Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 494: v2 Chapter 470: After the angry spider, Richard died in action

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At this moment, time and space seem to be frozen.

Between the heavens and the earth, only the figure standing across the void stands.

Kamui unabashedly pressed down.

Everything is silent.

"The soul of another world, the power of the desert, the protection of the ancient gods, the breath of the **** of kobolds, the **** of deceit and lies, and the **** of gnomes?"

The ancient Elvish language mixed with the abyss blasphemous reverberation resounded through the sky, and I could hear a bit of surprise in the words.

The appearance of such powers on a level 15 human really surprised her.

However, it is precisely because of this that it shows that what the other party has said before is true.

The spokesperson of the dungeon pantheon.

What are the reptiles living in the ground planning? ?

Is this human lord so exposed in front of her, is it a coincidence or is there a conspiracy hidden?

The blood-red eyes are like the sun that has lost its heat, staring indifferently at the tiny existence on the ground.

No one knew what the **** of conspiracy who made the bottomless abyss tremble was thinking at the moment.

After a brief silence, the terrifying accent made the sky tremble again.

"Vile reptile, whoever is your master, what conspiracy is yours. Now, your soul is mine."

"Kneel down and give your soul!"

At the moment when the last note fell, the endless power was like the collapse of a mountain and a reservoir, and thousands of rivers roared down.

Kacha~ On the plane below, the earth seemed to be smashed by a hundred times heavy boulders, and large cracks appeared.



Li Cha's chest made a dull sound like pulling a bellows, and he only felt that every word of the opponent was like a heavy warhammer bombarding his soul.

The eyeballs were bloodshot.

Surrender, bow down. Give your soul to the great master.

It's your honor, it's an honor

It seems that there are tens of thousands of demons roaring and roaring in the ears, and the soul seems to be dragged into the abyss at this moment.

It was the will of the gods, the oracle that made the abyss tremble.

An understatement, stronger than even the psychic magic cast by top spellcasters.

The skeletal blood dragon that was still fighting against the spider army was shrouded in the divine might that did not distinguish between each other, and crashed down.

These undead lives were pressed to the ground, and they couldn't even get up.

The undead have no fear and fear, and have no concept of death, but the divine power strikes the soul directly.

Not exempt.

Alves, this Transcendent A Grade, can barely hold on, but the crimson power that explodes on his body is like a candle in the wind, and it may be extinguished at any time.

Popov Heita, who had not yet entered the gate of space, gritted his teeth and supported himself. He didn't kneel on the ground, but the young Ta people behind him couldn't bear it. He put his hands on the ground to reduce the exaggerated oppression. .

Only the Dark Soul Eater-Kritos and the Ancient of Sinister Trees can resist more decently.

Across the gate of space, the players who have escaped into the land of eternity have cold hands and feet at this moment, and even their courage to talk about each other has been crushed.

There is great terror between life and death.

Only at this moment did they realize how terrifying the real master of this world is. That is not a master that players can deal with at all.

Under such terrifying oppression, the players subconsciously looked at the figure holding the door of space with one hand.

The blurry figure shrouded in yellow sand slowly put down his hand and stopped maintaining the gate of space.

The other party slowly raised his head, and the blurred face hung a wanton and arrogant smile at this moment.


All the players' hearts jumped, and an unspeakable emotion filled their hearts.

Qingqiu hasn't bowed his head yet? !

Can't even the spider queen be afraid of him? !

At this moment, the figure blurred by the yellow sand slowly spread his arms, as if welcoming something.

The hoarse voice sounded slowly.

"Is this what it feels like to face the Lord God?"

"It's really scary."


Are you **** scared? ?

When the player heard this, his scalp felt numb, and at the same time, an unspeakable blood rushed to his head.

This **** is Qingqiu? ! !

Qingqiu? ! !

Li Cha's bloodshot eyes stared directly at the terrifying figure in the sky.

At this moment, the endless pressure seems to be non-existent.

In the next second, the statue of the ancient **** of the old days, which glowed with infinite light because he sensed Rose's breath, was directly included in the system space by him.

He took down the defense that had long been regarded as the strongest trump card.

Losing the protection of the old statue of the ancient god, Rose's divine might was recklessly suppressed at this moment.

creak creak ~

Li Cha clearly felt the trembling sound of his soul due to the excessive pressure.

It's like the overwhelmed old dilapidated house is about to collapse.

But his eyes became more and more hot.

There was a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's such a terrifying breath.

But so what? !

In the next second, the power of yellow sand exploded.

The bent waist rod slowly stood upright, and the chest stood firm and erect.

At this moment, the players in the back seemed to see an unyielding soul stretching its branches. That kind of resolute gesture made them feel a stronger impact than Shenwei.

At this moment, some players inexplicably understand why the opponent is the strongest among the players, an existence they can only look up to and cannot reach.

Under the shocking gaze of everyone.

Approaching the door, the golden corpse shrouded in yellow sand suddenly moved again.

Under the shroud of terrifying power, the sand ball went directly through the gate of space

At the moment of falling into the land of eternity, the earth cracked open, directly suppressing it to the deepest part of the plane.

Before this was over, the sand and waves on the ground skyrocketed, making the ground unable to support it, and the tower clan and a part of the bone blood dragon, who could not move under the trembling of divine power, swept up directly and forcibly sent them into the gate of space.

The players felt the coercion that made their souls mourn, and at this moment they were all unbelievable.

This is under the suppression of Rose, how did the other party do it?

In extreme shock and doubt.

The door of the space cracked open, overwhelmed, and then they completely lost their sight.

Even the surging divine might disappeared at this moment.

Hundreds of players waited until the pressure subsided, and then they seemed to come back to their senses. After looking at each other a few times, they immediately made a huge uproar and noise.

One by one, their faces flushed with excitement, almost hysterically arguing and venting their emotions.

"Fuck, Boss Qingqiu didn't come out??! I'm sorry, why didn't Boss Qingqiu come out?!"

"What's the situation, Boss Qingqiu is trapped in that plane? That **** Rose is still there!"

"Why? Why don't you run, if you can't run, you have to!!"


Popov Heita, the patriarch of the 19th-level Ta clan, only climbed out of the sand waves at this moment, looking at the Ta clan children covered in sand and gravel, and staring blankly at the space that had crumbled and left no traces door.

There was only one thought in his head. Your Excellency Qingqiu sacrificed himself to save them? !

His lips trembled uncontrollably, and even when facing Rose, there was no fear in his heart.

Intense guilt and regret came to mind.

He should be the one who died, not Your Excellency Qingqiu! !

Ta Clan, I'm sorry Your Excellency Qingqiu!

On the Ta Clan plane, Li Cha ignored the broken Void Gate behind him.

His eyes stared directly at the figure in the void.

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The hoarse voice sounded again.

"Ross, your power is not qualified to surrender the great dungeon pantheon."

"My god, after all, I will ascend to the throne of the king of the gods."

"New Era, I can't hold your divine body."

"Accept your fate. When you heard about me from the Lord of Decay, you were already in the game."

"The return of the ancient god, the end of the era, with your wisdom, you can't imagine what kind of scene it was."

Until this moment, he still did not give up the discourse system he built. As long as it can arouse the suspicion of the other party, he will limit the dungeon **** system one or two.

Those gods who are closely related to the **** of kobolds do not have so much time to pay attention to the city of dusk.

In terms of the spider queen's character, no matter whether the dungeon **** system has a plan or not, the other party will definitely take action.

As for the Lord of Rot and Rose. They are already like this, and there is no room for turning back.

Retaliation? That's for sure, but on the main plane, Crimson Moon doesn't care what camp of gods the other party is.

The cards in his hand are not big and small ghosts who have not restrained the opponent.

The sky suddenly fell silent.

Even with the divine power, it was stagnant for a moment.

But a moment later, a more ferocious aura than before came violently.

Dark, evil, brutal, chaotic. All negative adjectives can't describe it.

"Despicable reptile, how dare you deceive me!"

Soul-shattering ancient Elvish and Abyssal blasphemies sounded with monstrous fury.

"I will extract your soul and make it into a melting wax demon, and then throw it into the abyss of blood, and let the worms bite your soul day and night."

The moment the sound fell, the body sank sharply and began to approach the ground.

Kacha~ The already crumbling earth exploded directly.

Countless rock fragments flew upside down.

Looking around, it seems that the end of the world is coming to an end.

Just standing outside the sky, this plane was overwhelmed, and it came down at this moment, directly causing the plane to collapse.

A plane cannot carry its power. How exaggerated is this?

No one knows the upper limit of the power of this evil **** of chaos that makes the bottomless abyss tremble.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed. Did the other party tell a lie or deceive him?

But under the anger of the other party, there is not so much time to entangle this matter.

Taking a deep breath, the fighting spirit in my heart skyrocketed.

The power of yellow sand, which had been exhausted before, erupted again, and the majestic power surged.

The breath on his body surged like a tsunami.

Correspondingly, his vitality began to weaken rapidly.

Overdraft life in exchange for strength.

After the two transformations, the new abilities that he comprehended were not turned into skills, but they could be used as the last hole card.

Even if this trump card is dead, there is no life.

Seeing the huge divine body approaching again, Richard's hoarse voice resounded through the sky.

"Twilight City, charge with me!"

The moment the voice fell, carrying endless yellow sand, it exploded from the crumbling earth.

With the divine might that swept across the void, he killed the spider queen.

In death, he will only fall on the road of charging.

From the moment the other party appeared, he had no intention of leaving him alive to try how terrifying the Lord God who made the abyss tremble.

On the ground, those skeletal blood dragons who were not sent away, struggled to get up at this moment, and fluttered their wings into the sky in the shrill roar.

With a wingspan of more than 40 meters, it was as if Alves of the ancient life roared hysterically, the crimson power on his body skyrocketed, and he followed to kill him.

Dark Soul Eater-Kritos abruptly gave up fighting with the melted wax, and killed the spider after screaming.

The roots of the ancient tree of the gods were attached to a boulder. When the boulder flew upside down, the roots whipped other boulders to borrow strength and also killed Rose.

Emerald, the little centaur who did not leave, followed with a firm gaze, and the battle axe in his hand flashed a sharp light.


The bravery of the city of dusk angered the spider queen who descended.

The vile ants are provoking the eternal god. Damn it!

"You can die if you overdraw your life? I will take your soul back from the **** of death. A vile worm!"

in the gloomy accent.

Before Li Cha got close to the existence of the collapsed plane, he felt that his eyes were dark, and then he lost his perception of the outside world.

I don't know how long it took, but in a daze, I heard a system prompt ringing in my ear.

Sand Crusher Respawn activates.

When he felt his body condensed again, a more terrifying force suddenly swept down.

The condensed body just now shattered again.

This time, even that vague consciousness disappeared, and Li Cha fell into a deep sleep—

Desert of death.

A figure in a red dress stood like a stone tablet on the hot yellow sand.

The powerful gesture attached to her gestures is like a queen patrolling her territory.

For standing on the yellow sand, the entire desert seems to have become her palace.

The graceful and luxurious temperament that only the great nobles can cultivate is amazing.


The controller of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, the most crucial boss character of the Crimson Moon.

At this moment, those eyes that were as bright as stars stared blankly at the gate of space above the desert.

Your Excellency Richard, have you come back yet?

It's been too long, we can't wait any longer.

"President, does that lord of divine grace really deserve our trust?"

"Even if the opponent is the strongest among the lords of divine grace, he is still too weak."

There was a complex tone in the empty void behind him.

"The lord of divine grace has been away for two weeks, and there is still no news. He is no different from other lords of divine grace."

"Perhaps, we need to prepare early, Your Majesty, and we can't wait."

Windsor was silent.

The deep eyes dimmed a bit, looking at the silent door of space, he couldn't help taking a long breath.

The figure with the extraordinary temperament reappeared in his mind.

For some reason, the other party always gave him a strong sense of trust, and this time, there was no exception.

With a somewhat hoarse tone, he said slowly.

"I trust Your Excellency Richard."

He turned his head to look at the empty void behind him.

"This is our last chance."

"No one can help the teacher except him."

There was no sound coming from the empty space for a long time.

After a while, it rang again.

"Master President."

Before the words fell, the door of space where infinite hope was placed on UU Reading suddenly fluctuated.

Then it seemed like a dilapidated building could not withstand the ravages of time and collapsed.

Windsor's expression of anticipation and anxiety suddenly solidified.

There was intense unwillingness and pain in his eyes.

The door to space is broken?

He turned around and looked around.

Did not find the expected figure or even saw any army appear.

At this moment, the heart kept sinking and sinking. Finally, it fell into the endless abyss.

Hope, shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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