Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 569: v2 Chapter 540: Brutal battle, killing Chaofan with a body of level 19

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The gap between level 19 and extraordinary, even the boss template is difficult to bridge.

But at this moment, the situation has undergone a subtle change. The extraordinary dragonborn became hesitant because of a ray of breath, and did not dare to use all his strength to output.

As the opponent, Kritos burned his soul.

Sacrificing souls to gain power is not an uncommon move for dark beings.

And Kritos, who was born on the basis of the high demon of the abyss—the Soul Eater, is the purest dark life.

Burning souls gave him powers beyond the 19th-level limit.

Under the ebb and flow, the pressure on the Extraordinary Dragonborn suddenly skyrocketed.

I can only feel that every time Kratos swings the heavy hammer, it contains the power almost avalanche.

His face became serious.

But what worried him the most was the breath he had just sensed.

Although it has disappeared without a trace, it is impossible to detect where it is.

But he clearly knew that the hidden enemy could pose a fatal threat to him.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Under the threat of the other party's attack at any time, he didn't dare to use his full strength, for fear that at a certain moment, that extraordinary head would suddenly burst out from behind.

Feeling apprehensive in his heart, the pressure on Kritos became weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, Kritos, this boss let go of everything!

When the soul burns out, he dies.

There is only one chance to hunt!

Every time he swung his war hammer, he exhausted all his strength and continued to attack with the belief that there is no life but death.

At this moment, the earth has been split inch by inch, covering a range of kilometers like a spider web.

The aftermath of the battle between the two was as terrifying as a natural disaster.

And those surviving level 19 half-dragons were greatly impacted and did not dare to approach the center of the battlefield at all.

This made several players' hearts beat faster.

Especially when the two protagonists occasionally break away from the center of the battlefield, showing traces of the battlefield, it makes them even more excited.

Too fierce! !

They expected extraordinary power, but they didn't expect that level 19 hero to be so powerful!

It's so **** fierce!

That is extraordinary!

With his own strength, the opponent has been able to fight against him until now, and the scene is not the same!

As the battle intensified, the sharp-eyed female player suddenly pointed to the stone gate at the bottom of the obelisk and said in a low voice.

"Did you see it? A large number of troops have sprung up inside, and there is almost a legion of half-dragon people outside."

When they heard the words, they immediately turned their heads to look, and their expressions changed slightly.

Most of the half-dragons who had been emptied from the field were soon to be full again.

And the dead half-dragon corpses on the ground have all disappeared without a trace.

These half-dragon soldiers guarding the obelisk have the ability to be resurrected? !

This made a few people have a bad idea, that extraordinary dragon descendant... can he really deal with it?

Li Cha also noticed the movements of the half-dragon soldiers.

After pondering for a moment, he was relieved instead.

With Chaofan here, the power to guard the obelisk is obviously not weak, but because of the possibility of breaking out the ancient rules, it seems to him quite shabby.

But if it can be resurrected continuously, then the guarding power of the obelisk is enough to see.

The inner worries about whether there are other forces hidden in the tower have dissipated a lot.

The feature of resurrection can be called a bug, which is enough to cause headaches for most forces.

However, those resurrected half-dragonians did not dare to intervene in the battle between Kritos and the extraordinary dragonborn at this time.

The collision of two top existences was too terrifying.

At this moment, the Extraordinary Dragonborn, because he couldn't tell where the hidden enemy was, couldn't and didn't dare to use all his strength to forcefully kill Kritos.

He couldn't kill Kritos who exploded in front of him without leaving any flaws.

This soul-burning enemy also made him feel life-threatening.

Looking at the burning soul on the surface of its body, another idea quietly arises in my heart-to drag it down.

Now, although that Chaofan is in the dark, the initiative in his hands has not been lost.

As long as this soul-burning ant can't achieve results before the soul is burned out, the opponent will definitely jump out.

Without the restraint of the reptile in front of him, the Chaofan hiding in the dark would definitely not be his opponent.

Otherwise, the other party would not dare to show up!

When the reptile in front of him dies, it will be the time for his counterattack.

No one can act as a hunter in front of him!

With a plan in mind, the current offensive slowed down again, became more stable, and began to focus on defense.

And the initiative on the battlefield that was given up began to be controlled by Kritos.

This dark beast with a height of more than six meters will not pamper anyone!

The opponent retracted his attack, and he immediately pushed forward.

The warhammer in his hand swung frequently, and the riotous energy disturbed the world.

The ferocious posture made even the Extraordinary Dragonborn feel a little overwhelmed, and began to use the advantage of speed to walk around, trying to avoid hard shaking, and at the same time, be vigilant about the surroundings.

But once the initiative is given up, how could the situation be as he wished.

The fierce Kritos attack became more and more tyrannical.

Every attack can cause the void to collapse, and the space is molded into a lake.

Once hit, the damage received is no less than half a cent of the extraordinary shot.

The pressure on the Extraordinary Dragonborn skyrocketed.

He originally wanted to drain the power of Kritos' soul and let him die.

But after five minutes, looking at that has not burned to a fifth of the soul.

My heart was shocked and angry, and my eyes were full of disbelief.

The opponent exploded with extraordinary power at level 19, and he was fighting him!

With such a large consumption, it has been five minutes, and one-fifth of the soul power has not been consumed yet? !

The **** monster!

How strong is his soul power? !

Even if it is his soul, the power contained in it may not be comparable to this bastard!

How could this be a soul possessed by a level 19 hero? !

In the eyes of the aborigines, they cannot see the other party's template and detailed attributes, only the level is the easiest to judge.

So the Extraordinary Dragonborn didn't know what kind of monster this level 19 enemy in front of him was.

Eternal body, Super A Grade, all attributes increased by 300%, based on the earth, all attributes increased by 600%, all damage received can be recovered by devouring rocks, immune to poison, curse, instant death skills, and magic.

A strong body is the foundation of Kritos, and it is also the confidence for hand-to-hand combat.

But what makes it have unlimited potential is a mediocre skill - Soul Eater.

Soul Eater, Super A Grade, can devour the enemy's soul to strengthen one's own soul, increase the upper limit of the power of darkness storage, the current increase: 150,000.

The power of devouring the enemy's soul strengthens his own soul. This skill allows Kritos to have unlimited potential from an ordinary combat unit.

After coming out of the plane of the Ta tribe, Kritos prepared for more than two months in order to advance to this battle... and during the time when Richard sent him to guard the plane of Naga, this boss , is the tyrant in the blood mist.

The lives slaughtered cannot be counted.

A few days ago, when Richard checked the attributes of Kritos after he grew up, he was shocked to see the panel that had been strengthened to 150,000 points of dark power.

When Kritos was born, his 19th level possessed 8000 points of dark power, but now the total is 158000 points.

Turned nearly 20 times.

In other words, the opponent's soul strength is more than ten times stronger than before.

The degree of condensed soul is not inferior to that of Lorena, a level 23 blood prince.

This is the reason why he let this dark soul eater face the extraordinary dragonborn alone.

This level 19 boss has this ability!

More than twenty planes fought in the Swamp of Corruption, and the number of dead troops was almost impossible to count.

That piece of activated land has not been promoted to the fourth level for a long time. In addition to requiring a large amount of flesh and soul energy, Kratos swallowed part of the soul is also an important reason.

In Li Cha's eyes, this boss is very similar to the character in a Blue Star game - the dog head.

Every time a minion is killed with the q skill, the damage of the own skill will increase permanently by a few points.

When given enough time to develop, he is a well-deserved top hero.

Kritos, possesses the same characteristic, as long as his soul is devoured, he can grow to the point where everyone trembles.

Coupled with the opponent's unique bond: Soul Eater, when devouring the soul, there is a certain chance to obtain the opponent's memory and skills.

The growth template of this Dark Soul Eater is already very clear.

Why the opponent is a boss unit, these skills are enough to explain everything.

Unlimited growth.

At this moment, for this promotion, Kritos, who worked so hard to devour the power of the soul, showed the strength that made the extraordinary dragonborn's heart tremble.

No worries!

A burning soul is like an eternal lamp that never goes out.

After the battle lasted for ten minutes, cracks appeared on the body of the extraordinary dragonborn. The palm-sized dragon scales were cracked by the hammer several times, and it was difficult to repair in a short time.

And Kritos is even more miserable. Even in the state of extraordinary defense, his body has been cracked in large pieces, like porcelain thrown on the ground.

But Kritos stepped on the ground with both feet, continuously devouring the rocks on the ground and turning them into his own strength, repairing all the losses.

Let his combat power always maintain the highest posture.

Sensing the chaos of his own aura, the extraordinary dragonborn saw that the phantom of the soul floating on Kritos's surface had only burned a third of it at this moment, and a strong jealousy suddenly arose.

Why? !

Why is this hero so powerful with his soul power? !

Why is the opponent's soul stronger than his? !


The anger in my heart gradually increased.

Feeling that the energy in his body began to become chaotic, he gritted his teeth violently.

Can't go on like this!

If this continues, maybe he won't wait for the opponent's soul to burn out, wait for that transcendent to appear, and wait for him to fight back, and he will be hammered to death by this level 19 reptile!

Thinking of that scene, a nameless anger welled up in my heart!

With a level 19 body, kill Chaofan!

If this is said, the other party will definitely become a hero, and he will become a clown that others ridicule.

The pride in his heart made him furious when he thought of that picture.

Can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it!

The gray dragon scales of the body suddenly turned pale red, and runes condensed out of them.

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It seemed to be filled with an aura of destruction that made people tremble.


Even at the risk of being attacked and killed by that secret extraordinary, he will crush this **** who dares to challenge his majesty!

He rushed forward violently, the sharp claws in his hand swelled, and the metallic luster reflected on it was dazzling, indescribably sharp and terrifying.

With the wave, the space was directly shattered, revealing endless void and dark chaos.

But just when he was about to forcefully kill the reptile who provoked him at all costs.

A subtle breath appeared in a flash.

The extraordinary dragon descendant's heart trembled in rage, as if a pot of cold water had been poured on his head.

The hidden enemy is here!

My heart beat wildly, and my figure subconsciously paused.

Seven points of the desperate killing intent disappeared, and subconsciously left a little bit of energy to prepare to deal with the unknown extraordinary.

At this moment, his perception suddenly blurred, and most of the aura around him disappeared.

Immediately, Kacha~ the void on the flanks exploded, and a figure with silver hair and silver eyes quietly emerged from the space fragments all over the sky!

It was that breath—the vampire!

At this moment, all attention was attracted by the figure that suddenly appeared.

at the same time.

Facing the unscrupulous killing intent of the extraordinary dragonborn, Kritos felt an unprecedented breath of death.

His own soul seemed to be annihilated.

Under tremendous pressure, this level 19 boss suddenly entered a special state.

Looking around, the whole world seemed to be responding to his call, and the magical energy around him became extraordinarily soft.

His heart moved.

He looked at the 32 dark servants who were unable to participate in the battle.

An inexplicable feeling came to my heart.

These servants of darkness should not be used like this... They are originally one!

next moment.

The 32 dark servants let out long roars from their throats.

The whole body directly turned into a stream of light piercing the sky, and merged into Kritos' body in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the phantom of the burning soul seemed to have been doused with gasoline, and the flames soared ten times higher.

The burning speed is also increased ten times.

All power in one body.


At this moment, the space Kacha~ around Kritos couldn't bear the energy he radiated, and collapsed directly.

The ground on which both feet stepped was shaking, and huge cracks exploded like an abyss.

The scene seemed to be extinct.

The aura of this boss skyrocketed to an exaggerated degree.

After reaching a certain limit, the eyes burst into golden light.

Bang~ Stepping on the ground with one step, endless power exploded, the ground collapsed, and the counter-shock force made his body shoot out like lightning.

Kritos, take the lead!

After seeing the silver-haired and silver-eyed figure, the extraordinary dragon descendant couldn't help being dazed for a moment.

The strength of the opponent made him feel a sense of oppression that was almost suffocating.

In just a short moment, the Extraordinary Dragonborn was startled suddenly, and a deadly sense of danger made his scalp tingle.

Subconsciously turned around, the energy rioted and dispersed everything around.

The feeling of being molded lake disappeared.

And at the same time, a figure holding a warhammer and crushing the void was reflected in his sight.

I was shocked in my heart.

Is this the level 19 reptile? !

Why is the opponent so powerful? !

A little horror flashed in his eyes.

You can't fight recklessly, the opponent's outburst will never last long!

This thought flashed by, and the next moment, a majestic energy burst out of his body, wanting to forcibly leave this area.

But in the next second, the surrounding space suddenly froze, and he seemed to have fallen into a quagmire, unable to get out.

That extraordinary!

The moment a thought arises.

The Extraordinary Dragonborn was startled and angry, but it was too late to react. At this moment, the monster's war hammer had already been smashed down.


Forced to fight, the inner anger of the Extraordinary Dragonborn almost exploded.

The two arms were crossed fiercely, and the sharp claws were side by side, forcibly shaking.

As soon as this defensive action was completed, the war hammer slammed down.

The Extraordinary Dragonborn only felt a force coming from the collapsing mountains and the collapsing heaven and earth.

The sharp claws, which were so strong to the extreme, were shattered directly, and the opponent's warhammer couldn't bear the force and exploded, leaving only half of it.

But the monster didn't lose its strength, and swung half of the war hammer to hit his chest hard.


The dragon scales, which were strong enough to withstand the shooting of the siege crossbow, shattered directly, splashing all over the sky.

Puff~ The sharp edge that appeared after the war hammer shattered pierced directly into his chest, and the blood, bones, and muscles exploded at the same time.

The smell of blood was intense to the extreme at this moment.

The extraordinary dragon descendant felt the pain from his chest, and the flames of anger almost burned his soul!

Damn reptile, lowly bastard, dare to hurt him!

Extraordinary power broke out again!

The space collapsed directly, and the breath of the endless void around it poured into it.

Even if the heart is broken, Chaofan can still continue to fight!

The extraordinary dragon descendant who was burning with anger had already fallen into madness, completely forgetting the threat of the vampire beside him.

There is only one thought in my mind, kill this reptile, kill him! !

To be dealt such damage by a level 19 enemy is simply a shame, a shame!

Just a second before he was about to make a move, a slender hand pressed against his back.

All power was instantly blocked.

Turning his head, the figure with silver hair and silver eyes was reflected in his eyes.

His face instantly became extremely ugly.

He... was still fooled!

At this moment, Kritos raised the broken war hammer in his hand, and all the soul energy behind him burned instantly.

Endless power slammed heavily on the head of the extraordinary dragon descendant.


Like a baseball bat hitting a watermelon, it smashed into pieces, splashing blood all over the sky.

At the same time, one arm grabbed the opponent's body, and a special energy surged up.

The next moment, a distorted half-dragon soul appeared, as if being swallowed by a black hole and swallowed tightly into Kritos' body.

Lorena only retracted her arm at this moment, her eyes calmly watching the **** scene.

Those splashed flesh and bones were isolated by the energy around him.

And the breath of fresh blood made the power in her body become restless.

Lorena took a deep look at Kritos whose soul fire was being extinguished, his figure disappeared immediately, and quietly appeared beside Richard in the blink of an eye.

Until this moment, the dust in the center of the battlefield gradually dissipated.

When the picture returned to clarity, there was a heart-pounding scene on the field—Kritos held a broken long-handled warhammer in his right hand, and a headless corpse in his left hand.

When several players saw this scene, their eyes widened and their breathing froze.

So, is that the body of the Extraordinary Dragonborn? !

The hero of Li Cha's boss really killed Chaofan? !

Are you kidding, level 19 heroes can kill Chaofan?

Didn't they dream? !

Even though they had seen the legendary scene of Li Cha slaughtering gods as a player in Lion City, they were already prepared, but at this moment, they still felt a strong shock.

That's extraordinary, his mother's extraordinary!

In Lion City, it's fine for that Extraordinary Blood Duke to kill the Blood Duke.

After all, it's extraordinary versus extraordinary.

But now, that hero is only level 19, level 19! !

Don't **** talk about burning souls! Zoom in on Doesn't Chaofan have no skills, no big moves? !

But in the end, it was Kritos who won the final victory!

Turning his head to look at the figure shrouded in yellow sand beside him, he could only feel endless mystery rushing towards his face.

This is the background of the player's first person?

Is this the overlord who despises the world?

The warrior player took a few deep breaths, his hands were still shaking, and he was roaring hysterically.

Pervert, pervert!

A pervert who can slaughter gods in less than a year after coming to "Glory Era", and the heroes under him are also perverts!

In a one-on-one situation, not to mention killing the half-dragon army with his own strength, he also forcibly killed the extraordinary dragon descendant!


Why are all the good things taken by the other party? !

Heaven and earth, how unfair this is! He also wants this kind of hero, he also wants it! !

When the players were in chaos, Kritos, whose soul fire had burned to the end, was holding the broken body of the extraordinary dragon descendant, holding the half-shattered warhammer.

Under everyone's gaze, he walked across the broken ground step by step to Li Cha, kneeling respectfully and humbly on one knee.

"Master, Kritos, I have not betrayed your trust."

"Kill this Transcendent!"

As he spoke, he held up the headless corpse in his hand.

After finishing this action, the burning flame on the illusory soul on the body surface slowly extinguished.

The six-meter-high body maintained a kneeling posture, standing like a tower, but there was no trace of life.

The field suddenly fell into calm.

Everyone felt a strong shock when they saw Kritos' unyielding figure.

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