Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 568: v2 Chapter 539: layout, hunting superb

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Several players didn't know the secret that Kritos had to hunt supernatural beings to advance.

All I know is that at this moment, Richard ordered the 19th-level Kritos to forcibly challenge the extraordinary dragon descendant who guards the obelisk.

That's a level 20 extraordinary! Level 20!

In "Glory Era" for nearly a year, they are no longer the rookie lords who had no news.

From level 4 to level 5, from level 9 to level 10, from level 14 to level 15, these key levels can be obtained every time one is promoted.

But all the gaps before are not as big as the 19th to 20th level.

Extraordinary, this is a level of metamorphosis. There seems to be only one level of difference between level 19 and level 20, but the combat power is worlds apart.

The most intuitive reaction is that a level 19 hero can only be called the mainstay in a faction, while a level 20 extraordinary can be called the boss.

It is almost impossible to beat a level 20 extraordinary with a level 19.

The difference in rank is enough to kill any luck.

This is the most incomprehensible part for the few people. They don't understand why Li Cha gave such an order.

But judging from the previous record, this kind of unreasonable order is very in line with his style... This is the attitude Qingqiu should have!

"Could it be that Boss Li Cha's subordinates are as perverted as him, able to forcibly kill Chaofan at level 19?!"

Thinking of this, the warrior player's face became quite subtle. It wasn't that it was impossible, but that he believed it unconditionally after the thought arose.

There wasn't even a doubt in my heart.

If it were someone else, even if it was Potian, he wouldn't believe that level 19 could fight Chaofan.

Moreover, the opponent also has a large number of top-level units with a level of 19 and a potential of 3 stars!

However, it was Li Cha, Qingqiu, the strongest player among the players who gave this order, the godslayer who had just beheaded the head of a **** under the watchful eyes of billions of viewers. The top boss who makes everyone pay homage!

The words in his mouth, even if they were impossible, gave him a feeling that it was absolutely achievable.

reason? No need, as long as this is what Qingqiu said, that's enough!

Players who have experienced the battle of Lion City, no one can maintain their sanity in front of Richard...

Several emotional ups and downs of the players did not affect the battlefield.

Kritos looked at the Extraordinary Dragonborn in front of him, and creaked~ his five fingers quietly clenched the warhammer in his hand.

The momentum on his body became vigorous and fierce, and his eyes flashed with infinite light.

The back is straight.

He had waited for this day for too long.

On the plane of the Ta clan, when facing the supernatural-level Melting Wax Demon, with the threat of Rose, he couldn't fight with all his strength, and it was difficult for him to make meritorious deeds.

The transcendence of the Naga plane had already fallen before he had time to go there.

The Duke of Raging Blood died right under his nose... Now, he finally got a chance to face the extraordinary.

He has longed for this opportunity for too long!

His soul was born because of the master, and only by breaking through the extraordinary can he become the sharpest sword in the master's hands!

Kritos growled.

A dark and violent energy suddenly erupted from his body.

Bang~ The energy rioted in all directions, the broken stones and gravel were rolled up, the air became cloudy, and the light suddenly dimmed.

After the violent dark energy erupted, it quickly condensed into crows with a corrupt and cold aura in the air.


A shrill scream echoed in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, crows appeared one after another from the dust rolled up by the air waves.

The dark life condensed by energy **** its wings and flies in the sky in a circle. From the outside, it looks like a tornado hurricane.

When the number of crows exceeds three thousand, these evil beings flap their wings and swoop down.

On the ground, the 19th-level half-dragon who was bowing to the extraordinary dragon descendants suddenly woke up.

The half-dragon in the front stood up immediately, and violently swung the warhammer at the group of crows in front.


Heavy weapons tear the sky apart, and even the heavy shields of soldiers will be shattered.

But the moment the warhammer hit the crow, it passed directly through the opponent's body.

Physical attacks...have no effect.

The half-dragon man's expression changed, and just as he was about to respond, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the crow he attacked had disappeared before his eyes.

Go straight to your body.

Seeing this scene, the half-dragon man felt relieved.

Their bodies are protected by dragon scales, and the dragon blood flowing in their bodies also makes them extremely resistant to magic.

A mere crow, wanting to hurt them, is simply doing...

As soon as this thought came up, a chill passed through his body, and then he felt his mind being torn apart by a giant hand.

The terrifying pain caused his face to become extremely distorted.

what! !

A hysterical growl came out of his throat, as if he had endured the most brutal torture in the world.

At this moment, the second, the third... more pitch-black crows poured into the body.

The half-dragon's body twitched uncontrollably, and then he felt the severe pain in his mind swallowing everything.

His thoughts gradually became dull, and his eyes fell into darkness.

This 19th-level unit only had time to swing its weapon once before it fell to the ground and lost its breath.


In the next second, a~a~a~ more than a dozen crows came out of his body amidst screaming screams.

At this moment, the hair on his body became shiny and shiny, and the cold aura emanating from him almost made the air freeze.

After breaking away from the body of the half-dragon, he immediately flapped his wings and flew towards the next target.

Soul-devouring storm, super A-level, summons the soul-devouring crow to form a death storm, causing huge damage to the enemy's soul. After the soul-devouring crow devours the enemy's soul, it can continue to exist and grow stronger.

The most powerful group attack skill of this level 19 boss!

The death of the first half-dragon marks a change in the situation.

Three thousand soul-devouring crows directly blew up a death storm.

Most of the ferocious level 19 half-dragon soldiers were slaughtered in the blink of an eye.

All this is late to say, but it only happened in a few breaths.

The extraordinary dragon descendant who had just stepped out of the stone gate of the Obelisk, the elf-like haughty expression on his face instantly dissipated, and his eyes became gloomy.

Looking straight at the protagonist who created the storm, his tone was cold.

"Reptiles, trivial tricks, dare to spy on the holy land I guard!"

Advanced language—Dragon language.

The moment the voice fell.

Everyone's heart was beating wildly, as if an ancient monster had opened its eyes.

The coercion pervading between heaven and earth makes the air sticky like mercury.

The next moment, a reddish energy burst out from the opponent's body with a bit of flame.

Like ink dripping into clear water, that crimson energy covered the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

The soul-devouring crow, which was devouring the soul of the half-dragon without restraint, seemed to have fallen into the water, no matter how much it flapped its wings, it could not leave the spot.

The Extraordinary Dragonborn raised its head, and the giant dragon's head was particularly ferocious against the pale red energy.

There was a bit of contempt in his eyes.

Right hand outstretched.

The sharp claws rubbed against each other and snapped their fingers.


Those crazy soul-eating crows shattered like glass.

into pure energy.

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This scene made the hearts of the players behind them jump wildly.

I thought that after the level 19 hero set off a crow storm, there would be a comeback.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful ultimate move was easily shattered by that half-dragon Chaofan.

Is this extraordinary power?

The player's leader, the warrior player's heart tightened.

How should the level 19 hero deal with Chaofan next?

The palms of his hands were clenched subconsciously, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out.

The tension was several times stronger than that of the protagonist Kritos on the battlefield and Li Cha, the controller behind the scenes.

Kritos felt the contempt of the extraordinary dragonborn, his small eyes narrowed into a line.

The murderous intent gathered around him caused ripples in the space.

Without holding back the slightest hand, energy gushed out of the body, and a phantom condensed outside the body surface.

The appearance is exactly the same as it, and the breath it emits makes people immediately perceive the origin of the phantom... the soul!

Several players were startled when they saw this scene. They didn't understand why Kritos suddenly let his soul float on the surface of his body?

Just when they were wondering, the soul on the body of this level 19 boss was like dry wood with petrol poured on it.


was lit.

The gloomy soul burns with a faint blue flame.

You can even see the black smoke from the tail of the flame.

That hero is burning his soul? !

Several players stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief.

Burning the soul, doesn't it mean that he is dead? !

The soul is the most important thing in the living body, there is no one, once damaged, it is almost the most serious trauma.

Now, he took the initiative to ignite his own soul, why? !

Why do you want to do this?

The warrior player suddenly turned his head to look to the side, and couldn't help saying.

"Boss Li Cha, why don't we stop your hero, it's not worth it..."

Li Cha didn't even look back, he calmly stared at the battlefield and said calmly.

"My order, never take back, wait for the end of the war, Kritos, will come back to see me with that extraordinary head."

Hearing this, all the words of the warrior player were suppressed, and his face was quite delicate.

In the end, I let out a long sigh, and I don’t want to delve into it any more, I’m so tired...

The gap between the two sides is too big.

He personally participated in this battle, but he was completely unable to understand what the other party was thinking.

With limited vision, he could no longer understand the intention.

After taking a deep breath, he decided not to speak anymore.

The outsiders are excited, and the same is true in the battlefield.

When Kritos' soul started to burn, the aura emitted by this level 19 boss skyrocketed to an exaggerated degree.

In a few breaths, the surrounding space was distorted, and the coercion exuded was no less than that of the extraordinary dragon descendant in front of him.

Boss feature - fighting with burning soul, which can burn the power of the soul and explode ten times the power. During the burning of the soul, the power of the soul can be transformed into the power of darkness. If the power of the soul is exhausted, you will die directly.

Kratos' trump card, the boss's most important card.

Even as several players understand—once the soul burns, there is no life but death, and there is no turning back.

But this mortal skill can be exchanged for power, infinite power!

The body made of rock is now bulging high, and the gray blood vessels on it are wriggling like small snakes.

The surrounding space has been crushed by force, and outsiders can't even see its appearance clearly.

Feeling the power like a magma eruption in his body, Kritos creaked ~ five fingers clenched the war hammer.

Looking straight ahead at the Extraordinary Dragonborn.

"Mixed bastard... just let your soul become the ladder for me to step into a higher level!"

After the voice fell, he stepped out, bang~ the ground exploded, and a spider web-like gap spread tens of meters.

An oval-shaped air wave rose around, directly producing a violent sonic boom.

It's hard to even see what's going on with the naked eye.

next second.


The location where the Extraordinary Dragonborn was located directly exploded, a terrifying wave of air swept across all directions, and the sky was covered by dust all over the sky.

Then bang~bang~bang~ a burst of sound exploded into the sky.

The position mentioned by the extraordinary dragon descendant in front of the obelisk became the center of the storm.

Waves of air burst out.

Because the power of the plane has become thinner, the power of the extraordinary level can already tear the void.

The collision space between the two has become collapsed and collapsed, and everything around has become undetectable.

Looking from the outside, one can only see the terrifying shock wave bursting, the earth is collapsing, and the sky is wailing.

Kritos, who is burning his soul, is attacking the extraordinary dragonborn with a violent attitude!

Because of the no-air restrictions around the Obelisk.

The extraordinary dragonborn couldn't go into the air, and could only fight Kritos on the ground.

And this allowed Kratos to maximize his hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing that their sight was blocked, several players couldn't help feeling very anxious, but they didn't dare to ask Li Cha, so they could only talk about the battle situation in a low voice.

Li Cha ignored the few people, feeling the fierce collision on the battlefield, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the next second, a soft voice sounded in the mind of the plump Level 23 Blood Duke Lorena beside her.

"Lorena, you sneak into the void and secretly assist Kratos. Remember, even if Kratos dies in battle, don't kill that extraordinary dragonborn."

"Use your aura to create the illusion that you will attack at any time... This aura is inadvertently noticed by the other It must not be revealed actively."

"Then shield or interfere with the opponent's perception, creating an advantage for Kritos."

If Kritos wanted to be promoted, he had to kill a Transcendent, and he had to contribute more than 70% in the battle of the gods!

If Lorena made a move in person, with the tyrannical combat power of this top extraordinary, the extraordinary dragonborn would definitely be unable to resist.

But it will definitely reduce the contribution of Kratos.

And a supernatural who doesn't make a move, although he can't give Kritos positive help, the impact on the battle situation is absolutely fatal.

No one can ignore, dare to ignore a hunter who can kill himself and hide in the dark.

The words that made Kratos fight alone just now, as a means of attacking the mind, will definitely make the extraordinary dragonborn even more afraid after Lorena's aura is revealed.

There is a high probability that the other party will think that he is using Kritos as a bait, so as to let the supernatural in the dark create opportunities.

And what he wants is the idea that the other party thinks that he used Kritos as bait.

After Lorena's figure disappeared beside Li Cha, the Transcendent Dragonborn, who was in the middle of a fierce battle, suddenly noticed a slight aura.

Very light, if it wasn't for his extraordinary perception, he wouldn't even be able to notice it.

It was that subtle breath that made him feel an unspeakable sense of danger.

There is a well-hidden enemy, watching him!

The strength of the opponent can cause fatal danger to him!

His eyes were both startled and angry.

This **** reptile in front of him is just a bait released by the other party? !

Strong fear arose in his heart, and he inevitably withdrew some of the strength in his hands, preparing to defend against enemies who might sneak attack at any time...

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