeared, outside the splendid church, a large amount of gravel flew upside down, floated straight, and lingered beside him.

Added countless mysteries to each other.

But what made her tremble even more was the temperament exuded by the other party.

It is like a king who dominates countless lives and deaths, or a superior who controls a certain plane.

The moment the other party appeared, it became the center of the world, and no one could suppress its light.

Everything can be faked, but temperament is not.

This is an existence that is too powerful to imagine, and even, they may have summoned someone who controls the rules!

The first glimpse of that mysterious being.

Radel slumped down.

A tone of surprise and trembling resounded through the hall.

"The descendant of the great ruler El's royal family - Redel El, I extend my highest respect to you."

"Your presence is our honor!"

The skinny girl next to her, shrouded in a nun's robe, also lowered her head at this moment, no longer as mature and firm as before.

With a trembling voice.

"The mighty being that rules the desert, Aisha El, salutes you."

The childish tone has a soft-hearted quality.

Li Cha, who was floating in the air, didn't understand the words of this plane, but the illusory body that he had transformed into at this time could directly understand the words of the other party.

Wonderful state.

El royal family?

Is this the one who called him?

Two alien princesses?

With interest, he looked at the two prostrate and saluting figures below.

I didn't expect such a wonderful thing to happen after being killed by Rose this time.

Looking at this appearance, the other party also regarded him as a big man, which is also interesting.

I just don't know what's going on with this outlier?

What is the purpose of the other party calling him?

But what he valued most was not the two of them, but the land under their feet.

This is an unfamiliar plane, how much benefit can you gain from developing a plane?

Cross-planar trade, he had an idea when he obtained the Void Sand Worm. He didn't expect that the first time he stepped into other planes would be in such a state.

And there is the treasure of the void sandworm, as long as the detailed coordinates of this plane can be obtained, then the gate of space can be opened directly.

Thinking of this, I became more interested.

But no matter how he thought about it, his emotions were not revealed.

His tone was solemn and solemn.

"Descendants of the royal family of El, inform me of your intention to summon me."

His common language is mixed with mental power, and he can understand the meaning through mental power even if he does not understand common language.

The use of this kind of spiritual power is not very deep.

When Redel and her sister Elsa heard this, they straightened up.

Looking at the blurry figure overlooking them, Redel took a few deep breaths but couldn't calm her excitement.

After half a month of non-stop prayers day and night, there was finally a response. Even, the other party may save the last savior of the royal family of El!

Praise the goddess.

He held his chest and answered in the most humble tone.

"Great being, I am the princess of the kingdom of El, my country."

Then began a long narrative.

The king's father, who went to the crack of the abyss to suppress the demons, was betrayed by his trusted love, the prince of angry blood, and killed himself.

Then came the bloodbath of the royal family, the coronation as king, the pursuit of descendants, the forced escape, the succession of ancestors, the summoning of the plane, the prayer for half a month, and a series of things such as his answering the call.

After Li Cha heard it, his interest grew stronger.

He doesn't care about this **** plot. If the royal family seizes power, what else can they come up with?

What he cares about is the message from the other party's mouth.

This plane ruled by the Kingdom of El has a lot of intelligent life, and the mineral veins, rare resources, population, and troops that are in short supply in his territory are all here.

There's even a rift connecting the abyss!

This is a plane with enormous exploitable potential.

Li Cha has an inexplicable feeling of picking up a treasure.

After he occupied the underground world, how much benefit did he gain from it?

This plane seems to have a lot more potential than the underground world.

The two most powerful forces in the underground world were only level 15, and it was not until the last battle that a level 19 stitch monster was created.

This plane is extraordinary!

Being able to raise an extraordinary map is definitely much better than just raising a level 15!

If you can occupy

After Li Cha forcibly calmed down, he spoke slowly.

"Descendants of the royal family of El, what do you want?"

Redel's eyes were firm.


Li Cha looked at the two with interest.

Your Royal Highness, UU Reading You don't want your country to be taken away, do you?

"Then what can you give?"

For this question, Redel seemed to be well prepared and said aloud.

"Great master, the Kingdom of El will forever believe in you, build a temple for you, and thousands of residents will pray to you day and night."

When he said this, his eyes were tense and somewhat confident.

It seems that this chip is enough to impress him.

Build a temple? Praying day and night?

Li Cha frowned.

This is not a small deviation from his estimate.

But he was keenly aware that this chip seemed to have something more worth exploring.

(End of this chapter)

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