Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3302: 3306

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The elites of the seven holy palaces brought by yuan Tianzong have learned of the news that liushamen is pouring out to attack the seven holy palaces. One is worried.

At this time, Dai Xiong flew out of the cave of Tianying Laozu with Shen Lang.


Seeing that his father was bloodstained, Dai Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

"Lord Dai?"

Several descendants of the Seven Saints and a group of elite disciples of the Seven Saints palace looked at each other.

"Elder martial brother!"

"Deep waves!"

Xia Shan'er and Bai Weiwei's eyes lock on Shen Lang in an instant, and both of them cry out.

Seeing Xia Shan'er in the crowd, Shen Lang felt relieved and immediately sent a message to xiashan'er to let her not worry.

Xia Shan'er can guess that Shen Lang must have known the news. She restrained her emotions and did not leave the crowd, so as not to affect Shen Lang.

Dai Xiong ignored Dai Tian, only waved his sleeve robe, and exclaimed: "time is short. This hall leader will make a long story short.

"I believe you also know some news. Liushamen has poured out this time and pointed to our seven holy palaces! All the patrolling friars at the border have been destroyed. The army of liushamen will arrive at Qipanshan soon! "

As soon as the voice dropped, the crowd began to stir, and there was a trace of anxiety on all faces. Dai Xiong continued: "of course, I am not afraid of the seven holy palaces, but my ancestors intend to leave behind. That is to let me lead some elite disciples with the best talent and qualification to leave the sect secretly. If the seven holy palaces really hit the probability of one in ten thousand, you will survive and become the fire of the revival of the seven holy palaces in the future. You should shoulder the mission of revitalizing the seven holy palaces! "


All the monks were shocked. It turned out that yuan Tianzong had brought them here for this purpose.

"Master Dai, it's such a time. How can you cultivate others' ambition and destroy your prestige? We are the disciples of the seven holy palaces. We should live together with the sect. If the liusalmonella wants to fight, we will fight. Jinhong is the first to bear the brunt

Filled with righteous indignation, Jin Hong cried out.

"Yes, master Dai, if we escape from the sect at this time, we will become deserters? The younger generation does not want to retreat and flee, but voluntarily asks for war! "

"I'll fight, too!"

"Me too!"

Many elite students roared with emotion.

More disciples were silent. Yuan Tianzong said angrily, "do you know anything about this group of young people? With your skills, how useful can a war be? Seven holy palaces will not be defeated! This is just a survival move of my seven holy palaces under extreme circumstances. You are so gifted that you should exert more energy in the future, instead of competing for being a fool now! " Yuan Fei turned his eyes, echoed yuan Tianzong, and said in a loud voice: "the palace master is right. He should have the worst plan at any time. It is because of this that the ancestor chose these elite disciples to protect our seven holy palace. Since this is a school strategy, we should accept it. "

Yang Wei also said in a loud voice: "what the palace Master said is very true. We still have a lot of room for growth. It is better for us to survive the seeds of the revival of the Seven Saints palace than to be cannon fodder in the battlefield."

"Yang Wei, I don't want to talk about yuan Fei. If you step on the horse, don't preach hypocritically. You are just greedy for life and afraid of death. What kind of righteousness do you pretend to be? It's like no one knows Jin Hong smiles coldly.


Yang Wei's face was livid, but he didn't know how to refute it. So he said angrily, "Jin Hong, you want to die yourself. Don't pull me up!"

"All right

Yuan Tianzong's mouth issued a thunder like violent drink, people's hearts a Lin, have been silent.

"When the enemy is in front of you, just follow your orders! Lord Dai will take you out of the seven holy palaces. All your actions must follow the instructions of Lord Dai! Do you understand? "

Yuan Tianzong's sharp eyes swept towards the crowd.

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All the disciples said in unison that Jin Hong and other monks who were dissatisfied with the decision could only agree.

"I'll just say two points. You're very good. First of all, you must obey my command in all your actions. Second, if I'm not here, you'll have to follow the command of Shen Lang! "

Please search and attack all haos in your mind: beautiful mountain moon, wonderful Fan Wai and spoiler.

Yuan Fei's eyes flashed with deep resentment. He gnashed his teeth and roared, "master Dai, I don't accept it! I am the young master of the seven holy palaces. Shen Lang has not been in charge for half a year. Why should he command us? "

"I'm better than you!"

Shen Lang didn't want to keep a low profile at this time. He took off the moon shadow pendant on his neck, and set off a spirit vigorous wind all over his body, revealing his later accomplishments.

After all, he is the apprentice of Tianying ancestor. He should stand up and preside over the overall situation.

"The later stage of human immortality?"

Several exclamations came from the crowd, and all the disciples were shocked by Shen Lang's accomplishments.

Including Dai Tianzhu to Bai Weiwei and other descendants of the Seven Saints, their eyes can not hide the color of surprise.At the martial arts meeting a few months ago, Shen Lang CAI was just a cultivation in the early stage of human immortality. Now he has broken through the later stage of human immortal?

I can't believe what I saw with my own eyes It's not so fast to take a rocket!

All the eyes of Shen He were surprised.

Yuan Fei's face was even more resentful. In fact, he knew about Shen Lang's breakthrough. Yuan Tianzong specially told yuan Fei about the incident, in order to encourage his son, who is not a good tool, to practice well.

Unfortunately, yuan Tianzong's words had a negative effect and aroused yuan Fei's jealousy. Yuan Fei tried his best to kill Shen Lang!

If Shen Lang didn't get a foot in the door, the monk who got the ancestral inheritance should be himself! Yuan Fei roared angrily, "Shen Lang is just a little stronger than me, which can't be the reason for him to command us! I'm the young master of the Seven Saints palace, and Shen Lang has only been a novice for half a year. It's hard for him to be convinced by his resume. The disciples of the seven holy palace will not trust Shen Lang either. "

"I believe it!"

Dai Tian, who has been silent all the time, suddenly uttered his voice, with only two short words, but sonorous and powerful.

"I believe it too!"

Zhu tou and Jin Hong immediately expressed their views.

"I believe it, too!"

Bai Weiwei raised her arms and cried out.

"I believe in Shen Daoyou!"

"I also believe that Shen Daoyou has this ability!"

More and more monks in the crowd expressed their opinions. Although Shen Lang is a little indifferent, he has no serious problems in his character. There are no bad rumors in the Seven Saints palace, and his strength is strong enough. In addition, he has broken through the later stage of human immortality, and his strength is unfathomable. It must be the existence of Yu Daixiong.

The monks may have misgivings about his command, but they can barely accept it.

Yuan Fei is too arrogant and conceited, which is well known in the Seven Saints palace. Many disciples could not accept yuan Fei's command.

Compared with Yuan Fei, Shen Lang is more respected and supported by the disciples of the seven holy palace.

"Hello, what's wrong with you I am the young master of the seven holy palaces Seeing that all his disciples supported Shen Lang, Yuan Fei became angry and began to speak incoherently.

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