Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3036: 3040

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"It's really a magic charm. It's really powerful!"

Zhang Feng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Xin Kui had such a precious fairy Rune treasure that he could use. Otherwise, he might have fallen into Shen Lang's hands.

Immortal talisman is the spirit Rune of fairyland, which is a rare thing.

In the ancient times before the war of annihilation, fairy charms were still common. But now it is almost extinct, and most of the techniques for refining immortal talismans have been lost.

Zhang Feng's Tianjia immortal rune is only the lowest inferior immortal rune. It can play such a powerful effect. It can be seen that the immortal rune is rare.

The three golden flowers in the center of Zhang Feng's eyebrows flash and his body gradually recovers.

"Boy, if I don't kill you today, I swear I won't be a man!"

Zhang Feng had never experienced such a great sense of frustration. He was very angry. Relying on the defense of Tianjia Xianfu, he lifted his long halberd and rushed towards the Shen wave.

Shen Lang was so shocked that he could only die as a living horse doctor and ordered the nine spirits in the immortal killing array to explode.

Nine true spirits follow Shen Lang's orders and rush towards Zhang Feng like mad dogs.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

Bursts of sound like the collapse of heaven and earth came, the strong light burst in the nine spirits killing immortal array, the big explosion devoured Zhang Feng, and the people with strong light stab couldn't open their eyes.

Unfortunately, the destructive power caused by the explosion of the nine top true spirits still did not stop Zhang Feng's efforts.

Zhang Feng rushed out of the explosion area, picked up the gold jade halberd in his hand and stabbed at the Shen wave.

The Golden Jade halberd carries the earth shaking power to the deep waves. The golden awn splashed from the halberd tip is like the scorching sun, and the mountains fall down, which is unstoppable!

"Sword field!"

Shen Lang's face is extremely ferocious and crazy, and the violent silver sword shadow and light blade emerge from his body, trying to resist Zhang Feng's attack.


In the fierce roar, the endless golden awns collide with the silver sword shadow, and the Shen wave pushes the sword area to the extreme, still unable to resist Zhang Feng's attack.

The golden awn splashed from the golden halberd almost tore up the Shen Lang's body! In an instant, Shen Lang's whole body was covered with blood and flesh!

Not only that, because the nine true spirits burst into the sky, the nine spirits exterminating immortal array also collapsed.

The attack of many Banxian in Panshi village is like a storm, which will engulf and submerge the Shen wave.

"No! I'm not reconciled to it! "

Shen Lang roared wildly in his mouth. He had just come to the fairyland and was about to be killed! He would never be willing to die like this.

With nothing to do, Shen Lang held his right hand high, and a golden Mini palace appeared in his palm. It was Guangtian palace.

At the critical moment, Shen Lang exhausted the last trace of energy and escaped into the Guangtian palace.

Now, being outnumbered, hiding in Guangtian palace is Shen Lang's only hope of survival.

In the ancient spirit world, after Shen Lang cultivated his chaotic spiritual power, he was free to take Guangtian palace after he recognized the LORD into his own flesh.

Guangtian palace was naturally brought into the fairyland by Shen Lang, but I didn't want to use it at this time.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Zhang Feng and a group of friars of the rock stronghold attacked an empty space.

After the sound of the explosion, there was no sign of Shen Lang, and only a miniature golden palace was left in mid air.

"What's going on?"

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"What about the boy?"

"You're not going to hide in this palace, are you?"

The monks came forward one after another, looking around in a daze. Finally, they locked their eyes on the floating golden palace in front of them and were very surprised.

"Is space immortal? Tut Tut, I can't believe that the boy has such a rare treasure

Zhang Feng's eyes were straight, and he rushed to seize the mini golden palace.

"Space fairy!"

All the monks were shocked.

In the real fairyland, the worst immortal utensils in the space system are also the top-grade ones. It is said that the top-grade fairies can produce "artifact spirits", which is extremely rare. Generally, only the well mixed human immortals and even the earth immortals can possess such things.

Generally speaking, space immortal devices are conducive to the cultivation of monks. For example, they can absorb chaotic aura. This is the most practical ability in the fairyland!

Suddenly, a space immortal appeared in front of him, which made Zhang Feng laugh crazy! The previous depression and frustration disappeared in an instant.

"Ha ha, let me see with the eye of heaven. What level of space immortal is this?"

Zhang Feng was so excited that he immediately displayed the Tianyan technique.

Zhang Feng saw a vertical white awn at the center of his eyebrows, showing the third eye of the sky, which radiated a dazzling white light, covering the entire Mini palace.


At this time, the mini Guangtian palace suddenly released a group of intense nine color glow, which almost blinded Zhang Feng's sky eye which had not yet been cultivated.

"Oh, my eyes!"

Zhang Feng quickly covered the third sky eye at the center of his eyebrows. He screamed like a ghost and a wolf, and then he said, "crouch, if I don't admit I'm wrong, it's the legendary nine color rainbow light. So This is an immortal treasure! The worst is the Kaiguang level Xianbao, ha ha, I hope Zhang Feng will be promoted to immortal! "Zhang Feng's mouth was full of crazy laughter.


The monks of the rock stronghold looked at each other with unbelievable expressions.

It is only in ancient books that these half immortals have heard of.

Don't mention Qianqiu peak. It is estimated that there are not one or two immortal treasures in Meishan.

Zhang Feng really did not dream that he was just a boy who had just ascended. He still had Xianbao, which was a shocking thing! This is really developed.

"Stronghold leader, if the boy has been hiding in Xianbao palace and can't come out, then Xianbao can't recognize the Lord again. What should we do?" A half immortal monk couldn't help asking.

Zhang Feng sneered and said: "this is not difficult. No matter how strong the space system is, there is a weakness, that is," Fu Bing. ". The talisman can go directly into the space magic weapon and intercept the monk hiding in the space magic weapon. "

A yellow robed friar in the middle of half immortals frowned and said, "stronghold leader, Fu soldiers are too rare. His subordinates have made numerous transactions in the city of Qianqiu, and have never seen Fubing flow out of the city. "

"Hum, Fubing is rare, but as long as we are willing to buy the immortal spirit stone from the elite disciples of those sects, we may not be able to buy them." Zhang Feng snorted coldly.

"Let's go back to the stockade first. I don't want anyone to talk about what happened today! Once the rumors of Xianbao leak out, not only Laozi, you will die! Do you understand? " Zhang Feng face expressionless command a word.

"I understand!"

All the friars of the rock stronghold responded one after another.

These friars of Panshi village are not idiots who have been living in the fairyland for so long. How precious Xianbao is. Once the news that Panshi village has Xianbao is spread out, it will be destroyed by big forces in minutes.

Even the whole Qianqiu peak will lead to a bloodbath.

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