Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2578: 2579

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After cloud trace son left, Shen Lang also used the technique of space transmission. Countless sword shadows poured out in front of him, breaking a space vortex.

Shen Lang entered the whirlpool of space and disappeared.

Although he is not a Mahayana monk, he is not inferior to Mahayana monk in space transmission by virtue of sword domain, and the transmission distance is even more far than that of ordinary Mahayana monks.

After breaking through the Mahayana period, monks have a great advantage, that is, they can reach any place in the ancient spirit world without using the teleportation array.

Rao is so. It will take at least one month to go from the present wasteland to the burial God desert in the western border of the ancient spiritual world.

The Mahayana monk can only cast teleportation three times a day, and the transmission distance is limited.

Anyway, not in a hurry for a while, Shen Lang first arrived at Tiannan island in the fog sea by means of space transmission, and told orchid fairy and butterfly about the eggs, so that they could always pay attention to their vigilance.

Shen Lang originally wanted to send them into Nanyuan, but LAN Xianer refused. She didn't want to abandon her clansman for personal safety.

If persuasion fails, Shen Lang can only give up.

If you can't rely on the breath of the goddess's blood, the Muling clan can't enter the Nanyuan.

Helpless, Shen Lang gave orchid fairy and butterfly two transmission symbols.

These two teleportation symbols are the spoils he got from the storage rings left by four monks of the Mahayana period of fangcunshan. If the larva really threatens Tiannan Island, LAN Xianer and Xiaodie can use the teleport to escape when necessary.

The two girls did not refuse Shen Lang's good intentions and accepted them gratefully.

After finishing these things, Shen Lang was a little relieved and left the wilderness by means of space transmission.

After two successive space teleportation, Shen Lang arrived at Leixun islands in the sea of clouds, ready to take a day off.

At the beginning, nearly half of the ten major islands in Leixun islands were destroyed by the giant ape, but now it has been basically rebuilt. There are four more Island owners than Liu Chuanzhi and other six Island owners before.

Shen Lang came directly to Leizhou island under Liu Chuanzhi's jurisdiction. Seeing Shen Lang coming specially, Liu Chuanzhi was extremely excited and immediately welcomed Shen Lang into the hall.

Seeing Shen Lang break through the later period of the combination, Liu Chuanzhi's shocked eyes almost fell down.

It has not been a hundred years since Shen Lang has achieved such a profound cultivation. Liu Chuanzhi's eyes are full of adoration, bowing and flattering.

Liu Chuanzhi is also a younger brother who used to mix with Shen lang. although he is quite Philistine, his character is not bad.

Now Liu Chuanzhi is quite good at mixing. His accomplishments have reached the peak in the middle period of practicing Xu. He can only break through the later stage by one step.

Shen Lang is not a miser. As Liu Chuanzhi has done many things for himself before, he has given Liu Chuanzhi some refined pills and natural materials and earth treasures, which are enough for him to break through the later stage of deficiency training, and even impact on the body may not have no hope.

Liu Chuanzhi was overjoyed and said excitedly, "more Thank you for your treasure! Liu Chuanzhi didn't expect to repay him. He had to be a cow and a horse to repay Lord Shen... "

Shen Lang rolled his eyes and interrupted, "don't be Lord Shen. My name is Shen Lang. By the way, when I asked you to settle down Qingling girl, is she OK now? "

Liu Chuanzhi said in a deep voice: "Lord Shen Oh, no, master Shen is relieved. Miss Qingling is now hiding on a mountain in the south of Jinlei palace. Every day, I guard Leizhou island. It's very safe. "

"That's right. You've got it."

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction, and then he got up and flew out of the hall to look for Qingling.

Qingling is the descendant of Cailing fairy, who was once the confidant of yunzhangzi. After all, this woman has a lot of origin with himself. Shen Lang also wants to help this woman in the aspect of cultivation.

After a while, under the leadership of Liu Chuanzhi, Shen Lang saw Qingling and gave him a large number of precious pills, natural materials and earth treasures, some exquisite magic weapons and secret works.

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"Thank you very much, master Shen." Seeing Shen Lang take out so many cultivation resources for herself, Qingling's pretty face turns red. She is flattered and thanks.

Shen Lang can see that Qingling's qualification is not bad. Relying on these cultivation resources given by him, he should be able to break through the cultivation period.

As for whether she can go further, it depends on her personal nature.

Shen Lang stayed on the Leixun islands for a day, and Liu Chuanzhi warmly entertained him.

This time, in addition to meeting old acquaintances, Shen Lang also wants to do one thing, that is, to untie the prohibition of thunder punishment islands!

At the beginning, the Lei Qilin clan of Leixun islands annoyed Lei Jing. Lei Jing laid a dense purple sky white thunder around the Leixun islands, sealing up the whole archipelago. The monks in the island could no longer go out, and the spirit of the five elements was becoming increasingly thin.

The reason why Shen Lang decided to do so was that the friars of the ten major islands of Leixun islands had helped him attack the disabled Titan ape. He owed them a favor, and now he has paid them back.

Knowing that Shen Lang was going to untie the seal that had plagued Leixun islands for countless years, Liu Chuanzhi knew that it was a major event and quickly released news to the major island owners.

The big island owners were shocked to learn that Shen Lang had returned to Leizhou island. He fled to Leizhou Island overnight and worshipped Shen Lang as if he were Shen Lang's younger brother.Shen Lang didn't have much time to pay attention to these little brothers. The next morning, he arrived at the boundary of Leixun islands and directly changed into the posture of Lei Jing. He absorbed all the purple sky white thunder at the boundary of the island.

Since then, the friars of Leixun islands did not have to be trapped in these islands, and the exhausted spirit of the five elements in the islands was dredged.

Shen Lang has done a good deed.

"Lord Shen is indeed of great merit. All monks in Leixun islands will remember you in mind."

"Lord Shen, you must be famous for saving the monks of Leixun islands from the fire and water!"

"What do you mean by the empty ones? Master Shen, I'll go back and build you a statue of merit and virtue... "

All the island owners worshipped him immensely and said they would record Shen Lang's great deeds in history.

"Whatever you want. I'm gone. Goodbye. "

Shen Lang shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, and uses the technique of space transmission.

A large sword shadow crushed the space in front of the body into a space vortex, and the Shen wave flew into the whirlpool and disappeared.

Liu Chuanzhi kowtowed to the position where Shen Lang disappeared. He murmured: "thank you, Lord Shen."

Shen Lang has changed his fate, and Liu Chuanzhi now has the hope to impact the integration period. He made up his mind to seize the opportunity to practice hard.


In a flash, a month passed.

During this month, Shen Lang continued to use his teleportation skills and visited many areas of the ancient spirit world, but they only stayed for a short time.

A month later, he finally arrived at his first destination, the God burial desert.

In order to form a complete body seal, Shen Lang must first find enough immortal crystal stones and refine them into his own body.

According to the Buddhist monk, his piece of fairy stone was found in the burial God desert fairy. In the burial desert, Shen Lang should be able to find clues to xianjingshi.

There are four dangerous places in the ancient spirit world: Dragon tomb, burial God, desert, Wushan and Beiyuan.

The burial God desert is one of the four dangerous places. The sand waves are towering and dangerous.

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