Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2577: 2578

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Interface space damage is no small matter.

We should know that the interface collapses and perishes in almost every year among the myriad realms. In order to find a suitable living environment, the powerful friars in the collapsing interface try their best to sneak into the intact interface.

However, there is no gap in these interfaces. In addition, the barrier force of the interface is too large. Most of the energetic monks who try to sneak across are trapped in the space turbulence until they are exhausted of spiritual power and are crushed to death by the space storm and the huge space pressure.

There are also some surviving powerful friars who are on the verge of collapse and spontaneously form a large army of friars. Before their own interfaces collapse and perish, they spend a lot of money to attack other interfaces in order to obtain a comfortable living environment.

An intact interface, Outland friars are basically impossible to break into it, because it requires a strong external force to break the interface, which at least requires the strength of the real immortal in the upper bound to do it!

But if there is a gap in the interface, Outland friars can take advantage of it.

Once there is a gap in the interface of the ancient spirit world, it is likely to be targeted by the friars of the outland, and the difficulty of breaking the boundary will be greatly reduced.

But the eggs are still puzzling.

Even if a monk from Outland broke the boundary, he would not have put this egg here?

"Master, what should I do now?" Shen Lang asked.

Cloud trace son frowned and said: "let's try to break the array first. I'll take you back. The farther you retreat, the better."


Shen Lang answered and retreated.

After seeing Shen Lang fly out more than 100 thousand li, cloud trace son began to break through.

"Sword field!"

A cold drink, cloud trace son body gushed out countless sword shadow, turned into a huge rotating star, carrying the sky shaking and earth splitting potential! The power of Haixiao and landslide! Straight down to the sky fire immortal array!


The roar of the fury is like the collapse of heaven and earth. The endless fire and white light cover everything around, and the movement is great.

The flowers, plants, trees and even rocks in the area of 100000 Li are all impacted by the heat wave and turned into ashes.

More than 100000 miles away, you can feel the heat wave coming from your face. The power is powerful and suffocating.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

The cloud trace son unceasingly displays the sword domain to launch the fierce attack, one after another startles the sky to explode the sound to spread, the world vibrates.

It's a huge and exciting sight.

The power and power of yunzhenzi's one blow is extremely high. It will indeed cause temporary turbulence to the prohibition on the surface of the Dutian fire immortal array. However, after a short period of turbulence, the runes on the surface of the ban surface turn first-class and return to normal.

The sky fire immortal array is made of Sun Essence fire. It is difficult to destroy the Sun Essence fire on the surface of Rune unless the array is broken by the water attribute supernatural power.

The weak golden larvae in the damaged eggs spit out a lot of golden mucus from their mouths. After making a simple repair on the damaged eggs, they begin to sleep and no longer manage the broken cloud marks.

As time went by, cloud trace son continued to attack for half an hour, and the sky fire immortal array, which guarded the insect eggs, was still standing.

The firmness of the array exceeded Yun's imagination. However, he could only give up and turned into a streamer and came to Shen Lang's side.

"Master, how are you?" Shen Lang asked in a hurry.

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Cloud trace son shakes his head and sighs: "this array is indestructible. With my current ability, I can't break it. Only if I can get nine pieces of flying swords which are transformed from the remains of immortals, or break through the later stage of Mahayana, can I hope to break the array by 35%

Shen Lang was surprised. It was as strong as cloud trace son and could not break the array. It can be seen how powerful the sky fire immortal array is.

"This Master, let's leave the eggs here. Won't there be any problem? " Shen Lang asked with a frown.

Cloud trace son pondered for a while and asked, "how long has this egg existed?"

"It should have been more than a thousand years."

Shen Lang replied.

When he first entered the Lianhua tribe in the wilderness, he heard that there were fierce insects in the tenglin swamp, and the eggs should have existed in that period.

Yunzhangzi calmly said: "it is only a thousand years ago that the problem is not big, and the interface damage is not a big threat for less than ten thousand years. First of all, there is not much space for the interface damage here, which is not easy to expose to the Outland friars. Secondly, it is not easy for the monks and explorers of Outland to find the ancient spiritual world through the turbulent flow of space. "

"I don't need to take care of it for the time being. There will be monks who are in charge of it. If no one pays attention to it, we will try to mend the gap after the master has done enough. No matter how strong the larva is, due to the suppression of the power of the law, its cultivation will be limited to the peak of Mahayana. It is impossible for the larva to have the ability to disrupt the whole ancient spirit world. The land of Nanyuan is guarded by the law of the goddess of the Styx river. The larvae can't break in. The ancient spirit world also has its own monks to deal with this larva. I don't have to worry about it. "

After listening to what yunzhangzi said, Shen Lang was also a little relieved. In short, it's none of his business.

"This treasure is for you, disciple."Yunzhenzi once again offered a sacrifice to Juyan tripod. He bit through his fingertips and drew a bloody seal. He entered the Juyan tripod and relieved the recognition of Juyan Ding.

It is very difficult for ordinary tianlingbao to contact and recognize the master. However, the Juyan tripod does not bind the friars very much. In addition, yuncengzi is also a monk in Mahayana period, so it is very simple to remove the master's recognition.

"This How can I do that? "

Shen Lang is a little ashamed. Yunxianzi quietly gives him a tianlingbao, which makes Shen Lang feel guilty.

"What's this? Take it if you want it. Since you regard me as a master in your heart, don't give up. This treasure is called juyanding. It ranks 66th in tianlingbao. It can absorb all kinds of fire attributes. It is just suitable for you to collect those nine kinds of flames. "

With that, yunzhangzi lifted the Juyan tripod to Shen Lang's body.

"Thank you very much, master."

Shen Lang takes a deep breath. All he has said is for this. He can only accept the gift of Yun Xianzi. This Juyan Ding is really of great use to him.

Without hesitation, Shen Lang condenses a lightsaber, cuts his fingertips, sprinkles blood on the Juyan tripod, and drips blood to recognize the Lord.

Juyanding immediately poured out a large number of gold characters, into Shen Lang's brain.

After a slight stabbing pain, Shen Lang records the Tianling Jue of Juyan Ding in his mind.

Juyan tripod rocked and roared in mid air for a while, and it immediately melted into the flesh and blood of Shen Lang, and a blue three legged small tripod pattern was formed on Shen Lang's shoulder.

With this thing, Shen Lang doesn't have to worry about collecting nine kinds of flame containers.

Seeing that Shen Lang recognized the master of Juyan Ding, cloud trace son nodded slightly: "disciple, we are here to separate. I'll see you next time. I hope you can make me look different. "

As soon as the voice falls, a whirlpool of sword shadow emerges from behind cloud trace son, and he turns to enter the whirlpool.

"I will live up to master's expectation."

Shen Lang hugged his fist and watched the shadow of cloud trace son disappear in the whirlpool.

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