Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1691: 1692

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On this day, the sky over Jinlong island.

God, it seems to collapse in general! The rolling black air covered all directions like a strong wind and spread for millions of miles. The rolling black air covered the sky and rendered the whole sky as black as ink.

A violent and dark atmosphere enveloped most of Jinlong island. The central part of the island changed from day to night in an instant, and there was no finger in the hand.

Soon, a strong wind, lightning and thunder. The whole Jinlong island is like a typhoon of more than ten levels. The hurricane is not only raging, but also a large number of trees are uprooted.

Not only that, the sea area around Jinlong island had a big tsunami, huge waves, sea water pouring back, the scene was appalling!

Almost in half a minute, the originally peaceful and comfortable Jinlong island has undergone earth shaking changes, just like the end of the world is coming!

Almost all the demon monks on Jinlong Island walked out of their homes and looked at the strange phenomena in the sky with horror.

In the middle of the island, two escape lights fly out of a huge golden palace.

The head is a young man with golden horn. He is surrounded by a layer of golden light all over his body. His golden eyes reveal a boundless pride, which gives him a sense of majesty.

This demon is the king of the heaven sea demon family. It's amazing. Jingtian itself is a ten step golden Horned Dragon, which is the son of Jinglei.

"Lord dragon, what's going on here?" Jingtian side of a dark skin, short fat demon Xiu issued a panic roar.

This short fat demon Xiu is the third big demon of the sky sea demon clan, and the top nine level demon whale king.

"Who is playing tricks on Jinlong island? If you are caught by this king, you will be broken to pieces

Jing Tian's eyes shrunk and he roared to the sky. The turbulent evil wind gushes out, carrying a breath of ancient wilderness, rolling.

This roar almost shook the whole Jinlong Island, but there was no response in the sky, but the rolling black clouds expanded more violently.

Soon, an eye opening scene soon appeared.

In the dark clouds in the sky, a dense and fierce ghost flew out. The ghost spirit was surging and angry, and a large number of ghosts' crying and Howling came along, which was particularly dangerous.

At first glance, the number of these fierce ghosts is not only a little bit, but also hundreds of thousands of them!

Most of them are low-level ghosts, but there are also a small number of high-level ghosts, and even hundreds of Yuan infantile ghosts!

There are two horned cattle head ghost, there are also two wings on the back of the night fork, there are all scarlet ghost zombies. All the fierce ghosts had strange sneers on their faces, and their mouths were crying and howling. When they felt the breath of so many living creatures, they seemed extremely excited.

All the fierce ghosts come down from the sky and pounce on the whole Jinlong island.

The demons on the island were frightened and could only resist the attack of fierce ghosts.

However, the number of fierce ghosts is too much, and their strength is strong. They are cruel and cruel. When they see monsters, they swallow them.

In less than a minute, a large number of demon clans died in the hands of the fierce ghost and were devoured by the fierce ghost.

"What the hell is going on?" Seeing that the whole Jinlong island was suddenly attacked by countless ghosts, the king of Jiaolong in Jinjiao was furious.

These fierce ghosts are just like locusts. Jingtian and the demon whale King around him also began to deal with the ghosts around him.

However, all the high-level ghosts that reach the level of yuanyingqi have already possessed certain intelligence, and the Dragon King Palace has been surrounded by more than 20 fierce ghosts of Yuanying period.

A few yuan infant period fierce ghost opens a blood basin big mouth, pounce to Jing Tian.

"Looking for death!" With a wave of Jingtian's hand, a golden vigorous wind crushed the bodies of several yuan infantile fierce ghosts into slag.

The sky is also constantly falling down the fierce ghost, as if continuous.

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Jingtian's face was very ugly. He never dreamed that Jinlong island would encounter such a disaster. Is it true that the seal of the underworld has collapsed, as the rumor has it?

As the king of the heaven sea demon family, Jingtian certainly knows the news of the nether world. But he did not know where the entrance and seal of the netherworld were.

Seeing that there are so many fierce ghosts, the heart of Jingtian has sunk to the bottom of the valley. I'm afraid that the demon clan will be destroyed!

In the dark fog above Jinlong Island, a huge Luocha ghost suddenly condenses.

"Ha ha, this is the first time that I have seen the sun again since I became a ghost master! Finally, it's the day The ghost laughed and looked very excited.

"It's you! Dare to destroy my demon clan

Jingtian glared at the ghost of Luocha in the sky, roared up to the sky, and his body was covered with golden lightning.

In his fury, Jingtian's arms were golden and turned into arms full of golden scales. His claws were extremely sharp, and his robes were instantly turned into gold armor. The long iron tail surges with a golden arc.

He directly transformed into the combat form of half man and half Jiao. He also had two gold rings, one big and one small, carved with the patterns of dragon and Phoenix, just like two rounds of golden sun. His momentum was soaring!

This is the Golden Horn dragon and Phoenix ring, which is the most precious heritage of the Jiaolong people in Jinjiao. It is a genuine treasure of Honghuang, which is extremely powerful.It is worth mentioning that the dragon and Phoenix golden ring, which Shen Lang once saw, is the imitation of the dragon and Phoenix ring, which is the first of the three treasures in the East.

Even imitations are so powerful that we can imagine the power of genuine products.

"Why? It's the treasure of Honghuang! Is there any demon cultivation in the God transforming period Luochaguitou seems to be attracted by the breath of Honghuang Lingbao, and suddenly appears a little surprised when he realizes the startling sky above the Dragon King palace.

In principle, monks of this level in the lower interface should be rare. Is it because of my bad luck that the place where I landed just happened to have the demon cultivation of Huashen period?

"Good come, I'll die for you!"

He was so angry that he directly knocked out the dragon and Phoenix ring in his hands. The two golden rings released the golden light like the sun, and the sound of dragon singing and Phoenix violence sounded in the sky.

Two golden flames suddenly burst out from the ring of a big and a young girl. The flames are mixed with strange Rune halos. One flame turns into a golden dragon with a body length of 1000 meters, and the other turns into a Golden Phoenix hundreds of meters long.

A dragon and a phoenix rose from the ring, gorgeous and unusual. After two roars, it attacked the ghost of Luocha in the dark cloud layer.


Feeling the terrible power of the dragon and Phoenix ring, the ghost head of Luocha took a breath of fright, and immediately condensed into an entity, which was a thousand kilometers long and had two horns on its head.

"Hunyuan magic light!"

Luosha's fierce face opened its mouth and spewed out a large amount of black awns, forming a black light column, which shot at the fire dragon and Phoenix like a thick laser gun.

Two forces collide, burst out dazzling light, roar earth shaking.

Jingtian and the Luosha ghost couldn't help but say that they began to fight fiercely.

The whole Jinlong island is completely disordered, and the demon clan tries to resist the invasion of fierce ghosts.

On the west of the island, the six winged black snake king led five demon monks and a large number of demon soldiers and sea animals to fight with a group of fierce ghosts. The scene was in full swing.

At the moment, the secret place of the demon clan, the palace under the sea suddenly issued a fierce roar.

Shen Lang and Ouyang Changfeng, who were still practicing with their eyes closed, immediately opened their eyes. It was as if there had been a big earthquake around the palace. The wall even cracked a silk crack, gushing out the cloudy air.

"What's going on?" Shen Lang was surprised.

"No, there's something wrong with the seal!" Ouyang Changfeng's face changes greatly.

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