Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1690: 1691

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The dark and turbid atmosphere in the water pool is very thick, which is no worse than that of the burial Soul Mountain in Shengji gorge. The Yin and turbid Qi is very harmful to the monks. The ordinary monks in the yuan infant period may not last long.

Shen Yang's battle with thunder and lightning does not affect his body.

Ouyang Changfeng is the body of ghost cultivation, but Yin and turbid Qi is a great tonic for him. Practice in this place, the speed is at least three or four times that of the outside world!

As a matter of fact, Ouyang Changfeng took a fancy to this place, so he practiced in seclusion for decades, and didn't go out until he broke through the middle period of Yuanying.

After a while, they went out of the pool and came to a cave. It is worth mentioning that the place where they came out was actually a well, in the corner of the stone chamber.

The stone chamber is only a few tens of square meters wide. There is no sea water inside. It seems that it is also in a closed space with the method of moving mountains and shrinking land. The surrounding walls are made of solid spar, but perhaps because of the age, the stone bricks began to decay, emitting a musty smell.

The most conspicuous is the gray wall on one side of the stone chamber, which emits a layer of gray light and overflows with a large amount of cloudy gas, like rolling black smoke, continuously.

Because of the extremely thick cloudy air, the whole stone room was dark and could not see five fingers.

Shen Lang avoided consuming Shengyang's fighting Qi in his body, so he offered a magic dragon seal, forming a milky white glow to cover himself in it, thus isolating the cloudy Qi.

"Brother Shen, this is the entrance of the nether world. Two arrays were originally sealed outside the entrance, one was the main seal array, and the other was the reinforced array imposed by the king of the sky sea demon clan. However, I have destroyed that reinforcement array. Now only the main seal array is left. " Ouyang Changfeng pointed to the wall that was constantly overflowing with cloudy air and said.

Originally, Ouyang Changfeng's purpose was to enter the nether world, hoping to enter the ghost world. The life and death of monk Tianhai has nothing to do with him. He just wants to find a way to save his beloved woman.

Ouyang Changfeng tried to break the array, and abandoned the force of nine cattle and two tigers, and abandoned the reinforcement array under the thunder cloth of the former king of the sky sea demon clan. However, the main array's defense was too strong to break it.

As soon as you get close to the main array, your body will feel a strong sense of oppression, as if there is an invisible force tearing at the body.

It is said that the netherworld in Ju Kun's body can not be entered at will, otherwise it will be killed by space oppression. Only refining Kunming beads can make the monk's body assimilate with the breath of the nether world, and will not be oppressed by space after entering the netherworld.

Ouyang Changfeng felt that Kunming beads were the key to breaking the battle, so he went to Tianhai to collect Kunming beads. For this reason, he did not hesitate to get involved in the alliance between the two sides of the yuan he sea area, and then met Shen Lang.

Shen Lang released his divine consciousness and realized that there were gold inscriptions on the wall which overflowed with a lot of cloudy air. It seems that they are still spiritual inscriptions!

All the gold inscriptions are arranged in the same pattern as Jiugongge, but some of them are reversed, some are normal and very strange. A larger "Ku" character is engraved in the center of the nine palace grid.

"Xiaoxumi's positive and negative Jiugong immortal array!"

Xiaorou flies out of the animal bag. Her eyes stare at the wall and scream.

"Xiaorou, do you know this array?" Shen Lang asked.

"Xiaoxumi's positive and negative nine palace immortal array is the array of the ancient spirit world. Xiaorou has little knowledge about it, but it can be concluded that this is definitely the most powerful seal array xiaorou has ever seen! It's even more powerful than the jiuxuan Fengtian array you've seen! " Xiaorou is a little excited. She has never met such a high-end array. Her eyes are shining.

Shen Lang is shocked. In fact, he can guess that the array is very NB. After all, it is a sealed array jointly arranged by the king of the first generation of the heaven sea demon family and the three immortals of Penglai. Is there any reason why it is not powerful?

But this seal array has been maintained for more than 400 thousand years! For such a long time, no matter how strong the array is, I'm afraid it will weaken. We should know that the era of the human world is half a million years old.

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Not to mention the continuous impact array of yin and turbid Qi in the nether place. This small Xumi's positive and negative Jiugong immortal array has not collapsed in this era. It can be said that it has turned corruption into magic!

"Brother Shen, this is the entrance of the nether world, but we have no reason to enter now. Fortunately, the formation can still hold, at least for decades there will be no problem Ouyang Changfeng zhengse road.

Xiaorou shook her head: "Ouyang, this is not necessarily. The strengthened array you broke has already produced hidden danger. The black demon storm encountered by the demon clan of Jinlong island may be related to the loose seal of the nether place. If it's just a little loose, it won't produce a demon storm with great destructive power. If xiaorou guesses well, although the positive and negative nine palace immortal array of xiaoxumi can be maintained, it is estimated that it has reached the edge of collapse. "

"Tut, I see!"

Ouyang Changfeng's eyes congealed and said: "I said that how could Jinlong Island suddenly suffer from natural disasters? It turns out that it is really related to the seal of the nether place."

When Shen Lang came to Jinlong Island, he also found a layer of strange dark clouds hovering over the island."Xiaorou, can we strengthen this small Xumi's positive and negative Jiugong immortal array?" Shen Lang asked suddenly.

Xiaorou shook her head and said, "unless the young master has the power of transforming the spirit to the spirit level as the empress Jinghong, there is no way to strengthen such a strong seal array."

Shen Lang was completely disappointed, and simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "no matter what, the dead birds are facing the sky. Even if the seal of the underworld breaks down, we can leave in time. Besides, this array has lasted more than 400000 years, and it will not last for decades, unless our luck is too bad. "

Ouyang Changfeng nodded, and now there is no way to think about it.

The two returned to their former palace.

If you close the secret room of the mechanism, the Yin and turbid gas inside will not leak out. Even if a small amount of cloudy gas is leaked out, it can also be absorbed by Ouyang Changfeng, which will not affect the environment at all.

As long as the array doesn't collapse, it's not a big problem to persist for decades.

In any case, they are now avoiding hunting and killing, and they will stay in the secret palace for at least a few years.

After chatting with Ouyang Changfeng for a few words, Shen Lang and Ouyang Changfeng began to meditate and practice.

For those who practice immortality, cultivation is the best way to kill time and not to waste time. This undersea palace is full of five elements, and the cultivation environment is pretty good.

Under the fury, the six winged black snake king led several high-level demon repair and a large number of demon soldiers and sea animals to the west of the island, and searched for most of the day, but no hair was found.

The snake king decided that he had been impersonated and even began to suspect that there were spies inside the demon clan. He immediately told the king of Jinjiao dragon in the Dragon King palace.

Jinjiao Dragon King attached great importance to it and immediately ordered a thorough investigation, and sent more demon repair guards to the west of the island.

As a result, the investigation lasted for three months, and no trace was found. The guy who pretends to be the six winged black snake king is like the evaporation of the world.

Just three months later, the demon clan had another natural disaster!

This is not a demon storm, but a ghost attack!

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