Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3035: 3039

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Obviously, I have used all my strength, but I still can't break the defense of the other party.

This kid's defense magic power contains a variety of complex energy, which should also belong to the Dixian art.

It's just a monk who has just ascended. He can perform two kinds of fairies. I can't believe it.

"Why, the stronghold leader of Tangtang Panshi stronghold has this skill? Come and fight if you have seed

Shen Lang in the middle of the chaotic storm sneered at Zhang Feng.

"Looking for death!"

Zhang Feng became angry. He took the gold jade halberd in his hand and rushed to the Shen wave in the nine spirits killing immortal array.

He is also the stronghold leader of Panshi stronghold at least. At present, so many brothers of Panshi stronghold are looking at him. If he can't win even a scum who has just risen, he will lose his face.

A group of Banxian in Panshi village also knew that Zhang Feng wanted to fight with Shen Lang alone and did not intervene.

Shen Lang's eyes burst out, Zhang Feng's action is undoubtedly in his heart.

"Nine spirits killing immortal array, go!"

With a burst of drinking, Shen Lang urged the nine spirits to kill the immortal array. The nine top true spirits in the array swept away towards Zhang Feng with chaotic storm, which was so fast that it was hard to capture the divine sense.

When Zhang Feng approached the deep waves, he found that it was not right. It was too late for him to react. The dark chaotic storm spread rapidly and trapped Zhang Feng in it as soon as possible.

Nine top true spirits attack Zhang Feng in the array at the same time.

"Do you want to trap me? What a dream

Zhang Feng was so angry that he swung his gold jade halberd in his hand and split out a golden light column to resist the attack of nine top real spirits.


If Shen Lang's face is mad, he makes every effort to urge the sword field to hang Zhang Feng in the array.

For a moment, a large piece of sword shadow and light blade attacked Zhang Feng like a storm.


Zhang Feng crazily swung the gold jade halberd in his hand. The halberd body rushed out of the golden awn like a tidal current, barely able to defend against attacks from all directions.

"Boom, boom!"

The sword area power released by the nine top real spirits and Shen Lang has reached a ridiculous level. After resisting for a while, Zhang Feng's face became a little ugly.

Damn it, this boy is really a bit fierce!

In order to avoid losing face, Zhang Feng tried his best to defend himself, and pretended to be indifferent and roared: "boy, you can't hurt Laozi with this kind of attack. Well, the stronghold leader has always attached great importance to talents. Seeing that you have amazing strength, we can make an exception to promote you to be the deputy head of the village, so we can stop fighting. What do you think? "

Zhang Feng decided to stabilize Shen Lang first, otherwise he would be hurt by Shen Lang, which would be a shame.

"No interest! Either you or I will die today

Shen Lang's face was overcast and his voice was very cold.

As long as you can kill this peak with the force of thunder, those half immortals in the rock stronghold without a head will be panic stricken, and they may be able to fight their way out of life.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang exerted all his strength to display the sky Gang pure Yang Sword array. The large shadow of the sword condensed nine rounds of silver sun and smashed it towards Zhang Feng.


Zhang Feng's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He was well aware of the frightening power of the nine rounds of silver sun, but now he was trapped by this strange array. He had no choice but to confront him head-on.

However, Zhang Feng tried his best to urge the gold jade halberd in his hand to launch a counterattack.

"Boom, boom!"

The roar was so harsh that the endless gold and silver light collided, and Zhang Feng's body was submerged in the strong light.

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Zhang Feng supported a few of the rest, and finally could not hold on, his mouth issued a shrill scream.

"Pooh Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The silver light blade carried by the silver sun tore his body. In an instant, Zhang Feng's whole body was covered with hundreds of bloodstains. The blood was raging, and his body began to be torn. His right hand and right arm had been strangled into countless pieces by golden mansions. It was horrible!

Before Zhang Feng had time to gain power, he was hanged and beaten by Shen Lang, just like closing the door and beating the dog.

Outside the array, a crowd of friars from the rock stronghold could not help but take a breath of cold. They did not expect that the war situation would turn 180 degrees. The stronghold leader in their mind was beaten by a boy who had just risen?

"I, fuck!"

Life is gone, Zhang Fenggang's conceit and pretend to force suddenly disappeared, replaced by deep fear.

Zhang Feng tried his best to resist the last round of sun. His body was in pieces, and the residual destructive force of the wound made it hard for him to recover.

"A bunch of idiots, what are you doing there? My stronghold leader is about to be killed. Are you TM going to save me? "

Zhang Feng gasped and roared toward the half immortals of Panshi village who were watching the battle outside the array.

Look at me and I'll look at you. I'll look at you. I'm embarrassed.They also expected Zhang Feng to show his power, but they didn't expect to wither so soon.

"Kill the boy and save the stronghold leader!"

"Brothers, kill!"

After all, Zhang Feng is the stronghold leader. Even if his strength is not good, the group of half immortals still support him.

After shouting, a group of half immortals of Panshi village rushed towards the Shen wave, releasing all kinds of magical attacks and trying to break the nine spirits killing immortal array.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of earth shaking explosions can not be heard, and the chaotic storm, which is unfolded by the deep waves, is under severe attack and begins to distort and deform.

Shen Lang's heart sank at dusk. Although the nine spirits killing immortal array has strong defense, it can't withstand the joint attack of so many half immortals.

Before that, I must kill this peak as fast as possible!

"Die for me!"

Shen Lang infuses all the remaining chaotic spiritual power in his body into the sword area. The dazzling silver sword shadow light blade is like a huge wave, swallowing away towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's body has not yet recovered. He is still waving the Golden Jade halberd with one hand to resist the attack of nine true spirits. Where can he resist the full blow of Shen Lang.

Seeing the frightening shadow of silver lightsaber attacking, Zhang Feng's eyes flashed a painful color. A golden talisman was taken from the storage ring between the electric light and flint, and crushed on the spot.

"Tianjia Xianfu, now!"

Suddenly, the golden talisman in Zhang Feng's hand turned into a large piece of golden silk, condensed on the surface of the body, forming a golden armor.

The golden armor is in virtual shadow state, and the surface is covered with blood runes, which release the golden awn.

As a result, Zhang Feng's own defense ability has risen to a level of unimaginable.


Countless silver sword shadow light blades bombard Zhang Feng's armor surface, making a "Ding Ding Ding" sharp sound similar to metal collision. All the power in the sword area is resisted by the gold armor on Zhang Feng's body surface.

"No way."

Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

His body's chaotic spiritual power has been exhausted, this really will capsize in the gutter.

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