Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3303: 3307

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Yuan Fei is used to bossing in the school. No disciple dares to touch his brow, which makes him feel highly respected.

At present, Yuan Fei really did not expect that none of the elite disciples of the seven holy palaces could support themselves!

"A bunch of idiots, Shen Lang, this rubbish will only harm you!"

Yuan Fei's face turned red and his heart was filled with extreme humiliation and resentment.

"Not growing bastard!"

Yuan Tianzong's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He slapped him when he came up.


Yuan Fei was caught off guard and was slapped by yuan Tianzong. The whole person was fanned out, spitting blood and water.

"You bastard, if you want to talk to me again, you can stay and guard the seven holy palace with me!" Yuan Tianzong denounced yuan Fei with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Yuan Fei tried to suppress the anger in his heart, his face twisted and ferocious.

Dai Xiong ignored the farce and said to the crowd, "if you don't mind, it's best! It should not be too late. All monks should come with me as soon as possible! "

As soon as the voice dropped, Dai Xiong rolled up a cloud of blood.

The rolling blood mist, like a billowing wave, enveloped thousands of monks in an instant.


Dai Xiong, carrying a cloud of blood, flew rapidly toward the northern border of the Seven Saints palace, followed by yuan Tianzong.

The escape speed of Xueyun is extremely fast. Within half a minute, Dai Xiong takes the people to the boundary of the seven holy palace. In front of him is the edge of the array of twelve heavenly gate array. The colorful light curtain blocks Dai Xiong's way.

After confirming that there were no hidden friars, yuan Tianzong's right finger condensed a white light blade, cut the fingertip, and carved a circular seal with blood, hitting the array barrier of the twelve heavenly gate array.

With the sound of "bang", the barrier of the array of twelve heavenly gate array is hit by the Dharma seal into a circular gap.

Dai Xiong immediately took Shen Lang and other thousand disciples of the Seven Saints' palace to pass through the gap and leave the palace.

Before leaving, yuan Tianzong yelled at Dai Xiong: "take care of yourself, third brother."

"Take care, brother!"

Dai Xiong recited a sentence silently in his heart, and then he sent out a thunderous roar: "the eighth level celestial immortal skill, blood cloud soars into the sky!"

As soon as the roar fell, the blood cloud around Dai Xiong suddenly released blood light, and his escape speed rose sharply. He broke through the sky like lightning and thunder, and flew toward the south of Meishan mountain.

From the beginning of its establishment, the Seven Saints' palace did not consider the fortification of this area, so that there was not even a decent transmission array in the sect.

If Dai Xiong wants to take Shen Lang and others to a safe place, he can only rely on his own evasion.

Fortunately, Dai Xiong is proficient in the art of cloud climbing. His flying speed is extremely fast, and he can carry thousands of monks. His safety factor is greatly improved.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

Shen Lang is in the blood cloud, and the surrounding scenes are changing rapidly. The speed is too fast to see, and even makes people feel dizzy! Shen Lang can't help but open his eyes.

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Only the top-level evasion skill is qualified to be classified into the ranks of the flying cloud skill. Dai Xiong's magic power of "blood cloud rising into the sky" is barely up to the level of the art of flying clouds. Unless the celestial friars personally chase and intercept them, it is difficult to catch up with them.

Dai Xiong led the elite disciples of the seven holy palaces to fly to the south of Meishan mountain, trying to distance himself as far as possible from the monk liushamen who was about to arrive at Qipan mountain.

Meishan is located in the southern border of tianmuxianyu. At the southern end is the boundless sea, named "Tianyuan Nanhai".

There are "ten regions and three seas" in the fairyland. The South China Sea of Tianyuan is one of them. The South China Sea of Tianyuan runs through half of the fairyland, vast and boundless.

There are many islands and sea areas in the South China Sea of Tianyuan. Most of the islands and sea areas have no chaotic aura. However, a few larger islands and sea areas still retain chaotic aura and some cultivation resources, and there are activities of religious forces.

Dai Xiong's destination is the island in the South China Sea of Tianyuan. He plans to take the monks Shen Lang to the islands in the South China Sea to avoid the wind and return to explore the wind after the war. If the seven holy palaces were still there, Dai Xiong would return with Shen Lang and others. If the Seven Saints palace is destroyed, Dai Xiong can only lead these elite disciples of the Seven Saints palace to keep a low profile in overseas development, so as to make a comeback in the future, kill Meishan and eradicate liushamen!

When it comes to escape, Shen Lang actually has a way to go.

Previously, he found a long-distance transmission array named "cloud rising array" under the thunder pool of Holy Spirit mountain. After Shen Lang killed Wuzang, the transmission array was preserved intact.

If you can activate the cloud climbing array of the Holy Spirit mountain, you can also leave Meishan. It's just that the location of Tengyun array is Liusha River, which is not so safe.

In addition, Dai Xiong's escape plan is more secure, and Shen Lang has not raised this issue.

It's a long way from Qipan peak to Tianyuan Nanhai. Even Dai Xiong, who is good at escaping speed, takes about a month.

The transmission array in Meishan can't transmit many people at one time. Dai Xiong can only use the skill of "blood cloud flying" at full speed, leading the monks to flee to the south.Using the technique of soaring clouds consumes a lot of chaotic spiritual power. After escaping for several hours each time, Dai Xiong must stop to have a rest, absorb a large number of inferior immortal spirit stones, and recover chaotic spiritual power.

When Dai Xiong takes a rest, he will release a spirit boat with faster escape speed to carry his disciples to fly for a while. After Dai Xiong's chaotic spiritual power recovered, he continued to use cloud climbing technique to lead the team to full speed.

The space of the fairyland is extremely stable, and any form of energy dissipates rapidly after it dissipates in the space. It is almost impossible for liushamen to trace Dai Xiong by breath.

Yuan Fei was slapped by yuan Tianzong. He felt shameless and had to follow the last part of the team in silence. The resentment in his heart had accumulated to the limit!

What if I went overseas? Shen Lang, the son of a bitch, still presses himself.

Shen Lang, a hybrid, has now broken through the late stage of human immortality, and his strength has soared. In the future, he still doesn't know how to stand on his head and shit.

Yuan Fei clenched his fists, and his intense anger and resentment filled his eyes and completely lost his sense.

While Dai Xiong released the spirit boat to rest, Yuan Fei sat in the corner of the spirit boat, secretly recorded a note, and imposed a hidden prohibition. When no one was paying attention, he released the note.

The notes are like an invisible bird, flying towards the direction of the seven holy palaces.


At the moment, the territory of Qipan peak.

There are more than 500 giant spirit boat warships in the sky. There are millions of friars standing on the deck!

The army of millions of monks in liushamen is mighty, heading for the seven holy palace.

On the deck of the first large golden warship, a young man in white stood at the front, with hands on his hands and a cold and proud face.

This man is the cloud and sky Lin. Xuanming, the great elder of Liusha gate, pointed to the colorful light curtain in the distance, and said, "look, master, that's the mountain protection array of the Seven Saints' palace," the twelve heavenly gate array. "

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